14 THE FORT WAYNE NEWS AND SENTINEL Friday, July 12. P1TTSBURG RUNNER RACE FOR OWN MONEY STARS IN QUARTER l> Circulation JBternational Sweepstakes to for June Run Sunday, July 28. Exceptional July SPECIALS 'For the first tlm« in the history of automobile racing the fastest drivers m That cannot fail to attract the attention of every intelligent and economical buyer of men's and boys' wear 33,790 world are going to race for their money. This is th« announcement within reach of Fort Wayne. * today by Manager Charles H For- 1.... 34,371 Sun. of the Chicago speedway. The race 2.... Sun. 33,650 twin be held there on Sundav Jul\ 28 Watch Our Windows 3..., 34,264 .33,420 •Ml »ll be known as the international 4.... 33,298 sweepstakes. It will have a value of S. .. 33.278 That are Making This "Fort Wayne's Best Clothing Store" 6 . 33388 T7nd*r the conditions of the race the 7 . 33,498 fletut drivers will be invited to Con The Busiest Place in Town 8 34,712 pile, only those known to have «*rs ca- 9 Sun. piWe of making more than 105 mles per 10.... 33,579 Iwor being invited Each drher will 11 33,638 bftre to put up 12,000 and the speedwm Men's $1.50 Fancy Madras 25c Wash Men's $2.00 Summer Shirts 12.... 33.632 wttl add enough to bring the total to 13 ....33,622 W.OOO. SHIRTS TIES All sizes—all patterns 14 ....33,642 "Heretofore the riders have alwa>s 15. ...34,718 demanded and obtained large bonuae* Reduced to 98c 12i/2c Reduced to $1.48 M vail a« the prise money," said Man- ToUl 844,739 ager Porter. "but now things will be atcrent. I talked to the leading dnver« Daily Average 33,790 at Cincinnati just before the liberty Men s $6.50 Pure "Tub" Silk Shirts, ali Sizes, all Patterns $4.75 fea&Alcap there on July 4 and outlined The above statement of the >le iweepatakea conditions to them circulation of the Dally News "Hie plan was no revolutionary tha* Men's Genuine NainsooV Men's Genuine Chalmers and Sentinel has been prepared ftoy would not gi\e any immediate a« and verified by me and is cor- JMt. Ralph D« Palona, Ralph Mulford Athletic Union Suits Porosknit Union Suits rect. and others approved because of their de- C A FERRIS, Sire to Improve the auto racing game Circulation Manager. to every way, but at the meeting there ffte drivers were unable to agree on —48<r 79c— Subscribed and sworn to be- tbe conditions for the race fore me this 1st day of July, i*l have invited De Palma, Mulford, 1918. Axtbnr Duray, Dario Resta and Louis CHARLES M BRINK. dievrolet to compete. I have suggested (Seal) Notary Public, tS»t they race over five different dis- $2.00 Cooper's "Spriig Needle" Union Suits, all Sizes, $1.48 tances, ranging from two to fifty miles, My commission expires Jan. and that the winner be determined b\ 11. 1920. $i)e points system of scoring, so man> Men's $1.25 Blue Chambray E.&W. Boys' 85c Pure White points being allowed for each finishing position in each heat. It Is now up to Work Shirts Linen Collars Union Suits t&e drivers to put up their money, and then they can meet and make the con- dition!. "The entries will be kept open until 85c 15c 45c July 20, and I expect that every man Invited to compete will do so. This race win then show just who is the fastest Men's Palm Beach Suits that sell everywhere at $12.00 to $15.00 tttver In the world, and, with their own ——Special this month at $10.00 ttdoney at stake, these speed demon* are Our Entire certain to demolish a lot of records " Stock of Cool Cloth, Crash, Mohair and Silk Suits at Special July Prices Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction HJTO RAGES ON JULY 21 STRAW HATS Children's 50c Rah Rah Straws Company Seven Entries Hade and More Frank She*. Reduced—Nothing Reserved. Your choice, 15c * Are Expected. Track experts are agreed that Change of Time Frank Shea, University of Pitts- Boys' Washable $1.75 Effeetlrt Dee. to, 1311 5ur(t runner, is One ot the (tan of Boys' 60c Waists Khaki Pants Weit. Bound Trains Leave •^Sunday July 21, promises to be a he college world in the middle dit- fi»a.m. 13:16 p. m. gala day for Fort Wayne sport fans, Blue Chambray and Fancies, 1:00 a. m.« 1:0- "0 p. m.* for seven well-known racing pilots lance events. He is especially good —$1.25 t-(H)a,m.' 2.30 p. m. 3yW* already signified their Intention ox the quarter-mile. Sport or Regular Styles 11. v«.0k« 4:15 P. m. of participating In the speed classics 1:00 p. m. *:00p.ra. to be held at Centllvre park. Local Children's S1.50 and $1.75 8:90 p. m. B .Interest will be intensified by the Wash Suits, $1.25 11:05 p. m. a unceroent that several local -39c Souti-Bound will take part In the day's BIG CARD AT NORTH RANDALL «:M«-m. B 1:00 P.O. ?:00«,m.B purse of $1.800 has been assem- l:Ot«.m.Q S:Wp. m. up to this time and a much Thirty-nine Horses Named to 1:00 L m. 4:00 p. n. of the former's mother, Mrs. Bd Crea- Richard, have returned from a visit 10:00 t- m. 6:00 p. a. one will be divided among the Start for Get-Away Day. MONROEVILLE ' er with the former's father, Dell Me U;<X>*.m, «:00p. m. Five big events have been Mrs. E L. Burwell has gone to At- Entarfer, at Union City, Pa., and 8:00 p. m. for and several more will Sundav guests of Mr and Mrs. J Sport World As Seen wood, where she will be the guest of while there Mrs Fickes was terribly 10:00 p. m. announced as soon as the race CLEVELAND, July 12.—Thirty-nine \I Jackson and family were an aunt 11:00 p. m. receive entrance applica- Christ Kintzel and family injured by being bitten by her fath- trotters and pacers have been named and ancle, Mr. and Mrs John Kosme, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robinson, of er's dog, which was part blood- Tralu lMTin« B«« it 7.00 i. tn_ With James J. Corbett tlto 4. m.. 11:M Ik m-. 1:M p. m- l:» to start in the four rases on the Grand if Poe, Ind., and Mr and Mrs. War- Leesburg, spent Wednesday in War- hound. In reaching down to pet p. m. XndlanapolU tralu vU. P*n: Circuit get-away card at North Randall den Brooks, of Bluefleld, Va Mr saw en route to Etna Green. him he caught her left cheek, cut- 11:00 a. to,. CnlTonlty Limited; i.ll Srooks is enlisted as an electrician A trifle more than a month later Miss Mary Kreamer has returned ting through near the mouth and p. m., IndlanapollJl BxpniB. today. The $2,000 free-for-all pace, the and home on a short furlough Mr (Copyright, 1918, by King Features Syndicate, to her home In Silver Lake after a tearing the lobe off her left ear The •Limited train*. B—To UnntluUn Major League Games feature event of the day, will bring to- Ketchel knocked out Hugo Kely, an- only, wept Saturday train niai Vic Blaising and children, of New Ha- EDITOR'S NOTE—This is the other rugged battler, in three rounds visit with Mr and Mrs. Roy Kreamer. doy was promptly killed tbroocB to Peru. a—to Haatlaitm gether Miss Harris M , Williams, Single •en, TV ere also guests in the Jackson fifth of a series of seven articles Miss Mollle Beigh, of Claypool, Mrs. Ambrose Kennedy is much NATIONAL LEAGUE and then on Aug. 18 gave Joe Thomas only. B—Dally eicett suuky. G., Russell Boy and Baxter Lou, and it lome. •which Mr Corbett is writing con- another chance. It required less than spent Wednesday in Warsaw on busi- improved from her recent Illness. O—llakM local >Upi bitwMn ran Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spake, of Chi- cerning the career of the late Stan- ness. Mrs Amos Hlssong and daughter Waytt* and Bluftton on Sunday only. Chicago— R H E is expected to develop into one of the Ie\ Ketchel, one of the most marvel- five minutes for Ketchel to knock out 0020000100—311 2 cago, who are now at Cedar Point,' ous ring warriors of all time. The his ancient enem> Mrs. Will Stevenson and daughter Miss Beulah Alleman. of Pleasant i. r. BEBCB. Acent. ...0001000201— 4 10 2 speediest contests of *he week The O., on a business trip, will spend Sat- next installment will appear tomor- Then Papke clamored for another Agnes have gone to Leesburg. where Lake, were guests of their cousins, Game— R H E first three have records of two minutes irday and Sunday with their parents, row match Ketchel gave it to him on Sept they will be the guests of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Obe Leas, over Wed- 0 00000200—2 7 0 or better. Mr and Mrs G B Spake S, 1908, in Los Angeles It was figured Mrs C. M Powell. nesday night.
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