WESTERN AUSTRAUAN GOVERNMENT PERTH, FRIDAY 20 DECEMBER 1991 No. 147 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY G. L. DUFFIELD, GOVERNMENT PRINTER AT 3.30 PM The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by the State Print for the State of Western Australia on Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes and Extraordinary Government Gazettes are published periodically, only the special gazettes are included in the subscription price. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. H Material submitted to the Executive Council for gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper. H Advertising should be received by the Manager, Publication Sales no later than 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday. H Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded several days before advertised closing date for copy. This is to ensure inclusion in current edition. 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H Late copy received at Publication Sales after 3.00 p.m. Wednesday will be placed in the following issue irrespective of any date/s mentioned in the copy unless otherwise advised. 04907-i Notice to Subscribers As Government Gazette No. 144 pages 6129 to 6144 contained only a determination of the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal and as the issue is not covered by the Annual Subscription it was not issued to subscribers inthe usual manner. Copies may be purchased from- State Print, State Government Bookshop, Publication Sales, Ground Floor, Supply House, 22 Station StiOt, 815 Hay St. cnr. King St., Wembley. Perth. GARRY L. DUFFIELD, Government Printer. r IMPORTANT NOTICE II CHANGE OF PUBLISHING DETAILS FOR 1992 Commencing in January 1992 the Government Gazette will be published at 3.30 pm on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Tuesday publication: Copy to be lodged at State Print, Wembley by 3.00 pm the preceding Friday; or Copy to be lodged at State Government Bookshop, 815 Hay Street, Perth by 3.00 pm the preceding Thursday. Friday publication: Copy to be lodged at State Print, Wembley by 3.00 pm the preceding Wednesday; or Copy to be lodged at State Government Bookshop, 815 Hay Street, Perth by 3.00 pm the preceding Tuesday. In the event of changes occurring due to Public Holidays, a notice will be published with the revised information. Advertisers requiring more information should telephone 383 8851. G. L. DUFFIELD, Director. L = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = PUBLISHING DETAILS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEWYEAR HOLIDAY PERIOD For Government Gazette published 3.30 pm Friday 20 December 1991, closing time for copy is 3.00 pm Wednesday 18 December 1991. For Government Gazette published 3.30 pm Thesday 24 December 1991, closing time for copy is 3.00 pm Friday 20 December 1991. For Government Gazette published 3.30 pm Friday 3 January 1992, closing time for copy is 12 noon Tuesday 31 December 1991. 20 December 1991] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 6289 AA1O1 TRANSFER OF LAND ACT 1993 TRANSFER OF LAND REVESTMENT PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA ‘I By His Excellency the Honourable Sir Francis FRANCIS BURT, J Theodore Page Burt, Companion of the Order of Governor. Australia, Knight Commander of the Most Distin IL.S.I guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Queen’s Counsel, Governor of the State of Western Australia. DOLA File 4536/989 P/F. Under section 243 of the Transfer of Land Act 1893, I, the Governor acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby revest in Her Majesty as of her former estate, the land comprising portion of Swan Location 7 and being Lots 15 and 16 on Diagram 80203 held in Certificates of Title Volume 1914 Folio 207 and Volume 1914 Folio 208 respectively. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State on 1 October 1991. By His Excellency’s Command DAVID SMITH, Minister for Lands. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AA1O2 EDUCATION AMENDMENT ACT No. 2 1990 PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1, By His Excellency the Honourable Sir Francis FRANCIS BURT, J Theodore Page Burt, Companion of the Order of Governor. Australia, Knight Commander of the Moat Distin L.S,] guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Queen’s Counsel, Governor of the State of Western Australia. I, the Governor, acting under section 2 of the Education Amendment Act No. 2 1990, and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, fix the day of the publication of this proclamation in the Government Gazette as the day on which that Act shall come into operation. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State on 10th December 1991. By His Excellency’s Command, KAY HALLAHAN, Minister for Education. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AG402 AGRICULTURE AND RELATED RESOURCES PROTECTION ACT 1976 Acting pursuant to the powers granted by sections 35 and 36 of the Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976, the Agriculture Protection Board hereby- i Declares Rhea Rhea americana to be a declared animal assigned to categories A4, A5 and AG. ii Cancels the assignment of Parkinsonia Parkinsonia aculeata to categories P1 and P2 within that part of the state defined as Zone lB under section 13 of the Act, and assigns it to categories P1 and P4 in that Zone. Dated 13 December 1991. M. D. CARROLL, Chairman, Agriculture Protection Board. AG403 SOIL AND LAND CONSERVATION ACT 1945 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Pursuant to Section 23 2b d of the Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945, being persons actively engaged in, or affected by, or associated with land use in the District, the following persons are appointed members of the District Committee for the Mingenew Land Conservation District, which Committee was established by an Order in Council, published in the Government Gazette of 5 September 1986, and amended in the Gazettes of 19 October 1990 and 29 November 1991, the appointments being for a term ceasing on 8 November 1993-S-- James Francis Bligh of Mingenew Donald Heitman of Mingenew ERNIE BRIDGE, Minister for Agriculture. 6290 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [20 December 1991 AG4O1 AGRICULTURE AND RELATED RESOURCES PROTECTION ACT 1976 The Agriculture Protection Board, acting pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of the Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 hereby- i appoints Leonard Charles Boladeras to be a member of the Authority for Zone 9 to serve until 1 August 1994. ii appoints the following persons to be deputies of the members for the Authority for Zone 7- Cohn Constantine to be deputy for Raymond John O’Donnell, Antony Richard Maslen and John Edwards. Gerald Coaker to be deputy for Michael Pearse, Allan Gould and Victor Gronow. Dated 13 December 1991. M. D. CARROLL, Chairman, Agriculture Protection Board. AG404 SOIL AND LAND CONSERVATION ACT 1945 BODDINGTON LAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF DISTRICT COMMITTEE INSTRUMENT 1991 MADE by the Minister for Agriculture Citation 1. This Instrument may be cited as the Boddington Land Conservation District Appointment of Members District Committee Instrument 1991. Interpretation 2. In this Instrument- "Constitution order" means the Soil and Land Conservation Boddington Land Conservation District Order 1991. "Committee" means the District Committee established by Clause 4 of the Constitution Order. {*Published in the Gazette of 29 November 1991 at pp 5975-76.] Appointment of Members 3. 1 Under Clause 51b of the constitution order- a Frank Geoffrey Stevens of Boddington b Dennis Stanley Morgan of Quindanning are appointed members of the Committee on the nomination of the Shire of Boddington. 2 Under Clause 5lc of the constitution order- a Jeffrey Lachlan Gibbs of Boddington b Garry James Batt of Marradong c Michael John Ferrari of Boddington are appointed members of the Committee to represent the Western Australian Farmers Federation. 3 Under Clause 5ld of the constitution order- a Ivy Anne Kielman of Boddington b Jeremy Burton Wood of Boddington c Ernest David Jones of Crossman d Bruce Edward Kielman of Boddington e Rhonda Marion Cail of Boddington 0 Jennie Elizabeth Wailer of Boddington g Mark Mouns.ey of Quindanning h Kenneth William Austic of Boddington are appointed members of the Committee being persons actively engaged in or affected by, or associated with land use in the Boddington Land Conservation District. Term of Office 4. The appointment is made under Clause 53 shall be for a term of three years commencing of the day that this instrument is published in the Gazette. ERNIE BRIDGE, Minister for Agriculture. 20 December 1991] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 6291 AG405 SOIL AND LAND CONSERVATION ACT 1945 WATHEROO-COOMBERDALE LAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF DISTRICT COMMITTEE INSTRUMENT 1991 Made by the Minister for Agriculture. Citation 1. This Instrument may be cited as the Watheroo-Coomberdale Land Conserva tion District Appointment of Members District Committee Instrument 1991. Interpretation 2. In this Instrument- "Constitution order" means the Soil and Land Conservation Watheroo Coomberdale Land Conservation District Order 1986.
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