U,000 Ptopld Bud tfet HERALD. , "Juitlce to »Ili Published Ewy Tuetdty malice toward none," ) in Christmas «nd*Pridiy Noon. ab Checks Mailed 8UM1MT RECORD j 1118,000 in 31ub checks were mail. members y»sterd»y |jy»; FORTY-THIRD YEAR. NO, U SUMMIT, tf. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4r $3.50 PER YEAR lit bauk». The figure i3 last year'ssince 2,35a advantage ot the dub 1 by the 8ummit Trust Many Take License lie First National Bank Chief Proposes NEW OFFICE! CAX XEAM BE Old Guard Hears Lions Club Hears Stewart Elected as Congressman to Co. and_ the Citlten.v AWHIHIJB Woman Lawyer lpany. Simultaneously Examinations Here IK,of the checks new Fred G. Sigler, Jr., one of the * Charles A. Gnnn Talk By 'Times' Man The monthly examination of ap- Succeed Ackerman From Fifth District ring on December 1st, a Pit lire Chief recent additions to Summit's J in plicants for New . Jersey ilng opened. police force, la the tallest man I The making of America's grcateflt- was in the department, measuring | At the Y. M. C. A. on Tuesday Would Provide 24-Hour Helps Initial Local Court newspaper. The New York Times, IS Bemoerat Wins in CloseV Ught Vote Over McLean in around six feet four. A couple morning, December let, the Old desplte the .short period until new j Fire Service for Drivers of days ago he rushed into I in NeW Quarters at First Guard wan addressed by Charles A. , was explained by Walter C. Con-licenses for nest year will have"to Generally Strong Republican District — Summit headquarters and asked the res- ' )puan of 14 Irving place, Summit. roy of that publication at the meet- be purchased, many took the tests. —Asks (or New Alarm ulatlon on height of awnings, j National Bank & Trust HiR subject was the Philippines. ing of the Summit Lions Club at The written examination was held Voters Give Small Republican Majority iry Patrolmen Behre, System declaring that something should ! Co. Building Mr. Gunn prefaced his address |noon on&Wednesday.-at the Hotel in the council chamber of the city be done about those he cant I with the statement that the Philip- Suburban. Mr. Conroy traced the hall. The lest was fornierly ton- IVrcy H. Stewart of Plainficld, Democrat, was elected Tuesday to Prayford, Eakley and Congress from this.traditionally Republican Fifth District by a plurality a. a course in a polite walk under without hitting him- I pinea" consisted of some seven history of that newspaper from the ducted there but niovtd to* the po- lool conducted in ton- Waits Car for Chief self in the face. Awninggs are i First Stiit Out of Accident thousand islands and projecting day It was transferred Inoi the lice cojrtroom when the Third •of 1.902 votes. Donald H. McLean, his Republican opponent, was given District Court was established, with tb the Newark police supposed to be seven feet high. I rocks. Many of tho islands are j "yellow journalism" class and a small plurality iiv, Mori is County but in Union County, Stewart's nu. vlJ last week. Officer Karl Fire Chief Clarence Bender has' | A woman lawyer from Newark quite fertile and lntenseljMnterest- 'adopted as Its motto, "All the news sessions on Thursday. Now that jority more, than offset that pin. Summit's vote was close, McLettlj the District Court has moved" to Iso taking the --Instruc- issued his annual report to the ~ j helped Initiate the. new quarters ing to those visiting them for the that's fit to print" At that time, ; winning here by 19S votes outVf a total of approximately 3,000 votes.,., 3 tncludes all phases of Qommon Council and recommends first time. Ho said the city of the speaker stated, the~circu!ation new quarters, the council chamber ty. • • . ... ' . -•: an expenditure next year of 123,980 Wills Admitted |£ Manila, with its old historical of the New York Times was ap- is again free for the State Inspect- The total vote ip the district t«r',' for the fire department. The ! churches, quaint streets, beautiful, pVoximately 21,000 and fully 12.000 ors. Our New Congressman a little more than half that cast in amount Includes proposed salaries PrOINlte TlliS WeCK pleted courtroom in the First Na houses with up-to-date Improve-, copies were boins returned dally the general election November 3rd. for both the chief and each driver tlonal Bank and Trust Company tnents was one ot the Interesting unsold. The special election was called by. Among the wills admitted to pro- building yesterday. She was the and whether the Common Council cities of the world to the tourist,' Mr. Con roy estimated the actual the Governor to fill the vacancy will approve the increase or not is bate this week were the following: first other sex. to argue a case in Council Session Judge John L. Hughes'* tribunal, while the shops were a delight to j cost to assemble th.ie news and print created by the death of Congrea**"?! becoming the town's topic of con- Mrs. Ianthe Draper, of Summit, is the lover of things oriental. He a copy of the New York Times that versation. ~ ' left the income of the estate of her and after fighting her male oppon- nian~Ackermaii."' ent to a standstill asked her op- referred, to the great pier, where you can purchase on any news- Under the Chief's plan he will husband, Jason Russell Draper, Short and Prompt Thcri; were. three other Candi- who died in Summit. October 31st. ponent to take her home to New? passengers visiting the city, dlsem- stand in the metropolitan district receive an annual salary of $3,000 bark, which he said was one of the j for 3c. as bejng fully $22 per year da ten itv tlie field but, only on* per year and each of the four com- At her death, the estate is to be Ark. ..• '• , . '••• •••' made any showing, Clark, repre- divided among the surviving' chil- . Another man has been added to largest In the world. The difference is more than over- Mayor's Appointments in pany drivers would collect two Mr. Gunn spoke of the beauties come by tho advertisements pub- sent lug the National Prohibition hundred dollars monthly. The rec-dren. The New York Trust Com- the personnel of the court. He is 1 party, who polled a total of 850 d—-too much acid. And pany is named executor and trustee Carl Fisher of Union, constable, of the .interior where the vegetable lished. In fact the profits of any Emergency Employment ommendation also calls for a new newspaper cpme from its advertis- votes. The votes given to the So- lets have perfected the Of the will. whose duty it Is to keep order. life Is' rich and varied. Practically chief's cjur "whereby he could get ing columns and not from its sub- Relief and Dependency .clalist and Communist candidates ilizing the acid. Mrs. Pasqualina Yannotta. of 233, Sergeant-at-arms frank Johnston all the cultivated plants of the to flrea with a minimum IOBS of South Asian island world are sue- Iscriptions or newa-stand sales, were very meager. time." $660 would purchase the Morris avenue, Summit, receives Is conflninj; ids activity to swear- Relief Approved the. tasteless capsules, ing In witnesses during hearings. cessfully raised, Including rice, i Mr. Cohroy Illustrated his address .Stewart received a big voto in vehicle, he adds. the entire, estate of her husband, sugar, tobacco, coffee, cacao, malse i with a reel of motion pictures vis- luct of these chemists. Thomas Yannotta, who died In Both collaborate in serving legal >Elizabeth,, which Is normally a ntes the feverish, achy A new fire alarm system, which and sweet potatoes. uallzlng journalism in all of its Pass Zoning Change ! Democratic city, his plurality there the Council has already determined Summit, November 19th. John documents. - many departments. me. In an hour or BO in There, are many very fine roads i being more than 5,000. This was' to purchase next year, could be Yannotta is named executor of the J Aa accident which occurred which render travel and inter The speaker was introduced by disappeared. will. Main: street, Chatham, on July 20th Little over half an bout* was re- too great a,handicap to offset for I .^MushL.iqiru|l'4^'-fuft^iij»L^:.JIls. was the background of the first suit courseacourse-amongg the various tribes PresldeatJr.rJttag...]H^&'eIapB,.:...Erig^p, c quired to^condtjet the city's biisl- r ythe other 'nlatifcipiJlitlea in thr recommendation would place a contested in the room which once easy and invlteB that itintimaci y KoK n SeifarSear t wwa s awardedd tthh e weeweekkk- ness at the meeting of the Common ; county which generally go Republi- small siren in place of the bell in housed a telephone exchange. among peoplel s whichih makemkess liflife »y attendanctd e prize contributed by Council Tuesday night and most of can. Plalhfield, Stewart's home the tower, one of similar size in Choral Club to Be Carolyn E. gutter of Newark won varied and enjoyable. He spoke of Thomas. P. JVJunroe. Lions William that period was devoted to reading town, which is generally 4 Repub- East Summit and another in the the many beautiful mountains andj"0?"* «"* Walter Crann conducted and payment of bills Incurred dur- lican stronghold, gave the'Demo.* northern .section of the city. The the Judge's verdict of f 86 against tn Robert Bogart of Cranford, appar- the roads that wind up and down <» contest.
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