r, JULy I, 19(5 IRATI, PAT., re•• 1,111,. JU Ill,.. " ze ... Al '11, ••,11 11 aew ,.... .aOOISIlD FOODS, bl .. tt... p. Te '11, ••,11 Z! an' Al Ibro .... Nl ..II ...... 8UGA., b.o" I .., ,I.",p IWI ,... r., IIYe p ..... Anlwer ... , •• ,b A"4. I.. 8BOl8, b.... Ih,ee al,plue .....,. Warm.r I, 2 ••• B•••• 1.40llnl'ol,. Nul o'amp ..lid A.,. 1. OASOLOII, \8-A eo.po •• , ••• ro, oIx ,.11 ........ ; IOWA: Sa_,. aDd warmer_ Queries 11-1, B-1. C-7 a.' C-I ••• p.n. ,••• r., II •• ,all .. , ••h . FUlL OIL, ,.,1 •••no , .. , ..,h II ....up ... DAILY IOWAN ,~, 81: la.1 p.,lod reu, and II.. THE •••• •• ,. A.,. ,.or'. I elM I •• ........ 0100 expl,. Iben. N•• p.,lo4 .n. c.. , ••• r.t 0 w a t y , • 0 r n n V N • W I pap. , 1.4G-4•••••• n .~_!'~'!_ '.II:'_ :.=======~::::================--=========::=:==:=:::::==:=::::::=:===-======:::::::==:=:=:::::==::==============="""==========:===========:========-.==.&J. IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 3,1945 na &UOClLU'D.... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 239 ~l9rs Biasi OKINAWANS CALL HIM 'CANDY' Marulen Oil Aussi'es Secure Three Mil es Refineries Two Superforts Lost In Earlier Incendiary at Borneo Port 'd'••• laid on Japan GUAM, Tue day CAP) ­ Jonl 50 American Sliperfort­ WLB Punishes Stassen Says u. S. Must Assume. Leadership- • Drive In,land .-. blasted the Maruzen oil p'ery neal' Shimotsu on Ja­ r's mainland before dawn Ohio Strikers 50 Years WIthout War POSSIble 2,500 Yards " "y,1e"Sll than 24 hours after , ~ _Iy, 600 of the B-29's struck MACKINAC ISLAND, M I c h. messages and envoys to work out that he would accept again_ , (AP)-Harold E. Stassen told a "'r Nippon cities in the ~reat­ our social, economic and political Stassen, a prospective candidate. re .. incendiary air raid of his- , Shift 80nul, Vacation news conference yesterday that problems satisfactorily," he as­ for the Republican presidential Drive for Airfields; "we are facing a basic reorienta­ serted. nomination in 1948. was Inter­ 1111. Only two bombers were tion of our entire foreign policy" Bombers, Fighters ,. IIIl in the record fire bomb Provisions Suspended He added the charter alone was viewed after eight state chief ex­ and if the United States follows a ecutives made formal and Infor­ Give Close Support _on, For Goodyear Workers course of wise world leadership it not sufficient and that the "com­ mon bonds of the people of the mal speeche in opening the 37th ' Ispl08ive bombs were used in will be possible to go 50 years annual conference of governors. tilt Shimotsu attack, the ixth ~, Tal ASSOCIATED .a188 without a war. world in their in tense desire for MANILA, Tuesday (AP)­ peace will decidc the issue of peace One ,Gov. Herbert B. Maw ot raid in ei~ht days by the Mari­ Unprecedented disciplinary ac­ The Seventh Australian c1il·ision ~IN The former Minnesota governor, or war." Utah, a Democrat and chairman .,&-based B-29's against Japan. tion was invoked by the war labor who witl return to his post as as­ of the conference, called for an at Balikpapan lla sccured three "I do not feel that war is in­ miles of beach east of that great S\lIDlotsu is 35 miles southwest of board yesterday against one of the sistant chief of staff to Admiral end to all em~rgency federal reg­ evitable," he declared, "But that OtaPon Honshu island. The tar- MAKING A HIT with na&lve Okinawa younrllters Is Martne Pfe. JOM largest group of strikers among the William F. Halsey in the Pacific ulation of business, farming and Borneo oil port and ha driven .. was the third oil plant hit in a S_ McClanahan of St. Joseph, Mo., as he passel out American caDd,. doesn't mean that we might not 54,000 idle over the nation. soon, spoke to about 50 newsmen individuals as soon as peace comes, inland 2,500 yards against stif­ .... The 'Iny mJte In the center of the photo above lIeems \0 be panleu- before appealing to the governors always have policing activity." fening enemy r esi slance, Gen. With some 33,000 persons away despite a statement by President ne...-lIIon de_mlon aUacn Ilarly anxious to ret all s&uek up with the leatherneck'lI treat. Thill In a night address to take a more In response to a question, Com­ Truman that stabilization controls Douglas MacArthur- announced .. ,.ri ., a dual bomblnt' cam- Is an official United Slates marine corps photo. from their jobs in the big rubber active part in studying and speak­ mander Stassen said he still felt would have to be continued into today. flIP ..,.. bellll' w ...ed by Maj. capital of Akron, Ohjo, the WLB ing about international affairs. that from a Reublican or party the postwar period. .. ... CuilI Lemay's Zllli bomber The Australians, who invaded ,suspended shift premium and va­ Just back from serving as a standpoint it was a political liabil­ stassen said speedy ratification _d. Tbe,. are beln&' aUe;· delegate to the San Francisco con­ ity lor him to accept membership by the se nate of the world secur­ at Balikpapan Runday, were .... wlUl the 5~ and 600 plane Truman Presents cation provisions of its April 3 di­ Allies ·10 '·En·H. ference, he said the United Nations on the American delegation to San ity charter without reservation striking for the town 's airfields, ....17 llirtkel. rective for 16,700 workers on strike charter is "an essential step to Francisco from a president of the was essential, but he added that two milita,·y prizes whiol! would Taraets in the two previous pre­ CHarier 10 Senate at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber world cooperation." OPPOSing party. But he said he he did hot mean that it should be bare Japan's remaining "East • attacks included the Utsube comp!lny since June 16 . "Unless we have a mechanism wanted to reemphasize that he ac­ done so hastily as to preclude suf­ Indlcs pOSitions to close aUack of .. oil refinery and the Nippon whereby nations can meet continu­ cepted the appointment because of ficint study by the senate and the allied air mlgh t. i1C11mpany's plant at Kudumatsu. Spainrs(o~irol The board alao ordered 17,000 Asks for Prompt • • • .i ally, it will be impossible through the great obligation he felt and people. ;YNHORST The Maruzen installations pro­ Firestone Tire and Rubber com­ American heavy. medium and .. fuel and lubricaUon oil and Ratification of Formura pany .Ulkers In Akron to resume rhrhter bombers continued to give close support the ground forces. IlitiOD gasoline. Many large stor­ production of thelr-vlt.al war oul­ '0 For World League while United Statcs carrier based • tanks were in the ta rget area, Of ~Iangie '~ '''~':,:: " pul. At a Glance- 'I :- Chinese Forces Gain Senate Confirmation, navy flrhters hit enemy roa.d ~ II!lI as refinery buildings. "fASHINGTON (AP)-Harry s. St,rikl~ deliverymen for 11 New transportation Inland_ SUperfortress c~ew men returned Truman came pack. to the senate ' WASHINGTON (AP) ~1~e .al- York Olty newspapers also w~re ... tbe record incendiary attack yesterday to hand his old associ- lies are about to end Sphin'~ ' con- ordered to end . their . ~T1p~~g Along 'Invasion Coast' 0, Byrnes.Unanimou~ This was the first disclosure that sday, we decided - Iii Japanese air and ground fire ates the United Nations charter trol of Tangier, where F·rancjsco walkout but a u~lon .offlclal mdl­ roday's carrier planes were participating Ib a bite ot lUnch IIJIPition was insignificant. and ask them to ratify it promptly. 'Franco made- a' grab to -dominate . cated. the WLB directive would be Forced to Withdraw Solons Approve In the operation. (The Japanese in ;y and write lip The 20th airforce, announcing The president spoke with the the Straits of. Gibraltar ·. wjlel1 it Igno,red. • an ambiguous broadcnst Sunday . But, the ques: ban Washington that two of the simple, easy air of a man who felt seemed that Britain hlld :·lost :the A n'eariy .complete return to From Chungchingfu Secretary of State night had re(erred to carriers.) up in our mind! 8-29's failed to return, said that pretty sure of getting just what he war_ . , . :,'" .., work was accomplished in the Iowan By nightfall Sunday the Aus­ II we go?" Then In French Indo China Without Hearings • crew members were rescued. asked . for. ' Thl1 plan is to work out,8 '.\3rit- . glass industry strike, only two of * * * tralian troops had overrun more Lo us quite easil7: ~fortresses normally car r y than half of the Klandasan section U NT A IN, of "The chojce before the senate is ish-Frencn-United States prplira'in 11 plants reporting continuance of CHUNGKING (AP)-The Chi- WASHINGTON (AP)-The sen- mws of 11 men each. now clear," he said, spacing his for restoring the stra.tegic 'stie:tch the strike. nese high command indicated yes- Australians secure three miles ate yesterday paid James F. Byrries 01 Ba'likpapnn, which formerly we ordered and II Ute fo!U"-pronced, before­ was the European residential quar­ we had eaten, WQrds carefully. of the north,wes~ Afrieflll. ' cO~s~ ', ~o 'The labor picture by cities and terday that soldiers of free China, ot beach at landing east of the tribute of confirmation as sec- ..". JDlII8IoD Monday, the bomb­ "The choice is not petween this its former international status" IUId areas: ' . 'thdr' J Balikpapan. ter of the town. te, and were 011 .. from Marlaaaa bases at Guam, h rl~t ... d th' ls It · then tell Franco h·ow-I·t· ;:O ' g-om- g" .. to .
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