Today: Section on Red Bank Sale Days The Daily Register VOL. 98 N0.6 SHREWSBURY, N J. TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1976 15 CENTS Shore catches breath after biggest July 4 By JIM OSTROFF No monumental accidents turies ago, a coveiant far marred the gala celebration their times as well u out. Their spirits buoyed by at sea or in the bay, where thousands of pleasure craft The chiming of the faulted •early three diys of Btcenlen- Liberty Bell in Independence rill festivities ranging from scrambled (or t look at the tall ships as they silled north Hall. Philadelphia, at t p m the hoopla of rollicking block Sunday was matched by the parties, the bone->hatterlng for a date with the Lady In New York Harbor pealing of bells In steeples Hunter of fireworks displays, and halls, of car boras aad and the sheer spectacle of a Instead, there were gaggles brass horns by individuals vast malted flotilla, Mon of people — exactly enough, and groups in Freehold and mouth County residents many thought — enjoying Keyport. Little Silver and Joined the nation today In fireworks, a casual picnic Mlddletown Keansburg. Long catching Its collective breath lunch, the almost made-to-or Branch, Tlnton Falls and •ad thankful, perhaps, that der weather and the greatest Highlands and virtually every tkey had less to recuperate naval spectacle ever staged, other community from than feared. to make this the most memo- Despite large crowds that rable of Independence Day Many houses of worship re streamed Into Sandy Hook to ported good attendance al view Operation Sail, there Despite the crowds and the special commemorative ear- were no gigantic snarl-ups approximately half-million vices Police contingency plans to tourists, the festivities were But if residents wen raver- clear choked roads and res- much i tale of indlvtduallied eat, they were raucus at cue trapped motorists went or local events as mammoth times, too, remembering the unused. fetes directions of John Adams that To the relief of hospital From Asbury Park to High- our day of Independence staff which had girded for the lands, and Marlboro to Eaton- "ought to be solemnized with onslaught of possibly 15 mil- town and doiens of other pomp and parade, with lion tourists and stocked their communities, the weekend shows, games, sports, THANK GOD! A CROWD - Business was brisk but no more so Operation Sail's tall ships In Sandy Hook Bay. Traffic In all emergency rooms for "battle was a time (or reexammation guas, . and Illuminations than on a normal Sunday at Gateway National Recreation other areas of the county was light. conditions," only minor acci- of the pact signed by our from one end of this continent Area over the weekend as people came for a beach-eye view of dents needed treatment Founding Fathers two cen- The crush just never came m •y BRIAN KELLY packed up and went home the auspices of the Bayshore be a "normal summer week- the extra men helped keep Sunday. Bicentennial Police Chiefs As- end." things exceptionally smooth It may have been a hush of Expected Bayshore bot- sociation. County Civil De- In Western Monmouth, and had to be available In reverence, but "quiet" was tlenecks such as Garden Statt fense-Disaster Control offi- Marlboro Township police case of emergency. the only way police would de- Parkway exit 117 and other cials were also headquartered called the three-day period Slate-level costs for the ex- scribe county- roads on a July approaches to Gateway Na- at Middletown but had Mile "one of our quietest week- tra personnel were expected 4 weekend highlighted by the tional Park never developed. to do all weekend. ends. Not even a normal 4th." to be minimized by the fact lack of a major accident, fa- State Police reported park- Atlantic Highlands Sgt. The township has scheduled that the State Police do not tality or traffic jam. way traffic as "moderate and Kenneth Grover said the Bicentennial activities tor receive overtime pay but in- The much heralded holiday moving at the speed limit" borough's crowds were "good next week. stead are given compensatory weekend crowds never ma- most of the weekend. Late but nothing like we ex- time off. National Guard de- terialized In Monmouth Coun- last night the parkway was pected." He said the commu- The aftermath of an ocean- tails were from units on regu- ty and police perceptions of said to be light. nity was Inexplicably hit hard front fireworks display lar two-week training assign- traffic ranged from "a nor- Bayshore communities had with traffic Saturday from 10 clogged Long Branch's ments. mal 4th" to "a normal sum- braced for the onslaught of to 10:20 p.m. but It quickly streets for a while Sunday mer weekend." Operation Sail watchers Sat- dissipated. night as police reported a Local municipalities had Many departments with urday. But the results were Sea Bright Police Chief record turnout. But the prob- not computed additional costs men on 12-hour shifts sent summed by a Mlddletown John F. Carmody was per- lems soon cleared and the re- yesterday and were expected them home early as It be- Township desk officer: "They haps the most apprehensive mainder of the holiday was to do so today. Earlier esti- came apparent Sunday that gave a party and nobody of local police officials before normal. mates for the II Bayshore crowd sizes had been greatly showed. It was one of the the start of the weekend, A State Police spokesman communities ranged to overestimated. The State Po- most mellow days we've had fearing that his beachfront acknowledged from division 1300,000 HOLIDAY BLUES — Attendant at near-empty Sea Bright Municipal Beach lice disbanded its three com- here." community with only one headquarters in Trenton that A reimbursement bill parking lot has time to pensively sip soda and wonder where the crowds mand posts in Keyport, New- Middletown was to have main road might become the manpower available was passed by the legislature is went. Traffic In many Monmouth County communities was sub-normal for ark and Hammonton and Na- been the coordination center choked with cars. But he was excessive but said "we don't waiting for the governor's sig- a summer weekend as well-prepared towns found themselves with extra tional Guard detachments for the entire Bayshore under relieved when it turned out to regret calling it up." He said nature personnel on the payroll. immiiiumiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimimiimmiiiiiiiiHHmHitiMii Task done, OpSail Israel pays tribute coordinator relaxes to rescue raid hero By ED KANARKOWSKI It was the "White Whale,"a feed everybody and few TEL AVIV, Israel (AP") - magnificent, courageous oper- establishments in foreign sloop out of Bay Head. people would have had a real Israel gives a hero's funeral ation, but It Is the fate of this countries seemed likely But RUMSON - For William "There was no point of hav- opportunity talk with and get today to American-born Lt. nation that every joy andwith the Palestinians In Leba- W. "BUI" Robinson, the big ing a mass party at one loca- to know each other." Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, the delight be mixed with pain non fighting for their exis- seaborne Fourth of July party tion for 3,000 or so foreign "Smaller groups," he said, only Israeli commando killed and mourning " tence in a civil war with is finally over. seamen and all the dignitaries "had the significance we la the rescue of more than 100 Threats of retaliation from Christian Lebanese and Syr- Mr. Robinson — New Jer- who'd want to attend," ex- hoped to achieve. We under- hostages held by Palestinian Palestinians in Lebanon and ian forces, no large-scale sev's coordinator nf Owratinn plained the master yachts- stand that final plans along terrorists at Uganda's En- from Uganda's President Idi raids across the border were .Sail — concluded his role in man, as he reflected on how these lines worked out pretty tebbe Airport Amin did nothing to diminish expected the Big Apple-style great OpSail plans came to be sewn well." Two of the three Israeli ci- the pride and rejoicing of the Amin's threats aroused con- American birthday party by together. New Jersey yacht clubs In vilians killed in the gun battle Israelis in their armed forces' cern only because one of the piloting the official New Jer- "A mass party would have the Sandy Hook area on Satur- Saturday night were burled most notable exploit since the Israeli passengers on the hi- sey vessel In the parade of posed some terrible prob- day hosted crews of the tall Monday with military honors defeat ot the Arabs in the 1M7 jacked Air France airliner, craft up the Hudson River lems," he added. "It ships which anchored off the Speaking at one of the funer- Six Day War TVyear old Dora Block, was Saaday. would have been t fight to Hook in a variety of ways. als, Israel's chief military Border patrols were being in a Kampala hospital when Some foreign seamen were chaplain, Brig Mordechai Pi especially vigilant, and Pales- the commandos landed and guests of American families ran, said the 2,400-mile, three- tinian reprisal attacks on Is- they could not bnng her back See Israel, page 1 In their homes at dinner. Oth- SAIL AWAY — The ancient tall ship notwithstand- plane commando raid "was a raeli diplomatic and business ers were feted at grand ban- ing, one young woman takes advantage of the mild quets hosted by individual temperatures and calm air at Sandy Hook last dubs.
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