NEWSLETTER Parish of St George Hanover Square St George’s Church Grosvenor Chapel March—June 2015: issue 30 ence these men exercised on Inside this issue musical life in the second half of the twentieth century: The Rector writes 2 Christopher Morris, the prodi- gious Anglican church musi- Services at St George’s 3 cian and organist of distinc- tion who befriended and Fr Richard Fermer writes 6 mentored a generation of Eng- lish, Welsh and Scottish com- Services at Grosvenor Chapel 7 posers and whose immensely practical publisher’s mind Lent Course 8 conceived and gave birth to Prisons Mission 10 that ubiquitous staple of An- glophone choirs worldwide, London Handel Festival 11 Carols for Choirs; and Denys Darlow who not only founded Mayfair Organ Concerts 13 major English festivals cele- brating the music of Bach and Hyde Park Place Estate Charity 15 Handel but who played a pro- found part, through his per- t is with great sadness that we formances of works by these I learned, just as this edition of Baroque masters and their the Parish Newsletter was going contemporaries, in our devel- to press, of the death at the age oping understanding of ‘early of 93 of Denys Darlow who served music’. as tenth organist and choirmaster of St George’s between 1972 and This year’s London Handel 2000. It is just two months since Festival - an annual event the demise of Darlow’s younger Darlow founded at St George’s predecessor, Christopher Morris back in 1978 - is about to (organist between 1947 and start. Details of the 2015 Fes- 1972), whose memorial service tival may be found on pages took place at St George’s at the 11 and 12. But it would surely end of January. also have pleased the founder (back in 1952) of the Tilford A full appreciation of the lives of Bach Festival to know that the these two outstanding musicians London Bach Society’s Bach- will appear in the next edition of Fest 2015 will later in the this Newsletter. It is nevertheless year once again be based at St fitting that we reflect, albeit George’s. briefly, on the considerable influ- Sites of the biblical events were Sunday 5th April identified and the appropriate Easter Day liturgy or service was held in each 11am Sung Eucharist with re- geographical location. And this newal of baptismal vows gradually extended to the whole year, so that nearby Bethlehem, Fr Stebbing will preach at St the place of Jesus’s birth was George’s on Good Friday and Easter equally a place of pilgrimage after Sunday as well as offering short the date of Christmas was finally meditations during a performance settled, rather later than in of Haydn’s The Seven Last Words of Egeria’s time. Our Saviour on the Cross on Tues- day 31st March at 7pm. Members of Apart from the site of the crucifix- the congregation (but regretfully ion itself, the Holy Sepulchre, not their guests due to limited there remains to this day a possi- space) who wish to attend this con- ble site for the garden of Geth- cert, or the St Matthew Passion semane. Also the area on the should please inform the Verger, Mount of Olives associated with Seamus O’Hare by Friday 20th the Ascension, and most probable March. Contact details on page of all, the place where the Holy 16. Spirit descended upon the disci- The Rector, The Revd ples in the upper room on Mount Mothering Sunday is on Sunday 15th Roderick Leece, Zion. March and all children and families writes: as well as children from our St This idea of liturgical realism of re George’s Hanover Square School -enacting in a dynamic way the are warmly invited to join us for n the earliest Gospel, St final days of Christ’s life surged what are thrice yearly services I Mark, the final five chapters throughout Christendom, and re- where children are involved in in a total of sixteen concern mains for Christians today who leading worship/reading, and the the last week of Jesus’s life. In can partake spiritually in the rec- sermon geared to families with other words almost a third of reation of Jerusalem and Holy children at the Sung Eucharist at the text concern Holy Week, Week in their own parish church. 11am. Followed by customary re- the Great Week. Furthermore, it was this working freshments. Whitsunday on 24th backwards from Easter to Holy May is of course another Sunday The most ancient core is of Week that led ultimately to the when we extend a similar invita- course the greatest feast of all observance of the whole liturgical tion to celebrate Pentecost. the Easter Vigil. To which was year and the seasons we now re- added - working backwards - gard as standard. St George’s Patronal Festival will the Triduum, the three Holy be kept this year on Sunday 26th Days beginning on Maundy Fr Nicolas Stebbing CR will be April and the Sung Eucharist will be Thursday with the celebration preaching Holy Week both at St followed by a festive reception. of the Lord’s Supper. William George’s and at the Grosvenor Kent’s beautiful picture of the Chapel. He comes to us from the The Annual Parochial Church Last Supper of course gives St Community of the Resurrection at Meeting will be on Wednesday 29th George’s Church its main focus. Mirfield and does a lot of work in April in St. George’s at 6.30pm and The Triduum continues on Good Zimbabwe supporting embattled is preceded by the Annual Vestry Friday with a celebration of the churches. Meeting to elect Churchwardens. Lord’s Passion and death. Please join us to hear reports and Holy week services: plans for the future. We owe a huge amount to a th Gallic woman, Egeria, who Sunday 29 March Rogation Sunday is on 10th May and wrote about her travels to the (Remember, clocks go forward) after the Sung Eucharist there will Holy Land on pilgrimage around Palm Sunday Liturgy at 11.00am follow the traditional walk around the years 381-384. This is in- the boundaries of our parish of valuable because by this time Monday-Thursday Mayfair ‘Beating the Bounds’ and in late 4thC Palestine, the de- Holy Communion at 5.45pm we hope to join together some velopment of liturgical worship walkers from both St George’s and (that is Palm Sunday and Holy Friday 3rd April the Grosvenor Chapel. Week) had been established Good Friday and Egeria provides a first hand Liturgy of the Passion at 10 am Continued on page 15 account of practices and obser- St Matthew’s Passion by J.S. vance of liturgical seasons as Bach at 2.30pm (with sermon) they then existed in Jerusalem. Friday 13th March Services at 8.45am Morning Calm St George’s 12.10pm Holy Communion Sunday 15th March Sunday 1st March Fourth Sunday in Lent Second Sunday in Lent 8.30am Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist 11.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Mass in G (Schubert) Missa Papae Marcelli (Palestrina) Lent Prose Lent Prose Ave Maria (Bruckner) O Lord in thy Wrath (Gibbons) Nachspiel (Bruckner Aus tiefer Not BWV 686 (Bach) Monday 16th March Monday 2nd March 8.45am Morning Calm 8.45am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer Tuesday 17th March Tuesday 3rd March 8.45am Morning Calm 8.45am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer Friday 27th March Wednesday 18th March 8.45am Morning Calm Wednesday 4th March St Edward, 12.10pm Holy Communion 8.45am Morning Calm King of the West Saxons, 978 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.45am Morning Calm Sunday 29th March 5.45pm Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer Palm Sunday 5.45pm Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion Thursday 5th March 11.00am Sung Eucharist 8.45am Morning Calm Thursday 19th March Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.45am Morning Calm Missa Brevis in D minor (Mozart) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Passion according to St Matthew Friday 6th March (Lassus) 8.45am Morning Calm Friday 20th March Pueri Hebraeorum (Victoria) 12.10pm Holy Communion 8.45am Morning Calm Valet will ich dir geben BWV 735 12.10pm Holy Communion (Bach) Sunday 8th March Third Sunday in Lent Sunday 22nd March Monday 30th March 8.30am Holy Communion Passion Sunday Monday in Holy Week 11.00am Sung Eucharist 8.30am Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 11.00am Sung Eucharist 5.45pm Midday Prayer Mass for four voices (Byrd) Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Lent Prose Missa Simile est regnum (Victoria) Tuesday 31st March Purge me O Lord (Tallis) Lent Prose Tuesday in Holy Week Ut re mi fa sol la (Byrd) Crucifixus (Lotti) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Herzlich tut mich verlangen 5.45pm Holy Communion Monday 9th March BWV 727 (Bach) 7.00pm Seven Last Words of 8.45am Morning Calm Christ (Haydn) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Monday 23rd March (ticket only: Handel Festival box 8.45am Morning Calm office: 01460 54660 Tuesday 10th March 12.10pm Midday Prayer For further details see page 14) 8.45am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer Tuesday 24th March Wednesday 1st April 8.45am Morning Calm Wednesday in Holy Week Wednesday 11th March 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.45am Morning Calm 5.45pm Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer Wednesday 25th March 5.45pm Holy Communion The Annunciation of the BVM Thursday 2nd April 8.45am Morning Calm Maundy Thursday Thursday 12th March 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer St Gregory the Great, 5.45pm Holy Communion 5.45pm Holy Communion Bp of Rome, 604 8.45am Morning Calm Thursday 26th March 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.45am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer rd th th Friday 3 April Sunday 19 April Monday 4 May Good Friday Second Sunday after Easter 12.10pm Midday Prayer 10.00am Good Friday Liturgy 8.30am Holy Communion th 2.30pm
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