wi*i‘ wt ijfc-jQji^yas f r . si ' [ -BIGHT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1*€0 / iUrntrir^iiti^^^tt^nins Average Dally Net Preee Rob The Weathw* *-5'|;%,"V\5'*'^‘''*'-' ■ ■'■ For the >!aiMI Feneeat ef .D. sT WaWNwr : Doe. s, uee OeMndy fair, eoUer tiiMitf; I 13,312 m d FrMay, enow flentei Member e l ttw AnaiS ever hUiy tMwttona. Law MMiM Dnrma ef Otrenlattoa Bear IB. Hlgji FrMay aear a#.r. ■* ' i M anchester^ A CUy of Villitge Charm YOUR STORE VOL. LXXX, NO. 68 (TWENTY-POUR PAGBft-IN TWO BECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 (OtoaeUled JUIvaMeiag on Faga at) PRICE IHYS CBNTS OF VILEACE State News CHARM Military Rules J Roundup Belgium Raps Red Demand $200,000 Fire In Jewett City Savannakhet, Laos, Dec. 8ItPaOiet Lao forcos ringing tho capital were poiaod for attack. Jewett' City, Dec. 8 (A>)—-A (/P>—Right-wing rebel Imder Right-wing rebal 0«n. Phoumi Aides from Congo Gen. Phoumi Nosavan de­ 'ast spreading fire destroyed NoMvan, who ataged a bra<^k- the Jewett City Furniture Co. O clared today forces loyal to through on the Namkadinh River him staged the uprising in the front 100 mllea eaat of Vientiane early this morning. Wednesday, was reported advanc­ Fire officials said the malfunc­ STAMPS Laotian capital, Vientiane. He tion of an Oil burner might have ing on tha capital too. He had aaid the revolt against Pre­ regrouped his forces, recrossed the started the blaze. Their estiniate C ongolese THURSDAY ONLY! with all cash sales! THURSDAY ONLY! mier Souvanna Phouma’s re­ river, recaptured Pakadinh on the of the financial loss was $200,000, Blasts UN gime began in pre-dawn dark­ including the firm’s stock. (Oonttamed on Page Too) There were no injuries reported. ness and by midmoming his An alarm just before midnight To Bar UN fw ces had seized several brought firemen .'to the 2-story Report of WINTHROP "SLIP-ONS" strategic points including the building. Several companies came The Most Comfortable Shoe of Your Life defense ministry in the heart to the scene, but the structure AiL-HcwJi^^ui^niRPOSE/nnM brush burned to the ground rapidly. T ransport of the city plus power and ra­ The store was in the center of and that's Because It's a comfort and convenience dio stations. Jewett City. Other buildings near­ Leopoldville, The Ckingo, Meddling by were spared. :)ec. 8 {/P)—'The United Na­ By ROY E8SOYAX United Nations, N. Y., Dec. Rue cuaNsr and floor conditioner no laces... just slip them on Vientiane, Laos, Dec. 8 (JP) tions announced today Congo- Unhurt in Plunge ese authorities have ordered 8 (JP)— Belgium made plain to­ —Government military ele­ New Haven, Dec. 8 —A con­ day it has no intention of and enjoy perfect fit ments took over Vientiane to- struction worker took a coffee a blockade of all U.N. military surface transportation in The withdrawing its personnel ^ day in a lightning pre-dawn break after plunging almost five I'rom The Congo as demanded action aimed at placing this stories down an open elevator Congo. shaft. Brig. Indarjlt Rlkhye of India, by the Soviet Union. In blunt . flis fashion thMUritlx tbs •zdiuhr* Ijiotian capital on a war foot­ Horace Miller, 51, of 44 Mar­ chief U.N. military adviser, said it anguage, the Belgian govern­ ing against the threat of pro- *TMmt7^ S p o ts of Eoss" shall Rd., Manchester, eiKsped in­ was the most serious challenge to ment told U.N. Secretary-gen­ Communist or rightwing rebel jury in the fall 1^ landing on face the United Nations since the eral Dag Hammarskjold: attack. network of safety ropes below the beginning of its Congo operation. "Belgium cannot be prevented Pro-Comm«nlst Pathet Lao ele­ street level at the construction of "It could paralyze our activi­ from helping restore prosperity in ments fled the city. Others were the First New Haven National ties,” Rikhye told a news confer­ ’The Congo In the manner desired Cleans rugs best! Bank. ence. "We are not prepared to ac­ by the Congolese authorities." Seruba bed! Waxes «fe Polishes best! Buffs best! placed under guard. cept this position at all. It is com- ' Elimiiutea Hands and Automatically Brilliant, Adjusts to Any Some western diplomats express- He refused medical attention af­ ’The Belgian declaration was a ter the Tuesday Incident, but took )letely out of the question that the reply to a recent report of Ham- Knees Drudgery Spreads Wax, Polidi Long-Lasting Lustre Pile Hiickneas •d belief the militaryilll takeover Jnited Nations should submit to could be a government maneuver the opportunity, of getUng some marskjold’s special representative. coffee at a local restaurant. Then this order." Rajeshwar Dayal, of India, who to put itself In a better bargain­ Unless the ord« is rescinded, 12,99 I SUNBEAM VALUE ACCESSORIES ing position with the right-wing miller went back to work. Rikhye said, it would have to be re­ alleged Belgian Intereference rebel regime of Gen. Phoumi ferred to the Security Council. ’The caused much of the trouble in Nosavan. The United States is State Man Killed first test will come ’Tuesday when The Congo. said to lean toward Premier Prince It came as the Security Council Webster, Mass., Dec. S UPt — UJ<f. military supply shipment was in the midst of a debate on Souvanna Phoumi. A third death occurred today as a is scheduled to sail up the Congo ’The Congo and waa expected to The government threatened "the U-2 Pilot Powers result of an accident last night in River, the chief traffic artery in add new heat to the discu^on. One most rigorous military measures" which an automobile left a high­ this nation of few highways and Francis Gary Powers. U-2 railroads. provision of a pending So'viet res­ against any elements seeking to Pilot now in prison in Russia, way and crashed a tree. olution calls on Belgium to with­ % obstruct Its activities or influence wears a fur bat In this photo Teresa Rent, 19, Webster, died Rikhye said the order was issued at Worcester (Jity Hospital shortly last Saturday and sought to im­ draw Inunedlately all Belgian mil­ It-—- \ •) burgundy and black calf Its neutralist policies. which he sort in a letter to his itary and cl'vil personnel from the This capital bristled with guns, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver before 6 a.m.- pose a Congolese veto on all sur­ troubled African country. tanks and truckloads of soldiers In Powers of Pound, Va. The Donald Oarlgnan, 20, North face movement of troops, military Dean Rusk, head of the Rockefeller Foundation in New York, leaves the home' of President-elect 2 Nylon 2 Reversible 2 Rug Cleaning- Plus Adjustable Rug Kennedy after a conference today. Rusk is a former assistant secretary of state in the Truman, Hammarskjold was under fire full battle gear for a few tense pilot complained he has not Grosvenor Dale, Conn., and John uTOliea and vehicles. from the Soviet Union for not Scnibl^g Pads Buffing Pads Polishing Brushesshe Cleaning Attachment hours, but by noon the city had been receiving his parents’ A. Conlon, 19, Webster, died T%e order was Issued by 'Victor administration. (AP Photofax). others shortly after the crash. Nendaka, head of the National Se­ getting the Belgians out. The Rus­ returned to normal. mall and said he was sending curity Police. He ruled that the sians recently demanded that the The action, which neutralist the photo so they would not entire U.N. operation he liquidat­ 14.99 Premier Souvanna wholeheartedly forget how he looked. (AP Congolese surface transport mo- 100 Free Meals ed because of alleged cooperation Photofax). noply, Otraco, (Conglese Transport A id e 10.99 to 12.99 aupported, followed reports that Berlin, Dec. 8 {/P)—The Berlin Office) should carry U.N. military Top GOP between the Secretary-general ■N Cl'vil Defense organization will supplies by rail, road or river only Kennedy Confers and tha g o n ia l powers. Ham- give 100 persoiili a free meal Sat­ with his special permission. marskjqld-^warned that "every­ NEW a u t o m a t ic l iq u id s d is p e n s e r urday to show what it can do in Food and medical supplies were Sees Illinois thing would crumble” if UJI. (SiSSealn $2 BUlion Sales Yearly an emergency. excluded from the ordet. forcee are ■withdrawn euddenly. 4 BUCKLE RUBBER BOOT Gilbert Austin, director, said the 'We consider this a definite at­ For Kennedy The U.N. Secretary-general de­ W ITH EXCLUSIVE ECONO-FLOW CONTROL SCOUTS class in emergency mass-feeding tempt on .the part of the CongoMe WM Rusk, White fended himself against bitter com­ will prepare the meal. autboritisa. to paKaljd.;^.. aH^;v4|pi munist criticism hut at a men's . 5.99 The menu been an­ Chicago, Dec. 8 (JP)—Democratic auiomatkally applies: Liquid Waxes, Floor Cleaner, Rug Shampoo Top Electric Companies operations in ’The Congo and a vio­ meeting of the 11-natlon Beeurlty and nounced, but ||M>jiliiner 1s by invi­ lation of the agreement between Washington, Dec. A (>P) — Dean^announcements on major appoint- hopes of keeping Dlinois’ 27 elec­ Council on The Congo. tation oid#^ - the United Nations and the Con­ Rusk, rated a leading possibility ments with the chosen man by his toral votes in President-elect John Earlley in the day, Yugoslavia CUBS golese government," Rikhye said. side. F. Kennedy’s column have been giv­ Nendeka, however, told news­ for appointment aa secretary of Rusk was in charge of Far en a lift by a top-rank Republican.
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