

Bibliography Comments Introductory sources on related subjects. local fields [Cas]; algebraic number theory [KKS], [M], [N5], [NSchW], [CF], [FT], [BSh], [Iya], [La2], [IR], [Ko6], [W]; cyclotomic fields [Wa], [La3]; valuation theory [E], [Rib]; history of [Roq3]; formally -adic fields [PR]; non-Archimedean analysis [Kob1–2], [vR], [Schf], [T4], [BGR]; embedding problems [ILF]; formal groups [Fr], [CF], [Iw6], [Haz3]; elliptic curves over number fields [Silv]; local zeta function and Fourier analysis [T1], [RV], [Ig], [Den]; -adic ¡ -functions [Wa], [Iw7], [Hi]; local Langlands correspondence [T7], [Bum], [Kudl], [BaK], [Rit2]; pro- -groups [DdSMS], [Wi], [dSSS]; -adic Hodge theory [T2], [Fo2], [Sen4,7–9]; -adic periods [A]; -adic differential equations [RC]; non-Archimedean analytic geometry [Ber]; field arithmetic [FJ], [Jar], [Ef4]; characteristic [Gos]; Milnor ¢ -theory [Bas], [Ro], [Silr], [Gr]; higher local fields and higher local class field theory [FK]; power series over local fields, formal groups, and dynamics [Lu1–2], [Li1–4]; non-Archimedean physics [VVZ], [BF], [Chr], [RTVW], [HS], [Kh]. Symbols and explicit formulas (perfect residue field case). [AH1–2], [Has1–11], [Sha2], [Kn], [Rot], [Bru1–2], [Henn1–2], [Iw3], [Col1,3], [Wil], [CW1], [dSh1–3], [Sen3], [Hel], [Des], [Shi], [Sue], [ShI], [V1–7,9], [Fe1–2], [BeV1–2], [Ab5–6], [Kol], [Kuz], [Kat6–7], [Ku3–4], [GK], [VG], [DV1–2], [Ben1–2]. 319 320 £¥¤§¦©¨ ¤ © Ramification theory of local fields (perfect residue field case). [Kaw1], [Sa], [Tam], [Hei], [Mar1], [Mau1–5], [Mik5–6], [T2], [Wy], [Sen1–2], [ST], [Ep], [KZ], [Fo4], [Win1–4], [Lau1–6], [LS], [CG], [Ab2–4,7–8], [Fe8,11–12]. Bibliography [A] Periodes´ -adiques, Asterisque´ , vol. 223, SMF, 1994. [Ab1] V. A. Abrashkin, Galois modules of group schemes of period over the ring of Witt vectors, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 51 (1987), no. 4, 691–736; English transl. in Math. USSR-Izv. 31 (1988). [Ab2] , Ramification filtration of the Galois group of a local field, Tr. St-Peterbg. Mat. Obsch., vol. 3, 1993; English transl. in Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 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