B asic Game A dventure C a stle Caldwell and Beyond H a rry W. N uckols CONTENTS IN T R ODUCTION .................................................. 2 Th e Clearing of C astle Caldwell ....................................... 4 D ungeons of T error .................................................. 8 Th e A bduction of Princess Sylvia ..................................... 13 The Great Escape ................................................... 18 The Sanctuary of Elw yn the Ardent ................................... 25 L I S T OF M APS, C H A R TS AND PLAYING AIDS M A P 1: C astle Caldwell, G round Level ......................................... 5 M A P 2: C astle Caldwell, D ungeon Level ........................................ 10 Editor: Michael S. Dobson M A P 3: T reasure M ap ........................................................ 12 G r a phic Designer: Ruth Hoyer M A P 4: R iddle .............................................................. 12 C o v e r Artist: Clyde Caldwell M A P 5: F ortress of Oliver of H orn .............................................. 15 In te r io r Artist: D ou g W atson M A P 6: E ne m y O utpost ...... ................................................ 21 C a r to g r a pher: D iesel M A P 7: S anctuary of Elw yn the Ardent ......................................... 27 T y p o g r a pher: B etty Elmore M A P 8: T reasure M ap #1 ..................................................... 29 M A P 9: T rea su re M ap #2 ............ ........................................ 3 1 © 1985 TSR, Inc D U NGEONS & DRAGONS, D& D. P R ODUCTS OF YOUR M aster Encounter Table . ...................................... Inside Cover I M AGINATION, a nd th e TSR lo go are tr ad e m ark s owned by T S R . In c . D is tr ibuted to the book trade in the U n i t e d S ta te s by R andom A d venture for character levels 1-3 H ouse, In c., a n d in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd . D is trib u ted to the to y and hobby trad e b y region al d i s t r i b u t o r s . D is- tr ibuted in the United K in g dom by TSR UK Ltd. T h is m odule is p ro tec ted under t h e copyright law s of the U n ited S t a t e s o f A m eric a. Any r ep roduction or unauthorized u s e of th e m ail- rial o r artw o rk contained h erein is prohibited w ithout the express written p erm iss ion o f TSR. In c. T S R . Inc. T SR UK Ltd. P O B 756 T he M il l, R athm ore Road L a k e G e n e v a C a m bridge CB1 4AD W I 53147 U n ited Kingdom TSR, Inc. P R O DUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATIONT M I S B N 0 -8 8038-200-7 9143 IN T R O DUCTION T h e five adventures in this module are kn ow where to look things up quickly. Other- a d v e n tu r e , and how you would deal w ith the d e si gned for a party of four to eight player w ise , the game can bog down while you are c h a llenges presented here. Second, m ake any ch a ra cte rs of levels 1-3 . The adventures are looking up some rule or spell. c h a n g e s necessary to bring this module in line a rranged in order of increasing difficulty. It is quite useful (but not absolutely neces- w ith your existing campaign, if you have one, E a c h adventure is designed to be played in sar y) if you are also familiar with the D&D ® o r adapt it to fit t h e s ty le of your gam e. one session of three to four hours, not includ- E xpert Set. Some of the monsters and trea- F in a lly, prepare any special aids that you in g the time needed to roll up new characters. su re s found here arc described more fully in th in k might enhance the gam e for the play- T h e first tw o adventures are connected, th a t game. e rs, such as encounter maps in prope r minia- th e other three are not. They can be used as a A good DM not only knows the rules, he or tu r e scale. series of adventures for a single party, with all sh e knows when to break them. D on't be a O n c e you've done all that, you 're ready to ch ara cters beginning at first level, or they can sla ve to the dice if they get too far out of line c h a llenge your players and create an exciting b e used independently. It is not necessary to w ith common sense. But don 't let your game D & D ® game adventure! u se the same Dungeon Master or the same b e c o m e a giveaway cam paign, either! The grou p of player characters for all five adven- b e st kind of D & D ® game is challenging for S ta tistic s for all m on sters and creatures tures. th e players, but not so difficult that the party e n c o untered in this adventure are provided on If a part y of player characters completes all is easily wiped out. th e M aster Encounter Chart on the insid e fi v e adventures as a series, each character W h e n you are confronted with some c o v e r. The inform ation is keyed to adventure sh ould reach at least third level (higher if you stra n ge situation that is not exactly covered a n d room, so all the inform ation you need is p la n to m ove on to the D&D® Expert Set), b y the ru le s, you may have to improvise. in one single place. a nd the players themselves should become S o m e ti m e s you may have to invent new or T h e room descriptions are given in boxed quite familiar with the game, if they are n ot sp e cia l rules to cover the unforseen. There's f o r m a t. W hen your party first approa ch es a a lready. Of course, some of the players' firs t n oth in g wrong with that, as long as you are r oom, read ahead to know what they will c h a ra ct e rs may not survive all five adven- con sistent. e n c ounter. The copy i n s i d e th e box is tu re s, but this, too, can be a learning experi- T he monster encounters in this module are d e s ig n e d to be read aloud when t h e c h a ra c - e n ce ... d e si gn e d to be a challenge for four to eight te r s first enter the room. Y ou may have to Y our players can either use existing charac- low -le ve l player characters. If your group is m o d ify the inform ation slightly if, for exam - te rs or roll up new ones, using the character sm a ll and all are first level, you might reduce p le , the party enters by a different door than g e n e r a ti on procedu re s in the D&D® Basic th e number or strength of the monsters to th e one assumed in the copy. B elow the box e d R u l e s. Encourage the players to choose a gi v e your party a fighting chance. If your c o p y is special in form ation for the D M , w id e variety of character classes. M any situa- gr oup is large and has members of third or in c lu d in g descriptions of m onsters, traps, tions throughout these adventures assume high er levels, you might mak e the monsters a tr ic k s , treasure, or other information about th a t there is at least one cleric or magic-u se r b it tougher. th e room. Y ou m a y end up revealin g some, a b le to read a scroll or use a magic item of If you raise or lower the number or n o n e, or all of this information, depending on som e kind. stre n gth of the monsters, adjust the treasure th e actions of the players. T h e adventures in this module assume that in the same manner. S o m e , but not all, of these adventures have at least the DM (and preferably the players as A s DM , it is your responsibility to prepare w a ndering monsters listed for them . A wan- w ell) is familiar with the entire D&D® Basic yourself. First, read each adventure com- d er in g monster table is given at th e beginning S et. To make the game run smoothly, the DM p letely several times, making notes ab ou t the o f each adventure that uses them.
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