THE PARISH ADMINISTRATION ISSU [IVING CHURC........ i AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SERV ING EPISCOPALIAN S• JANUARY 7, 2007 • $2.50 Shedding Light Simple Ways to Cut Energy Costs in Your Parish "I'll be able to retire and I won't have to live with my kids." "My savings will be up, my anxiety level will be down." "My child will be in college and I won't be going broke paying for it." Are You Planning For Tomorrow ? From seminary through retirement. .. Wherever you are in life, Planning For Tomorrow Conferences can help. They provide tailored financial and life planning assistance specifica lly geared to you and your family. Whether it's saving for major family expenses, preparing your taxes, transitioning into retirement, making vocational decisions in retirement, making a will, or a host of other topics, our team of dedicated Church Pension Fund professionals can help you sort it all out. There will be new financial workshops for 2007. And personal financial consultations are available. February2-3 Dallas June1-2 SouthernVirginia DavidGibbs Rev. Cn.W in Lewis/ SamanthaHorrocks (214)826-8310 (757)423-8287 / (757)213-3391 February16-17 Colorado June8-9 SouthernOhio Rev. Cn. Bill Martin/ Cn. NeilRiley PattyHassel (303)837 - 1173 (513)421-0311 March2-3 California September14-15 NewHampshire Jim Forsyth JudyBarnes (415)869-7807 (603) 224-1914 March9-10 El CaminoReal September21-22 CentralPennsylvania SusanAltig Rev. Cn. JoeSeville (831)394-4465 (717)236-5959 April13-14 WestTexas October5-6 Connecticut Ven. DonLee JackSpaeth (210)824 -5387 (860)233-4481 April20-21 Oregon October12-13 NewYork MarlynFlanders Rev. RichardSloan (503) 636-5613 (212)316-7400 x7427 May4-5 NorthwestTexas November9-10 Bethlehem CarolynHearn Rev. Cn. JaneTeter (806)763-1370 x204 (610) 691-5655x228 May11-12 Texas November16-17 Alabama Rt.Rev . RayfordHigh Rev. RobMorpeth (713)299-7 408 (205) 715-2060x311 Want more information? Call the diocesan contact listed above or contact Stokes Liles at the Church Pension Fund: (800) 223-6602 x6278 or [email protected]. And check us out at www.cpg.org/pft. Planning For Tomorrow It's nevertoo early.It's nevertoo late. The objecti ve of THE LIVI NG CHURCH magazine is to build up the body of Christ, by describing how God is mo ving in his Church ; by reporting news of the Church in an unbiased manner ; and by presenting di verse points of view. THIS WEEK Features 16 The Rector 's Tasks BYJOHN MARTINER 18 Building Dynami c Youth Ministries BY BENJER McVEIGH 23 In Praise of Parish Secretaries BY NANCY G. WESTERFIELD The Cover 18 24 Controllin g Chur ch Energy Costs BY MICHAEL O'LOUGHLIN Opinion 26 From the Editor Gravely Misunderstood 27 Editorials Peace ful Agreement in Olympia 28 Viewpoint Not Familiar to Everyo ne 24 BY ROBERTM. ROSS 30 Letters A Vision of Ecumenism News 20 Eight Virginia Parish es Vote to Leave Diocese 21 Temporary Agreement Reached in Olympia Other Departments 4 Sunday's Readings 5 Books 14 Short & Sharp 42 People & Places 45 Best of the Web 28 JANUARY 7. 2007 · T H E LIV ING C H URC H 3 80-tid O~l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR . A Callto Identityand Purpose 'You are my Son ... with you I am well pleased' (Luke 3:22) FirstSunday After Epiphany: The Baptismof OurLord, (Year C) Jan.7, 2007 BCP: Isaiah42: 1-9; Psalm89: 1-29 or 89:20-29; Acts 10:34-38; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 11,._ RCL:Isa iah 43:1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 If the congregation has not had a God-given mission, and thus it brings service for Epiphany Day, people may God's words of approval. God was not need to be reminded of the theological just trying to boost his self-esteem, but significance of the Epiphany. They also to empower him for the ministry that he might need to familiarize themselves was about to begin, and, at the same with the main theological themes of the time, reveal his love for sinners in the Sundays after the Epiphany , e.g., work of salvation which Jesus begins at reflection on the manifestation of the moment of his baptism. In the same Jesus, the gospe l embra cing the way, God's grace and forgiveness, the gentiles. The place to begin this theme, divine love and acceptance in each of with FIBRE RUSH SEAT as well as the new year, is with the our lives, is not ultimately about our Since 1877 baptism of Jesus. Preachers can help individual psychological well-being. By the congregation consider how their our baptism with water and in the Spirit, R.GeissLeu Inc. baptisms bestow identity and purpose we too are empowered for ministry. 2641 E. Greystone Ct. for the coming months and, in the The other readings for this Sunday Eagle, ID 83616 larger picture, explore the mission of hint at the universal scope of this Phone: (208) 938-2585 Jesus and the church. mission of salvation. It is revealed to be The epiphany we focus on today for all peoples, beginning with Peter's comes in the baptism of Jesus at the words in Acts 10. Elsewhere, in words hands of John the Baptist. According to echoed in Luke 3:22, God says in Isaiah DEDICATEDTOSTAINED Luk e and the other synoptic gospels, 42:1, "You are my Son, the Beloved; GLASSEXCELLENCE Jesus' baptism is an occasion on which with you I am well pleased." In Isaiah God testifies to Jesus and expresses 43:5-6 we read, "Do not be afraid, for I FORMORE TilAN A approval of him. Leaving aside the am with you; I will bring your children historical question of why Jesus was from the east and gather you from the CENTIJRYROHLFS ,.,,.,..-,,.,, baptized, the profound theo logical west. I will say to the north, 'Give them & THEPAYNE answer has been that his baptism is the up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them STUDIOHAVE beginning of Jesus' identification with back.' Bring my sons from afar and my sinners for their salvation. To ask why daughters from the ends of the earth." BEENCREATING Jesus submitted to baptism, a ritual This revelation of the worldwide reach & CONSERVING intended for sinners, is the same as of God's love and salvation continues a asking why he submitted to the cross, a theme seen on Epiphany itself, when STAINEDGLAS S death marked for sinners. Jesus' the Gentile Magi, visitors from afar, are WINDOWS acceptance of baptism may be privileged to be invited to see the understood as his acceptance of his newborn King of the Jews. WORLDWIDE. FORMORE INFORMAJ'ION & UTERATURE LookIt Up PLEASEWRITE , FAX,PHONE OR E-MAIL TO: Note the inclusiveness and worldwide reach of the Baptismal Covenant (BCP, p. 304). If no baptisms are scheduled , consider reading or reciting this covenant aloud RohlfsStudio Inc. as an act of renewal for the new year. 783 South.3rd. Ave. MountVernon , NY10550 ,· ThinkAbout It FAX- 914-699-7091 How do you express your faith through the articles of the Baptismal 800-969-4106 Covenant ? How do you make the baptismal vows real in the presence of , O $ 0~ children or non-Christians ? ;:°Ii_\ BESURE TO : , ~ VISITOUR WEBSITE NextSunday ~ ~ : www.Rohlfstudio.com SecondSunday After Epiphany (Year C), Jan. 14, 2007 •R ol'l!.....l t S 1,udl0, .... .I, nc • e-mail. •· rohlfl. @aol• com BCP: Isaiah62 :1-5; Psalm 96 or 96:1-10; 1 Car. 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations RCL:Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-1 0; 1 Car. 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 4 T H E I IVI NG Cl IURCI-I · IAN UARY 7. 2007 BOOKS 0) C ReachingUp to God .r:: (/) TheStory of St Martin'sEpiscopal Church By Lee Adcock Hunnell. St. Martin's Episcopal .0 ::J onlin Church. Pp. 255. $59.95. ISBN 0-9785986. Cl. Preparing For Sunday .r:: Now, put the weekly lectionary readings In 1959, St. Martin's Church, Hous­ right on your own church website . A one­ ton , Texas, opened its new edifice, 2 ::J time setup will update your church 's ..._.. which was large enough for the needs .r:: website every week. Includes last, this , and --­.._..,....,.,_-..,-i.... ,-._ ,......,...._u, -U...,.i,tv'-t.-,,~•~ ... -- -=- -~--u.s--....., ~"""-""-,Cl.,-Gr,.,,.,. -- of a 2,000-member church. Forty years 0 next week's readings, overviews , scripture -==- __ u,.....,___ ,to_ ~... _,,..,. later, leaders of St. Mar­ + backgrounds , reflections . To order, go to -==- - ...... ~ ~tcriot.ntettD-itM..- (/) www.preparingforsunday .com -·. E-.---.- -- ·--· tin's determined that a • \al _. .. _,...., __ ...., ,_,,.. 5 $15.00 per month online subscription e --~ ..._ new church was neces­ Q) sary, for the congregation z eCP : electronic Common Prayer had grown to more than '"O Introducing this downloadable applica ­ 7,000 members. In 2004, 0 0 tion for PalmOS handheld devices that St. Martin's open ed its CJ puts services from the Book of Common stunning new building , Q) Prayer and Daily Office readings right at eCP: electronic Common Pr ayer an impressive Gothic­ .r:: your fingertips , providing flexibility for style structure on the west side of the -+-' hospital calls , personal devotions . To city. Reachin g Up to God is the story of order , go to www.churchpublishing .com that endeavor. $29.95 download 978-0-89869-461 -2 This coffee-table-sized book con­ tains breathtakingly beautiful photo­ graphs, particularly the details of the 36 Church Publishing Inc. stained glass windows . There are MorehouseP ublishing + Church Publishing+ Seabury Books + Living the Good News descriptions for each window and bib­ 445 Fifth Avenue , New York, NY 10016 (800) 242-1918 www.churchpublishing.org lical citations for what is pictured.
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