Contest ID 1010 2008 NJCL Roman Life Test Select the best answer for each question. 1. What were the informal public discussions held during assemblies called? A. leges B. plebiscita C. comitium D. contiones 2. Which group met in the Campus Martius? A. comitia curiata B. comita centuriata C. comitia tributa D. concilium plebis 3. Which of these was NOT considered a curule magistrate? A. consul B. praetor C. aedile D. censor 4. Censors were elected every five years to serve for a period of _____________ . A. 18 months B. 6 months C. 1 year D. 2 years 5. A dictator was appointed by the consul to serve for a maximum of ___________ . A. 18 months B. 6 months C. 1 year D. 2 years 6. In the baths, what was the warm room called? A. apodyterium B. caldarium C. frigidarium D. tepidarium 7. How many laps made up a chariot race? A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 8. What was the term for a single family house? A. caupona B. domus C. insulae D. taberna 9. What was the sloping auditorium of a theater called? A. cavea B. aulaeum C. siparia D. scaenae frons 10. What were the starting gates at the circus called? A. metae B. spinae C. arenae D. carceres 11. What was the term for the head of household? A. pater patriae B. caput domus C. pater domus D. pater familias 12. What was the chief article of dress for the bride on her wedding day? A. toga pura B. stola matronalis C. tunica recta D. tunica liberalis 13. What was the term for the first eight days of the life of a child? A. susceptio B. primordia C. dies lustricus D. repotia 14. What were shops called? A. diaetae B. horrea C. insulae D. tabernae 15. What was the term for permanent camps? A. hiberna B. castra aestiva C. coloniae D. castra stativa 16. In the baths, what was a hot room to induce sweating called? A. sudatorium B. natatio C. palaestra D. gymnasia 17. What was the theater for musical performances and shows? A. theatrum B. amphitheatrum C. odeum D. tetrapylon 18. What festival was generally paired with donning the garb of manhood for a young Roman man? A. Saturnalia B. Liberalia C. Feralia D. Cara Cognatio 19. Which shoes were made of one piece of leather, with a soft sole and fastened by a lace? A. soccus B. carbatina C. calceus D. caliga 20. Which form of marriage had pontifices performing the solemn rites? A. usus B. coemptio C. confarreatio D. ius conubii 21. Which form of marriage was characterized by the fictional sale of the bride? A. usus B. coemptio C. confarreatio D. ius conubii 22. What was the name of the toga worn at a funeral? A. pulla B. candida C. virilis D. praetexta 2008 NJCL Roman Life, Page 1 23. What was the term for the permanent connection made betweeen a male and female slave (i.e. slave marriage)? A. coemptio B. usus C. confarreatio D. contubernium 24. Which of these is NOT equivalent to patria potestas? A. patria maiestas B. patrium ius C. pater patriae D. imperium paternum 25. What was the term for tax collectors? A. apparitores B. publicani C. curatores D. scribae 26. What was the closest tie of relationship known to the Romans? A. familia B. cognatio C. agnatio D. gens 27. Who dressed the bride on her wedding day? A. mother B. childhood nurse C. sister D. maid of honor 28. Who were the libitinarii? A. freedmen B. slave dealers C. book sellers D. undertakers 29. What was the term for a pen made of reed? A. calamus B. stylus C. atramentum D. scopus 30. Which of these would have been an appropriate day for a wedding, according to tradition? A. March 15 B. April 1 C. May 3 D. June 28 31. Which of these is NOT one of the names of the three ancient tribes of Rome? A. Ramnes B. Quirites C. Tities D. Luceres 32. Why was the hasta pura awarded? A. saving the life of a citizen C. wounding an enemy in single combat B. first over the walls of a city D. raising a siege 33. What would linum, cera and signum have been used for in the ancient world? A. copying a book B. fishing C. hunting D. sealing a letter 34. What was the vehicle for the "spoils of war" in a procession? A. petoritum B. pilentum C. carpentum D. carruca 35. Which of these was NOT a day on which the underworld was said to have opened each year? A. August 24 B. September 6 C. October 5 D. November 8 36. What did the bride give up the night before her wedding? A. bulla B. toga praetexta C. childhood toys D. all of these 37. In the cursus honorum, what was the first political office sought? A. consul B. censor C. quaestor D. praetor 38. What was the name for the banquet given to the gladiators the day before the exhibition? A. cena libera B. repotia C. antecena D. comissatio 39. Under the emperor Constantine I, what was the term for frontier troops? A. comitatenses B. bracchiati C. limitanei D. vexillationes 40. What was the original letter ending for the nomen? A. -acus B. -na C. -enus D. -ius 41. What do these men have in common? Caius Apuleius Diocles, Flavius Scorpus, Marcus Aurelius Liber, Pompeius Muscosus A. actors B. chariot drivers C. gladiators D. senators 42. In the circus, what was the term for the entire race? A. missus B. spatium C. curriculum D. calx 43. What were uninvited guests called at a dinner party? A. inimici B. hospites C. clientes D. umbrae 44. What was the priest of Jupiter called? A. Flamen Dialis B. Pontifex Maximus C. Salii D. Genius 45. What was the highest honor, given for raising a siege? corona _____________ A. civica B. muralis C. vallaris D. obsidionalis 2008 NJCL Roman Life, Page 2 46. What was the term for the chief meal of the day? A. prandium B. vesperna C. cena D. ientaculum 47. Which precious stone seems to have been the favorite of Roman women? A. topaz B. pearl C. diamond D. ruby 48. What praenomen was dropped by the Antonius gens after the battle of Actium? A. Lucius B. Gaius C. Titus D. Marcus 49. What were handkerchiefs called? A. sudaria B. flabella C. vittae D. umbracula 50. What was the term for a dagger? A. gladius B. spatha C. pugio D. pilum 51. What was the term for a legionary squadron of 30 cavalrymen? A. turma B. contubernia C. foederatus D. schola 52. What was the term for the money chest or strong box? A. peculium B. lectus C. armaria D. arca 53. What was the Latin word for 'father-in-law'? A. gener B. socrus C. socer D. nurus 54. What was the name given to the ninth day after the birth of a boy, the day on which he received his name? A. dies lustricus B. nundinae C. repotia D. crepundia 55. Animal skins were worn by standard-bearers. What type of animal skin did the aquilifer wear? A. bear B. lion C. tiger D. eagle 56. The month Sextilis was renamed in 8 BC for whom? A. Caesar B. Augustus C. Agrippa D. Mars 57. What was the name of the first day of the month? A. Kalends B. Nones C. Ides D. Pridie 58. Which month does NOT have its Ides on the 15th? A. March B. May C. October D. November 59. What was the term for a projecting mass of a garment's folds in front of the body that could be pulled up to form a hood? A. sinus B. toga C. umbo D. byrrus 60. What did it mean to gain a magistracy suo anno? A. at earliest age possible B. with their own money C. follow themself in office D. no opponent 61. What was the term for a private chapel within a house? A. solarium B. sacrarium C. oecus D. bibliotheca 62. What was the term for being legally independent? A. sui iuris B. alieno iuri subiecti C. patrium ius D. manus 63. What was the rammer type instrument used to pound small pieces of stone into the ground to form a floor called "pavimentum"? A. tegula B. foriculae C. fistuca D. foculus 64. What was the term for the guardian of an unmarried daughter or an underage son? A. patronus B. tutor C. adrogatus D. nurus 65. Which magistrate was accompanied by only six lictores? A. consul B. dictator C. censor D. praetors 66. What was the term for a chair or stool? A. sella B. subsellium C. solium D. cathedra 67. At the cena, when were offerings made to the household gods? A. before secunda mensa B. after secunda mensa C. before cena D. after gustus 68. Which of these was a table with three legs? A. monopodium B. mensa C. mensa delphica D. abacus 69. Which of the following was NOT a cape or cloak? A. paenula B. cucullus C. sagum D. bracae 2008 NJCL Roman Life, Page 3 70. Which style of atrium had neither an impluvium nor a compluvium? A. Corinthium B. testudinatum C. tetrastylon D. Tuscanicum 71. Where would the phrase "nihil intret mali" most likely have been found? A. in the atrium B. in the baths C. above the door D. in the kitchen 72. In some towns, additional fora were built devoted to specific purposes. Which of these would be the vegetable market? forum _______________.
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