A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick Permanent WRAP URL: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/107940/ Copyright and reuse: This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. For more information, please contact the WRAP Team at: [email protected] warwick.ac.uk/lib-publications THE METABOLISM OF GASEOUS n-AIKANES BY BACTERIA by Gillian Mary Stephens, BSc (Kent) This thesiB is presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick. October, 1963 (i) TABLE OP CONTENTS Page List of Tables vi List of Illustrations viii Acknovledgenent s x Declaration xi Summary xii Abbreviations xiii I. Introduction 1 1. Introductory comments 1 2. Methane-utilizing Bacteria 4 a) Occurrence & Isolation 4 b) Taxonomy 5 c) Facultative Methane Utilizers: Fact or Fiction/ 5 a) The Pathway cf Methane Oxidation } (i) Introduction 9 (ii) Methane Monooxygenase 11 (iii) Methanol Dehydrogenase 13 (iv) Formaldehyde Oxidation 15 e) Some Reasons for Obligate Methanotrophy 17 , (i) Introduction 17 (ii) Enzymic Lesions in Type I Methanotrophs 17 (iii) Enzymic Lesions in Type II Methanotrotnr 19 (iv) Conclusions 20 f) Summary 21 3. Liquid n-Alkane-utilizing Bacteria 22 a) Substrate Availability 22 b) Frequency of n-Allcane Utilization Amongst Bacteria 22 c) Genera Involved in Liquid Alkane Utilization 23 (ii) Page d) Some Possible Explanations for the Frequency of 23 n-Alkane Utilization Amongst CNN Complex Bacteria e) The Pathway of Liquid Alkane Oxidation 27 (i) Introduction 27 (ii) Alkane Monooxygenases from Pseudomonas species 30 (iii) Octane Monoixygenase from Corynebacterium 7EIC 31 (iv) Alkan-1-ol Dehydrogenases 33 (v) Alkan-1-olDehydrogenases 34 f) A Model for Alkane Oxidation by Psgudomcnir species 34 g) Evidence for Subterminal Oxidation of Liquid n—Alkanes 30 by Bacteria h) Summary 40 4. Gaseous Alkane“utilizing Bacteria 43 a) Occurrence & Isolation 43 b) Growth Conditions 44 (i) Gas Atmosphere 44 (ii) Nitrogen Source 45 (iii) Growth Temperature 45 (iv) Other Requirements 45 c) Genera Involved in Gaseous Alkane Oxidation 46 d) Specificity for the n-Alkane Growth Substrate 47 e) Possible Routes for the Oxidation of Gaseous AlkaneB 51 f) Ethane Oxidation by Mycobacterium speciee 54 g) Propane Oxidation by Mycobacterium smeaaatis 42 2 55 b) Pro Dane Oxidation by Mycobacterium QSSftfi 40® 5 57 i) Propane Oxidation by ¡J^£o^£^£riym conrolutvro R 22 69 j) Summary 71 (iii) Page II. Materials 4 Methods 72 1. Media 72 2. Isolation of Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Bacteria 72 3. Enrichments for Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Yeasts 73 4* Continuous Enrichment for Gaseous Alkane—utilizing, Gram- 74 negative Bacteria 3. Maintenance and Growth of Gaseous Alkane Utilizers 74 6. Measurement of Cell Density and Growth Rates 75 7. Tests of Growth Substrate Specificity 77 6. Gas Chromatography 77 9* Preparation of Cell Suspensions 81 10. Respiration Studies 81 11. Gas Chromatographic Assays for Substrate Consumption 82 12. Preparation of Cell Suspensions for Treatment tc Obtain 84 Cell-free Extracts 13« Assays for Propan-1-ol Dehydrogenase Activity 84 a) NAD(P)-linked Activity 85 b) Phenazine Methosulphate—linked Activity 85 c) Propan-1-ol Oxidase Activity 85 14. Photography of Slide Cultures 86 15* Analytical Determinations 86 16. Chemicals 87 III. Results 89 1. Isolation 4 Identification of Gaseous Alkane-utilizing 89 Bacteria - Introduction 89 - Results 90 a) Isolation of Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Gran-positive 90 Bacteria (iv) Page b) Attempts to isolate Gram-negative Gaseous Alkane- 91 utilizing Bacteria c) Attempts to Isolate Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Yeasts 93 d) Selection of Strains for Metabolic Studies A Their 94 Identification e) Growth on Gaseous Alkanes 96 Oxidation of n-Alkanes by Strain B?aF 101 Introduction 101 Results 103 a) Growth of Strain BJaP on Alk-1-enes 103 b) Growth of Strain B3aP on Potential Intermediates of 105 Ethane Oxidation c) Propane Oxidation by Strain B5aP 109 d) Butane Oxidation by Strain BJaF 114 e) Pentane Oxidation by Strain B3aP A the Oxidation 114 of Longer—chain Alkanes f) Alkanone Metabolism by Strain B3aP 121 g) Substrate Specificity of Alkane-grown Strain BJaP 125 Propane Oxidation by Strain PrlO^ A Strain B2 131 Introduction 131 Results 131 a) Growth of Strain PrIOj on Potential Intermediates of 131 Propane Oxidation b) Oxidation of Potential Intermediates of Propane 132 Metabolism by Strain PrlO^ c) Growth of Strain B2 on Potential Intermediates of 132 Propane Oxidation d) Oxidation of Potential Intermediates of Aropane 134 Metabolism by Strain B2 (v) Page e) Substrate Specificity of Strain B2 138 4* C-1 Metabolism in Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Bacteria 140 - Introduction 140 - Results 140 5 . Preparation of Cell-free Extracts 145 - Introduction 145 - Results 145 a) Preparation of Cell-free Extracts by Ihysical 145 Breakage Methods b) Preparation of Cell-free Extracts by Chemical 146 Pretreatments 6. The Significance of Product Excretion by Gaseous 149 Alkane—utilizing Bacteria - Introduction 149 - Results 149 a) Development of a Suitable Solid Phase for the 149 Resolution of C3 A C4 Oxidation Products by Gas Chromat o gra phy b) Analysis of Culture Supernatants 150 7. Synopsis 156 IV. Discussion 158 References 166 (vi) LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1: Enzymic Lesions in Obligate Methanotrophs 18 Table 2s Alkane Growth Substrate Specificity of Gaseous 48 Alkane—utilizing Bacteria Table 3* The Composition of Cal or Gas Used to Grow Gaseous 76 Alkane—utilising Bacteria Table 4* Substrate Concentrations Employed in Growth Substrate 78 Specificity Tests Table 5s Retention Times of Various Compounds 80 Table 6» Final Concentrations of n-Alkanes A Alkenes used in 83 Respiration Studies Tabic 7« The Origins of the Gaseous Alkane-utilizing Bacteria 92 used for Metabolic Studies Table 8: The Effect Different Growth Conditions on the Growth 97 of Strain B3a? Growing on Ethane Table 9s Alk-1-enes as Growth Substrates for Strain B3aP 104 Table 10s Oxidation of Intermediates of Ethane Oxidation of 108 Strain B3aP Grown on Ethane, Ethanol or Acetate Table 1 1 1 The Ability of Strain B3aF to Grow on Potential 110 Intermediates of Propane Oxidation Table 12s The Ability of Strain B3aF to Oxidize Potential 112 Intermediates of Propane Oxidation After Growth on Propane, Propan-1-ol or Acetate Table 13s The Ability of Strain B3aP to Oxidize Potential 115 Intermediates of Butane Oxidation After Growth on Butane Table 14s The Ability of Strain B3aP to Grow on Liquid n-Alkanes 117 and Potential Intermediates of Liquid Alkane Oxidation (vii) Page Table 15* Excretion of Alkan-2-ones by Strain BJaP After 119 Growth on C2-C6 n—Alkanes Table 16 : Oxidation of Potential Intermediates of Pentane 120 Oxidation by Strain BJaP Table 17* Alkan-2—one Oxidation by Pentan-2-one- and Pentane- 122 grown Strain BJaP Table 18» Oxidation of Potential Intermediates of Propane 133 Oxidation by Strain PrIO, After Growth on h Various Growth Substrates Table 19* Ability of Strain B2 to Oxidize Intermediates of 135 Propane OxidatiaiAfter Growth on Some Key Intermediates Table 20» Oxidation of c-1 Compounds by Propane—utilizing 141 Bacteria Table 21» Excretion of Alkan-2-or.eeby Various Caseous Alkane- 151 utilizing Bacteria and Their Ability to Grow on Fropan-2— ol Table 22» The Ability of Strain B5B to Oxidize Potential 153 Intermediates of Propane Oxidation After Growth on Propane Table 23» The Effect of Ammonium Ions on Ethanol Production by 155 Strain EI2 Growing on Ethane Table 24» Consumption of the n-Alkanes in Calor Gas by Strain 164 PrIOj Growing in Continuous Culture (vili) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1t The Pathway of Methane Oxidation 10 Figure 2: Pathway of Electron Transfer Within the Methane 12 Monooxygenase Complex Figure 3: The Dissimilatory Ribulose Monophosphate Pathway 16 Figure 4t Pathways for the Oxidation of Liquid n-Alkanes 28 Figure 5* Plasmid A Chromosomal Loci Directly Involved in 35 Alkane Oxidation by Fseudomonas oleovorans Fig ire 6: Membrane Model for Alkane Oxidation 37 Figure 7 s Oxidation of n-Tridecanone by Fseudamonar cgjacia 41 Figure 8 j Possible Routes for the Oxidation of Propane 52 Figure 9* Proposed Pathway of Propane Oxidation in Mj_jraccae 59 J0B5 (Ferry, 1990) Figure 10s Pathways of Propar.oate Oxidation 61 Figure 11s Propo^ei Pathway of Propane Oxidation in M_^_vacsa£ 68 J0B5 - A New Interpretation of the Evidence Figure 12s Morphological Changes During Growth of Strains B3aP 95 A B2 on Nutrient Agar Figure 13« Growth of Strain B3aP on Ethane 99 Figure 14« Possible Routes for the Degradation of n-Alkanes 102 Figure 15* Possible Routes for the Oxidation of Ethane 106 Figure 16s Oxidation of Propan-2—ol by Strain B3aP 113 Figure 17s Acetone Oxidation by Strain B3*P After Growth on 124 Pentan-2—one Figure 18s Oxidation of n—A l k a n e s by Strain B3aP After Growth 126 on Ethane Figure 19» Oxidation of n-Alkanes by Strain B3aP After Growth 127 on Propane Figure 20t Oxidation of n-Alkaaea by Strain B3aP After Growth 128 on Pentane Figure 21s Oxidation of Alkan-1-ols A Alkan-2-ols by Stxain 130 B3aP After Growth 0 0 Ethanol (la) Page Figure 22» T5ie Effect of R1SF or Acetone Oxidation by Strain B2 137 Figure 23» Oxidation of n-Alkanes by Strain B2 After Growth on 139 Propane Figure 24» Methanol Oxidation by Strain B3aP 1 43 Figure 25« Methanol Oxidation by Strain B2 1 44 Figure 26« A Possible Explanation for the Scarcity of Grant- 159 negative Gaseous Alkane Utilizers? (x) Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the preparation of this thesist my supervisor, Howard Dalton, for advice and helpful discussions} my B.P.
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