STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Encounter at Farpoint" by D.C. Fontana and Gene Roddenberry This script is not for publicaion or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of the same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT April 13, 1987 TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - STARSHIP (OPTICAL) The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D traveling at warp speed through space. PICARD V.O. Captain's log, stardate 42353.7. Our destination is planet Cygnus IV, beyond which lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy. 2 OTHER INTRODUCTORY ANGLES (OPTICAL) on the gigantic new Enterprise NCC 1701-D. PICARD V.O. My orders are to examine Farpoint, a starbase built there by the inhabitants of that world. Meanwhile ... 3 INT. ENGINE ROOM Huge, with a giant wall diagram showing the immensity of this Galaxy Class starship. PICARD V.O. (continuing) ... I am becoming better acquainted with my new command, this Galaxy Class U.S.S. Enterprise. 4 CLOSER ON VESSEL DIAGRAM Showing the details and size of this enormous starship. PICARD V.O. I am still somewhat in awe of its size and complexity. 5 INT. LOUNGE DECK With its huge windows revealing the immense span of the Starship's outer surface. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD V.O. (continuing) ... my crew we are short in several key positions, most notably ... 6 INT. BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE PICARD, TROI, and DATA seated in the command area. Starfleet LIEUTENANT WORF, a young Klingon, is at the "Ops" station and a SUPERNUMERARY is at "Conn". PICARD V.O. (continuing) ... a first officer, but I am informed that a highly experienced man, one Commander William Riker, will be waiting to join our ship when we reach our Cygnus IV destination. 7 ANGLE EMPHASIZING PICARD AND DATA As Picard turns to Data: PICARD You will agree, Data, that Starfleet's instructions are difficult? DATA Difficult ... how so? Simply solve the mystery of Farpoint Station. PICARD (smiles) As simple as that. TROI Farpoint Station. Even the name sounds mysterious. PICARD The problem, Data, is that another life form built that base. How do I negotiate a friendly agreement for Starfleet to use it while at the same time snoop around finding how and why they built it? 7 CONTINUED: DATA Inquiry ... the word snoop ... ? PICARD Data, how can you be programmed as a virtual encyclopedia of human information without knowing a simple word like snoop? DATA Possibility ... a kind of human behavior I was not designed to emulate? It is all Troi can do to keep from smiling. PICARD It means 'to spy, to sneak' ... DATA (interrupting; delighted) Ah! To seek covertly, to go stealthily, to slink, slither ... PICARD (wanting to cut it off) Exactly, yes ... DATA ... to glide, creep, skulk, pussyfoot, gumshoe ... Data trails off his words, finally becoming aware of the annoyance registering on Picard's face. Troi cannot keep back the smile now ... then suddenly her face is contorted in pain. TROI Captain ... I'm sensing a ... a powerful mind ... Interrupted by the sound of a BRIDGE ALARM. 8 WIDER ANGLE All checking their consoles, puzzled at readings they're getting. WORF Something strange on the detector circuits ... 8 CONTINUED: OVERLAPPED by an ever more compelling SECOND BRIDGE ALARM (similar to the old naval HONKING SOUND) begins to sound. At the same time, the main viewer FLICKERS and an unusual SHINING, SPARKLING GRID SHAPE APPEARS stretching across the whole of the galaxy ahead of them. 9 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND GRID (OPTICAL) Emphasizing the incredibly SHINING GRID which the Enterprise is approaching. Seeming impossibly large, yet in some ways as delicate as a spiderweb, it is composed of interlocking geometrical shapes. 10 INT. BRIDGE - VARIOUS ANGLES Data is looking up from his command position console, showing as much alarm as we'll ever see on his face. DATA It registers as solid, Captain... TROI Or an incredibly powerful forcefield. But if we collide with either ... PICARD (to Conn) Go to Condition Yellow. And shut off that damned noise. Conn turns OFF honking sound. Picard is taking time to check all readings but we're now coming very close to the strange grid. WORF Shields and deflectors, up, sir. Milking the drama of approaching collision. Then, conversationally: PICARD Reverse power, full stop. CONN Controls to full stop, sir. The strange shimmering GRID on the viewer is now very close to us as Enterprise movement stops. CONN Now reading full stop, sir. 10 CONTINUED: Overlapped by something akin to a ROLLING THUNDER STORM accompanied by a BRILLIANT AND SUSTAINED FLASH OF LIGHT ON THE BRIDGE to the side of Picard. The light burst physically shakes all bridge crew for an instant, then RESOLVES ITSELF INTO A HUMAN SIZE FIGURE standing at that point on the bridge. As the bridge crew's eyes adjust, it does indeed appear to be a human ... but one dressed and posturing as an Elizabethan era sea captain complete with Sir Walter Raleigh type "court dress", complete with neck ruffles, lace, leg stockings, ceremonial sword, etc. Now and later, we shall know this life form as "Q". 11 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as "Q" (Elizabethan) makes a formal bow (of that same era) to Picard. At which the turbolift doors snap open and TWO SECURITY CREW members start to ENTER, led by Security and Weapons Officer NATASHA YAR. However, "Q" merely gives a nod in that direction and a miniature of the space grid outside APPEARS AT THE TURBOLIFT ENTRANCE, barring the security team's entrance and CLOSES THE TURBOLIFT DOORS. Then "Q" turns toward Picard. "Q" (ELIZABETHAN) You are notified that your kind has infiltrated the galaxy too far already. You are directed to return to your own solar system immediately. 12 ANGLE TO INCLUDE OPS AND CONN We will see Conn stealthily, carefully reaching to the small phaser on his belt. PICARD That's quite a directive. Would you mind identifying what you are? "Q" (ELIZABETHAN) We call ourselves "the Q". Or you may call me that; it's all much the same thing. (indicating costume) And I have presented myself to you as a fellow ship captain so that you will better understand me. (indicates) Go back from where you... 13 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Interrupted by Conn drawing his phaser. But "Q" barely nods toward Conn at which a FLUTTERING ELECTRIC BLUE WAVE envelopes that bridge crewman, and we HEAR THE BRIEF BEGINNINGS OF A SCREAM as Conn falls with the SOUND of a frozen hard object striking the deck. Picard comes to his feet, ignoring "Q" as: "Q" (ELIZABETHAN) Stay where you are! 14 EMPHASIZING PICARD Who is clearly very angry as he kneels at the prone form of Conn who appears to have been instantly frozen solid. Troi hurries INTO SHOT kneeling too. There is even white evaporation vapor rising up from the body. PICARD Data, call medics! TROI He's frozen. Can you feel the cold? Picard grabs up Conn's phaser from the deck (reversing it, wisely), stands and puts it under "Q's" nose. PICARD He would not have injured you! (indicates phaser) Do you understand this; the stun setting? "Q" (ELIZABETHAN) Knowing humans as you do, Captain, would you want to be captured helpless by them? (moves closer) Now, go back or you will certainly die! FADE OUT: PART ONE FADE IN: 15 EXT. U.S.S. ENTERPRISE AND GRID (OPTICAL) Appropriate THEME MUSIC with spaceship hanging motionless, still facing the mysterious SHIMMERING GRID that stretches in front of it from galaxy horizon to horizon. 16 INTO. BRIDGE - EMPHASIZING CONN'S FORM In the b.g. on a floating stretcher Conn is being taken to the turbolift, advanced medical emergency aids are attached to his body. PICARD Is he still alive? MEDIC For now. We'll do our best, sir. 17 EMPHASIZING "Q" (OPTICAL) Ignoring the previous, intent instead on inspecting his Elizabethan costume as Picard comes up to him. "Q" (ELIZABETHAN) Your little centuries go by so rapidly, Captain. Perhaps you'll understand this better. The Visitor moves his hand slightly. We hear the same ROLLING THUNDER SOUND. Another BLINDING LIGHT FLASH and his body remains the same humanoid face and figure as with the Elizabethan dress, but now the green officer's uniform of the U.S. Marine Corps. Over his jacket pocket three rows of medals and his narrow garrison cap shows the bars of a Captain. "Q" (MARINE CAPTAIN) Actually, the issue at stake is patriotism. You must return to your world and put an end to the communists. All it takes is a few good men. PICARD What? That nonsense is centuries behind us! 17 CONTINUED: "Q" (MARINE CAPTAIN) But you can't deny Captain, that you're still a dangerous, savage child-race. PICARD Most certainly I deny it. I agree that we still were when ... (indicating) ... humans wore costumes like that four hundred years ago... "Q" (MARINE CAPTAIN) At which time you slaughtered millions in silly arguments about how to divide the resources of your little world. And four hundred years before that you were murdering each other in quarrels over tribal god-images. And since there have been no indications that humans will ever change ..... PICARD But even as far back as... ! (indicates) ... that costume, we had begun to make rapid progress. "Q" (MARINE CAPTAIN) Oh? Shall we review your "rapid progress"? 18 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The "Q" visitor moves a hand again to create THE SAME SOUNDS and the SAME BLINDING FLASH, producing the same human image but this time unshaven and with an UGLY AUTOMATION LOOK AND IN THE UNIFORM OF A MILITARY OFFICER FROM THE MID 21st CENTURY WARS.
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