Aarsha Vani (Voice of Sanatana Dharma) January 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 12 GURUVĀṆI Following Dharma always is not an easy path. If so, everyone would have done that very easily. Therefore, those who follow Dharma should be ready to face hardships, insult, and at times depression too. One should use such times to intensify one’s sādhana with tapas, while still strictly adhering to Dharma with grit, patience, and above all absolute confidence in the judgement and grace of the Supreme Lord. Without any doubt, one shall not only attain thunderous victory and success in all the endeavors, but also shall become role models for many ages to come. – Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dear Readers, Title Page# Namaste. ‘Makara Sankramaṇam’, the entering of 1 Śrī Aṅgārakam Āśrayāmi 2 auspicious Uttarāyaṇa, along with Bhōgi and Kanuma 2 Siva Padam – pālavannevāḍu māpālanunnavāḍu 3 is celebrated in this month. Brahmasri Dr. Samavedam 3 Yajñaswarūpa Dharmaśāsta 3 Shanmukha Sarma garu explained how this Parvam is 4 Patriotism is not Temporary Need.. 5 propitious to worship all the Gods and obtain their grace. Please don’t miss to read about the 5 Traditions – Fulfilments - To make the food as 6 significance and worship to be performed on ambrosia.. 6 Garuḍa Mahāpurāṇa 7 ‘Krṣṇāṁ̥ gāraka Caturdaśi’, a rare combination 7 Major Festivals in this Month 8 occurring on January 12, 2021. In his own inimitable style, Sri Samavedam garu 8 Vrṣ̥ ō Dharmākrti:̥ Mahān 9 explained the beauty and efficacy of ‘Āditya Maṇḍala’ 9 Saṅkramaṇaṁ - Sarva Dēvatā Ārādhana 9 and all the groups of gods worshipping Sun. Article 10 Missionaries' Nonsense – Svami Vivekananda 10 about the arrangement and profound intricacies in 11 Puṣya Lakṣmī 10 ‘Pancāyatana’ worship is a must read. Article on 12 Āditya Maṇḍalaṁ 11 ‘Dharmaśāsta’ helps to comprehend that He is also an 13 Pan̄cāyatana Pūja 12 embodiment of Yajña. It is no exaggeration to say that 14 No more toleration of impatience and antagonism 13 Dr. Samavedam garu astounding description of 15 Veda Vijnanam- Manava Kalyanam 14 ‘Vr̥ṣabhēśvara in Kailāsa’ takes us on a tour to Kailāsa. 16 The Eternal - Yajña 15 158th Jayanti of Swami Vivekananda is celebrated on 17 Śiva Jñānaṁ - Abode of Mahā Kāḷa 16 January 12. Please see His approach towards the 18 Śrī Ādi Śaṅkara Jñāna Yajñaṁ - Bhaja Gōvindam 17 missionaries, who were attempting to demean him, in 19 Children’s Corner – his own words, which should be an eye-opener for i. Bāla Śikṣa – Jīvana Sāphalyam 18 every Bhāratīya. Brahmasri Dr. Samavedam garu’s ii. Vedic Mathematics - Sūtrās 19 editorial of December 2020 ‘Rushipeetham’ 19 The Mahabharata True Story from Sage Vēda 20 magazine also advocates not to tolerate impatience Vyāsa – Ambassadors between Kauravas and and antagonism by anyone towards Sanātana Pandavas Dharma. Please don’t miss the photo gallery of mega 20 Sanatana Dharma Around the World 21 event ‘Śiva Rahasyam’ embedding ‘Śiva Padam’, 21 ‘Rushipeetham’ Activities 22 ‘Rushipeetham Puraskaram’, & ‘2020 Viśiṣta Sancika’. 22 Rushipeetham Puraskaram - 2020 24 To express your views about this e-magazine, please 23 Photos and Videos 25 write to [email protected] with the subject line ‘VIEW’. Thanks & Namaste, Aarshavani Team. Aarshavani FaceBook Copyright © 2020 | Rushipeetham Charitable Trust. All Rights Reserved. ‘Samanvaya is Sanātana – Sāmarasya is Bhāratīyata’ Aarshavani Vol. 6 January | 2021 SĀMAVĒDĪYAṀ In the culture of Bhāratadēśa, ‘Time’ has great significance. Tithis, days of (QUINTESSENCE OF SANATANA DHARMA) the week, stars – everything has its The vijñāna given by our Maharṣis is own distinction. All the beings are vast, deep, and overwhelming, bound by time and time is in the whose quintessence distills into the control of God. With compassion, most often heard two words - the Supreme God graced that one ‘Dharma’ and ‘Jñāna’. Simply put, performing worship in some special ‘Dharma’ is the way we should live. stipulated times acquires special ‘Jñāna’ is the way we should think. merits. This is true in case of every -Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma. deity. Worship of a particular deity on a particular tithi bestows the Dikpālaka Stōtraṁ grace of that particular deity quickly and certainly. Among those, Krṣṇ̥ āṁgāraka Caturdaśi i.e. January 12, 2021 is important. The combination of Tuesday and Caturdaśi in the dark fortnight is a great occasion. virin̄ciśakraviṣṇūnāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ tu kā kathā | tēna tvaṁ sarvasattvēna graharājō mahābalaḥ || Not only present as one among the nine planets, Aṅgāraka (Mars) planet is the king of all the planets. Airāvata gajārūḍhaṁ svarṇavarṇaṁ kirīṭiṇaṁ The reason for this is mentioned below that Aṅgāraka is the son of Śiva. sahasranayanaṁ śakraṁ purā tapasyataḥ śambhōrdākṣāyaṇyā viyōgataḥ | vajrapāṇiṁ namāmyahaṁ || bhālasthalātpapātaikaḥ svēdabindurmahītalē || Saptārciṣaṁ ca bibhrāṇaṁ akṣamālāṁ kamaṇḍaluṁ tataḥ kumāraḥ san̄jajñē lōhitāṅgō mahītalāt | jvālamālākulaṁ taṁ raktaṁ snēhasambandhinaḥ sōఽtha dhātryā dhātrīsvarūpayā || śaktihastaṁ cakāsa taṁ || māhēya ityataḥ khyātiṁ parāmēṣa gataḥ sadā | Krtāntḁ ṁ mahiṣarūḍhaṁ Skānda Purāṇa mentions that a waterdrop fell on the earth from daṇḍahastaṁ bhayānakaṁ Paramēśwara deeply immersed in tapas from which came a red- kālapāśadharaṁ krṣṇ̥ aṁ complexioned boy. Since, Mother Earth also considered him to be her son, dhyāyēt dakṣiṇa dikpatiṁ || He is called ‘Mahēya’. Thus, the effulgence that generated in the forehead Raktanētraṁ śavārūḍhaṁ of Paramēśwara turned graceful for Aṅgāraka, whereas it became ferocious nīlōtphaladaḷaprabhaṁ for Kāma (Manmatha). (Continued Page 4) krpḁ̄ ṇapāṇiṁ asraughaṁ pibantaṁ rākṣasēśvaraṁ || Sadhu Vachanam Nāgapāśadharaṁ hrṣṭ̥ aṁ ‘tapa: kim?’ - What is ‘Tapas’? raktaughadyuti vigrahaṁ śaśāṅkadhavaḷaṁ dhyāyēt Following ‘Swadharma’ i.e. one’s own Dharma is tapas. What is ‘Swadharma’? Whatever the scriptures stipulated for oneself to follow is varuṇaṁ makarāsanaṁ || ‘Swadharma’. Rigorous and sincere adherence to ‘Swadharma’ is the Apītaṁ haritacchāyaṁ greatest tapas. - Maharṣī Vēda Vyāsa (Mahābhārata Yakṣa Praśna) vilōladhvaja dhāriṇaṁ Bharateeyam prāṇabhūtaṁ ca bhūtānāṁ There is no other country where members of other religions are as safe as hariṇasthaṁ samīraṇaṁ || in India! History itself is a towering testimony to this truth. Jews gratefully Kubēraṁ manujāsīnaṁ sagarvaṁ garvavigrahaṁ acknowledge that India is the one country where they were never svarṇacchāyaṁ gadāhastaṁ persecuted. Syrian Christians, under their leader Thomas of Cana, were uttarādhipatiṁ smarēt || given refuge in the 4th century. Parsis came in the 10th century to escape Īśānaṁ vrṣ̥ abhārūḍhaṁ the Muslim invaders in Persia. Even Muslims who came as invaders settled triśūlaṁ vyāladhāriṇaṁ down and became the lords of the dominion overthrowing many Hindu śaraccandra samākāraṁ rulers. – Maria Blossom, 1858-1916, Irish Historian trinētraṁ nīlakaṇṭhakam || Spiritual Quest (Answers by Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma) It is said that ‘Jñānādēvatu Kaivalyam’ i.e., salvation is possible only by obtaining true knowledge about the Supreme. Then, why all these Dharma, Karma, Tapas, Upāsana etc. are required? One needs all Dharmās, Karma, Tapas, and Upāsana till one realizes the supreme Tattva. Tattva is the fruit for the tree of Dharma. One should not cut the tree down after eating the fruit. Of course, it is quite clear to everyone that none eats the tree, and it is not even delicious, whereas the fruits are delicious. Similarly, Dharma and Tapas might feel bitter, but the fruit Brahmajñāna is as sweet as ambrosia. If there is no tree, there is no fruit. Hence, whoever says that Dharma, Tapas, Karma, Upāsana etc. are not needed, but still wish to enjoy the fruit are mean and devoid of gratitude. Not just enjoying the fruit themselves, one should protect the tree so that everyone enjoys the fruits later. Dharma, Karma, Upāsana, Jñāna etc. – all are integral parts of one Sanātana Dharma. Everyone should thoroughly comprehend this truth about Sanātana Dharma and protect these multiple parts from destruction. Copyright © 2020 | Rushipeetham Charitable Trust. All Rights Reserved. ‘Samanvaya is San tana – S marasya is Bh rat yata’ Aarshavani Vol. 6 – January | 2021 2 ā ā ā ī SivaPadam pālavannevāḍu māpālanunnavāḍu pāpāla vennu viriyabaṭṭi pālārcuvāḍu modali palukuṭāla podugu piduka doraku madhurasudha vennela taragala taḷukula veṇḍikoṇḍavaṇṭivāḍu caduvula kaḍalini taracaga janin̄cina amrtamu̥ ṇṭ ḍ nagaja tapassula pa aga jigimin̄cucu veluguvā u Dharmaśāsta Śrī Ayyappa Swāmi is the unified paṭu vijñānapu śuktini paṇḍina sirimutyamu embodiment of Hari and Hara i.e. kuluku gauri nagavu virulu kuppavōyunaṭṭivāḍu Hariharātmaka. Vēdās decree ‘Śivasya hrdayḁ ṁ celagi sādhanalu mathin̄ca kaligina navanītamu Viṣṇu: Viṣṇuśca hrdayḁ ṁ Śiva:’ i.e. the heart of talaci taraca viśuddhamau tattvapurūpainavāḍu Śiva is Viṣṇu and the heart of Viṣṇu is Śiva. There This composition is written contemplating upon ‘Pālavaṇṇa is absolutely no difference between both of them. Śivan’, the kṣētra near Madurai. In that kṣētra, the Śiva Liṅga is Hence, the mantra ‘Śrī Viṣṇu rūpāya white in color like milk. Namaśśivāya’ i.e. Salutations to the auspiciousness (Śiva) omnipresent everywhere Scriptures described Śiva as ‘Gōkṣīrābhaṁ’ i.e. Śiva is in the color (Viṣṇu). Whatever has pervaded all around (Viṣṇu) is bestowing auspiciousness (Śivam) on us. Śiva or Rudra is the form of radiance i.e. tējas. He is energy in the form of Fire. Viṣṇu is the form of water or spirit i.e. Āpa. Entire universe is the form of Fire and
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