Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Prepared on behalf of Sharing solutions for better regional policies Prepared by Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Front cover image: Ormond Castle, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Foreword The green and blue infrastructure approach tional zones with compatible land-uses can can improve the quality of life in many ways join forces. ‘The Green & Blue Infrastructure - enhancing societal health and wellbeing; Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Water- protecting ecosystems and their functioning ways’ provides this opportunity for the green in relation to, for example, water retention; and blue infrastructure of the Suir River and supporting the development of a green Lough Derg, within an integrated approach economy. One of its major advantages is an to planning and links land-use, landscape, acknowledgment that multiple functions services, ecology, heritage, tourism, etc.. can be provided by the same piece of land or water. The appropriate planning, design and The provision of green and blue infrastructure management of green and blue infrastructure ensures a clear focus for strategic initiatives and assets can deliver a wide range of benefits, local-scale projects to be scaled up to an im- from providing sustainable transport links, to plementation level where, collectively, they will mitigating and adapting the effects of climate make a real positive impact. In this way the in- change. While biodiversity is at the core of frastructure becomes much more than the mere green and blue infrastructure, it is much more sum of its parts. It is also a means of bringing than a biodiversity conservation instrument. different sectors collectively in order that they Restored habitats can reconnect or enhance may decide together on land-use priorities in a existing natural areas with natural features transparent, integrated and co-operative way. acting as wildlife corridors or stepping stones with artificial features that enhance Cllr. Mattie Ryan ecosystem services, where buffer zones can Cathaoirleach be managed sustainably and multi-func- Tipperary County Council September 2018 The SWARE project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Activity on the River Suir, Co. Tipperary 5 Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Contents PAGE Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1 1.1 SWARE (Sustainable heritage management of WAterway REgions) Project 3 1.2 What is Green and Blue Infrastructure? 5 1.3 Aim of this Project 9 1.4 Methodology and Approach in Developing the Masterplan Roadmap 11 1.5 The Life Supported by Tipperary Green and Blue Infrastructure 13 1.5.1 Parts of the Tipperary Green and Blue Infrastructure Network that are Legally Protected 17 1.5.2 Non-Designated Areas that are Important for the Green and Blue Infrastructure Network 19 1.5.3 The Full Picture - the Potential Basis for a Healthy Green and Blue Infrastructure Network 21 1.5.4 Core Areas and Linking Corridors 23 1.6 Legislative and Policy Context 25 1.6.1 EU and National Policy Context 25 1.6.2 Regional and Local Context 29 2 The Masterplan - Planning for Green and Blue Infrastructure for Tipperary Waterways 33 2.1 Where and how Changes are Likely to be Acceptable 35 2.2 Enhancement of Green and Blue Infrastructure, and Opportunities for Amenity Provision and Visitor Experience 37 2.3 Identification of Opportunities for Enhanced Amenity Provision and Visitor Experience 53 2.4 Priority Action Areas 54 2.5 Flood Management 61 3 Roadmap for Delivery and Implementation 63 3.1 Overview of Delivery and Implementation 63 3.2 Funding for Green and Blue Infrastructure 65 3.3 Integration of the Green and Blue Infrastructure Masterplan into Land Use Planning 67 3.4 Measuring Progress and Benefits 71 4 Summary and Conclusion 73 4.1 Summary 73 4.2 Conclusion 74 Appendix 1 List of Identified Projects 75 Appendix 2 List of Consultees 89 Abbreviations 91 Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways Executive Summary ‘Green and Blue The enhancement and expansion of green and EU INTERREG Europe ‘SWARE’ (Sustainable identifies opportunities to enhance the green blue infrastructure, and the associated networks heritage management of WAterway REgions) and blue networks, while also extending the ben- Infrastructure’ is a term have broad positive environmental, social and Project, of which Tipperary County Council is efits to a broad range of other areas, including used to describe natural economic impacts, thus contributing significant- one of six EU partners. The participating SWARE recreation and tourism. ly to health, wellbeing and quality of life. project waterway regions share a mutual natural and semi-natural areas and and cultural heritage, with a rich biodiversity, The outcomes from this Masterplan Roadmap features (land, vegetation This Green and Blue Infrastructure Master- high value built heritage sites, all connected by include: and waterways), public or plan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways has waterways. However, as these environmental, been developed to enhance green and blue cultural and heritage sites come under increasing • Identification and mapping of major eco-sys private, rural, urban or peri- infrastructure within the county and maximise pressure from tourism and recreation use, it has tems (including associated eco-systems – urban in nature that deliver the environmental, social and economic benefits become apparent that there is a need for a more woodland and wetland) and identification of that can be gained from the increased protection sustainable approach in order to protect these current eco-system services; a broad range of ecosystem and management of the environmental resource. important assets. • Identification and mapping of existing green As the two primary waterways in the County, the services that underpin a and blue infrastructure; healthy environment for River Suir and Lough Derg, and their tributaries, The SWARE Project recognises that simulta- are critical components of the ecological biodi- neous support is needed to ensure that the • Planning for green and blue infrastructure; and all, for example, air quality, versity of the County, and are consequently core appropriate protection is afforded to these • Setting out mechanisms for implementation, water purification, climate to the green and blue infrastructure network. valuable sites, while also ensuring continued including policy, projects and frameworks. This Masterplan Roadmap is intended for all socio-economic development to sustain the local mitigation and space for stakeholders – government, community and communities. The analyses undertaken have identified an recreation and amenity. voluntary groups, the private sector, research extensive network of green and blue infrastruc- community and other relevant parties - that The importance of green and blue infrastructure ture throughout the county and in particular are involved and who facilitate and support the planning is becoming increasingly recognised within the Suir and Shannon catchments. The protection and enhancement of natural and built globally, due to the many environmental, social networks include high biodiversity areas, which heritage, health and wellbeing and socio-eco- and economic benefits associated with it. This are designated areas under legal protection nomic growth. Masterplan Roadmap is an evidence-led vision, (SPA, SAC, NHA and pNHA); areas that are not that identifies the existing environmental, designated conservation sites but which possess The Green and Blue Infrastructure Masterplan recreation, amenity and heritage assets in and high ecological value (woodlands, wetlands, Roadmap has been commissioned as part of the surrounding the River Suir and Lough Derg, and bogs, watercourses) and all other features that Green & Blue Infrastructure Masterplan Roadmap for Tipperary Waterways make-up green and blue infrastructure, such as The green and blue infrastructure functions have for informing future policy, statutory plans and farmlands, hedgerows, watercourses, parklands, been evaluated, areas that have the potential to land use planning, driven principally through the cemeteries, ditches, and even individual tree address the greatest needs have been identified County Development Plan. stands. and indicative actions set out. In total, 86 indic- ative actions have been developed to increase Further analysis and assessment concentrated the benefits that County Tipperary gains from on the identification of the existing recreation, its green and blue infrastructure, while others amenity and heritage assets within close proxim- support delivery of enhanced green and blue ity to the River Suir and Lough Derg. The assess- infrastructure through proposed policy and ment identified a broad range of assets, many framework establishment or review. The actions of which were within or in close proximity of the cover a wide range of ecological, heritage, rec- main settlements located along the river, and the reation, amenity and tourism areas to maximise lakeshore. However, a substantial number of as- the promotion and development of green and sets, in particular
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