■ Research■hing grass•shoppers-- B l B^oomer^s Bengals1 survives —• C l H ~ JS Gity: Heret I I g n ]T o p p m■ I I * ! ? ! ' " iome - Cs l 25* M 813tsl year, No. 356 Twin Falls, ldah(lh o Monday, Decem:ember22,1986 j‘ Wrig{ht ur<ges pia r d o n1 forTN o r th1 , Poiin d e x titer j By DALE RUSS^OFF whethether he knew specific detailsi —- and clear N orth and Pollolndexter l.mltedimmunity,ly, as Republican on the SeSenate select committee LaLawrence E. Walsh so as nollot Ito h inder poss!- The WashiDgton Post th e waway for North and Poindexter:er Ito divulge R eagan requguested, was criticized1 as named last week, salesaid on ABC News’ “This bleDie criminal prosecutions. testim<Imony they have withheld on grounds p rem atu re by_y_ R epublican s and Democr>cral^eck.W JlhJ)flxId3rlDirlDkleyiiihflUprolonged __ iAkn Siinriay, m ngrpcstnnnlinl IpflrfprnI in _____ i _ ' WASHINGTON - Rep.ip. J a m e s C W right th o tjt.it could Incriminate them, Involved In thee \probe. ' "national anguish” wouldnotwc be Justified by partiespa rals^ unusually frfrank concerns Jr., D-Tcx., incoming speapeaker of the House, [f he tru ly w ants them, lo comiome forward However, leleaders of the congressloslonal "the possible imprijprisonment foe .a_shoi1 ababout .the 75-year-old-ileagieagan’s . apparent-. said Sunday thal PreslderIdent R eagan should tetell the whole truth, and If he wants committees a|appointed to ’ investigate! the period of time of a few people for things th a t (oilorgetfulness and hlS/abllltyIty :to resolve the pardon Lt. Col. O liver L. 1N orth and form er ^ e mn j.to bave Immunity from prprosecution, crisis said Summday that they may eventuatually they thought they werewei doing right but vlt>- cricrisis. _ / national security adviser.sr John M. Poindex- theree’s s a sim ple w ay, a straigiaightforward grant limitedd im m unity if the Impa:passe latedthelaw." "The president hfls nol beeneen well-briefed Id ter — a move Wright saidlid he1 w ould consider ^ a y’," , W righl said on the televisionslon program threatens to paparalyze thc governm ent ancand If " If It takes a g rantant of Immunity to get to thithis area. He has nol gotten;len on lop of the “ the ulllmate act of leaderslershlp." • Johnhn McLaughlin: One on One."le." "He can the Iwo emerge■ge as the only sources of infor-inf these questions (of' hch o v tlh e crisis evolved), (aifacts and he may or may not have lorgoUeo By pardoning two pivot;votal players In the grantnl Iit w ith a stroke of a pen. PPresidential r mation on how)W'the administration cametne to that will be conslderet>red;^ said Sen. Daniel K. so:some of them," said Sen. SairSam Nunn, D-Gl, Iran-contra crisis, Wrlghright said, Reagan Jon Is the ultimate Immunity." sell arms to IranIr and to divert proceedsids to Inouye, D-Hawail, chchairman of the select aa member ot the Intelligencenee panel and the would take fuii responslblllIbllity for his former Wrigrig h t's suggestion, coming1 daysdi after old Nicaraguanan contra rebels. committee, emphasilasliing lhat Congress se:select committee Investlgatlisating the crisis, subordinates* actions --- regardless ol congrejTMsJonal investigators refusedised to grant Sen. W arren■n B. H udm an, R-N.H., rank:nklng would first consultill Independenl counsel • See WRIGHT onJ P a g e A3 G o t Shang](hai ^ Powni j m d p u t i unty siggns studeniit§ told c o n itract wii/ith to disbi)and en ilejaiil A ccused of dkdisrupting societ; ; F o u r j uuueniles sent to) fft a c i l i t i i By INA CHANG RCANTONIO TheAssoclatedPress s writer -------- SHANGHAI, China - Ai nds uf tbbS-----Twin-Falls-eounty-tty-begem-boantlng------ - student demonstrators tolo^^'oinhrst^tsSL^y g ly it the Southern Idaho Youtfouth* Cenler this ' • I ter its County Board of Comnimmlssloners sign- accused some of tryingg tot disrupt society withI theirtl - demands for democracy. ict with center owner Cloycejyce ^dwards late ; Shanghai officials hadi displayeddi: a suprlslng degre ling. tolerance during three dajdays of demonstrations, but fore the contract was signed,led, the center bad 1: patently ran out of patienceneeSunday. ;ned by Slale Fire Marshalal BUIE WaUls after N ear m idnight, 10,0000 toU 15,000 students still m l igned a separate agreementnt tto correct alleg- about In frigid w eather In a cordoned off area of thele ^ : t violations at thc facility,, locatedloc four miles People’s Square In downtdntowQ Shanghai. Only those with^ . ime. student identification card:irds were allowed through popolice id ordered thc center closedsed last week until J lines to Join them. Joumolisalists w ere kept out. Igned the agreement, About a m ile aw ay, polipolfcQ blocked off a rectanffngular lls County Commissioner MarMaivln Hempleman - I sector in front of the Cityty tHall along the rlver/roht'B lunty board was waiting foror theU centcr, which • ibout 30 youths, lo sign the agreement wllb ' < T he official X inhua New;lews Agency, In lls first detae t a l i ^ arshai;before It signed a contractcoo to use the account of. tbe demonstra!trations, said early-Mondayay the students were "aggravatinIting tbe already crowded trttraffic he terms of the fire marshirshal's asreemesl. T situation and disrupted1 mnormal production and so )y the Attorney General’si 01Office, tte center o rder." #111 correct, the deficiencieses .found! by /Ire In- Shanghai Is C hina’s largiargest metropolis with a poplopula- 1 October and November.r. A mong the pro- tion of 12 million. : lack' of an approved firee wwall between the -Xinhua <iuoted a Shanganghai official as saying scsome and office: lack of an emeimergency lighting demonstrators, by putting:ing up banned protest postDsters, alarrri system and a sprinkleikler system; inad- “are attempting to dismisrupt stability and unityy and Itlon of fire doors; and lack<ick of an approved derange production and] s(social ord er by taking advsdvan- n and hood wilh automatictic fire supresslon -tage of the patriotic zealll oof the students and theirr long-lc le kitchen. ings for democracy and free[reedom ." m a rsh a l’s agreem ent set outoui deadlines for The news agency also) sasaid students beat up 31 popolice of the Improvements. If the work vas not [ who asked them to disperserse Frldoy evening. ly thc deadlines, the center wouldwoU be closed. 1 Xinhua iald hundredsis of students broke. intoio the id hc used an agreem ent: to solve the pro- j Shanghai People’s Congrejfress F rid ay and w ere Ignoinorlng - e center rather than punlshmiliment because his ; appeals from Mayor Jianglg Zemin2 to end their protest, ' ByPATMARt•s fourjd the facility was needed,ne< and that I •. Sunday’s rallies In Shanganghai w ere the la test In a seiseries | ^ B | Times-Newsould V be “better off" therere thanI In counly - j | fnonth In a half dozen mojoror cll- : of demonstrations this mor - ___ ■piin»t r« ti ies. The ' demonstratications, demanding greirea te r ' " ' I II 111 i iii^I Falls County Commlssloneioners sent county I' dem ocracy, w ere the blgge,ggest of their kind in ChinaI slsince r ' r juveniles atpcctor, Lee Taylor, to tourur Ithe center two : the closing days of thc tumtumultuous 1966-76 CulturalIR P ev - !• ; weekend afteijccause of their interest Inn contractingcc with • olution more than a decadedeago. t cd a contraciTaylor had found problemsIS slsimilar to those i Xinhua said Monday pepeople were complainingi ' Friday eveninfire inspectors from W allis';' offoffice. I have just gained some peapeace after the Cultural Revi Hours befoi: terms of the one-year contiontroct wllh Twin ___ tlon and Is th c sufferingg b:brought about by the Culttdtural been re-open(y,-lhc-ccnlcr-provIdcs41-mlll mllllon-of-liablllty --------- Revolution not enough?" -• E dw ards sigrfcmpleman said. The commis:mlssioners also re- ■ Student Red Guards ram•ampaged through Chinese citiescl ’ ■. ed flre-codet to-make\ unannounced Inspectpecllons. during that period of upheiiheaval, causing untold suffer east of Jeroms County will pay $40 per JuvJuvenile for a 24- Wallis had ----------- . seeCHINAN A o n l^ g e A 2 Edwards slgr • SeeJAILonPageA2:A 2 - j Twin Falls said tbe coui canL hold abi W orld poopulation -the tlr&,roarid Voyagis c r j 9:C facility., pi Under the expectedd to hit K prepared by K . operators wUts uncertitain spectors in > iy blems were 1 6 billion byb 2000 dormitory uelar suppljly system , an al By RANDOLPH SCHMID0 it equate locatI<ITCZAK Th^Associat^ Press____ duct system'ed P ress---------------------- o system In the I WASHINGTON - In th(the next 14 years, the Eanlarth’s : . The fire mCalif. - The crew of the experimental population will grow by’ mimore than the lotal numbeab er of :• completion 'agerol battled fatigue and facefaced new worries, le who inhabited thee piPlanet in 1&50. the U.S. Cen completed byfuel might run oul before the craft reaches au projected Sunday.y- Wallis saidunrefueicd flight around th eew wi orld. rueling week of non-stop fllg By th e ' y e a r 2000, lethe world’s \ population will hhave ■ ......, ^TlBl^mph^ANOY blems at thc I night over more Cgrown 1.3 billion tobillion, G.2 bill the bureau projected.ed. In V ■ ll investigatorsnlles, pilots Dick Rutan andind Jeana Yeager 1850, the world held about1 1.:1.2 blillon people, TlmKliiclieloe,oe, andJacinChutfltson have called this cacave iiMr Rodk CreekB hi ' B 4 ' Juveniles woi0 tired al times they cannotnol provide accu* The vast majority of the grow lh will occur in poow o rer ' ■ '- .
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