goo To MANN 22 JUNE 1759 French affect an air of grandeur in all they do, Mr Pitt sent ten thousands, but they send fifty thousands.2* You will be inquisitive after our force— I can't tell you the particulars, I am only in town for today, but I hear of mighty preparations.3 Of one thing I am sure; they missed the moment when eight thousand men might have carried off England, and set it down in the gardens of Versailles. In the last war when we could not rake together four thousand men, and were all divided, not a flat-bottomed-boat lifted up its leg against us! There is great spirit in motion: my Lord Orford is gone with his Norfolk militia to Portsmouth:* everybody is raising regi­ ments or themselves—my Lord Shaftsburys one of the new colonels of militia is to be a brigadier-general— I shall not march my Twick­ enham militia for some private reasons; my farmer6 has got an ague, my printer7 is run away, my footboy8 is always drunk, and my gar- deners> is a Scotchman and I believe would give intelligence to the enemy. France has notified to the Dutch that she intends to surprise us;10 and this makes us still more angry. In the mean time we have got Guardaloupe to play with.11 I did not send you any particulars, spises the attempts of the French, says when the whole corps, consisting of above we have 40,000 men in Great Britain and 1,100 well-disciplined men (officers in­ Ireland, etc., and laughs at everything cluded) received his Majesty's orders to the French can do, though he thinks they march to Portsmouth.' The first division will make an attempt' (Newcastle to Hard­ marched from Norwich 4 July; the rest wicke 12 June, BM Add. MSS 32892, f. on 5 July (London Chronicle 7-10 July, 27). vi. 30). The Prince of Wales reviewed 2a. Much as Saul and David slew their them at Kingston, 17 July; they reached thousands (1 Samuel 18.7). Portsmouth 24 July (ibid. 19-21, 26-8 3. Ligonier's expedition was to assem­ July, vi. 70, 8g). Their activities there are ble on the Isle of Wight (London Chroni­ described ibid, g-11 Aug. vi. 137. They cle 9-12 June, v. 452). 'All the troops in stayed at Hillsea Barracks near Portsmouth England, Scotland, and Ireland' were to (R. W. Ketton-Cremer, A Norfolk Gallery, be 'cantoned near the sea-coast' (Daily 1948, P- 170)- Adv. 25 May); the lieutenants of the 5. Anthony Ashley Cooper (1711-71), counties were ordered 5 June to report on 4th E. of Shaftesbury, 1713; Brig.-Gen. of the militia (BM Add. MSS 32891, ff. 423- the Dorset militia June, 1761. His notice 33); three of Hawke's frigates were "cruis­ 'to the militia-men of the county of Dor­ ing off Brest to observe the motions of the set,' dated 23 June, is in the London French fleet' (London Chronicle 9-12 Chronicle 5-7 July, vi. 17. June, v. 456); Admiral Rodney was or­ 6. Mentioned by HW to Montagu 3 dered to 'have a small squadron con­ Oct. 1763 but not identified. stantly upon the watch' for the 150 flat- 7. Thomas Farmer, HW's printer 1759- bottomed boats building at Le Havre 61 (MONTAGU i. 411, n. 7). (Newcastle to Devonshire 14 June, BM 8. Louis (HW to Montagu 14 Oct. 1760, Add MSS 32892, ff. 55-6). ibid. i. 305). 4. 'Last week the Norfolk regiment of 9. John Cowie (d. i7gs) (BERRY ii. 179). militia, commanded by the Earl of Or­ 10. See ante g June i7sg. ford . were assembled at Norwich; 11. The capitulation of Grande-Terre .
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