Tabel Padanan Aplikasi Windows di Linux Untuk Migrasi Selasa, 18-08-2009 Kesulitan besar dalam melakukan migrasi dari Windows ke Linux adalah mencari software pengganti yang berkesesuaian. Berikut ini adalah tabel padanan aplikasi Windows di Linux yang disusun dalam beberapa kategori. Nama Program Windows Linux 1) Networking. 1) Netscape / Mozilla. 2) Galeon. 3) Konqueror. 4) Opera. [Prop] Internet Explorer, 5) Firefox. Web browser Netscape / Mozilla, Opera 6) Nautilus. [Prop], Firefox, ... 7) Epiphany. 8) Links. (with "-g" key). 9) Dillo. 10) Encompass. 1) Links. 1) Links 2) ELinks. Console web browser 2) Lynx 3) Lynx. 3) Xemacs + w3. 4) w3m. 5) Xemacs + w3. 1) Evolution. 2) Netscape / Mozilla/Thunderbird messenger. 3) Sylpheed / Claws Mail. 4) Kmail. Outlook Express, 5) Gnus. Netscape / Mozilla, 6) Balsa. Thunderbird, The Bat, 7) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. Email client Eudora, Becky, Datula, [Prop] Sylpheed / Claws Mail, 8) Arrow. Opera 9) Gnumail. 10) Althea. 11) Liamail. 12) Aethera. 13) MailWarrior. 14) Opera. 1) Evolution. Email client / PIM in MS 2) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. Outlook Outlook style [Prop] 3) Aethera. 4) Sylpheed. 5) Claws Mail 1) Sylpheed. 2) Claws Mail Email client in The Bat The Bat 3) Kmail. style 4) Gnus. 5) Balsa. 1) Pine. [NF] 2) Mutt. Mutt [de], Pine, Pegasus, Console email client 3) Gnus. Emacs 4) Elm. 5) Emacs. 1) Knode. 2) Pan. 1) Agent [Prop] 3) NewsReader. 2) Free Agent 4) Netscape / Mozilla Thunderbird. 3) Xnews 5) Opera [Prop] 4) Outlook 6) Sylpheed / Claws Mail. 5) Netscape / Mozilla Console: News reader 6) Opera [Prop] 7) Pine. [NF] 7) Sylpheed / Claws Mail 8) Mutt. 8) Dialog 9) Gnus. 9) Gravity 10) tin. 10) BNR2 11) slrn. 12) Xemacs. 13) BNR2. Address book Outlook 1) Rubrica 1) Downloader for X. 2) Caitoo (former Kget). 3) Prozilla. 4) Wget (console, standard). Flashget, Go!zilla, Reget, 5) GUI for Wget: Kmago, Gnome Getright, DAP, Wget, Files downloading Transfer Manager, QTget, Xget, ... WackGet, Mass 6) Aria. Downloader, ... 7) Axel. 8) Download Accelerator Plus. 9) GetLeft. 10) Lftp. 1) Httrack. 2) WWW Offline Explorer. Teleport Pro, Httrack, 3) Wget (console, standard). GUI: Sites downloading Wget, ... Kmago, QTget, Xget, ... 4) Downloader for X. 5) Pavuk. 6) XSiteCopy. 7) GetLeft. 8) Curl (console). 9) Khttrack. 1) Gftp. 2) Konqueror. 3) KBear. 4) IglooFTP. [Prop] Bullet Proof FTP, 5) Nftp. FTP-clients CuteFTP, WSFTP, 6) Wxftp. SmartFTP, FileZilla, ... 7) AxyFTP. 8) mc. (cd ftp://...) 9) tkFTP. 10) Yafc. 11) Dpsftp. (dead project) 1) Ncftp. Console FTP-clients FTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp 2) Lftp. 3) Avfs. (From any program: /#ftp:...) 1) Xchat. 2) KVirc. 3) Irssi. Mirc, Klient, VIRC, 4) BitchX. IRC-clients Xircon, Pirch, XChat 5) Ksirc. 6) Epic. 7) Sirc. 8) PJIRC. 1) talk (console), ktalk. 1) QuickChat 2) Akeni. Local network chat clients 2) Akeni 3) Echat. without server 3) PonyChat 4) write, wall (chat between users of one 4) iChat machine) smbclient (console). GUI: Local messaging with 1) LinPopUp 2. WinPopUp Windows machines 2) Kpopup. 3) Kopete. 1) Licq (ICQ). 2) Centericq (Nearly all IM protocols, ICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, console). MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ... 3) Alicq (ICQ). Trillian ICQ (freeware, Instant Messaging clients 4) Micq (ICQ). can replace all common 5) GnomeICU (ICQ). IM clients), Miranda, 6) Pidgin. (Nearly all IM protocols) Pidgin 7) Ayttm. (Nearly all IM protocols) 8) Kopete. 9) Everybuddy. 10) Simple Instant Messenger. 11) Imici Messenger. 12) Ickle (ICQ). 13) aMSN (MSN). 14) Kmerlin (MSN). 15) Kicq (ICQ). 16) YSM. (ICQ, console). 17) kxicq. 18) Yahoo Messenger for Unix. 19) Kmess (MSN). 20) AIM. 21) MSNre. (console) JAJC, Tkabber 1) Tkabber. (+activestate tcl), Psi, 2) Gabber. Exodus, WinJab, 3) Psi. myJabber, RhymBox, Jabber IM clients 4) Pidgin.. Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, 5) Centericq (console). Vista, Yabber, Miranda, 6) Ayttm. Pidgin., Akeni Messenger 7) Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition. Jabber Edition Monitoring sites and 1) Web Secretary. mailboxes, displaying 2) Knewsticker & korn. WatzNew news headlines or full 3) Mozilla (???). articles 4) watch -n seconds lynx -dump 1) GnomeMeeting (Ekiga Now). 2) vat/vic/wb. Video/audio conference NetMeeting 3) rat/wbd/nte. 4) NeVoT. 5) IVS. 1) Speak Freely for Unix. Voice communication Speak Freely 2) TeamSpeak. iptables or more outdated ipchains (console, standard). Front ends: BlackICE, ATGuard, 1) Kmyfirewall. ZoneAlarm, Agnitum 2) Easy Firewall Generator. Outpost Firewall, 3) Firewall Builder. WinRoute Pro, Norton Firewall (packet filtering) 4) Shorewall. Internet Security, Sygate 5) Guarddog. Personal Firewall PRO, 6) FireStarter. Kerio Personal Firewall, 7) Smoothwall. [Prop] ... 8) IPCop. 9) Zorp. IDS (Intrusion Detection 1) BlackICE 1) Snort. System) 2) Agnitum Outpost 2) Portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry. Firewall 3) Tripwire [GPL]. 3) Tripwire [prop] 4) Tripwall. 4) Kerio Personal 5) AIDE. Firewall 6) ViperDB. 7) Integrit. 8) Cerberus Intrusion Detection System. 9) MIDAS NMS. Port scanning detection ??? 1) Pkdump. Making the system more 1) Bastille. ??? securely 2) Linux Security Auditing Tool. 1) Xtraceroute. 2) VisualRoute. [Prop] Visual route VisualRoute [Prop] 3) Mtr. 4) Geotrace. 1) DansGuardian. 2) Squid. Proxomitron, ATGuard, 3) Squidguard. Agnitum Outpost Content (ad / popup) 4) Privoxy. Firewall, Privoxy, MS filtering 5) JunkBuster. ISA server, Guidescope, 6) Zorp. ... 7) Fork. 8) Redirector. 1) IP Relay. 2) CBQ (from iproute2 package). Traffic control / shaping WinRoute Pro, ... 3) tc (from iproute2 package). 4) LARTC. 1) Tcp4me. 2) Getstatd. 3) Ipacct. 4) Ipac-ng. 5) Ipaudit. Traffic accounting Netstat, Tmeter, ... 6) Lanbilling. 7) SARG (full Squid traffic). 8) Talinux. 9) NetUP UserTrafManager. 10) MRTG. 11) NetTop. Morpheus (Gnutella), 1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, WinMX, Napster, KaZaA Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Peer-to-peer clients / (Fasttrack), eDonkey Connect, BitTorrent) servers, file sharing (p2p) [Prop], eMule, TheCircle, 2) LimeWire. (Gnutella) Bittorrent, SoulSeek, 3) Lopster. (OpenNAP) Direct Connect 4) Gnapster. (OpenNAP) 5) eDonkey. (eDonkey) [Prop] 6) cDonkey. (eDonkey) 7) Gift client / server / fasttrack plugin (Fasttrack) 8) ed2k_gui. 9) Gtk-Gnutella. (Gnutella) 10) Qtella. (Gnutella) 11) Mutella. (Gnutella, console) 12) TheCircle. 13) Freenet. (fully anonymous p2p) 14) GNUnet. 15) Lmule. (eDonkey) 16) Xmule. (eDonkey) 17) Bittorrent. 18) PySoulSeek (Soulseek). 19) Loophole. (WinMX) [Prop] 20) Direct Connect. 21) QuickDC. (Direct Connect). 22) OverNet. 23) Apollon. 24) GrapeWine. (fully anonymous p2p) 25) Snark. (Bittorrent) 26) Sancho (mldonkey frontend) 27) ktorrent 28) azureus Clients: 1) Gtkhx. 2) Fidelio. "Hotline" p2p protocol ??? 3) GHX. [Prop] clients / servers Servers: 1) Synapse. 2) HSX. Program for working with 1) Gfax. (???) sound modem with many 2) PrimaFax. [Prop, 99$] functions - from Venta Fax, PrimaFax 3) mgetty + voice + sendfax. answerback and AON to 4) vgetty. fax device 1) HylaFax. 2) Fax2Send. [Prop] Work with faxes WinFax 3) Efax. 4) VSI-FAX. [Prop] 1) Kppp. Dialup Vdialer, etc 2) X-isp. 3) wvdial. (Front ends: X-wvdial, kvdial, gtkdial). 4) Gppp. 5) Kinternet. 6) Rp3. 7) pppconfig + pon + poff. 8) Modem Lights. 9) Netcount. (console) 1) Golded. 2) Golded+. FTN editor Golded 3) Msged. 4) Qded. 1) hpt. 2) CrashEcho. 3) Qecho. FTN tosser FastEcho, hpt 4) CrashMail II. 5) Fidogate - gate to news. 6) ifmail - gate to news. 1) ifcico. 2) qico. FTN mailer SF-Mail, T-Mail 3) Bforce. 4) Binkd. 1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing 2) Remote Administrator (Radmin) [Prop] 3) Remote Assistance 1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing. [Prop] 2) ssh. 4) Symantec pcAnywhere 3) Remote management is built-in in [Prop] XFree86. 5) Windows Terminal 4) Remote management is built-in in Server [Prop] KDE 3.1. ("desktop sharing"). Remote management 6) Rdesktop [Prop] 5) Rdesktop Client. 7) Radmin [Prop] 6) rsh / rlogin. 8) PC-Duo [Prop] 7) telnet. 9) Huey PC Remote 8) Gtelnet. Control (only for NT) 9) x0rfbserver. [Prop] 10) KDE Universal Remote Desktop. 10) Timbuktu Pro [Prop] 11) LapLink [Prop] 12) GoToMyPC [Prop] 13) Bo2k and other trojans Transmission of the files HyperTerminal, 1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit. on modem Terminate, etc 2) Msterm. 3) Xtel. 4) uucp. 5) lrzsz + cu from uucp. 1) Kssh. Work with ssh Putty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh 2) ssh / openssh. 3) GTelnet. (Telnet, SSH, Rlogin) 1) Gkrellm. 2) Big Brother. 3) Etherape. 4) Nagios. 5) Tkined. 6) MRTG. 7) Rrdtool. 8) PIKT. 9) Autostatus. Network monitoring tool Dumeter, Netmedic 10) bcnu. 11) mon. 12) Sysmon. 13) Spong. 14) SNIPS. 15) iptraf (console). 16) Ksysguard. 17) OpenNMS. 18) tcpdump. 1) HP OpenView agents. [Prop] 2) Big Brother. HP OpenView, MS SMS, Network maintance tool 3) Cheops. Tivoli 4) Tkined. 5) OpenNMS. Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek 1) Ethereal. (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), 2) Tcpdump. Protocols analysing, Windump, Ethereal, MS 3) Etherape. sniffing Network Monitor, Iris, 4) Ntop. Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, 5) ipxdump. (+ipxparse for parsing) Snort, ... 6) Snort. ShadowScan, ISS, Retina, 1) Nessus. Security scanner Internet Scanner 2) Nmap. 1) iproute2 + iptables. Routing MS RRAS 2) GateD. [Prop] 3) GNU Zebra. Utilites and libraries for lcrzo lcrzo Ethernet/IP testing 1) GNU Bayonne. 2) Openh323. 3) OpenPhone. 4) tkPhone. 5) NauPhone. Buddyphone [Prop], 6) Twinkle IP-telephony (VoIP) Cisco SoftPhone, Skype 7) Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) 8) Gizmo [NF?] (win+mac version also) 9) Kphone 11) Linphone 12) Skype [NF] 1) NFS. 2) Samba. Sharing data/files Windows shares 3) Samba-TNG. 4) FTP. 1) Samba.
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