
XRB WKATBKB AVEBAOB D A a y COCVLATIOK Foreeeet of D. S. Weetber fbr the Month of July. 1888 Hartford Parity eloady probably local 6,039 showere toolglit and Tbaraday; net Member of the Audit much obenge la temperature. 'Bnrean of Ctrcwlatkms MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM -V VOL. LVIL, NO. 271 [ 4m Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. AJUGUST.17.1938 ‘V--- (FOURTEEN PAGES! PRICE THREE. CENTS. 4’* Dodge Couple in Tragedy TYDINGS AND BRITISH , FRENCH DEWEY SAYS SCHULTZ OXONNOR PUT O FFICIALS PRA ISE Hi ON FOES^ UST MOB BOOSTED HINES SV.- H ULL PEA CE PLEA Annooncement By Roosevelt CNHfVlTED GDXST Of Opposition To Re- AS POLITICAL BUFFER WEARS OCT WELCOME Germans, Italians And Japa- San Francisco, Aug. 17— (AP) electior Leaves Wonder nese Condemn Speech; —Yesterday’s guest at the home of Mrs. William E. Miller quick- Andrews Begrins Wage-Hour Job Prosecutor Charges Tala' ly wore out blA welcame. About Fortber/Purges.” Seven Proposals To Pat A big black crow fluttered / many D i^ c t Leadei through a window, landed in the / World On Road To Peace. the kitchen. WMhlngton, Aug/ 17— (AP) — Then be stole a peach, ate a Addition of SenatoryMillard Tydlngs Present At Meeting Whei big helping of green peas and (D., Md.), and Red. John O’Connor damaged the apartment with bla Washington, Aug. 17 — (AP) — ungentlemanly romping. (D., N.'y.). to President Roosevelt’s Gang Leader Laid P h u cretary Hull’s appeal to the world Mr. Crow spent the night—not personal “purge/list” left capital rtp'-*‘tum the tide of lawleasnesa” in the guest room—but in the politicians wondering today whether basementl To 'Take Over” Unorgai’ Mirough economic and moral recon- he would den^nce other anU-ad- <1 mlnlstratlon congressmen. Btruetion arouSed' enthtuilasih today Speculation/ centered principally ized Policy Racket; 1)^ 8- among British and French offlclala. on Senator D. Smith (D., S.C.). The President did not mention worried over recurring war tbreata. Davis Alao Present At A spokeai-’ an for the French for- JAPS BESET Smith’s name last week in an aj^- eign office said In Paria: peal at Grpenvllle, S. C., for election Daniel George Dodge (left), 21, heir to a $9,000,000 motorcar fortune of liberal legislators, but some per- "The' speech shows that the lead- was drowned when he fell from a motorboat In Georgian Bay near Session Of Racketeers. ers of America’s foreign policy are sons thoiwht he'might do so before BY SABOTAGE Little Current, Ont. He, with hts wife, the former Laurlne MacDon- the primary Aug. 30. alive to the ganger In Europe.” ald, with whom be Is shown above, were being taken to a hospital after Connenimt Intervention Unlikely Britons welcomed the addreaa, Injury In an explosion.' Dodge’s wife, whom he Wed Aug. 2, was a The only other Senate race In New York, Aug. 17.—(A P)—bla* broadcast Internationally last night, $15 a week telephone operator. which ,ne might take a hand Is In trict Attorney Thomas E. Detyey to* eom as raising a danger sign against ^ OF CHINESE Connecticut. Senator Augustine day tpld a “blue riblxm” Jta^ that German ambitions In central. Eu- Loneraan, who voted against tome ' rope. X the notorious Dutch SchpKa moh WhlM House bills, Is endorsed by Fascists Dlspleaadd Attpmey General Cummings and advertised to the underWoiM that Dispatches from Rome, on the Army Officers Admit Irregn R] DETECTIVES SPUR HUNT most politicians consider It unlikely James J. (Jimmy) powarftd other hand, told of mounting Faa- tb^ President will Intervene. Tammany district leader, wax pOUt* ciat displeasure over the speech, lars -Remain Active In Mr. Roosevelt announced his op- leal protector of thV multl-mUUoB which was not distributed to Itallem position to Tydlngs and O’Connor— dollar policy racket^ I papers by the semi-official news Manchonkno After Seven FOR CLEVELAND SU YER grid support of their New Deal op-; Dewey charged that. Hines w u agency, Stefani. ponents-—at a press conference yea- present with Ab^ahalh “Bo” Weto* The State department bead warn- /terday. Previously he had asked berg, a Schultz , mobster, in Karelv ed all govemmenta to ‘be on guard the voters of Georgia to defeat'Sen- 1932, at a meeting in wtildi thf Years Of Occupation. against certain dangerous develop- Discovery Of Two More Vic- ator Walter F. George. Schultz gang/laid plana to “taks ments which Imperil them.” REDSINaUDE / O’Connor, chairman of the Im- over” the. i^llcy racket, than un- He made seven proposals which portant House Rules Committee, organized. /' Hsinking, Manchpukuo, Aug. 17. muni he said were the only ones capable tims Of Maniacal Mass promptly said he accepted the Presi- Dovl|'Preeent A t MMttag but < of placing the world firmly on the -^ j^ P )—The Japanese army after dent’s challenge. A petition was The prosecutor said J. lUdiaad road td, enduring peace and secur- seven years In Mancheukuo still is U.S.OITICIALS/ flle(i last night to place his name on (Dixie) Davto, known as "ths kid ity. ' beset by a host of enemies, a com- Murderer Near Business the Republican as well as the Demo- mouthpiece” of the Scbultx gang, . cratic primary ballot. who has pleaded guilty and turasd These embraced economic recon- pilation of recent incidents of sup- atructlon; adherence to interna- Voters Alone WUI Decide state's evidence In the present trial, posed sabotage indicated today. District Rouses Police. wirra SAys "The voters In the 16th congres- was'^also present st the mssttog. tional-law; observance of treaties Elmer F. Andrews (faclpg camera), former New York state labor and their ord«-ly modification when Japanese army officerb admit that sional district,” O’Connor said, “will /B y the use of gunmen, besttafl Chinese' Irregular units remain ac- alone decide who will- represent administrator, took over his new job In Washington as wage-hour and murder, Schultz took over eoa* necessary: abstention from use of tive In the country in which Japan law administrator by announcing to newspapermen be would concen- irol of the buolneaa.” Dewsy sUd. force; no interference In the In- BULLETIN! Member Of Committe/ In- them In the House of Representa- established a protectorate after tives. The President lives In the trate at start on the cotton garment, tobacco and textile industries. He’s f"lV» cehter was located to HartsiB. ternal affairs of other nations and Oeveland, Ang. 17,— (A P )—- shown aa he received reporters just after taking oath o f office. wresting It from China. They say Coroner Samuel R. Gerber sMd 26th district. Ham FUb (a Republi- where 50<) atorekeepert alone aetad' be a peaceful aettlement of differences; the irregulars are Communist-In- vestigating Un-, snean can) la his congrsBsman.” as collectors.” . ^ disarmament, and cultural collabo- today be believed various parts spired. of hmnaa torsos found on the . Tydlngs dsduted comment at this Dewsy said that having ceganiMiL. *nfot ration. The unofficial compilation of time bqt..M!i.dlca.tsd. ba.wonld reply .ths pdOisy rsekst with ^tM al ^ "Ito a smaller and smaller world," lake front were from three per- '.tnusi mysterious disastsrs.. .In industry Activities Names B Gov- to the President later. tsetTon, Sehulta harvested 849.000 a try * be said, “ It vrill soon iii\ longer be pointed to a differeut type Ot enemy sons rather.than' two." A decom- day to 1933, a total of $20,000,000 a posed head, parts of ribs and a Mr. Roosevelt chose a New lo rk Vni paasible for some nations to choose working from within. Post editorial as the - medium for year. pelvic bone, discovered late yps- ernment Employes On list •»y and follow the way of force and for tosoranee Rates Tripled expressing bis views, saying It Cases Throwa Oat o f Ooort iChall other nations at the Same time to ' Japanese here admitted their fire terday, were at first thought to In . his opening statement at be remains of only twe victims could be considered bis own state- choose and follow the way of rea.- Insurance rates have been tripled In ment. Tile editorial supported his Hines* trial on conspiracy chaiges 'metal aon.. All will haye to go In one <U' a year because of fires and explo- of Clm-eland’s mad butcher. Washington, Aug. 17/— (AP) — right '!to publicly repudiate those HELD IN WIFE’S DEifeTH growing out of the policy raeksi; recUon and by one-way. sions extending from Tsitsihar, near Representative Mason / (R., m .), iT who have totrayed the New Deal In re- Dewey said that at the organlsstlcfi Stats the northeast border, to Dtdren oc Cleveland, Aug. 17.— (AP)—Dis- meeting of the gangsters. Hines had Will' Not Develop Overnight member of the house domtaitteo in- the past and will again.” It. con- tactivl “We well know, of course, that 1 the south. covery of the eleventh and twelfth tinued : been able to point to the “effeetiva* vestigating subversive activities, charged With First Degree ‘taedli condition of wholesale chaos will riot The Tsitsihar power plant was de- victims of Cleveland's "torso slay- "If men like Senator lV<Ungs of ness” of his political protectfcto— He stroyed twice by fires. Officials put named eight goven^ent officials Maryland said frankly: *’I ho longer and that numerous policy esass had develop overnight; but it la clear er” spurred detectives today on today as "acknowledged members" and B that the present trend is in that di- damage at 500,000 yen (the Japan- believe in the platform of the Demo- LATE NEWS been throwrn out of court although tog c the wUl-o’-wlsp trail of a maniacal of the American Lesliiie for Peace Murder Soon After Jury the.
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