•„'r, i , .vv’iL N ' :. • J. ■y ir . __ ,9 ■•• . Arenige Daily Net PreiM Run i^C B TWELVI 8AKJRDAY, JULY €, 1M7 For Bia Week Ended 1 Th* Weather > f i June 8; 1887 1 Fereenat af 0. 8. Wantba* Bnrann 1 iiaturlifKtpr lEnietting IS^ratii 1 --r-— - - "” 1 12,540 1 Warm, humid tonight and lM*8>il a reitabls adult parent like your­ l E u n 1 day, ahowera and aentterad About Town self.. who will know what to do GENERAL ■Msoiheg of the AndUt 1 denAewers. Low tonight 88-7C; 1 r ' .y when the baby wakes up unex­ Planners Get . Barcav of Oroalatiea 1 Hlfh TiMNidAy nmr J Heard Along Main Street pectedly, or little Jane gets a tum­ Mancheater—A City of Village Charm Phillip Harriaon, vice chairman my ache. Business Bodies T V SERVICE t at the* town's ne?» Parking Author­ Andony^Som^ The following day your sitter Apartment Bid ........... —i— ity. will speak to the Rotary Oub Days C4 OK ''*■ ^ phoqes the bookkeeper and your Nights V*sw3 PhiB Parts VOL. LKXVL NO. 2M (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JULY 8. 1957 Tuesd^ night at the Country records are. debited with 3*4 hours The Town/lMaAning Commission (Classified AdVertlsihg m Page - PRICE FIVE CENTS Club. His topic wtll'be. "The PoW' Itw Cow Juice Roll fbuainasi x call rouaea tham —not money, and the sitter re­ Lee Wood Jr. has been appoirit-^politan’s staff of alnioet 28,000 TEL. sa S-548t era and Responsibilities of the The Connecticut Milk Producers from bad in Ih ^^etd tit night and ceives 3H hours of credit, or what­ ed to, hli second term as Dlrbctor field representatiy** In the United hss scheduled a public hearihig for ParkU^g Commission.” Assn. (CMPA). has come up with aanda tham out' to anap a picture ever amount of time *he put in. ^ of the Better Home Heat CounclL States and Canada.' July 18, at 8 p.m. to discuse a pro­ a new slant in advertising to reach of a Are. Moat of the clubs are formed of Mr. Usk was recently promoted Wood served as Secretary of the f.'om the .position of Assistant posed apartment development on Manchester AuziUaiy Police a segment of the population of our All of which la" fine. But an In- young couple* who do not have .Council during past years and was land adjacent to the Parkade on Cars Kill will meet tonigti* a t 7 o’clock at State. On radio and television,, the cklenf this week Indicatea' that parents pr reiatlves'ln town. - Manager -to the position of Field recently awarded T certificate of Training Instructor in the Field W. MiddD) Tpke. Mt. for traffic assignment CMPA runs advertisements aimed mayba they ought to pay a little appreciation for Kis service tb the durtng<itbe fireworks display. The a t getting the "Rock and Roll" set mote attention to thinga cl6aer to Hhe "DUpeased” ’Em 'Training Division, 1 Madison Ave., At a meeting of the TPC July 1, hpint. orgahtzation.. group WUl also meet Monday to drink milk. The ads. aref’done to A West- Side woman • walked Wood I*. Secretary of the L. T. New York City. ' Neil EUlis, president of the Oiben 423 over On« of The •HeTAld*i co-publlsh* Manor Oorp, informally discussed Kasper in U. S night at 7;80 In the Auxiliary a fast "bop" tune, and say. In part, with her IS-mohth-old daughter Wood Co. of Manchester and is room at PoOo^ Headquarters for that Ifa the "thing" to do-drlnk era was driving along W. Middle to' a neighborhood grocery and Robert McCormick, 154 New with the Commission the poesIbUlty discussion of a program for the milk. Such lines as, “coot it man, Tpke. Wedneaday afternoon when proceeded with her shewing, a Bolton Rd., hie been promoted to of a zoning change from Residence t lanes of the year. drink milk” and phrases of'“rock, he noticed fire anglnaa fend a poUcc watchful eye on the tot. the position of general Une fore­ A to Residmee C Zone on land west crulter in front of the home of one man 6f Yhe Manchester branph of of the Parkade. Weekend ■V rock, roll, roll, drink. Copneclicut -She didn’t watch closely enough, or The Herald’s' photographers. the Connecticut Power Co., ac­ A picnic for: members of Sunset fresh milk," stimulate the desire of however. Ellis ssid that, it was hi* inten­ PINE this set to try gome of this vita- Fire "had broken out in a wood- The proprietor has displayed, cording to Rbbert Pearson, per­ tion to build 42-4-room apartment By TBk ASSOCIATED PRESS Circle. Psst Noble Grands,, will be pile behind .the house, the co-pub­ sonnel manager of the company. ' held Monday at Mrs. Ethel Aspin- mtn-givlng foodstuff." on the floor, a *pecial divpenser buildings on the 9.4 acre tract: "rae PHARMACY- Violent deaths killed at The advertising idea points out lisher learned, and while the blase "McCormick moves Into the posi­ estimated cost is 3840,000. 884 Oeater St.—TaC Ml 9-8814 wall's cottage. All those planning wasn’t serious, it was enough to for rubber bails. When you pull tion vacated by Conrad A. Dwlre, least 727 persons during Hie to attend are asked to meet at th e' need for advertisers to try bring out the neighborhood ss well one ball out, another-Jails In place At the TPC meeting, Chairman to reach fhe'teenagdrs following ready for the' next *alc. 766 E. Middle Tpke. Dwlre has long Independence Day holi­ the Center at S p.m. a« the Sre trucks. been transferred to in opening in Martin Alvord asked Ellis If any day period. the current crasie. The groups are Later, he telephoned the lene- The child "dispensed” the ,belli provfiiloh had been made for a rec­ PINE LENOX "follow the leader” types and Jhave the general engineering, depart­ A* always,’ traffic accidents ac­ Richard C, Ellihgtosi. son of man to get some of the detalle. all over the" store, underneath ment at the Wetherafleld office of reation area at that location. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland T>. Elling­ to be reached in this manner. The counters and racks, while the said thkt a part of the tract which PHARMACY counted for the greatest portion of But, When questioned about the the power company. Uie ataggerihg toll, but in this holi­ Court Told ton. 40 Oxford S t, has been in­ advertisements fiKvw^been running Are. the photog said. (‘Fire ? What mischievous proprietor watched,-f»f; McCofmlck had previously, been extended in hack of the Parkade 299 E. Oeater ,8t—MI 9-08N KnoxviUe’s itiated ' into Sigma Mu Sigma, apme time now and another. Idea Are T’V enjoying the epecUcle. parking lot, near Deepwood Dr., day period the toll came far below supervisor pf sub-stations for the the predicted 535, Masonic-afflllated fraternity at has come to the CMPA officials. A "The one in your; backyard, in On the next visit to the store, central district. could possibly be used for recrea-. .Til-SEate College. Angola, Ind. He few words have been added to the the.woman carefully picked up the tion purposes. He said that he Late,reporta increased the count- • the northwest comer. Haven't you Bllghtly, showing' there were a t Jap Lured la enrolled in the* mechanical en- verses; not anythlhj^ tq do' with heard about it?” dt^enser and put it atop a The appointment of Leslie; A. would be willing tcSdiacuss uae of Civil Rights i.'ineeHng course. milk, but the insertion of the words •Juet a minute,” the photog counter, preiumatriy out of the the land for recreation after the least 423 penenM killed In motor A. Cretty of Woodbury to the poei- vehicle acehlents between S'^.m. should be a feather ip the official’s mpher. aaid. And there was a youngster's reach. tlon of manager of product devel­ question of zoning had been settled. hats. t pduee as he laid the pfione down When last observed the tot was llAcal time) Wednesday pnd mid­ By Girard opment at the Waterbury Manufac- Also scheduled /or the July 18 night Sunday, Drownings during Trial Opehis After, “drink., Connecticut fraah and went out back to look. standing tiptoe and laboriously to in g CO. plant of Chas6 Brass hearing will be an application by milk,” has been added, "and drive ■'That’a right,” he aald when he working the dispenser toward the the 102-hour period took 205 lives ' -I ■ « Copper Co. has been announced Anthony Choman for a change and another '99 died jn mlscellane- Washington, Juiy 8 (/p)— PINE PHARMACY slow." Sound advice. ^ picked up .the phone again. "There edge of the- counter where she by J. Walter Gulliksen, vice pres- from Residence 2k>ne B to Indus­ Knoxville, Ti»n„ July 8 #S4 CENTER ST.—BO »-g814 wae a Sre In the woodpile and. it could get St It. , • • oua acetd'enta. The government told the Su­ ident of the (Shase fabricating trial Zbne on property- beginning The relatively lOw traffic toll —A 27-year-old bank teller, Right Under 'His Nose . ' - burned one of the yard chaire. uivision, 230 feet South of N. Main St. bn preme Court today the Jap­ AeslgnraenU permitting, the avoked this comment from Ned H. who aaid-firmly, "I don’t be* OPEN ALL DAY It’s an accepted fact around The Seats Two Comfortably the west side of McCabe' St: Dearborn, president of the Nation­ anese woman fatally injured Herald .office that this newspaper'a photographer has since Indicated ' A certain police officer, whose Lm Wood Jr.
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