A MAP OF IMPORTANT GEOLOGICAL SITES OF SLOVAKIA P. LIŠČÁK, M. POLÁK, P. PAUDITŠ and I. BARÁTH Geological Survey of the Slovak Republic Abstract: The Landscape Atlas of the Slovak Republic is being prepared at the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic comprising also geological aspects of the environment. The map of geological curiosities at 1 : 1 000 000 scale is the compound of the chapter 8 devoted to protected territories and natural resources (responsible editor: RNDr. Tatiana Hrnčiarová, CSc.). Geological sites require different criteria when trying to make them closer for the laic publics, depending on the specific subject being reviewed. Key words: geosites, geological heritage Introduction The global network of more than 30,000 protected areas covering 13.2 million km2, an equivalent of almost 9% of the world’s land area (Green and Paine 1997) encompasses substantial representation of the Earth’s geological heritage. The definition of Geosite or “Geotope” comprises elements of the landscape of particular characteristics, corresponding to significant genetic features (lithology, morphology, structure, etc.) or showing evident scientific, cultural or aesthetic value. Besides geosites, natural values comprise other valuable features, plant and animal species and their habitats, ecosystems, parts of natural and cultural landscape and historical gardens, parks or even trees. These objects of living nature are more familiar to wide publics, and more attention has been given to them. Geoconservation is a rather young aspect of nature and landscape conservation, which started in the 19th century. In the course of time, nature and landscape conservation became a generally accepted issue in our societies. However, in spite of the importance of the geological environment, geoconservation was hardly accepted. Besides its value as the groundwork for biological and cultural historical aspects, the relevance of the geoconservation is in its inner value as source information about the geological development of the Earth. It is up to us, geologists, to provide the society, nature conservation organisations, policymakers and the general public, a relevant information on the geological setting and development of our territory, for it is still a long way from geological phenomena towards protected and managed geosites. Identification of geosites There are several ways to select geosites, depending on the state of art in geological research. Of course, selections had to be made, it was not possible to list all geological phenomena. The main criterion was representativeness and rarity, the second one was the degree of site protection, and the third one was visibility and accessibility of the site. Regarding the geological-educational purpose of the map, we decided to create the geological overview from the inventory of available geological and nature protection data, field visits, maps, literature and personal communication. Of course, the most valuable material provided various geological guides to the territory of Slovakia, issued on the occasion of CBGA and IGC events, as well as complex monographs: Andrusov, D., Bystrický, J. & Fusán, O., 1973, Bystrický, J. et al., 1973, Eliáš, M. et al., 1973, Fusán, O. & Andrusov, D. et al., 1973, Hovorka, D. et al., 1973, Koděra, M. et al., 1989,1990; Maheľ, M. et al., 1973, Seneš, J. & Cicha, I. et al., 1973, Vaškovský, I. et al., 1973, Mišík, 1976, Vozárová, A. & Vozár, J. et al., 1979, Rakús, M. et al., 1984, Suk, M. & Fusán, O. et al., 1984, Kováč, M., Michalík, J., Plašienka, D. & Putiš, M. et al., 1991, Vozár, J. (Edit.), Juhász, E., Bezák, V., Elečko, M., Gross, P., Konečný, V., Mello, J., Molák, B., Polák, M., Vozárová, A., Haás, J. & Müller, P., 1996, Šimon, L., Konečný, V., & Lexa, J., (Edit.), 2001, etc. The draft list of the geosites (Wimbledon et al., 1998), the initiative of ProGEO in collaboration with IUGS as a part of the international GEOSITES programme lists geological sites of Slovakia (among the European ones) of European or world significance. We have classified the important geosites of Slovakia into 8 groups according to specific geological disciplines. Of course, the some sites are polytype, in those cases we try to classify them according to their scientific and/or study significance. For instance, NM Beckovské hradné bralo - castle cliff is the most important from the stratigraphy point of view, but it has also distinct geomorphological values. Fig.1 illustrates the section of the map at 1 : 1 000 000 scale. NNM – National Nature Monument NM - Nature Monument NNR - National Nature Reserve NR - Nature Reserve *On the List of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage Geomorphological sites 1. NNR Dolina Hlboče valley – karst forms 2. NNR Manínska úžina narrow – karst forms, paleontology 3. NR Temešská skala rock - Triassic of the Tatricum envelope sequence 4. NR Kostelecká Tiesňava narrow – karst and erosion forms 5. NR Kamenné more - block field – rhyolites 6. NNR Sitno – rock city 7. NM Štangarígel – quinquelateral columnar jointing of andesites 8. NNR Padva – Choč nappe unit 9. NNR Rozsutec – outlier of the Choč nappe unit 10. NM Šútovská epigenéza – river erosion 11. NNR Čierny kameň – outlier of the Choč nappe unit 12. NM Travertíny na Lúčkach – travertines 13. Chabenec Hill – gravitational slope deformation 14. NNR Kvačianska dolina valley – karst forms 15. NNR Jánska dolina valley – karst forms 16. NNR Ohnište – natural window 17. NM Soví hrad (Owl castle) – basalt neck 18. NNR Mlynická dolina valley – glacial morphology 19. NNR Mengusovská dolina valley – glacial morphology 20. NNR Velická dolina valley – „Eternal Rain“ – megaxenolite of metamorphite 21. NNR Stratená – karst forms 22. NNR Sokol – karst narrow 23. NR Jezerské jazero lake – landslide forms 24. NNR Kyseľ – karst narrow 25. NNR Prielom Hornádu (water break) – karst narrow 26. NNR Prielom Lesnického potoka – water break in the klippe 27. NNM Markušovské steny walls – basal conglomerates 28. NM Skalná ihla („rock needle“) – klippe 29. NNR Zádielská tiesňava narrow – karst canyon 30. NR Hermanovské skaly rocks – rock city in andesites Important caves 1. NNM Demänovské jaskyne caves 2. NNM Belianska jaskyňa cave 3. NNM Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa ice cave* 4. NNM Zvonivá jama cave („Ringing cave“) – karst abyss cave* 5. NM Medvedia jaskyňa cave („Bear cave“)– remnants of the cave bear 6. NNM Diviačia priepasť („Boar cave“) – karst abyss cave* 7. NNM Gombasecká jaskyňa cave* 8. NNM Jaskyňa Domica cave* 9. NNM Silická ľadnica ice cave* 10. NNM Krásnohorská jaskyňa cave* 11. NNM Hrušovská jaskyňa cave* 12. NNM Obrovská priepasť („Huge abyss“) – karst abyss cave* 13. NNM Jaskyňa snežná diera („Snow hole“) cave* 14. NNM Kunia priepasť („Marten abyss“) – karst abyss cave* 15. NNM Jaskyňa Skalistého potoka („Stony creek“) cave* 16. NNM Drienovská jaskyňa cave* 17. NNM Jasovská jaskyňa cave* Hydrogeological sites 1. NM Limbašská vyvieračka – karst exsurgence 2. NM Vojtovský prameň spring – methane emission 3. NM Rojkovská Travertínová kopa – travertine mound and mofette 4. NM Bešeňovské travertíny – travertines 5. NNNR Meandre Hrona – river meanders 6. NM Travertínové jazierko Kráter – travertine lake „Crater“ 7. NNR Sivá brada – exsurgence of mineral water 8. Cígeľka – mineral spring 9. NNM Herliansky gejzír – artificial geyser 10. Izra – lake dammed by landslide 11. Vihorlat Hill – andesite protrusion Stratigraphical sites 1. NM Beckovské hradné bralo - castle cliff, Triassic-Ladinian 2. NM Bíňanský sprašový profil – loess profile, Quaternary 3. Belianska dolina valley – Tatric envelope unit, Triassic-Cretaceous 4. NM Žiar – Choč nappe unit, Triassic 5. Transgresia paleogénu pri Ružomberku – Transgression of Paleogene at Ružomberok, Paleogene 6. NM Jazierske travertíny – travertines, Quaternary 7. Oravský Biely potok – Biely Potok Formation, Paleogene 8. NM Lipovianske pieskovce – Lipovany sandstone beds, Paleogene/Neogene 9. Podtureň – lunzské vrstvy – lunz beds, Carnian 10. Husiná – Quaternary basalt flow over Pleistocene gravel 11. NM Jalovské vrstvy beds – cross-bedded sandstones, Neogene 12. Ždiar – shales of the Carpathian Keuper, Norian 13. Bretka – facies stratotype of near-shore limestones, Neogene 14. Gočaltovo – stratotype of the Štítnik Formation, Permian-Triassic 15. NNR Prielom Dunajca – water break of Dunajec, Klippen belt, Jurassic-Cretaceous 16. Kežmarok – type profile of the Kežmarok Formation, Paleogene 17. Spišské Tomášovce – Tomášovské vrstvy beds, Paleogene 18. NNM Spišský hradný vrch – Spiš Castle Hill – travertines, Quaternary* Paleontological sites 1. NNM Devínska hradná skala – Devín Castle Cliff , Jurassic 2. NR Štokeravská vápenka, lime works, Neogene Vertebrate fauna 3. Pezinok – brickyard – Pannonian index fauna 4. Senec – fossil soils, Lower Pleistocene 5. Cerové-Lieskové – Karpatian index fauna 6. Veľký Kýr – fossil soils, Lower Pleistocene 7. NNRVršatské bralá – Vršatec Klippe – fossil fauna, geomorphology, Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous 8. NR Červenokamenské bradlo – Červený Kameň Klippe – ammonite fauna, Jurassic 9. NM Hričovské rífy – Hričov reefs – olistoliths, Paleogene 10. NR Kozinská – Klippen belt, Jurassic 11. Skladaná skala – Allgäu Beds, Jurassic 12. NM Triassic reef at Liptovská Osada 13. NM Doggerian rocks – Ždiar Formation, Jurassic 14. NR Mohylky – nummulitic sandy limestones, Paleogene 15. NNR Kostná dolina („Bones Valley“) – Neogene Vertebrata fauna 16. NM Meliata profile – stratotype of Meliaticum unit, Triassic-Jurassic 17. NNM Gánovské travertíny –
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