18 SOCIETY. THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON, D. C„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928. SOCIETY. Ganna Walska and M. Jules Henri and < Mr. Lacour-Gayet of the French em- ASSISTING IN SOCIETY CTROJS. bassy staff. Mr. VanVeen is a well j | known Dutch-American painter whose < collection of Cathedral paintings is now , Henderson's—-Standard for Quality for Over 50 Years on exhibition in the National Gallery. j *• SOCIETY# * f The Minister of Greece and Mme. J Simopoulos were hosts at dinner last ' evening, having as their guests the j The Chief Executive and First Lady of Italian Ambassador, Nobile Giacomo < de Martino; the Minister of Czecho- *I Gifts of Henderson Furniture | Slovakia and Mme. Ververka, Senator j "Pj, the Land Hosts at Dinner and Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, Senator ; and Mrs. William H. King, Mr. and ;u Serve as Lifetime Reminders of the Bestower Mrs. Marshall Langhome, Mr and Mrs. \ ij Last Evening. Eugene Meyer, Mr. Charles Eddy, chair- i Settlement fl The character of Henderson Furniture |T\ Ti - • man of the Greek Refugee J pr Commission, and Mrs. Eddy; Mrs. Alvin ' invests it with particular “givableness”— } 2/ Mrs. and Mrs. Mr. T. Hert, Helen Ernst, Mr. O. How- I HE President and Coolidge i State Hughes, Charles Miss | {- | makes it pre-eminently the gift of all gifts / y\ I,*- entertained a distinguished L. Cook, master of ceremonies of the land Shaw and the counselor, Mr. ft< I 1 ~ for the home. 1 company at dinner last evening [ State Department making the pres- Anninos, and the first secretary. Mr. , 'y4 ST i JL* aS X in the White House, theirr entations. Mrs. Kellogg wore a hand- Vrisakis, of the Greek legation staff, j guests being the delegates to > some gown of Burgundy color velvet, 8 n flOur displays cover lpur entire floors and \T)V the 'Conference of Ameri- - the skirt slightly draped, and a tracery The Minister of Persia, Mirza Da- ft3 1/1 International Meftah, ir' y y 111 offer innumerable suggestions at POP- fcrW xA States on and Arbitra- -of crystals on the bodice. She wore voud Khan will be host to a £5 can Conciliation comnany * * ULAR tion and their wives. The guests were ? pearls and diamonds. Mrs. Hughes, who of 70 at dinner this evening t nJ J Q PRICES. h n delegates of the Latin re- received constant ovation all evening, in compliment to the Persian delegates ; the Ajnerican ¦ a the Aeronautical Con- Mahogany publics. wore a gown of white tulle and satin, to International <¦ Secretaries $125 to $338 1 They follow: Bolivia, the Minister embroidered in silver sequins. gress. Mr. Jacob Baur and Mr. Red- j S A Y r lich, the latter Persian consul in Chi- ; Genuine Mahogany Footstools. .$7.50 to of Bolivia and Senora de Dies de ¦ Among the guests to arrive early and SPINET OESKs! $32 fl Medina; Brazil, the Ambassador off remain a short time were the Vice cago, who is serving as delegate to the ' Gen. Mah. High UJ Congress. $46 to sllO ’ and Loxv Boys. .$65 to $285 LARGE Brazil Senhor Gurgel do Amaral, and l President and Mrs. Dawes. The dean ijjj Senor and Senora Araujo Jorge; Chile, . of the diplomatic corps, the Ambas- Solid Mah. & Walnut End Tables.slo to $35 vfg Dr and Senora Manuel Foster Reca- sador of Great Britain and Lady Senator Edward I. Edwards of New 3ft Jersey was joined yesterday in his ' or barren and Senor and Senora Antonio > Isabella Howard, arrived early and re- Mah. Walnut Sezving Tables. .$22 to $45 apartment _ *7 Planet Cordero; Colombia, the Min- mained for an hour or more. The Vice in Wardman Park Hotel by jJ? = ¦ .:... = Gen. Mali. Cane $72 TO $162 ister of Colombia, Senor Dr| Enrique President-elect, Senator Charles Curtis, his daughter, Miss Elizabeth Edwards. , r: 1 Wing Chairs..sl9.7s to $39 Tj and Dr. Carlos Escallon; Costa ( Edward Everett » Olaya and his sister, Mrs. - Genuine Mahogany, Satinivood and Deco % Rica, the Minister of Costa Rica. Senor ’ Gann, held a constant reception at one The military attache of the Argentine J Don Castro Quesada; Cuba, the end of the Hall of the during embassy and Senora de Zuloaga enter- ; rated Tilt-Top Tables $lB to \ Manuel ¦ Americas today May- \\\ ~ ti* of Cuba and Senora de ! the evening, Mrs. Gann wearing gown tained at luncheon at the ft 1 ' Ambassador a v Gen. Mali. Magazine Stands to Ferrara, and Dr. Rafael Martinez : of emerald-green georgette with an em- flower in honor of Lieut. Col. R. H. \ 9C\ $lO $35 '¦ 4—E Ortiz; Dominican Republic, the Minster ‘ broidered effect in crystals on the bodice Williams and Miss Williams. Others 1 KJ Genuine Mahogany or Walnut Davenport of the Dominican Republic and Senora ¦ and on the skirt. in the company were the charge d’af- 3ft "4 —1 Senor Gustavo A. Diaz; white marble interior the faires of Argentina and Senora de En- ' • Tables $46 to $135 de Morales and The of s * ‘ W Ecuador, the Minister of Ecuador and building was at its best with a gay clso.the military attache of the Italian jJR Salvador, 1 1 Genuine Mahogany or Walnut Seu>- -Jj Senor de Zaldumbide; El Dr. setting of poinsettia and other Christ- (Continued on Nineteenth Page.) ft3 l(T' Priscilla iCayetano Ochoa and Dr. David Rosales; mas flowers. A# \ \ // ing Cabinets $9.75 and $10.50 I nSfes £5 iGuatemala, the Minister of Guatemala Following the reception the guests al- 2/ \ / <New Hln«* Tod) VVV/' (y tl fund Senora de Recinos and Dr. and most immediately fell into step with Gen. Mah. i eSenora Jose Falla-Ariz; Haiti, the music, the dancing continuing until Apartments Available ) jo or Wal. Coffee Tables. .$27 to $62 (Q fcharge d’affaires of Haiti, Mr. Raoul midnight. lJP ?Mzaire and Mr. Augustus Bonamy; A number of the Senators and Repre- Genuine Mahogany, Satimvood and Deco- 5f Marcos Lopez Ponce ifi maSo^al^ab Senor sentatives recently arrived in Washing- mahogany rated Nests Tables to d Senor Romulo Duron; Mexico, Dr. ton and their wives were in the com- I# solid of «...$27 $42 walnut tea T# Highlands „ . _ The CABINETS, ~ rnando Gonzales Roa and Dr. Benito pany and many other personages in- 2/j SMOKING . c WAGONS 3/ $11.75 TO Gen. Mah. Smoking Stands.....,s4 to $14.50 ares; Nicaragua, the Minister of terested in Latin American affairs. "A Most Desirable Permanent fl• $43 S3B TO $75 wf caragua and Senora de Cesar: Sir Esme and Lady Isabella Howard Address” * nama, the Minister of Panama and were constantly asked about the lateest 1 Mirrors, Lamps and Shades in Wide Variety nora de Alfaro and Dr. Carlos L. news from England on the condition of & pez; Paraguay. Dr. Eligio Ayala; the King, and. after the guests were re* Conn. Ave. Cal. St. ta Visit our store for other suggestions—inspection is a pleasure that involves no obligation the Ambassador of Peru, Dr. Her- Lady Isabella ru. ’ceived, Mrs. Kellogg and of Washington’s A n Velarde and Dr. and Senora Victor sat in the corridor overlooking the patio Left: Mrs. Sidney Thomas, who is taking an active part in arrangements for , One jjj DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE FOR LATER DELIVERY Maurtua; Uruguay, Dr. Jose Pedro and held a long conversation. Later the Junior League Society Circus at the Washington Auditorium, the afternoon exclusive Apartment Hotels Imduras, Venezuela, the Minister of i 3 the Secretary of State and Mrs. Kellogg and evening of December 19. Right: Mrs. Theodore N. Gill, chairman of pub- suites to \U 8 nezuela and Senora de Grisanti and and former Secretary of State and Mrs. —Harris Ewing Photos. offers from 2 7 jo; licity. \ Francisco Arroyo Pare United Hughes were served with supper at a rooms, furnished and unfur- \ the Secretary of ates of America, small round table in the patio. nished. * ate and Mrs. Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs. Many of the guests went from the evening and with their guests will later : Army dance to be held there later in j jarles Dwight W. „ g E. Hughes. Mr. Mor- Pan-American Upton to the attend the reception at the Italian the evening. B. Bachelors’ i 1 James Henderson | k, Mr. and Mrs. Francis White, Mr. Cotillon at the Mayflower. embassy. Rentals Moderate Fine Furniture, Laces, Draperies, Upholstery, Paperhanging, d Mrs. Warren Delano Robbins, Mr. The of France Mme. Painting U Meyer, and and Ambassador and Management d Mrs. Cord jr„ Col. The Ambassador of Great Britain and The Secretary of War and Mrs. entertained at luncheon today j; Wardman ‘ and Capt. and Davis i Claudel rs. Osmun Latrobe Lady Isabella Howard will be the guests are to be the guests of honor at the i their guests being the Minister of Bul- rs. Wilson Brown. in whose honor, Mrs. Henry F. Dimock dinner to be given by Maj. Gen. and l garia and Mme. Radewa, the counselor 1108 G Street-Phones a The table was a half circle and the will entertain a company of 30 at dinner 7%\ the Mrs. Lutz Wahl on the evening of De- of the Polish legation, Mr. Wankowicz; [ North 1240 gj ndsome gold service was used, ¦ this the ~ evening. cember 14, at the Willard prior to ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter VanVeen, Mme. •I• ' of carnations and '¦ .v mounds pink '“a via with maidenhair fern at inter- The Italian Ambassador and Nobil ! and dainty the flowers Is clusters' Os Donna Antoinette de Martino will enter- Jin rela;the gold vases making a beautiful tain a company at dinner this evening The mantel was banked with GREETINGS fleet.
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