Vista CSMP Supplemental EIR Appendices Appendix A. NOP and Comment Letters July 2017 | A-1 Vista CSMP Supplemental EIR Appendices This page is intentionally blank. July 2017 | A-2 2017 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan Summary of NOP Comments Name of Commenter Issues Raised Native American Heritage Commission • Project compliance with Assembly Bills 18 and 52. San Diego County Parks and Recreation • Potential impacts to Rancho Guajome Adobe County Park. Department of Toxic Substances Control • Requests that the EIR identify and determine whether current or historic uses at the project site may have resulted in any release of hazardous wastes/substances. • If any recognized environmental conditions are in the project area, then proper investigation, sampling and remedial actions shall be overseen by appropriate regulatory agencies prior to any new development or construction. • Lead-based paints, mercury, and asbestos containing materials shall be addressed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations if buildings are modified/demolished. • Proper evaluation is required if project development involves soil export/import. • Potential requirement to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. • Requests that the EIR identify how any required investigation and/or remediation will be conducted, and the appropriate agency to provide regulatory oversight. Preserve Calavera • Potential impacts to Buena Vista Creek Valley. • Integration of planning for sewer lines and trails. • Minimize impacts of sewer lines through habitat. • Recommends looking at alternative transportation as opportunities to improve the project and provide additional public benefits. California Department of Transportation • Any worked performed within Caltrans right-of-way will require discretionary review and approval by Caltrans and an encroachment permit will be required for any work within the Caltrans right-of-way prior to construction. Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians • Project is located within the historic Luiseno territory and within Rincon’s specific area of cultural interest. • Recommends that the EIR include a mitigation measure that a Native American Monitor be present for all ground disturbing activities. Elmer, Do you happen to have the location of the potential projects? We want to make sure there are no potential impacts to Rancho Guajome Adobe County Park, which is located in the northwest corner of the City of Vista. Thanks in advance for your help. Thank you, Marcus Lubich, MPA Park Project Manager San Diego County Parks and Recreation 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 410 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 966-1348 office | (858 )378-3878 cell (858) 495-5841 fax www.sdparks.org From: Vertino, Timothy Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 10:09 AM Subject: IJN Review - Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan - City of Vista Interjurisdictional Notice Comments Due to Timothy Vertino by 04/13/2017 NOTICE OF PREPARATION SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, City of Vista and Buena Sanitation District 2017 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan Lead Agency: City of Vista NOTICE: http://www.cityofvista.com/home/showdocument?id=10434 Project Location: The geographic area covered by the proposed CSMP is similar to that covered in the 2008 SMPU and includes areas within the City limits, portions of neighboring cities, including Oceanside, Carlsbad, and San Marcos, and unincorporated areas in the County of San Diego (see Figure 2 - attached). Project Description: The 2017 CSMP builds on and refines the previous 2008 SMPU by providing a set of recommended projects for inclusion in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program. The CIP component of the CSMP includes a combination of capacity improvements to address undersized pipelines and replacement/rehabilitation 04/13/2017 City of Vista improvements to address pipelines in poor condition. Additionally, where feasible alternatives exist, the City may consider alternate alignments for existing facilities located in waterways or restricted by poor access. The timing for construction for individual projects identified in the CIP and O&M Program would occur over a 20 year period, contingent on available funding. IJN Accela Code: PDS2016-MISC-16-047 Guidance for Responses: To maximize the value of your input, please consider the following: • In your comments, please clearly identify the specific issues on which you are commenting. If you are commenting on a particular word, phrase, or sentence, please provide the page number and paragraph citation. • Also, please note: if there any impacts in the unincorporated county, in your comments please distinguish if the impacts are to: o Privately-owned lands in the unincorporated county, and/or County-owned lands/resources etc. Timothy Vertino Land Use/Environmental Planner, Advance Planning County of San Diego - Planning & Development Services 5510 Overland Avenue Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92123 858-495-5468 From: Diane Nygaard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 12:11 PM To: Elmer Alex <[email protected]> Subject: Comments on NOP 2017 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan Hi Mr. Alex Our comments on the NOP for this project include the following: - Buena Vista Creek Valley The old shared sewer line along Buena Vista Creek extends outside the city limits through the Buena Vista Creek Valley. Part of the valley was acquired for conservation in 2007 (Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve) just before the last update of the master plan. Since then substantial additional hardline habitat has been added. This valley includes a priceless combination of natural, cultural and historic resources. It is a major concern of ours that the last sewer spill in this area (that we are aware of) occurred in December of 2010- and the required mitigation for the impacts to the biological resources has yet to be done. The old line through this valley should be a high priority for replacement and hopefully will be done early in the schedule. But we are concerned about assurances about mitigation for this 2010 sewer spill, others that might occur between now and completion of a new line, and the assumed temporary impacts from replacing the rest of this old line. In addition the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife has special conditions associated with impacts to the BVCER- they must include funding for in perpetuity management of any on-site mitigation. This is an unusual condition- but one that should be specifically noted in your project bio assessment and mitigation measures. - integration of planning for sewer lines and trails In the areas where this makes sense we encourage you to look for opportunities to plan sewer lines as public trails. This can be an important way to increase the use of alternative transportation without causing any increased impacts to habitat. Since Buena Vista Creek is identified as a focus area in the General Plan update there may be some particular areas to increase connectivity that also support the GP and improved circulation. - minimizing impacts of sewer lines through habitat Since many old sewer lines were gravity flow they often follow or cross creeks where spills can be very damaging. Wetlands protection requires first avoid impacts, then minimize then mitigate. We would like to see robust efforts to actually avoid impacts. - Recreation This was identified as not being included in the CEQA evaluation for this update. We encourage you to actually look at alternative transportation, including what might just otherwise be considered recreational trails - as opportunities to improve this project and provide additional public benefits- as well as reducing community GHG. A more robust project should be providing for enhanced transportation/recreation and in that circumstance might add some impacts. Diane Nygaard Preserve Calavera From: Vincent Whipple [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 5:15 PM To: Elmer Alex <[email protected]> Subject: Supplemental Program EIR for City of Vista and Buena Sanitation District, 2017 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan (2007091072) [heur] RE: Supplemental Program EIR for City of Vista and Buena Sanitation District, 2017 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan (2007091072) Dear Elmer Alex: This message is sent on behalf of the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians. We have received the notice of March 24, 2017 regarding the above named project. The identified project location is within the historic Luiseno Territory and it is also situated within Rincon’s specific area of cultural interest. Embedded in the Luiseno Territory are Rincon’s history, culture, and identity. The project is in our Traditional Use Area, and we believe there is the potential for cultural findings, including the possibility of inadvertent discoveries. Due to the likelihood of ground disturbances during the project’s construction, we recommend as a mitigation measure that a Native American Monitor be present for all ground disturbing activities. Thank you for the opportunity to comment and to protect and preserve our Luiseno cultural heritage. Vincent Whipple Cultural Resources Manager Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians 760-297-2635 Vista CSMP Supplemental EIR Appendices Appendix B. Condition Project Categories July 2017 | B-1 Vista CSMP Supplemental EIR Appendices This page is intentionally blank. July 2017 | B-2 Table 1 - Hardscape 2017 Condition CIP Projects Project Category Length Insp_Date2 B01019-B01020 Hardscape 477 2012 B01090-B01091
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