et al.: Alumni Journal Alumni Journal www.syracuse.edu/olumni 1-8oo-SUALUMS (782-5867) Signs of Spring EVERY YEAR, WHEN THOSE OF US IN SYRACUSE are wondering if spring will ever come, the anniver­ sary of the University's founding on March 24, 1870, arrives. This annual event gives us an oppor­ tunity to reflect on our heritage and display some well-deserved Orange pride. Multicolored Cheers Originally founded as Genesee College in Lima, New York, Syracuse University began as the hope­ hen John Trever '65 recalls standing student-run group that ful dream of Methodist Episcopal Church leaders. Wthe day the Syracuse Uni­ organized freshman orientation A few years later it was relocated to Syracuse, versity football team played Holy activities and initiated and en­ which was considered a more suitable home for an Cross during his junior year, it couraged participation in count­ emerging institution of higher learning with a isn't the game he remembers, less campus traditions. The national reputation. but the action in the stands. group introduced placard cheer­ As part of the Syracuse University alumni family, I hope you show your SU pride every day. I also Armed with a bullhorn, he stood ing at SU in 1950, adopting the hope that each year when the third week of March on the field and directed fellow practice from other schools. The approaches- hopefully with the first signs of students in one of the Uni­ commission also oversaw the spring in upstate New York-you will pause and versity's most colorful traditions: "Goon Squad," a group of soph­ think about your beloved alma mater and your time placard cheering. Signaling fans omores who organized placard on the Hill. Think about those who came before to hold up the correct colored cheering as part of their overall you and helped make our University great. placard at the precisely timed duties to familiarize freshmen Consider the students who are here today, benefit­ moment, Trever, along with with college life. ing from the commitment and generosity of thou­ classmates Diane Dusinberre '65 As Trever recalls, before each sands of alumni. Stop and think about what you and James Marshall '65, helped football game in Archbold Sta­ can do to be a loyal alumnus, such as joining your orchestrate the simulated image dium, Goons ushered freshmen local alumni club, giving to the academic program of an arrow flying toward its tar­ (or "frosh," as they were called) of your choice, or buying a paver in the Orange get- the Holy Cross eagle mas­ into the student section, present­ Grove. How you choose to express your gratitude cot. "My first love was placard ing them with the tools for plac­ and commitment to SU is a personal decision. I cheering, " said Trever, an editor­ ard cheering: a "laundry slip" only ask that you make a decision and act on it. ial cartoonist at the Albuquerque that listed the cheers planned for (New Mexico) Journal. "It was the game and indicated which fun to design those cheers and color placard to hold up at a par­ see my ideas come to reality. " ticular time, and three two-sided Trever was a member of the placards of blue, orange, yellow, Lil Breul O'Rourke '77 Traditions Commission, a long- red, white, or green. During the Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations 44 S YRA C U S E U N I V E R S ITY MA G A Z IN E Published by SURFACE, 2003 1 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 1 [2003], Art. 12 Placard cheering was introduced by the University's Traditions Commission in 1950 and remained popular for two decades. game, junior and senior Traditions Com­ "Placard cheering provided a nice looked forward to them," says Trever. mission members called out cheers from splash of color," Trever says. "But there "It was an important part of the Univer­ the field, choosing from a repertoire that was always someone holding up the sity experience." - Lindsay Beller included a halftime salute to the band wrong card." He says the best view of (placards depicted a yellow trumpet and placard cheering went to the alumni the word BAND against a green back­ who sat across the field. "I remember drop), a recreation of the colorful NBC one cheer designed especially for them," peacock for use during televised games, he says. "Imagine the word 'ALUMS' and the "taming" of the Penn State flashed against a sea of Nittany Lion (LION followed by PURR) . orange-the first four letters in Pulling off these spirited feats required white, and the final letter a a tremendous amount of pregame plan­ green dollar sign." ning. Trever remembers a labor-inten­ The tradition of placard sive process that involved tedious logis­ cheering remained popular with tical coordination on the part of Tradi­ SU students for two decades, SU Plates tions Commission members. They first until the Traditions Commis­ ew York State residents can show their designed the cheers on graph paper to sion decided to end it in 1970. NOrange pride with Syracuse University determine which colors were needed to At that time, the group reorga­ custom license plates. The plates, available create the desired effect and where and nized its activities in response for vehicles registered in the state, are when the placards should be displayed. to the changing mood on cam­ offered through an agreement between SU Next, they assigned colors for each cheer pus, a reflection of the increas­ and the New York State Department of to more than 1,000 seats in the stadium. ing political, social, and cultur­ Motor Vehicles. "We sat around a long table in the al upheaval across the nation. Individuals interested in ordering the Women's Building, passed the laundry Although placard cheering fell plates can complete an application form slips out, and marked them up individu­ by the wayside, the commis­ found at the SU web site (www.syr. edu/ ally with colored pencils," Trever says sion continued to carry on bkstjgeneralj dmv.html) or provided by the with a laugh. "This was in the days such SU traditions as planning University's Office of Trademark Licensing before computers!" orientation activities for incom­ (315-443-2838). Despite their best efforts the cheers ing freshmen. "You expected rarely came off without a hitch. these kinds of traditions and S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 45 https://surface.syr.edu/sumagazine/vol20/iss1/12 2 et al.: Alumni Journal ~at Lakes tour:co-host Thomas Gaughan (center) and SU alumni gather abo~rd.. the MV .qolumbus. during their trip last falL ... .. ... ... ... .. .• ALUMNI TRAVEL PortHuron e· A Grand Time on the Great Lakes he ships that once transported peo­ Columbus, a 6-deck, 472-foot cruise ship only 20 miles across at its widest point­ Tple and freight throughout the Great built in 1997 that boasts such amenities and landed at Sault Ste. Marie, where Lakes region were retired during the as a library, an exercise room with a they enjoyed a train ride through dense 1920s and '30s. However, in recent years sauna, two restaurants, two bars, a forests and imposing granite bluffs into the grand tradition of cruising on the swimming pool, boutique, hair salon, Agawa Canyon. Next, the ship made a lakes has returned, and a group of SU and photo lab. The ship began its jour­ loop into Lake Superior and headed alumni took advantage of this fantastic ney heading north on Lake Huron into south back to Michigan, making its last adventure last fall. "We really enjoyed Georgian Bay, then traveled to Lake stop at Mackinac Island, where mem­ ourselves," says Thomas Gaughan, Superior and Lake Michigan before bers of the tour group visited the world­ director of gift and estate planning in returning to Port Huron. The vessel renowned Grand Hotel. "We were SU 's Division of Institutional Advance­ sailed at night, arriving at its given des­ amazed by the beauty of the hotel and ment. Gaughan co-hosted the tour with tination at dawn. Once docked, passen­ grounds," Gaughan says. "We were his wife Karen, senior director of devel­ gers could disembark and see the sights impressed with everything- the whole opment in the College of Human Ser­ at their own pace, or join such daily cruise was absolutely delightful." vices and Health Professions. shoreline excursions as visiting muse­ - Lisa Miles Alumni spent the first day and night ums, shopping, and exploring the of the tour in Port Huron, Michigan, coastal cities. "The cruise ship is ab­ Thomas Edison's birthplace. "The whole solutely beautiful," Gaughan says. city of Port Huron is "Some members of our devoted to Edison," says group didn't want to Gaughan, who spent a leave the boat." If you want information on: night at the Thomas Edi­ FOR INFORMATION At the ship's first stop ~Alumni events son Inn. "A movie re­ ON ALUMNI TRAVEL at Manitoulin Island, On­ counting Edison's life, tario, alumni took a trail OPPORTUNITIES, ~ The SU Alumni Online Community starring Mickey Rooney, is contact Tina Casella hike around Little Cur­ played regularly at the in the Office of Alumni rent, the island's largest ~The SU alumni club in your area town's theater, and two Relations at city; viewed a Native art visit the Office of Alumni Relations museums feature Edison's 1-Soo-SUALUMS or exhibition; and watched web site at www.syracuse.edu/alumni inventions." e-mail [email protected]. an Indian dance and and click on the appropriate link, or The next day the pas­ drum event.
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