In This Issue: The Answers to Every A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage Asad Impartially Each Week Publiahed Every Thursday VOL. XVII—NO. 27 FORDS, N. J...THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 at 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. 3. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Four are Injured August Sweetness In 2-Car Crash and EDISON—A two-car crash at Last Date the intersection of Central and Plamfield Avenues, Stelton, late Saturday afternoon caused in- On Charter Light juries to four persons. ' By CHARLES E. GREGORY The injured were Frank Der- , rieksori, 75, of Poplar Grove Road. Petition Must Be Filed North Stelton, driver of one of By that Date; Voters I am going to make my the cars who received lacerations i last pitch today for economi- of the forehead and right side of To Have Final Decisioai cal school-building, because his face which required five su- EDISON — Although they now I understand the Board of tures.-He was treated at St. Peter's have more than the necessary Education will meet Monday Hospital,- New Brunswick, and re- number of signatures required for to reach some belated deci- leased. Derrickson's wife, Emma, the Charter Study to be placed on sions on a practical ap- received a bump on the head that the ballot in November, the Citi- proach to providing 300 required no .treatment. zen Committee for Charter Study classrooms by 1960. Luis Perez, 26, 447 West Street, will continue to add more names amden, the driver of the other to the list until the August 24 * * * * car, was treated for lacerations of deadline. Before I do this, however, the right, leg at Middlesex Hospi- On Sunday, the group obtained ,1 want to offer my gratitude tal, New Brunswick, and released. its 2899th signature, assuring the to whomever has been re- A passenger in the Perez vehicle, question being put on the ballot. sponsible for weeding the TOWNSHIP ON THE AIR: Woodbridge Township will be the subject of a Pdrt of New York Author- Cristobal Rivera, 18, of the West This will be the second time in gardens at the town hall, a ity program over CBS September 1" at 5:45 P.M. Above the program is being recorded. Taking part Street, address, was treated at six months and the third time were Charles E. Gregory, publisher of The Indepen dent-Leader; Committeeman George Mroz, who Middlesex Hospital for severe HAS DATE WITH HIS HERO: Little Dickie Makin, the 11-year- this year that the voters will go matter which I pressed last represented the Town Committee and Postmaster Leon E. MeElroy, the Township's unofficial his- lacerations of the forehead, nose, old Iselin youngster who plays flawless baseball in the field and to the polls. week purely in loyalty to my torian. Left to right are Martin Weldon, CBS moderator; Anthony Mauriello, Authority coordina- face and fingers and a possible bats at .330 despite severe odds, will have a dream come true on William Keiser, chairman, of the self-respect as a resident of tion officer, Mr. Gregory; a CBS representative, Arthur Volstad, CBS engineer, Mr. Mroz and Mr. fractured kneecap. The hospital Sunday, August 28, when he meets Duke Snider of the Brook- group, was gratified with the work the community.'"The tower- MeElroy. / said that he had also been released. lyn Dodgers, on the Happy Felton "Knot Hole Gang" preceding of his committee and said that ing crab-grass has now been Derrickson told police he was the fame between the Brooklyn club and the St. Louis Cardinals. there would be no need to aban- removed and the canna lilies going south on Central Avenue As a result of a fine article written by Johnny Royle, sports edi- don the drive and urged that his and marigolds" can be dis- when he stopped at the intersec- tor of the Independent - Leader, and the efforts of Charles E. workers continue to obtain -signa- Duff Vows Ail-Out Fight Hurricane Connie's tion prior to. making a left turn. Gregory, editor of this newspaper, Mr. Felton has requested the tures until the deadline for filing- cerned. We planted a variety He said that his directional sig- youngster's presence at the game to meet his idol. Young Makin petitions with the township clerk. of other flowering plants, but Wrath Visits Town nals indicated that he was going is an inspiration to all sport lovers, for he plays excellent base- If the petitions are found to be apparently they choked to For Ban of 'Gundy Dancers' to make the turn and that the ball despite the loss of an arm, a foot, and part of the other proper, this would be the second road seemed' to be clear in all di- foot. In the picture-above, Makin is reading the letter from Mr. death—and while we can't WOODBRIDGE—The Township is continuing its fight to eject WQODBJtrDGE—With ,torreni- time the township voters mads rections. As he was making the Felton inviting him to be on his program. Sitting beside him is a binding decision at the polls on enjoy them, we can enjoy the the "gandy dancers"—road gang workers—of the Pennsylvania Rail- tial rains and wind gusts up to 65 turn he.noticed, the Perez car state of orderliness that has road who are living in railroad cars off Pulton Street. miles an hour whipping across the his dag, and Mr. Boyle, who delievered the letter. Dickie's father a question that was put on the 1 bearing down on him at a fast will accompany him. been installed. Yesterday, J. H. Knolf, track supervisor of the Pennsylvania Rail- Township ahead of and in the rate of speed. ballot by petitioners. road, in charge of the railroad camp here, came to Woodbridge and wake. of Hurricane Connie, there The other time was in 1927, and * * * * conferred with Police Chief John R, Egan and Township Attorney Na- was cohsiderabledamage caused by Perez said that Derrickson made I might as well interpolate a sudden turn into the path of the it also involved the governmental than Duff. flooded cellars Saturday. Perez car. Two witnesses told po- Truck 'Driver is Accused' structure. That was when the peo- here, too, my utter disgust at Mr, Duff told Mr. Knolf during Legion Group Makes Many sections of the. Township lice that the Perez car was travel- ple adopted the commission form, the decision which permitted, the conference that the Township were without electricity but most ing at a high rate of. speed and of government under the Walsh a chain hot-dog stand to rise would leave no stone unturned to of the service was restored within could not stop at the intersection. After Fatal Avenel Crash Act. That move also started with "get rid of the gandy dancers" Plans for 4 Events 24 hours. However, some of the the circulation of petitions, and at the entrance to our new street lighting is still out. Police found skid marks from the WOODBRIDGE—A complaint of causing death by auto has been high school. I don't suppose who have been a source of trouble EDISON—Plans for four com- Perez vehicle measuring 90 feet in ended when a majority of the to the police and an annoyance to ing events were outlined at Tues- Trees were down all over the length. Perez was given a summons filed against John Kovtun, 30, 3205 Tremley Point Road, driver of voters approved the commision that another hot-dog stand residents in the vicinity of Pulton day night's meeting of ,the Clara Township and the Road Depart- for careless" driving. the Nu-Car Carriers Corporation auto-conveyor truck, which figured form of government. anywhere can claim as ex- Street. - ment was kept busy carting away in a three-vehicle collision and took the life of a 32-year-old Brook- Bartpn Post No. 324, American trees and debris. The police de- All of the injured were trans- lyn woman, seriously injured her husband and sent both Kovtun and Township voters also made an pensive a back-dfop as this When Mr. Knolf expressed the Legion, held in the post head- important decision in November, opinion some of the mercahnts partment switchboard was kept ported to the hospitals by the Edi- another truck driver to the hospital. one, because we borrowed quarters, with Joseph McMahon busy, particularly with: calls from son Township First Aid Squad. The truck, operated by Kovtun 1954. That was when they called have been benefitting from the presiding. for changing the name of Raritan three and one-half millions camp's existence here, it is un- i±>e Fords .and Hopelawn areas Sgt. Joseph Merker and Patrol- had-just received a shipment of of dollars, tp^onstruct, a Ihe^BOst^wJIL sponsor.. _ £ase-. where-, -the. residents, were without men, Joseph Marino',.and. Bernard Township to Edison. But that vote dersiood-iie was told>Woodforidge- a four brand new cars from the Lin- limestone*- IJecorafecl *palSce merchants can^ get along without ball trip to the Polo Grounds water. :•:'. • Gockel investigated. was not "binding"—that is, the August 26. Tickets are still avail- Ah Independent-iieader reporter coln-Mercury plant, Edison, Mon- final decision had to be made by of learning—and now we such trade. the Board of Commissioners. The have -added a dismal little Mr, Duff said yesterday that all able. Other events, for which dates was also k^pt busy answering calls day morning. The accident oc- the objections would be outlined in were not decided, include a bar- that concerned the refusal of some curred at the foot of the Pennsyl- November voting at the polls was touch of Coney Island, at of the fire companies to give the Hopelawn Group no more binding than an opinion formal complaint to be sent to becue, a toarn dance and a Hal- vania Railroad Bridge, Route 1, PERTH AMBOY—Twenty-nine total architectural odds with the Superintendent of the Penn- lowe'en party.
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