The University of San Francisco USF Scholarship: a digital repository @ Gleeson Library | Geschke Center Black Student Union Black Activism and Education 1969 Black Cultural Week Flyer and BSU Newsletters 1969 Black Student Union University of San Francisco Joseph E. Marshall Jr. University of San Francisco Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.usfca.edu/bsu Part of the African American Studies Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Black Student Union and Marshall, Joseph E. Jr., "Black Cultural Week Flyer and BSU Newsletters 1969" (1969). Black Student Union. 16. https://repository.usfca.edu/bsu/16 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Black Activism and Education at USF Scholarship: a digital repository @ Gleeson Library | Geschke Center. It has been accepted for inclusion in Black Student Union by an authorized administrator of USF Scholarship: a digital repository @ Gleeson Library | Geschke Center. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·-·-·- - . --- THe Black Student Union of the University ofSan Francisco presents CULTURAL----=------WEEK----- Dedication to slain BrotherMALCOMX - DATE: Feb. 17th (Monday) to Feb. 21st J{ONDAY Feb. 17 - 7:30pm - Phelan Hall - U.S.F Campus "History of Afro-American Music11 Performances by: 1 ) Delegates 3) Sons of' Harmony 2) The Machine 4) Star of Bethel Choir (co-ordinated by :d andall ,.; c,~1) TICKETS: Students 1. 00 - Adults $1.5050 - Children FREE! Tuesday * Feb. 18 - 7: JO - Phelan Hall - U. S .F. Campus FASHION SHOW presented by NEW BREED CLOTHIERS of Oakland followed by the performance of: "Back to Black" Written and produced by Desi Jones! TICKETS: Students $2.00 - Adnlts $2.00 - Children FREE! WEDNESDAY FEB. 1 9 - 7: 30pm - FREE*FREE*FREE ! ! 1 - Phelan Hall - USF Campus Narootics Symposium ''Narcotics and the Black Man" Given by J oe Meritt and Dennis Johnson of Oakland. followed by : The entire performance of The Black Madonna Workshop From the San Francisco College, highlighting sculpture, art, music, dance, photography, pottery, and magazine lay out. Thursday if- Feb. 20 - 11 : 30am - FREE - RAllY Appearances of former USF Black athletes including Bill Russell, Gene Brown, Hal Perry, Lloyd Moffatt Huey Thomas, and Joe Ellis. 4:30-7:30pm Bar-B-QueDinner served in University Commons. Price $1.40 3:00 - Reshowing of "Back to Black" - Phelan Hall TICKETS: Students $1.00• - Adults !.5050 ***Appearance of a surprise guest celebri following the • performance of "Back to Black" FRIDAY Feb. 21 - Harney Plaza - USF Campus 11:00: am- : 1:00pm - Denonstration in memory of Brother Malcom X 7: 30pm - Kezar Pavilion - ( Stanyon and Naller sts. ) SPEAKERS SYMPOSIUM - featuring Willie Brown, Ron Dellams, Rev. B.T. Anderson, Mrs. Ray Richardson. and Ron Karenga. --·--------- Tickets mayb e purchased at the BSU office at USF, Success Book Store - She McAllister in Jan :Francisco and Tape-A-Tune Jee ord Shop - 500 3 San Pablo in Oakland. Tickets for all eve nts will also be sold at the door.) FOR ADDITIONALInformation Call BSU OFFICE - 752-7693 ! ! ! James W. Kelly, Jr., Director • Area 415, 752-1000 • Home, 583-2819 1/31/69 release on receipt Contact: Joseph Marshall, Chairman BLACK CULTURE WEEK or SLATED AT USF Joseph Christy, Press Director BSU-USF, phone 752-7893 The Black Students' Union of the University of San Francisco has announced plans to sponsor a Black Cultural Week dedicated to the memory of martyr Malcolm.X. BSU chairman Joseph Marshall said events of the weekFeb. 17-21, although directed mainly to students, would be open to the public of the Bay Area. Tentative plans include the following events: Monday evening, Feb. , 17, a program on the history of Afro-American music Tuesday, Feb. 18, a fashion show presented by the New Breed, Inc., and a contemporary play, "Back to Black," written and directed by Miss Desi Jones; Wednesday, Feb. 19, a Black Madonna Program presented by students of the San Francisco College for Women, highlighting sculpture art, music, dance, photography, pottery, and magazine layout and design. Thursday noon, Feb. 20, a rally featuring the return of former USF All-American Bill Russell, now player-coach of the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association, and appearances by many former USF black athletes; more/more .. usf/black culture week •••••• 2 Thursday evening, Feb. 20, serving of "Que" (barbecue dinner) in the University Commons, followed by a second performance of "Back to Black" and introduction of a surprise guest celebrity; Friday, Feb. 21, at a site yet to be chosen, a program of prominent and contemporary guest speakers followed by a Black Ball, Additional information on Black Cultural Week may be obtained from the BSU office at USF, telephone 752-7893, James W. Kelly, Jr., Director • Area 415, 752-1000 • Home, 583-2819 2/13/69 release on receipt MUSIC, DRAMA, ART IN BLACK CULTURAL WEEK AT USF The Black Students' Union of the University of San Francisco will observe Black Cultural Week starting Monday (Feb. 17) with nightly programs featuring music, fashions, art, and drama, BSU president Joe Marshall has announced. "The week is dedicated to slain Brother Malcolm X," Marshall said, "and we welcome the public to attend our cultural events." Four musical groups will present "History of Afro-American Music" Monday night at 7:30 in Phelan Hall on the USF campus. Performing will be The Delegates, The Machine, the Sons of Harmony, and the Star Bethel Choir, all coordinated by Randall Norton. Admission is $1.50 for adults 1 $1 for students, and children free. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. in Phelan Hall, Om and Daniel Harper of New Breed Clothiers in Oakland will stage a fashion show. Immediately following will be a play entitled "Back to Black," written and directed by Desi Jones and dealing with the black experience. Admission to both events is $2 for adults and students, children free. Wednesday night will feature two speakers on "Narcotics and the Black Man," followed by the Black Madonna Program with artists from that group's headquarters at San Francisco College for Women. Admission is free to the two events, opening at 7:30p.m. in Phelan Hall~ more/more . .,, usf/black cultural week ..••••..• 2 Joe Merit and Dennis Johnson of the Narcotics Symposium, Oakland, will discuss drug problems among blacks and will welcome audience questions. The Black Madonna artists will exhibit results -- in dance, painting, and sculpture -- of the creative arts program launched at Lone Mountain a year ago with support from the black community. Former USF black athletes will meet students Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the University Plaza. Bill Russell, Gene Brown, Hal Perry, Lloyd Moffatt, Huey Thomas, Joe Ellis, and others are scheduled to appear. At 4:30 Thursday, a "Que" dinner will be served in the University Commons. A second performance of "Back to Black" will be staged at 8 p.m. in Phelan Hall, and a surprise guest celebrity will be introducec at the end of the show. Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on campus, BSU members will hold a memorial tribute in honor of Malcolm X. Black Cultural Week at USF will conclude with a symposium in Kezar Pavilion Friday at 7:30 p.m. Leading a discussion of black issues will be San Francisco Assemblyman Willie Brown, Jr., Berkeley City Councilman Ron De]lums, Rev. B.T. Anderson and Rev. H.A. Bryant of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Mrs. Ray Richardson of the Success Bookstcre in San Francisco, and Ron Karenga of the Los Angeles organization called US. Admission to the symposium will be $1. Tickets to all events may be purchased at the BSU office in Phelan Hall at USF, the Success Book Store, 450 McAllister, and Tape-A-Tune Record Shop, 5883 San Pablo, in Oakland, Information on Black Cultural Week at USF is available from the campus BSU office, telephone 752-7893. -. add usf/Black Cultural Week ••••••••••• 3 Father Elliot A. Short, S.J., USF chaplain, has announced that an Afro-American Mass, featuring African student drummers, will be offered at 4 p.m. this Sunday (Feb. 16) in St. Ignatius Church, Fulton Street and Parker Avenue. He said the Mass would be in honor of USF's first Black Cultural Week. Father Short will be the principal cele­ brant. • Roosevelt Alexander Allen Estes, Jr. Phelan Hall, Rm, 353 408 Phelan Hall 151 Carton Dr. Oakland, Calif 562-64004 Charles Anderson 2867 82nd Jeffery Foster Ave. 1645 Fulton St~ Oakland, Calif San Francisco Calif Peggy Avalos Ronald Rm. Franklin Gillson Hall, 206 1 41 Sagamore St. 741 w. 22nd St. San Francisco Calif. 94112 National. City. Calif 92050 5$5-0109 Robert Bishop Beatrice Gregory 2205 Fulton St., 300 Page St. San Francisco Calif' San Francisco Calif 752-6022 361-3690 Johnny Durks Don Hamiltonton -216 Phelan Hall 354 Phelan Hall 3140 Mabel St 464 41 st St. Berkeley 6 Calif Oakland, Calif. 653-2861 653-5523 Laura Byrd Gwen Harrison · 3000 Pino St ,,,6 412 Gillson Hall San Francisc, Calif" 567-7312 Audrey Cambell Curt Hinton 26 1 /2 Parnassus Ave. ? Phelan Hall San Francisco - Edward A. De-Pembolot Leroy Hogg 124 Baker st. 1644 Post St. San Francisco, Calif. 94117 San Francisco Calif 621-7040 346-1049 Bob Duncan John Ivy 516 Phelan Hall 354 Phelan Hall 5812 Ayale Ave. Oakland, Calif . 654-1756 • Christopher Johnson ? Phelan Hall Eddie Jones 362 t"J:.. j}?O. .~.Vi; .. Pi tt;s.burg~~ c;a.i:li'. 1255 Pagest. San Francisco Calif.•. 626-0432 Mehettie Jones 516 Gillson Hall Jom.1 I-lottc 507- ?helan. Hall Kaduta ·1 330 Grove st San Franeisoo, Ou.lit'. 94117 fu>enda Hcore 921-D636 .
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