售安排 Sales Arrangements 申請日期 預計攪珠日期 Application Period Tentative Date of Ballot 2018年6月 2018年3月29日至2018年4月11日 (確實日期有待公布) (於指定申請日期外遞交之申請表恕不受理) June 2018 29 March 2018 to 11 April 2018 (Exact date to be announced) (Applications submitted before or after the application period will not be accepted) 預計開始選購單位日期 Tentative Date for 截止時間 Commencement of Flat Selection Closing Time 2018年8月 (確實日期有待公布) 2018年4月11日晚上7時正 August 2018 7 pm on 11 April 2018 (Exact date to be announced) 將出售的住宅物業數目 選購單位地點 Number of residential properties for sale 香港房屋委員會(下稱「房委會」)居屋銷售小組 683 九龍橫頭磡南道3號房委會客務中心第一層平台 A 座 Block A : 217; B 座 Block B : 312; Venue for Flat Selection C 座 Block C : 154; The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) Sales Unit 將出售的住宅物業 Podium Level 1, HA Customer Service Centre, Residential properties for sale 3 Wang Tau Hom South Road, Kowloon 啟朗苑 Kai Long Court A 座 Block A 樓層 Floor 單位 Flat 1- 31 1 - 7 B 座 Block B 樓層 Floor 單位 Flat 1- 26 1 - 12 C 座 Block C 樓層 Floor 單位 Flat 1- 22 1 - 7 啟朗苑 KAI LONG COURT 1 展項目的資料 Information on the Development 發展項目名稱 Name of the Development 啟朗苑 住宅物業的面積及售價 Kai Long Court Area and Price of Residential Properties 住宅物業的實用面積 售價 (元) 地段編號 Lot number 平方米 (平方呎) 住宅物業數目 Price ($) 新九龍內地段第6581號 New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 6581 Saleable Area of Number of Residential Properties Residential Properties 最低 最高 Minimum Maximum 街道名稱及門牌號數 Name of street and street number sq.m. (sq.ft.) * * 沐安街18號 18 Muk On Street * 上述門牌號數為臨時門牌號數,有待該發展項目 * The above street number is provisional and is subject to confirmation when 26.6 (286) - 43.8 (471) 683 2,272,800 4,884,000 建成時確認。 the Development is completed. 發展項目座數 Number of blocks in the Development 上述實用面積是按照《一手住宅物業銷售條例》第8條計算得出。 3座住宅大廈 3 domestic blocks 啟朗苑住宅物業均 不 設 露 台、工作 平 台、陽 台、空 調 機 房、窗 台、閣 樓、平 台、花 園、停 車 位、天 台、梯 屋、前 庭 及 庭 院。 樓層總數 Total number of storeys The saleable areas as stated above are calculated in accordance with section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. A 座 Block A There is no provision of balcony, utility platform, verandah, air-conditioning plant room, bay window, cockloft, flat roof, 34 層(地庫、地下、1樓至31樓及天台; 34 storeys (Basement, G/F, 1/F to 31/F and roof; garden, parking space, roof, stairhood, terrace and yard in respect of the residential properties in Kai Long Court. 沒有被略去的樓層號數) no omitted floor number) B座 Block B 註: 上述以平方呎列明之面積是以1平方米=10.764平方呎換算,並四捨五入至整數平方呎。 29層(地庫、地下、1樓至26 樓及天台; 29 storeys (Basement, G/F, 1/F to 26/F and roof; Note: The areas as specified above in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded to the nearest whole square foot. 沒有被略去的樓層號數) no omitted floor number) C座 Block C 25 層(地庫、地下、1樓至22樓及天台; 25 storeys (Basement, G/F, 1/F to 22/F and roof; 沒有被略去的樓層號數) no omitted floor number) 住宅物業總數 Total number of residential properties 683 (A 座217、B座312、C 座154) 683 (Block A: 217; Block B: 312; Block C: 154) 盡賣方所知的發展項目的預計關鍵日期 To the best of the vendor’s knowledge, the estimated material date for the Development 2019年2月28日(註) 28 February 2019 (Notes) 上述預計關鍵日期,是受到買賣協議所 The above estimated material date is subject to any extension of time 允許的任何延期所規限的。 that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase. 註: 就 啟 朗 苑 而 言: 1. 關鍵日期」指該項目在遵照經批准的建築圖則的情況下在各方面均屬完成的日期。有關「關鍵日期」的定義的詳情,請參閱 一手 住宅物業銷售條例 第2 條。 2. 房委會須於啟朗苑在遵照經批准的建築圖則的情況下在各方面均屬完成後的14日內,以書面為該項目申請佔用文件(即佔用許可證)。 3. 房委會須在佔用文件(即佔用許可證) 發出後的六個月內,就其有能力有效地轉讓有關物業一事,以書面通知買方。 Notes: For Kai Long Court: 1. “Material date” means the date on which the Development is completed in all respects in compliance with the approved building plans. For details of the definition of “material date”, please refer to section 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The HA shall apply in writing for an occupation document (i.e.Occupation Permit) in respect of Kai Long Court within 14 days after its having completed the Development in all respects in compliance with the approved building plans. 3. The HA shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within 6 months after the issue of the occupation document (i.e. Occupation Permit). 2 啟朗苑 KAI LONG COURT 啟朗苑 KAI LONG COURT 3 展項目的位置圖 Location Plan of the Development 發展項目的位置圖 DRAFT Location Plan of the Development 發展項目的位置圖 施工中 Works in progress N 啟融里 DRAFT Location Plan of the Development N KAI YUNG CONCORDE ROAD LANE Works in 恊調道 CONCORDE ROAD progress 施工中 Works in progress N 恊調道 啟融里 啟朗苑 KAI YUNG CONCORDE ROAD LANE Works in Kai Long Court 恊調道 CONCORDE ROAD progress 恊調道 Works in progress啟朗苑 Kai Long Court 沐虹街 MUK CHUI STREET Works in progress 沐虹街 MUK CHUI STREET 啟朗苑 Kai Long Court 此位置圖參考日期為2018年1月19日及2018年1月16日之測繪圖 (編號為11-NE-A及11-NE-C)製作,有需要處經修正處理。 地圖版權屬香港特區政府,經地政總署准許複印, 啟德1號 (I) One Kai Tak 版權特許編號XX/2018。 此位置圖參考日期為2018年1月19日及2018年1月16日之測繪圖 (I) (編號為11-NE-A及11-NE-C)製作,有需要處經修正處理。 啟德 One Kai Tak 1 地圖版權屬香港特區政府,經地政總署准許複印, The Location Plan is prepared with reference to Survey 啟德1號 (I) 號 此位置圖參考日期為 年 月19 日及 年 月 日之測繪圖 (編號為 及 ) 製作,有需要處經修正處理。 One Kai Tak (II) 2018 1 2018 1 16 11-NE-A 11-NE-C (II) 版權特許編號XX/2018。 Sheet No. 11-NE-A and 11-NE-C dated 19 January 2018 地 圖 版 權 屬 香 港 特 區 政 府,經 地 政 總 署 准 許 複 印,版 權 特 許 編 號 160/2017。 (I) and 16 January 2018 with adjustments where necessary. The Location Plan is prepared with reference to Survey Sheet No. 11-NE-A and 11-NE-C dated 19 January 2018 and 啟德 One Kai Tak 16 January 2018, with adjustments where necessary. 1 Works in progress 號 Works in The Location Plan is prepared with reference to Survey (II) 沐朗街 TheThe map map reproduced reproduced with with permission permission of the Director of the of Lands. © The Government of the Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. (II) progress Sheet No.振翅里南 11-NE-A and 11-NE-C dated 19 SHINJanuary LUN LANE 2018 MUK LONG Director160/2017. of Lands. ã The Government of the and 16 January 2018 with adjustmentsSTREET where necessary. 高飛里南 CHUN CHI LANE SOUTH 揚帆里北 KO FEI LANE SOUTH Works in Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. XX/2018. YEUNG FAN 註: 賣方建議買方到該發展項目作實地考察,以對該發展項目、其周邊地區環境及附近的公共設施有較佳的了解。 LANE NORTH progress Works in progress Note: The Vendor advises purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development, its surrounding environment Works in 比例尺 沐朗街 The map reproduced with permission of the SCALE:and the public facilities nearby. progress 振翅里南 SHIN LUN LANE Works in MUK LONG ã STREET Director progressof Lands. The Government of the 0 50 100 150 200 250 (米) 高飛里南 CHUN CHI LANE SOUTH 揚帆里北 KO FEI LANE SOUTH Works in Hong Kong SAR. Licence No. XX/2018. (m) YEUNG FAN LANE NORTH progress 比例尺 SCALE: Revision Date : Works23 JANUARY in 2018 progress 0 50 100 150 200 250 (米) (m) Revision Date : 23 JANUARY 2018 4 啟朗苑 KAI LONG COURT 啟朗苑 KAI LONG COURT 5 展項目的布局圖 KT-LAYOUT PLAN(BOOKLET) KT-LAYOUT PLAN(BOOKLET) Layout Plan of the Development 發展項目的布局圖 圖例 NOTATION 發展項目的布局圖 DRAFT Layout Plan of the Development DRAFT地界 Layout Plan of the Development Lot Boundary A 座1樓至31樓單位室號 N Block A Flat Number on 1/F–31/F P P P P P B座1樓至26 樓單位室號 P P P Block B Flat Number on 1/F–26/F P P P P P 兒童遊樂區 V.O. C座1樓至22樓單位室號 P P P Children's Play 有蓋行人通道 兒童遊樂區 V.O. Block C Flat Number on 1/F–22/F Children's Play Area 有蓋行人通道 (設有花槽) Covered Area 10 11 2(設有花槽) 3 地下垃 圾 及 物 料 回 收 房、廢 物 收 集 站 10 11 Covered Walkway 2 P 3 P Walkway (withRefuse Planter) Storage & Material Recovery Chamber P P (with Planter) V.O. and Junk Collection point on Ground Floor V.O. 9 12 P 花槽 Planter 9 12 P S.V. 1 4 P S.V. 1 4 S.V. 排煙口 Smoke Vent BLOCK B P P V.L. BLOCK B B座 通風口 Ventilation Louvre B座 BLOCK C 5 V.O. 煤氣排煙口 Ventilation Outlet for Town Gas 8 1 BLOCK C 5 S.V. C座 垂直綠化牆 Vertical Green Wall 8 1 S.V. C座 V.L. V.L. 停車位類別 Category of Parking Space 數目 Number RETAIL 7 6 RETAIL 有蓋垃圾收集車停車位 BLOCK 7 2 7 6 P 1 BLOCK 7 2 商場 P S.V. Covered Refuse Collection Vehicle Parking Space 商場 S.V. S.V. P 露天商業上落客貨停車位 1 車輛入口 P S.V. P P 車輛通道/緊急車輛通道 Open Commercial Loading / Unloading Bay 6 3車輛入口 P Run In P P 車輛通道/緊急車輛通道 Vehicular Access/ 6 3 Run In 露天住宅上落客貨停車位 3 Vehicular Access/ EmergencyP Vehicular Access P P Open Residential Loading / Unloading Bay Emergency Vehicular Access P P 車輛出口 車輛出口 S.V. Run Out P 露天單車停車位 41 S.V. Run Out P 有蓋行人通道 5 4 P V.O. Open Bicycle Parking Space P 有蓋行人通道 (設有花槽) V.O. 5 4 (設有花槽) Covered Walkway部分有蓋單車停車位 4 柵欄 Covered 車輛出口 Walkway (withPartly Planter) Covered Bicycle Parking Space 柵欄 Drop Gate 車輛出口 Run Out Drop Gate 7 BLOCK(with Planter) A 1 2 Run Out 7 BLOCK A 1 2 P P A座 P P A座 發展項目另外設有P 40個有蓋汽車停車位、 P 2 個有蓋暢通易達停車位及 6 5 4 3 6 個有蓋電單車停車位。 P 6 車輛入口 5 4 3 P 車輛入口 Run In There are 40 numbers of covered Car Parking Space, Run In 圍牆 2 numbers of covered Accessible Parking Space and 圍牆 Fence 屋苑出入口 6 numbers of covered Motorcycle Parking Space provided in Wall P Fence 屋苑出入口 Estate P the Development.
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