BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY VOLUME XX NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST 2014 BARNESREVIEW.COM BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY JULY/AUGUST 2014 O VOLUME XX O NUMBER 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS GEN. WASHINGTON’S SECRET SPY RING THOMAS PAINE’S AMAZING INFLUENCE BY MARC ROLAND BY JOHN FRIEND Court historians have always recognized the im- There was one booklet—Common Sense— 4 portant battles of the American War for Inde- 29 that came close to outselling the Holy Bible, pendence from the British empire. But only quite and a man of obscure English origins, the irrepress- recently are authentic historians exposing the key ible Thomas Paine, penned this masterpiece of prop- role played by American intelligence in the pivotal aganda. Even today it still inspires people. turning points of that climactic conflagration. A BATTLE HE’D RATHER FORGET . WAS BEN FRANKLIN A DOUBLE AGENT? BY VICTOR THORN BY PHILIP RIFE George Washington’s first battle took place Old Ben Franklin is particularly revered in the 37well before the War for Independence and 10 patriot pantheon. We all enjoy the quaint tales was definitely not something to boast about. Yet he of his inventions and his scientific experiments and did learn some valuable lessons from this debacle. his Poor Richard's Almanac. But it turns out there is more to Franklin than has met most of our eyes. GEORGE WASHINGTON’S RELIGIOUS SIDE BY RONALD L. RAY JOSEPH WARREN: FORGOTTEN FOUNDER Some have gone perhaps overboard in por- BY JOHN TIFFANY 40 traying Washington as extremely devout, A key man in the fight for freedom has been praying on his knees in the snow at Valley Forge and 14 largely forgotten outside his native Boston. having religious visions of America’s future. Here’s Dr. Joseph Warren’s life was prematurely ended by a Roman Catholic’s view of this old controversy. a British musket ball at Bunker Hill. Had he lived, he might well have been “the father of our country.” THE FATE OF HESSIAN POWS BY RONALD L. RAY THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF JACK JOUETT Thousands of Germans from Hesse fought on BY PAUL T. ANGEL 46 the side of King George III in the War for In- Paul Revere and his colleagues had it easy dependence. And plenty were captured or surren- 17 compared to Jack Jouett—one of the great- dered. How did these POWs fare? Were they est horsemen of all time. Yet outside Virginia this genocided a la Dwight Eisenhower? Or did they find Revolutionary War hero is unknown. a kinder, gentler treatment and perhaps decide to settle here in America? Here’s the whole story . CRUSHING REBELLIOUS AMERICANS BY VICTOR THORN THE ROTHSCHILDS & THE REVOLUTION No sooner did America start its constitutional BY PETE PAPAHERAKLES 22 government than populist rebellions started Learn how the War for Independence made popping up across the new nation—only to be 49 the Rothschilds rich, how King George actu- smashed by the regime, not much unlike King ally financed the patriots and about the key role of Featured in this issue: George III’s regime, as far as that goes. debt-free Colonial scrip—an amazing and twisted tale with Haym Salomon squarely at the core. Personal from the Editor—2 ALEXANDER HAMILTON: FOUNDING TRAITOR Editorial: Time for real freedom—3 BY JOHN TIFFANY INDIANS IN THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE What if Washington had died?—24 Was Hamilton a Christian?—27 BY JENIFER DIXON Until recently, if you were a conservative, you Paine wrote the Declaration—34 25 could not say a bad word about any of the We all know about the importance of the Washington’s favorite prayers—44 founding fathers—with one possible exception: 54 major European powers in the outcome of History You May Have Missed—57-59 Many patriots agreed that Alexander Hamilton was the American Revolution, with England, France and Book Review: The Stroop Report—60 the cuckoo hatchling in the nest. TBR takes a look Spain playing major roles. But few remember the Revisionist Biography of Hitler—63 at Hamilton’s shady life and dubious career. role played by the Indian tribes. Letters to the Editor—70-71 PERSONAL FROM THE MANAGING EDITOR OUR REVOLUTIONARY PAST THE BARNES REVIEW his issue THE BARNES REVIEW is taking a fresh look at Amer- Publisher & Editor: WILLIS A. CARTO ica’s Revolutionary War period. Surprisingly, there is much Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY new information available not only on the era itself, but the Assistant Editor: RONALD L. RAY men who made it as well. While we remain unflinching sup- Consulting Editor: MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER T Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL porters of America’s founding fathers—after all, they were a collec- Board of Contributing Editors: tion of some of the wisest, most talented and inspirational men ever JOAQUIN BOCHACA MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II CHRISTOPHER PETHERICK assembled at one time in world history—we also have a duty to history Barcelona. Spain Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Washington, D.C. to look past the paint and glitter and report the truth as we find it. Note PROF. GEORGE W. BUCHANAN MARGARET HUFFSTICKLER LADY MICHELE RENOUF Washington, D.C. Sofia, Bulgaria London, England also, public interest in America’s Revolutionary War era is at a high, with several popular mainstream TV programs being set in the time of MATTHIAS CHANG, J.D. M.R. JOHNSON, PH.D. PHILIP RIFE Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Port Angeles, Washington the War for Independence. HARRY COOPER THOMAS KUES DEANNA SPINGOLA Inside this issue you’ll find vignettes on many prominent patri- Hernando, Florida Stockholm, Sweden Woodridge, Illinois ots from the era including George Washington, Tom Paine, Joseph SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. RICHARD LANDWEHR EDGAR J. STEELE Warren, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and others that might Atlanta, Georgia Brookings, Oregon Sandy Point, Idaho raise a few hackles or reaffirm what you already know to be true: PAUL FROMM DR. EDGAR LUCIDI VICTOR THORN Ontario, Canada Corona del Mar, California State College, Pennsylvania They were men, not gods, and, as such, deserve an honest reap- STEPHEN GOODSON CARLO MATTOGNO FREDRICK TÖBEN, PH.D. praisal of their lives without the whitewash. Cape Town, South Africa Palestrina, Rome, Italy Adelaide, Australia You’ll also find some very interesting articles from TBR editors PROF. RAY GOODWIN DANIEL W. MICHAELS UDO WALENDY and writers that cover some little-known but equally important sub- Victoria, Texas Washington, D.C. Vlotho, Germany jects including the way the Rothschilds financed both sides of the War JUERGEN GRAF PETE PAPAHERAKLES JAMES K. WARNER Moscow, Russia Kensington, Maryland Chalmette, Louisiana for Independence so as to maximize their blood profits and hedge their bets, and also what happened to those thousands of Hessian soldiers THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., captured and imprisoned by the Colonial government during and after 645 Penn sylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Peri od ical rate post age paid at Wash ington, D.C. For credit card orders including subscriptions, call toll free the war and also what the Indians were doing during the Revolution. 1-877-773-9077 to charge. Other inquiries cannot be handled through the toll-free num- But there’s even more. An extra eight pages are included as a spe- ber. For ad dress changes, subscription questions, status of order and bulk distribution in- quiries, please call 951-587-6936. All editorial in quiries please call 202-547-5586. 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