MAILS From ftan Franclaeo: Ventura, July 12. : 3:3 For San Francisco: ; Manchuria, Jut 13. From Vancouver: Makura, July 14. For Vancouver: Edioon . Niagara, July 23. Evening Bulletin, Est 1882, No. 211 10 PAGES. -H-ONOLULU, TERRITORY OF, HAWAII, FRIDAY, JULY 1), 1915. 10 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 7252 chief OREGON'S GOVERNOR r LIVE WIRES' OF mm MAY COME WITH PARTY wwicmsmmJmGEmmMimms OF Afli.lY FAVORS FORCE MIL FOR MUTUALITY IIDII MAKE TOUR HERE mm BREMUm Brigadier General Frank Mcln- WARRIOR-STATESMA- IT" tyre Says Battalion of Local N Royal Rosarians Plan to Char- MAY QUIT CABINET mmmm officials m Infantry Would Be Good and ter Steamer and Bring Y Add to Defensive Strength 350 Visitors NOT TOLERATE vfe I DISAPPOINTED IfJ ATTIT V LOOKS FOR FAVORABLE i' . , ALREADY BOOKINGS ARE El ' ' ; IN FALL - LEGISLATION ' V- BEING TAKEN FOR TRIP of L0E3DIHE Chief of Bureau Insular f. V H. P. Wood Writes That Head Spends Day in Hono fairs Officer Says Excursion is lulu En Route to Philippine War Minister Expected to Quit wvr . HOPE FOR CLEAR-CU- T AND Decided Upon --4 DEFINITE STATEMENT IN Friendship r t Islands Renews If Former High Chancellor ANSWER TO AMERICAN PROTEST ON SUBMARINE WAR-FAR- E H. Hawaii has an opportunity to secure With Gen. William Carter Insists on Reentering Cabi- APPARENTLY DEVELOP-IN- G a visit this winterer next spring from GONE CRITICAL STAGE live-wir- e organisation of Portland; net Government Endeav- TEUTON ANSWER Brigadier-Genera- l Frank Mclntyre, the WILL PROBABLY REACH PUBLIC far-fame- d Royal Rosarians. chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, Ore. the ors to Avoid Open Discussion TONIGHT WAR ZONE REPORTS SHOW MORE HEAVY en route to Manila as This representative "boosters club" Is In Honolulu, Lloyd-Geor- ge May Also passenger In the liner Korea. of tho Rose City Is anxious to charter FIGHTING GERMAN TROOPS RUSH TO REINFORCE WEST a Dr. James; Withycombe, gov-- j come to. Ha- The Bureau of Insular Affairs is one a special steamer and Resign if Kitchener Does of Oi tgon. He ia planning preferably In Febru- ; of the most Important adjuncts of the trnor waii for a visit, f Associated Press Service t;y Federal Wireless) military to accompany 'the Royal Rosar- - ary, during the Carnival season. H. Wireless "War Department, and the pro-- Associate Tress by Federal BERLIN, Germany, July 9. The German reply to the sec- of Uncle Sam's ove- lana of Portland on their ! P. Wood, chairman of the Hawaii Fair A administration posed trip to Hawaii. Fran- England; 9. 1 ond through ' Commission, writes from San LONDON, July American note dealing with submarine warfare and call- rseas sessions comes the - "T cisco to A. P. Taylor, acting secretary bureau chief. jhose recommendations A second violent upheaval in ing attention to the violation of American rights by the Lusi-tani-a of tho Hawaii- - Promotion committee, pricticalljr final. e are is decided upon. the British cabinet, follbwing-th- and other incidents, was handed has no connection what- DECIDES that the trip to Ambassador Gerard The bureau Star-Bulleti- n pri- although many mat- IOT0H The learns from reorganization that sur- today by Herr Gottlieb von Jagow, ever with Hawaii, vate letters from Portland members the German foreign ters of Philippine and Porto Rlcan Ros?rlans are planning to prised Europe nearly two secretary. , military policy which Incidentally af- that the. by TO VISIT SITES come but that the trip is not yet a months ago; is already fore- will probably be sent out by cable fect Hawaii as well are handled It certainty. They are rather waiting It late today. The press Gen. Mclntyre could giye no definite cast by observers who are has not been as to - array legislation, to get. details aa to what Hawaii has the informed its contents. news of proposed to 'offer them, before closing a charter , which Is being widely discussed in of- watching developments in high' WASHINGTON, D C., July 9. Renewed tension is felt for a steamer. ... " now. n n ' ' 5 ficial circles - - i office. ; - t ' ( t 4 generally through official circles in Washington Star-Bulleti- today as a a (Special n cable) In a letter received today by Mr. "When I left. Washington the gen-"- " T?ylor, writes, under date A political crisis is resulting had not yet made its report WASHINGTON, D. C, July 9. a Xr.Wood result of the recent developments in the exchange of notes eral staff v-1- army," he. a Assistant Secretary of the Treat- - a of July 2t 'v:;'i for any Increase in the said I have been''. able to get from the rumor that Viscount between the United States and Germany. aro many, rumors going the a ury Byron R. Newton is com'ng U "At last 'There to Honolulu in August or Septenv some definite word on the Royal Ro- Haldane, former ? lord high As the delivery of the second German reply comes near, rounds, and from their general tenor a a " fcer to investigate the federal sarians' pf Portland, Oregon. After - It would seem that some sort of favor- a a head chancellor, will reenter the there is a feeling, based on recent reports, that its contents are military legislation may be looked a building site problem. a ccnsiderable correspondence, the able officer of organization," Mr. Dean cabinet. He was displaced last not responsive to American demands. pro- for from this Congress. How- a C. S. albert, a the the The tentative neit. our building this Buck-maste- ever, there is nothing concrete as yet, an Vincent, called at May by Sir Stanley . r. posals of Germany to enter into secondary discussion aanaaaaaasnnaati morning and tells me that the organi- ' and the 'V ' ' end you probably know as much about , . decided to be in Honolulu . ..v tendency to avoid issues down here as we do In Washington." zation has the main laid in the American If season. : :v Gen; Mclntyre expressed himself aa during the next C?rnival li Lord Northcliffe, publisher notes heighten IIIJU they can 'get one of the Great North- the report that the reply from Berlin will not much Interested in the project of or--. ern' company's boats, they-hav- e no of the Times and other papers, be acceptable to the administration. ganizing a battalion of Hawaiian In- to ability to. take S50 fantry, a of the regular army. doubt as their is vigorously ojrposing the re In official circles there is general undertone disap- iart people along. - Eighty-fou- r bookings a of is the plan that members of a This They pro-pos- entry of . Haldane at this time. pointment; Nobody party re- have already been made. ' will predict what course President Yilson the congressional' which DIES COMPANY and orchestra ' taking their band Northcliffe worked for the co will - cently visited Hawaii favored, sand it I Sug- take. It is evident, that another critical stae- in and doing everything in style. " probable provision ; seems quite that go cabinetand-wa- suc- ' gested; Jthat thy-flxst'- to Hilo so alition s American relations is near. , : i ; for the battalion may be Included in rti M'to-tlitS- the Volcano and then txpectod" army. Increase. : ""'"' cessful and is now avowedly the tm to .Honolulu.-- f They will probably . never heard any definite . former lord high "I have iMCMMO : In against the spend seven or eight .days the Lord Kitchener, secretary' , of 'plan for the organization of a Hawai- - ; of islands.! :. ; any state for war, whose disagreement Lucldess Voyage Sacramento regular estab-- chancellor being given ian force as vart of the - may In a private letter received here, ; vt with Lord Haldane lead1 to r Gen. Mclntyre, "but A- ; p. ' lishment," said it Nothing to Do With Ship; Dean writes the trip is portfolio; another cabinet shake-u- : logical this .territory ;;; to Vincent that Lands Many seems for : ; Conspirators in Jail lleged U. under consideration. He sends the in It is reported .if Viscount have representation In' the army. A to Have Violated S. Wlthycombel battillon organized on the same lines formation that Governor Haldane returns both Lord open discussion of the subject He'Says of Oregon may accompany the Rosar- SAN 9.-- As as the Porto Rico regiment of infan- Neutrality, and and is trying to prevent news- FRANCISCO, July an aftermath of the ven- would ians "and. there is also a possibility Kitchener, war minister, try, 'or the Philippine Scouts, will be turesome voyage of the Sacramento, when she sailed from this probably be a valuable addition to our That X3rtion of an Associated Press that the m?yor of Portland David Lloyd-Georg- e, minister paper utterances and criticism despatch .published this morning to brought by: the northwest hustlers. " port late last year with supplies which found way. defensive strength." ,; , of suggested move. How- later their effect Flccd Brothers of San The Royal Rosarians are made up of munitions, will quit the the Gen. Mclntyre has not been in the the that K to the German fleet which was finally destroyed off the Falk- of. Portland's leading businessmen, v hopeless Philippines 1902. He served in Francisco were connected with the cabinet. .;' ever, it is apparently since purch?se of the steamer Sacramento, but are. not connected with any com- land Islands, Philip Thayer, Joseph Bley, H. B. Swayne and Islands during the insurrection, :, ' strenu- to stop the of public opin- tho which vessel Is alleged to have violat- mercial organization. The member- The government is tide , ,md has of course kept in close touch J.
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