South Georgia’s Greatest Newspaper AYCROSS OURNAL ERALD W JWaycross,Ga. Wednesday,June13,2018-H wjhnews.com 75¢ PostSINGAPORE (AP) —Summit, A day after when he bestowed a new Pompeo legitimacy on tributes just months before.Briefing Trump re- ans were alarmed. AsianJae-in ThursdayAllies morning to discuss the their historic summit, Donald Trump Kim’s rule and agreed, at Pyongyang’s peatedly praised Kim’s negotiating “The United States is our ally, so the summit. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro and Kim Jong Un returned to their re- request, to end war games with Seoul skills and their new relationship and ex- joint military drills are still necessary to Kono is also heading to Seoul and is spective strongholds today — but to far that the allies had long portrayed as cru- pressed hope for “a bright new future” maintain our relationship with the due to meet with Pompeo and his South different receptions. cial to Asian safety. for Kim’s impoverished nation. U.S.,” said Lee Jae Sung, from Incheon. Korean counterpart. Pompeo, the for- In Pyongyang, the North Korean au- As the top U.S. diplomat jetted to But there were worries, especially in “I think they will be continued for a mer CIA director, then plans to fly to tocrat woke up to state media’s enthusi- South Korea for follow-up talks today, Tokyo and Seoul, which both have huge while.” Beijing to update the Chinese govern- astic claims of a victorious meeting much of Asia was still trying to process U.S. military presences, about Trump U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ment on the talks. with the U.S. president; photos of him the whirlwind events of the day before. agreeing to halt U.S. military exercises arrived at Osan Air Base south of Seoul On the issue the world has been most standing side-by-side with Trump on There was, at times, a surreal quality with South Korea, which the North has from Singapore today. He’s expected to fixated on — North Korea’s pursuit of a the world stage were splashed across to the carefully staged, five-hour meet- long claimed were invasion prepara- meet privately in the evening with Gen. nuclear arsenal meant to target the en- newspapers. Trump, meanwhile, faced ing of two men who’d been threatening tions. That concession to Kim appeared Vincent Brooks, commander of U.S. tire U.S. mainland — Trump and Kim questions about whether he gave away each other with nuclear war and insult- to catch the Pentagon and officials in Forces Korea. signed a joint statement that contained a too much in return for far too little ing each other’s mental and physical at- Seoul off guard, and some South Kore- Pompeo will meet President Moon (see BRIEFINGS, page 12) WCHS Grad Rate Sexual Misconduct Is Big Baptist Issue Among Students DALLAS (AP) — The South- The agenda in Dallas did not ern Baptist Convention opened include any reconsideration of its annual national meeting the SBC’s doctrine of “comple- Tuesday with the denomina- mentarianism,” which espouses With Disabilities tion’s all-male leadership grap- male leadership in the home and pling with the fallout of multiple in the church and says a wife “is sexual misconduct cases. to submit herself graciously to Up By 13 Points! With virtually no opposition, the servant leadership of her New ‘Find Your Path’ Program, delegates at the meeting adopted husband.” resolutions condemning any sex- However, the pastor elected Infusion Of Additional Support ual misconduct by SBC minis- Tuesday as the SBC’s new presi- ters, urging more action to dent — J.D. Greear — is among Staff Catalysts For Improvement prevent “all forms of abuse,” numerous SBC leaders saying A sharp rise — a quantum the Children’s Initiative meeting and encouraging abuse victims the doctrine needs to be ob- leap — in the Ware County High in April at Coastal Pines Techni- to contact civil authorities to served in a way that’s respectful School graduation rate among cal College. seek protection and support. of women and encourages them students with disabilities is owed The increase in the graduation In a late addition to the pro- to play an active role in church to a fresh strategy in a new pro- rate is due in large part to the gram, the SBC announced that affairs. gram introduced within the Ca- support for students in the Find Vice President Mike Pence In a recent video posted on reer, Technical and Agricultural Your Path (FYP) within the would address the meeting Facebook, Greear said the Education (CTAE) curriculum. CTAE program, officials said. today. In Tuesday’s opening ses- church has hurt itself by exclud- The rate of graduation for stu- The Find Your Path program sion, a delegate from Virginia, ing women from top leadership dents with disabilities increased was developed by Kim Gibson, Garrett Kell, sought to cancel posts. 13 percentage points from 58.5 parent mentor for the Ware Pence’s address and replace it Complementarianism “is bib- in 2016 to 71.9 percent in 2017. school system. Gibson, along with a time of prayer, but the lical and we need to honor that A rate that far exceeds the state with Stacie Sheys, Ware County motion was defeated. ... but at the same time recognize target of 54.5 percent reflects High School special education “Many of our minority broth- that God has gifted women with the largest gain in recent history, coordinator, led the effort, which ers and sisters will be especially spiritual gifts,” he said. “We say Ware school officials. involves coordination between hurt by this invitation,” said need to be as committed to rais- The special education depart- students, parents, tutors, voca- Kell, who warned the SBC ing them up in leadership and ment of the Ware County schools tional rehabilitation services and SPECIAL PHOTO against associating with any par- ministries as we are to our revealed the improvement in its key personnel working at Coastal Zackery James, a Ware High 11th grader, thanks special ticular administration holding sons.” annual report to stakeholders at (see GRAD, page 10) ed coordinator Stacie Sheys for her attentive instruction. power in Washington. (see BAPTISTS, page 13) New Wildfire Erupts Near Colorado House GOP To SkiDENVER Resorts, (AP) — A wildfire erupted Leading Tuesday closed To to the publicEvacuations to try to prevent additional Offer Two Bills in an area of Colorado known for its ski resorts, fires. The 416 Fire north of Durango in southwest forcing the evacuation of more than 1,300 homes Colorado has burned about 36 square miles and is and marking the latest in a series of blazes that partially contained. No homes have been lost. On Immigration have ignited in the drought-stricken U.S. West. It’s burning in the Four Corners region where WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans The fire in central Colorado had burned only Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah meet are considering next steps on two immigration about 100 acres but was dangerously close to two that is at the center of a large patch of exceptional bills after GOP leaders persuaded moderate Re- densely populated housing developments near the drought. Much of the U.S. West is experiencing publicans to drop their renegade effort to force town of Silverthorne, about 60 miles west of Den- some level of drought. votes on legislation that would have protected ver. More than 900 firefighters were dealing with young “Dreamer” immigrants with a path to citi- “This area, there is a lot of homes that are rough and inaccessible terrain, and residents of zenship. pretty tightly packed together,” U.S. Forest Serv- more than 2,000 homes have been forced to evac- Instead, leaders reached a deal with moderates ice spokesman Adam Bianchi said. “Being a re- uate since the flames ignited June 1. and conservatives that will allow two votes on sort town, there’s a need for a lot of housing and Meanwhile, additional firefighters were headed other bills, starting as soon as next week. there’s only so much available space for good to Wyoming to work on a wildfire that has ex- Moderates were promised a vote on a compro- land to build on.” ploded in size and prompted evacuations near the mise immigration plan, which remains a work in Bianchi said the Buffalo Fire had come to Colorado border. progress but will likely include a citizenship path- within about 200 yards of a subdivision that in- The Badger Creek Fire grew rapidly Monday way for the young immigrants who have been liv- cludes condos, apartments and pricey homes. The because of strong winds and dry conditions and ing in the country illegally since they were closest ski resort to the fire, Keystone, is about 8 had scorched about 3.6 square miles of mostly children. Conservatives were guaranteed a vote on miles away and across a large reservoir. beetle-killed forest. Several small communities of their favored approach, which provides a path to About 50 firefighters were battling the blaze permanent and seasonal residences were ordered legal status but not citizenship. initially, but more were on the way, along with evacuated, but no buildings were burned. With a truce between the GOP’s factions, House heavy air tankers and helicopters. Large wildfires also forced evacuations farther Republicans were set to meet behind closed doors “I was absolutely shocked by how fast it west. Wednesday to assess the process forward on an spread,” Silverthorne resident Jake Schulman told In central Utah, a wildfire fed by dry conditions AP PHOTO issue that has divided the party for years — and The Summit Daily after spotting the fire while and swift winds consumed more than 10 square that leaders worried would damage the GOP ahead The Summit County Sheriffʼs Department hiking.
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