TRACKNEWSLETTER Supplem_enting TRACK & FIELD NEWS VoL 14, No. 4 December 7, 1967 Pait' 29 AC, Long Branch, N . J., Nov. 4--HT , Zili,1car(Monmouth) 179'7 AC, Long Branch, N.J., Nov . 11--HT , Zilincar (Monmouth, 198'1". NCAA COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY, Wheaton, Ill . , Nov. 11 AC, Long Branch, N.J ., Nov. 18--HT, Zilincar (Monmouth) (4. 0-miles, hilly , wet; cloudy, 50")--l. Gelling (ND) 19:33. 6; 2 . 205'8", Colehour (En Ky) 19:39; 3. Bagby (San Diego St) 19:55; 4 . Garcia OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT, Washington, D . C. , Nov. 5--JT , (En NM) 19:59; 5 . Mahoney (Temple) 20:00; 6. Hernandez (San Skinner (Del TC) 257'10" , Diego St) 20:01; 7. Kerr (Ball St) 20:02; 8. Heffern (SD) 20 :03; 9 . Pettigrew (Pepperdine) 20:06; 10. Werling (NE Mo St) 20 :07; 11. Cords (Fresno St) 20:09; 12. Ayers (Ark St) 20:11; 13 . _Roberts (Wn Ill) 20 :12; 14. Hamblen (San Diego St) 20 :18; 15. Sundet (Luther) 20:19. Teams: 1. San Diego St 66 ; 2. Cal Poly/Pomona 133; 3. Ball St 191; 4 . Arkansas Sr 218: 5. Wartburg 278. GOTTWALDOV, CZECH ., Aug. 10--Dec, Sedlacek 7108 . USTFF CROSS COUNTRY, Fort Collins, Colo. , Nov. Z-3 (6- CEDAKOV! CE. CZECH. - -HJ, Baudis 6'11½" . miles-plus course, snow covered, 20°, windy)--1. Gelling (ND) MELBOURNE, AUS. , Oct. 2i.--Mile, Clarke 4:07 . 0. 31 :58 . 8; 2. Barrus (BYU) 32:12. 0; 3. Ryan (AF) 32 :25 .0; 4 . Richey MELBOURNE, AUS . , Oct. 28--TJ. May 53'5¼". ( Pitt Fr) 32: 27. 0; 5. Jensen (Cowboy TC) 33:17 . 0; 6, Moore (So Ill) AUCKLAND , N . Z., Nov. 4--DT, Tait 196'5" NR . 33:23 . 0; 7. Eller ( NMTC) 33 :31. 0; 8. Richards (BYU) 33 :36. 0; 9. MELBOURNE, AUS., Nov. 11--Mile , Clarke 4 :10 . 7 . Gregario (Cowboy TC) 33 :46 . 0; 10. Matthews (Den ver TC) 33: 50 . 0; SOU11-! AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS , Buenos Aires--200m, Gra a. Harrison (Colo St--defending champ) 33:59. O. Teams : 1. Cow- jales (Col) 20. 9. 400m, Grajales 46 . 6. TJ, Prudencio (Brz) 53'5f'. '-----"boy TC 64; 2. Brigham Young 69; 3. Montana 145; 4 . Colorado WARSAW, POL. --lOOm, Dudziak 10.3 . ,-.__) State 149; 5. Houston TC 162 ; 6. Air Force Academy 170. ROME, IT . - -TJ , Gentile 53 '6½" NR . ( AAU CROSS COUNTRY, Chicago, Ill . , Nov . 25 (10,000-meters , USSR-EAST GERMAN MILITARY DECATHLON- - 1. Shadayev flat , wet)--1 . K. Moore (Ore TC) 30:08. 8; 2. Lynch (SMAA) 30 :12. 6 (USSR) 7690 ; 2. Otsmaa (USSR) 7668; 3. Wessel (EG) 7636 ; 4. 3. Pearce (El Paso Fr) 30:14 . 0; 4. Boychuk (Tor OC) 30:17. 0 ; 5. Storozhenko (USSR) 7572 ; 5 . Kirst (EG) 7535; 6. Mikhalchenko (US­ Stageb e rg (Geotwn) 30 :23 . 0; 6. Clark (USMC) 30:27 . 0; 7. Finla y SR) 7533; 7. Dubogra yev (USSR) 7418; 8. Pradel (EG) .7333; 9. (Tor OC) 30 :29. 0; 8. Colehour (UCTC) 30:35. 0; 9 . O'Reilly (Athens) Sorokin (USSR ) 7272; 10. Olek (EG) 7047. 30:42. 0; 10. Larrieu (Strid) 30:59 . 0; 11. Reilly (USMC) 31:02 . 0; SOTSCHI, USSR--3000mSt , Naroditzky 8:40. 0; 2. Szmitkowski 12 . Heinonen (1\vin Cities TC) 31:05 . 0; 13. Mills · (SDTC) 31 :07. O; (Pol) 8:42. 6; 3. Rybatsch enko 8:42 . 8. HJ, Bolshov 6'10¾". LJ, Le­ 14. Laris (NYAC) 31:09. O; 15 . Mittelstaedt (UCTC) 31 :11 . O; 16. pik 26'3¾"w. TJ. Cziffra (Hun) 53'8" . OT, Losch (EC) 190 ' 0½"; 2 Davis (Pac Coast Club) 31:12 . O; 17. Lorenz (Penn AC) 31:13 . O; 18. Piatkowski (Pol) 188'½" . JT, Lusis 271'11" . HT, Klim 230'11". Brown (NYAC) 31:15.0; 19 . Moore (Tor OC) 31:17.0; 20. Lakin SYDNEY, AUS . , Nov . 25--lOOm. Lay 10 . 3. (Pac CC) 31:18 . O; 21. Fahy (Tor OC) 31:19. O; 22. Houk (Athens) MELBOURNE, AUS., Nov. 25--Mile, Clarke4:16,7 . 31:21. O; 23. Lawson (Pac CC) 31:22. O; 24 . Price (Athens) 31:23 . O; 25 . Reid (Miami/0) 31:29 . 0, Teams : 1. Toronto OC 53; 2. Athens AC 96; 3; UCTC 99 ; 4 . Pacific Coast Club 106; 5 . NYAC 131 , NAIA CROSS COUNTRY, Omaha, Nebr . , Nov. 25 (4. 0 -miles, 'Nurmi's Still Number One of All- Time' very hilly, dry, sunny, 40°1- -1. Mason (Ft Hays St) 20 :14; 2. Ellis (En Mich) 20:16; 3. Nelson (St Cloud St) 20:17 ; 4. McMahon (Okla by Maxwell St!les Baptist--1965 & '66 champ) 20:39; 5 . Schoonover (Oxy) 20:48; 6. (Reprinted from the Hollywood Citizen-Ne ws) Dirkes (St Cloud St) 20:54 ; 7. McDonald (Adams St) 20:56; 8. Hoff­ In the ghostly glow of 30 arc lights that badly illuminated the man (Vihitewater St) 21:02; 9. Lee (Howard Payne) 21:04; 10. Mc ­ LA Memorial Coliseum on a magic night in 1925, 1 saw Paavo Nurm i Donnell (SWn La) 21:05; 11 . Savage (Westmont) 21 :05; 12 . Cham­ "The Phanton Finn, " run away from Am e rica's Lloyd Hahn and a nu r berlin (Moorhead St) 21:06; 13. Captain (Taylor )21:06; 14. Weyers ber of minor contestants. The distance was a mile and one-half, fo : (Peru St) 21:13; 15. Deines (Oxy) 21:18 . Teams : 1. Eastern Mich­ which route Nurmi set a world record. igan 85; 2. St Cloud St 88; 3. Oecidental 119; 4. Adams St 175; Enroute, Nurmi also lowered world standards for 2000-yard , '-- 5. Fort Hays St JR2. and a mile and a quarter. Never mind the times. They were medi­ ........- NCAA CROSS COUNTRY, Laramie, Wyo. , Nov. 27 (6 . 0-miles ocre by today's st:rndards, clue to better training methods by today' s '.·-., relatively flat; clear, 25°)--l. Lindgr en (Wash St) 30:45. 6; 2. Gel­ athletes who work much harder at it than anybody did in Paavo Nurm (. ) Jin·g (ND) 31:01; 3. Ryan (AF) 31:06; 4 . Runyan (Colo) 31: 11; 5. time. --- Wieczorek ( la) 31 : 22 ; 6. !Jurfoot (Wesleyan) 31 :28; 7 . Trujillo (Co­ He had run an afternoon race against a galaxy of Southwest lo) 31:41 ; 8. Dent (San Jose St) 31:51 ; 9. Bair (Kent St) 31:55; 10. Am<crican Indians two or thre e days before his night run vs . Hahn. Messenger (Vill) 32:01; 11. Bringhurst (Utah) 32 :05; 12. Gibbens He had drawn 45,000 to the Coliseum for that first appearance her e. (Ind) 32:08; 13. Atkinson (Ind) 32:12; 14. Gmters (AF) 32:15; 15 . Coliseum manager Zack ·rarmc r expected about tO, 000 peo­ Ogden (Mo) 32 :20 ; 16 . Hilton (Hous) 32:23; 17. Smith (Penn St) ple for that night meet, the first ever held after d:irk i.·· southern 32 :23. 6; 18. Stj e m (BYU) 32 :28 ; 19. DeWimlt (Nt-.1) 32:31; 20, Hat­ California. But de s pite the colJ ;· misty night, a tremendous throng field (W Va) 32:34; 21 . Hazilla (Wn Mich) 32:36; 22 . Lunn (Colo) showed up . Admis sion was only 25 c ents .- But the re were so few 32 :39; 23 . Donnelly (Vil!) 32:40; 24. Mason (Wyo) 32:44; 25 . Evans ticket hancUers and ushers on hand, the crowd-broke dowri the wire (Drake) 32 :46 . Teams : 1. Villanova 91 ; 2. Air Force 9G; 3. Co.lo­ fence at the peristyle end of the Coliseum and swarmed in . rado 110 ; 4 . We stern Michig,rn 129; 5 . -Indiana 13-1; 6. Missouri The offici:il p;1id attendance was given as 32,000, but nobody 148 ; 7. San Jos .:: State 152; 8. Drake 164; 9 . Brigham Young 216 ; ever knew how many really we re the re. 1 covered both meets for 10 . Utah 244 . the old Los Angeles Examiner , and my recollection always has bee n the night run drew more people than came out to see Nurmi that Sat · urday afternoon . Nurmi is one athlete out of th e past who, I think, would be winning today just as he did then at distances from two-miles t hi oug the marathon. Not the 1500-meters or the mile, for he lacked the AC, New Haven, Conn . --HT. Murray (unat) 166'5 " . basic speed of men li kc Jim Ryun , Pet ~r Snell and Herb Elliott. ALL-AROUND WEIGHT TI·!ROWING , Trave r s Island, N . Y :·, Ron C:l:irk c , on time, would more than lap Nurmi at 5000 - Oct. 29 (partially reported in last issue)- -JT, Son sky (!Jmce TC) mc:ters. 1l1e i\u s tr:11ian would more than lap him twic e at 10, 000- 240 '9" . rneters . But put Nurmi in a race today at 5000 or 10, 000, think of fl~~:~·. ,~ .., . 1·u"'\,-.. ,,, December 7, 1967 (_ ':~,- . i;_;:~i.:J:}llit• 1n t:111,,nrnt• hut U"irl.>! rht · 1n0rl· rit,rid trainin g rn_cthods cnlployed try , and a cross country program is not the primary concern nf the !:\'(€ea.lay !n n~rl<', Hrnn, J.11.y, ~tills ;iml all the rest , l think Nurmi "track powerful" so uthwe s t. None theless, we mana ged a number of ,:·s .., -1Jt..:,1!! 1n11,tll. meets as our varsity program got underway and we fini she d our ab­ E·.] l R,,n Cl.11l<' !1.1~yet to win his □ rst Olympic gold medal. Nur- breviated first se a so n with a 'i-3 record with w ins o,·er Lubbock, ~ _;;t .
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