fficiallp fit eignateb Zlntique Capital eat !exalt Callahan Callahan County Star County 888-227-1708 or 254-629-1707 Fax 254-629-2092 telegram @ eastland.net The Baird Weekly Star, Established December 8,1887 curb 50 ©2005 Eastland/Callahan County Newspapers tar 31¢ By Mail Volume 117, Number 27 Baird, Texas 79504 Thursday, July 7,2005 Commentary Representing The Great Western Cattle Trail Honoring Our Country's Military Corner Veterans by Rex M. Rogers I would like to encour- It may be difficult be- age readers of the lieve, but there are people in Callahan County "Baird America whp do not believe Star" to send any com- we should honor Military ments as to how our Veterans. But it's true. Newspaper could better Some Americans cast a service the town of Baird jaundiced eye not only upon political positions and par- from tisanship with disagree but Gary Grady also upon those who must implement political deci- Callahan County sions in combat zones Commissioners around the world. The number of these un- Court Meeting grateful people decreased The June 30, 2005 after the Vietnam War with Callahan County Commis- the resurgence of patriotism sioners' Court meeting was the country experience in the called to order by Presiding 1980s and during and after Judge, Roger Corn. the Gulf War in 1991. The Master Plan for But the Iraq War has been Courthouse Restoration was anotheecoming out party for discussed. No Action them. Commissioner Farmer I must disagree with these made a motion to adjourn. citizens, and I'd suggest their Commissioner Grider sec- As This Event Brings New Historic Attraction To Baird, Thanks Goes To All Who Made It Possible. problem is two-fold: onded and motion carried One, they have yielded to 5-0. the temptation of filtering Officers present to wit: everything through their Roger Corn, Judge Presid- particular ideological lens. ing; Harold Hicks, Commis- Two, these citizens con- sioner Precinct No. 1; Bryan fuse American soldiers with Farmer, Commissioner Pre- militarianism, violence, im- cinct No. 2; Tommy Hol- perialism, partisanship, war land, Commissioner Pre- mongering, the current cinct No. 3; Doris Grider, President, certain religious Commissioner Precinct No. views and a host of other 4; Dianne Alexander, place holders. County Treasurer; Jeanie But American soldiers are Bohannon, County Clerk. just people, citizens them- Also present: Tammy selves who have in this time Walker without a military draft vol- unteered to serve, to work, 1-254-629-1707 to defend, and yes to learn, TOIl Free 1-888-227-1708 to adventure, and perhaps to Fax: 254-629-2092 Shown here are 5 of the Cement Markers that will be better themselves. Email: Mayor, Jon Hardwick Speaking at Marker Dedication placed throughout the trail line of Callahan County Soldiers know they may telegram@ eastland.net be placed in harm's way and !Baird Star! A Grand Tribute to The Great Western Cattle Trail; Markers will be placed every 6 miles in 20 partici- may have to kill or be killed. pating Counties. Markers will range all through The Great Western Trail Path to Doan's Crossing at The And, like any group of Remember To Renew Red River. The first of all markers is being donated by the Vernon Rotary Club. Callahan County raised people, there are some bad characters within the Ameri- Your Subscription money to purchase the other markers and is the 7th of the counties to receive great historical pieces. can Armed Forces. But most American sol- diers are just the man or Veteran News woman who used to live New Jobs... The West is necessary, at least 90 days trenched Japanese who knew next door, who try to do Texas Wind Energy Consor- of service and an honorable they were going to die and what is right and profes- tium Job Fair will be held discharge. were determined to take as sional, and who may be next Tuesday, June 12 at 2:00 ALL OTHER INCOME many Americans down with scared in combat but who pm at the Trent, TX Schools. counts against the pension, them that they could. will do their duty responsi- Use Exit 261 from Interstate including Social Security. The Marines suffered bly and admirably. 20. Some 300 wind genera- Rates are higher if the Vet- 1,250 deaths among 6,500 Honoring veterans is the tors are presently under con- eran is Housebound or in casualties and the Japanese least the rest of us can do. We Welcome Birth, struction on Highway 277 need of Aid & attendance. lost all but 30 of their 11,000 To give honor is to act hon- Wedding, & Engagement Announcements just south of Coronado's County Service Office.... troops. The book is published orably and to give honor is Mail to 211 Market Street in Baird Camp. Your Veterans Service Of- by Simon & Schuster and is to give credit where it is due. Another big Wind farm fice is open on Monday and available at $24.00. Long live American Veter- was announced last week to Tuesday, 9 - 5. The tele- Taps... The last call has ans be built in Sterling and phone number: is 325-854- sounded for Alton Morris Rex M. Rogers. Ph.D., © Neighboring News Glasscock Counties. This 1520 and fax number: is Gartman - USA, Hayden 2005, The Blanchard Group, industry will provide many 325-854-1227. Harrell - USAF, Clair LLC Richardson - USA, Elbert L. We invite all our neighbors in Putnam, Moran, new jobs for West Texas and Callahan County Veter- Todd - USA, and Steve H. Cross Plains, Gorman, Desdemona, Morton Valley, this is your chance to learn ans have the assistance of a Hope Williams, Jr. - USA. Hats off Carbon, Olden, Strawn, Mingus, Santo, and Gordon how you can participate. County Service Officer Everyone to submit your local news and events to our V.A. Pension... V.A. Pen- since 1946. to these Veterans who were there when their country newspapers: The Callahan County Baird Star, Cisco sion is available for eligible New Reading... Brother- is enjoying Press, The Rising Star, Eastland Telegram, and Veterans upon reaching age hood of Heroes: The Ma- needed them. Their Summer! Ranger Times. We welcome your community news! 65 or for those under age 65 rines at Peleliu, 1944 - The Submitted by Tom hey Contact the Eastland/Callahan County who are permanently and to- Bloodiest Battle of the Pa- tally disabled. cific War. Newspapers by phone at 254/629-1707; Toll Free: Send Your News To The Baird Star 888/227-1708 Fax: 254/629-2092; Email: The disability does not 9,000 men of the 1st Ma- rine Division went in [email protected] have to be service related. Mail to 211 Market Street in Baird Service during a time of war against 11,000 well en- —,01•••• July 7, 2005 ,CALLAHAN COUNTY BAIRD STAR Thursday, Callahan County (Baird) Star Obituaries FAMILY IS WHY WE DO IT ALL. Classifieds We all feel the same commitment to care for our families. For Sale Marie Dillard As your good neighbor agent, I can help you meet your Marie Dillard, 91, of Cross Plains, died Wednesday, June insurance needs. Call me today. $288,467 FOR SALE: Nice 2 Bedroom, 2 Restaurant-sales 29, 2005 at Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene. owners discretionary cash Bath House in Rising Star city Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 2, Eddie M. McMillan, Agent $60,000 real estate value limits. Good location. $45,000. 2005 at Higginbotham Chapel, with Faye Simons officiating. 801 Conrad Hilton $250,000 on major interstate west Call. after 5 p.m. (325) 660-9009. Burial was in the Cross Plains Cemetery. Cisco, TX 76437 B52 of Weatherford asking $499,000. Call 817-271-8813 or email She was born on July 6, 1913 to John McGee and Mollie Bus: 254-442-1671 [email protected] (Wingfield) McGee in Callahan County, Texas. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR FOR SALE: 8 Lots with old B27 She is survived by her son, N.L. (Raz) Dillard of Cross STATE FARM IS THERE.® house, city water and well water, ::some fruit trees $16,000. Owner Plains; daughters, Bonnie Heard, Jean Wilson, Nelda statefarm. corn® Help Wanted Pancake, La Neal (Sissie) Worley all of Cross Plains and State Farm Insurance Companies Finance $6,000 down. Sipe Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois B52 .Springs area, Comanche Co. Call CASHIER Kala Ranee (Pill) King of Weatherford; sisters, Lois Vaughn :054) 629-8417 or (254) 629- Experienced convenient store of Cross Plains and Johnnie Alexander of California; 13 8712. cashier wanted in Putnam, Texas. grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and 7 great-great- 0-- B52 Please call 325-662-3328. grandchildren. B52 Satisfaction Free FOR SALE: 21 ft. gooseneck She was preceded in death by her parents, 3 sisters, Renie Guaranteed 46.110 Estimates -:cattle trailer $2,000; trailer $600. Hyman, Dessa Higgins, and Donna Turner as well as one Fencing -Call (254) 629-8417. grandchild. Fencing: Game, Cattle, Residential B52 CNAs Steel Structure: Barns, Corrals, Carports, Awnings Join our Matthew Tye Beall Game Management: Feeders, Pens, Blinds, Food Plots flt team Clyde - Matthew Tye Beall, 40, died Sunday, July 3, 2005, Bill Johnson Advertising In The in a Houston hospital. Graveside services were held 6:30 Cell 254-433-0381 Home 254-442-2014 Callahan/Eastland at pm Wednesday, July 6, 2005 in the Potosi Cemetery with County Classifieds Valley View David Hudson officiating under the direction of Girdner- Pays $$$$$$$$$$ Health Care Brown Funeral Home. Apply in Tye was born July 21, 1964 in Abilene. He worked as a r BRANDON'S person cabinet finisher and painter.
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