The Grundy RegisterHampton Chronicle Grundy Register Graphic-Advocate Eagle Eagle Grove Dows Advocate Times CWL Conservative Chronicle Clarksville Star Journal Tribune County Butler Buffalo Tribune Center UPC CODES MID-AMERICA Thursday, October 25, 2019 Serving Grundy County since 1928 Grundy Center, Iowa Volume 95 - Number 43 www.TheGrundyRegister.com $1 Newsstand Price What Cheer Paper What Cheer Vine Village The Leader Sigourney News-Review Sheffield Press Enterprise Pioneer Sun New Sharon Liberal Opinion Week Keota Eagle A frighteningly good time Wellsburg haunted corn maze offers screams and scares By MICHAELA KENDALL The Geerdes’ corn maze is lo- Dike yearly The Grundy Register cated at 15599 185th Street D25, WELLSBURG - Halloween just one mile east of Wellsburg. has always been the best time of The maze spans two acres, and exam finds the year for the Geerdes family features an array of frights that of Wellsburg. As big fans of hor- are sure to terrify most anyone. bookkeeping ror movies, Kelly and her hus- Visitors are led through a grove band David love to scare and be of trees to the entrance of the discrepancies scared. That’s why it was such corn maze, where the groups are By ROBERT MAHARRY a natural fit when they decided turned out to enter the maze. A The Grundy Register to open up a haunted corn maze series of twists, turns and dead DIKE- A yearly financial ex- on their property a mile east of ends keep maze walkers in the amination recently conducted Wellsburg. field for around 15 to 20 minutes by the state auditor’s office dis- Now in its second year, the on average, though the haunts covered several financial irregu- Wellsburg Haunted Corn Maze and spooks might have visitors larities in Dike, and a summary is run by Kelly, David and their running for the emergency exit. report outlines recommenda- family, friends and other volun- The last nights of the Haunt- tions to remedy the issues. teers from around the communi- ed Corn Maze are coming up this The auditor’s office surveyed ty. The proceeds from the haunt- weekend, and for those brave transactions and records be- ed attraction are given back to souls who dare to enter, the last tween July 1, 2017 and June 30, the Wellsburg community. opportunities to do so are on Fri- 2018, and found that cash and Last year, the family was able day, October 25th and Saturday, investment balances in the gen- to donate $1,600 to the local fire October 26th from 7 to 11 p.m. eral ledger were not reconciled department, community club, The Geerdes family of Wellsburg is making sure locals get their fill of frights this Halloween season Kelly and David invite ev- to account balances in bank ac- the Little Cougar Playhouse with their Wellsburg Haunted Corn Maze, located just a mile east of Wellsburg. The corn maze will eryone from the community to daycare, and to the school. This be open on Friday, October 25th and Saturday, October 26th from 7 to 11 p.m. (Photo by Michaela come over to the maze - if they counts, the city clerk had not year, they hope to be able to do- Kendall/Mid-America Publishing) dare. provided the city council with a nate even more back to the com- “We have a lot of fun doing monthly report showing a com- munity. it, too. The bank sponsored our Geerdes family helped out with. ourselves. We go in and map out the corn maze, so we hope peo- parison of actual disbursements “It’s a fun way to raise money posters, and Nathan and Dennis When the Stahls decided to stop the maze in September, and then ple enjoy it, too,” Kelly said. to the certified budget by func- and give back to the community, Koch, who rent the land from doing the maze, there was no we go in with a four wheeler and “The best part is seeing the tion, multiple funds including and we have such a blast with it; us, planted the corn for the maze corn maze for a year, until the knock down the corn to create a smiles and laughter and com- the general, special revenue, it’s too much fun really,” Kelly with corn donated by Snittjer Geerdes’ decided they would path. Then we go in and set up ments after they all make it capital projects and enterprise said. “Our whole family gets Grain. It’s awesome how much start one up themselves. our props and get the lighting through - and of course seeing were operating at deficits, Local involved and we have kids and support we’ve gotten for the “We couldn’t just not have and sound set up. By the end, everyone so scared they could Option Sales Tax disbursements grandkids who come out and maze.” one, it’s too much fun, so we we’ve probably put 80 hours or pee their pants. That’s how you were not properly tracked, dis- help us get everything ready, and Before the Geerdes fami- decided to do our own,” Kelly more of work into it. It’s a lot know it’s a success.” bursements in several funds ex- we have volunteer actors who ly started their corn maze, the said. “We got some of our props to set up, but the whole family For more information, vis- ceeded the budgeted amounts, come out and help us scare. The Stahl family had a haunted maze and equipment from the Stahls, comes together to help, and we it the Wellsburg Haunted Corn the minutes of one meeting community has really got behind in previous years, which the and the rest of it we’ve bought have a lot of fun with it.” Maze Facebook page. were not published within the 15-day requirement, ambulance billings were not reconciled throughout the year, ambulance billing rates have not been ap- Grundy Center Police Dept. hires new police officer proved by the city council, dis- bursements from the Low to By MICHAELA KENDALL more involvement at the local and instead I got a foot in the Moderate Income (LMI) hous- The Grundy Register schools and an increased pres- door through an internship at ing account totaling $780 were GRUNDY CENTER - With ence at the hospital, and that the Fayette County Jail. That not approved by the city council steadily rising call volumes takes our officers away from was a really great experience.” or properly recorded, and an increased presence at patrol and off the streets, so an After his internship was over, the local hospital and schools, extra officer is definitely war- Broome landed a job with the See AUDIT page 3 the Grundy Center Police De- ranted.” Black Hawk County Sheriffs partment has hired a fifth police Frost says he’s excited to Department at the Black Hawk officer to help the department have Broome on board, and be- County Jail. When he heard keep up with demands. lieves he will be a great fit for about an open position as a po- Supervisors During Monday night’s town. lice officer in Grundy Center, he meeting, the Grundy Center “His desire is to work in a jumped on it. discuss hiring City Council approved the hir- small town, and do more com- “I reached out to Chief Frost ing of Officer Samuel Broome, munity policing which has been and it all took off from there,” additional blade who was swore in by Mayor Al a big focus of ours,” Frost said. Broome said. “I’m really excit- Kiewiet. “We’re happy to have him join ed to be working in a nice, small Grundy Center Police Chief the team.” community like this. Chief operator Doug Frost said he’s excited to Broome, a native of Den- Frost has been great throughout By ROBERT MAHARRY welcome Officer Broome to the ver, Iowa, graduated from Up- the process, and I’m looking The Grundy Register department. per Iowa University in May of forward to working with him GRUNDY CENTER- As “We’re excited to have Of- 2018. and everyone else on the depart- Grundy County has endured a ficer Broome join the depart- After he graduated, Broome ment.” historically difficult year for its ment,” he said. “It’s been a long landed himself an internship at Broome is signed up for the The Grundy Center Police Department has hired a new Officer, gravel roads, County Engineer time coming. Calls have been the Fayette County Jail. police academy in Des Moines, Samuel Broome (left), who is shown with GCPD Chief Doug Frost Gary Mauer suggested that it consistently going up; already, “I’ve always been interested but until he’s done with his (right). (Photo by Michaela Kendall/The Grundy Register) may be time to hire an addition- our calls are up an estimated in a career serving the commu- academy training, he will be al blade operator during Mon- 20 percent from the same time nity,” Broome said. “My goal doing ride alongs and getting to “I’m excited to learn from ty better,” he said. “I’m look- day morning’s regular meeting. last year and we can only expect was initially to do military ser- everyone on the department, ing forward to starting this new know the ropes in Grundy Cen- In 2006, the county went them to grow. We also have a lot vice, but had to put that on hold ter. and get to know the communi- chapter here in Grundy Center.” from six operators down to five in the spring, summer and fall and 12 operators to 11 in the winter, in what was supposed Keeping it in the family to be a trial run.
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