Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 2-3-1960 Easterner, Vol. 10, No. 12, February 3, 1960 Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College, "Easterner, Vol. 10, No. 12, February 3, 1960" (1960). Student Newspapers. 1165. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/1165 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ; , I I Carnival Set For Dad's Day, Feb. 6 Fathers of Eastern's stu­ Bl1,1e Key and the Veterans dents will reign supreme this club will begin selling tickets Saturday, during the annual today. Mary Lieberman and .. Dad's Day celebration. Dave Acree are co-chairman of A full day of festivities has the ticket selling committee. been plan ed, including a bas­ Many people are working ketball game between Eastern hard to make this carnival a and Pacific Lutheran univer­ huge success. These include sity and one of the biggest Ray Raschko and Mike Mat- AMS-A WS sponsored carni­ vals in the school's history. Spurs will register the Dads The line-up of sponsors and as they arrive on campus. Pri­ booths for the carnival in­ zes will be awarded to the D~d clude: who traveled the longest dis­ Dame's club-Cookies and tance, the oldest Dad· and the coffee youngest. Special registration Intervarsity-Candied apples badges will also be given out Garry hall- Jailhouse at this time. Vet's club-Baseball dunk .; The Dads will be honored at tank a noon banquet in the student union. After the dinner the MENC-Water gun and can- Dads will have a chance to dle tour the campus. Spurs-Baseball throw ' Immediately after the game, LA-Kissing booth which starts at 8 p. m., the IK's-Hot dogs doors of the carnival will be Savagettes-Nail drive thrown open for fun ~nd fro Uc Senior class-Bingo for all. Everything from cake­ IRC-Ring toss walks to kissing booths will be Ellen H. Richards l{ome Ee. offered. Three door prizes will -Cake walk 11,1lffl~Itll~lirf .+i: : .. .. '',~1111~ .~.1 be awarded. Sophomore class-Fortune These include a transistor telling CARNIVAL COMMITTEE-Members of Eas- Newl nd. Marilyn Moch, Roy Clayton; kneeling, radio, a clock radio and two USCF-Minute pictures te.rn's carnival committee look over a site for a Mike Materie, Ray Raschko, Denny Martin, Mary Teddy bears. AUSA and Sponsor corps- proposed booth. From left to right are Kay Lieberman and Ben Glassley. Patty Tachibana and Stan -Wheel of fortune · Rizzuti are general chairmen Business club-Dollar dig for the event. Others working Huqson hall-Penny throw on the various committees are Newman clu b-Shave-a-bal- publicity, Roy Clayton, Ben loon Glassley and Patty Lane, and Senior hall - Caricature special carnival secretary, booth Janet Morrow. Freshman class-Dart throw This year's carnival theme Junior class-Snow cones CHENEY, WASHINGTON 1960 NUMBER 12 is "Tomorrowland" and booths ~~ . will ·be decorated accordingly. erie, construction committee;• The best decorated booths will John Nugent and Pat Brown, receive awards fr.om the Fun concessions; aob Bruya, rally Noted S_oprano Booked -_. and Fan~y shop of Spokane. complitteei ~Jary Ann Eng­ ,,,, Special background, music stro~ faculty guests, atnd Dr. For Co~munity ,Cancer · and loads of food will also be Raymond Schults and ·D•r. Don­ I on hand for the carnival. ald Pierce, official judges for The noted ·American soprano Richard Strauss' "Ari dne auf T;he Intercollegiate Knights, the booths and barkers. ' J Frances Yeend, a former Naxos" at the Empire State A special free door pri:ze Washington State university Music Festival in Bear Moun­ 4 coupon is available in this tain, New York, and I last fall Stud_ent Teachers issue of The Easterner on student, will be heard in reci­ she sang her first performan­ page four. tal thjs evening at EWC. ces of Sieglinde in Wagner's Meet Tomorrow Miss Yeend's recital is spon­ "Die Walkurie" with the opera ::~ The general meeting for all sored by the EWC Community associations in Houston, Texas. 1 spring quarter student teach­ Concert group, and will be ers will be held fomorrow at 9 presented in Showalter audi­ Miss Y~end continues to add appearance.s to her rbcord as .tt~ :::1.:~- a. m. in Martin· hall auditor­ torium at 8:15 p. m. LA TAKES TROPHY-Nancy Miss Yeend was the first one of America's lead•ng Sym­ ium, Dr. Gerald Mercer, direc­ phonic soloists. She has al­ Ulrich, president of Louise An­ tor of ~tuderit teaching, said. ready made some 309 appear­ derson hall, holds the dormi• All students planning to stu­ ances with major symghony or- tory scholastic achievement dent teach during spring quar­ chestras. I trophy presented to her at Thursday's convocation in Sho­ ter must attend, he said. In the course of thetfall sea~ walter auditorium by Eastern's son at the New Yo k City president, Dr. Don S. Patterson. Center Opera Miss Y end re- The trophy is presented each ASB Nominations , peat.ed her triumphant recre­ quarter to the dormitory with ation of the Princess Turnadot Con Is Tomorrow ( the highest grade point aver­ in Puccini's final ope~a, "Tur­ age by the Blue Key, nation­ The nom;naHona- convooa­ andot." This role is one of the al men's honorary. LA's g.p.a. tio n for ASB officers for most difficult in the entire was 2.48, ony .01 more than 1960-1961 will be held in the 'operatic literature. Mi~s Yeend Senior hall. student main lounge of the has now sung more thin thirty student union building at times in the world's leading 10 a. m. tomorrow, accord­ opera houses. ing t9 fletty Muraoka, chair­ Students will be adn)itted by man of the ASB elections their ASB cards. Union Ext ends cc;,mmittee. Nominations will be made Food A1greement by the elections committee of candidates already screen­ FRANCES YEEND 20 Grads Form 1 The college's student union ed by the elections commit­ artist to appear in the first Business Grt\up I board, in a meeting last week, tee. Other candidates may be year of the Community Con­ voted to continue the union's nominated from the floor Formation of an EWCE al­ through any ASB living cert series at E~stern in 19"50. food service contract without A graduate of Portland's u}l)ni business group \in Spo­ group representative of the Jefferson high school, Miss kane was announced by Wayne change for 90 days, Dean student council. Yeend will be accompanied by Hall, EWCE alumni as~ociation Owen, board chairmafl, said. Persons aMending the con• vocation are asked to sit in "'"her husband, the pianist James executive secretary. , A committee consisting of UGLY MAN-Here are two of Bepl).~r. the 11reas marked off for th- six candidates in Eastern's During the past year Miss With about 20 members Dr. Robert F. Bender, business their appropriate living annu~I "Ugly Man" contest. On Yeend has added four new present, tl\e group I elected department head, and Ted groups, Miss Muraoka said. top, Jay Stowell, candidate of Qualification~ for candi­ operatic heroines to her im­ Thomas Harrington p~esident, Schultz, union board food sub­ Monr9e 1,nd Mike Wilder, spon­ pressive gallery of musical Hall said. chairman, was appointed to dates, as outlined by the sored by Sutton. The other A$~ constitution, can be ob­ portrayals. San Antonio~ Texas, Other officer incluee Ron draw l,lp a new lease agree­ four candidates were so ugly cheered her first performance tained from Miss Muraoka that two cameras were broken Duncan, vice presi~ei; Lyle ment suitable to the board, anytime prior. to the convo­ of Elizabeth in Richard Wag­ Owen said. in the process of trying to take ner's "Tanhauser" last March, Balderson, .secretary; John vatiQn. their pJ,otographs. Those not and San Antonio will be the Garner, treasurer, a d Leo 'l'he original contract ·expir­ Candidates may also be shown are Dave Lewis, Garry; scene of Miss Yeend's first in­ Chandler, activities ch irmari. ed February 1. This agreement nominated by presenting a Graysqf? Hand, Louise Ander­ terpretation of Abigaille in Membership will be estrict­ provided for the ~ollege food petition containing the sig­ son; J, ck Hickman, Hudson, Verdi's seldom-heard master­ ed to EWCE alumni n busi­ service to run the food section nJtu r4t, of 75 student, to the and P, ul Barton, Senior. Win­ piece "Nabuccp" next month. ness in Spok~ne, Hall s id. The of the union, with 5 per cent ASB secr4ttary 48 hours prior n~r of the conht$t will be an­ In July of last year Miss group plans to hold onthly of gross sales going to the to the primary. nounc,d at the carnival Satur­ Yeend appeared as Ariadne in meetings. union. day night. • Page 2 The EASTERNER FEBRUARY 3, 1960 Literary Review 'Literary Arlpress' A SCHOOLMARM'S F The EASTERNER ;WE ~w~t BASTERN WASHINGTON COLLEGE of EDUCATION Growth Cited L W<I~~ Published weekl:, durins the achoo) yeai:t except vacations and holidays and perfoda Immediately prececung by the A8aoclated By Dr.
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