Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-10-1997 Arbiter, December 10 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. - " . : ~'; . .:. .,.' .' ":: z'; {t ,."~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 .ti5 bowl' b Eric Ellis O[!lODE;Ns~LGrot.J ItJ . SA~,JrAs f-AtAlL'i cLoSer', HALF-tSRoll-\G"R KUr<,~1-115 l-ovfr< , (;M IV 0 't"'H£)~LF. "',;'" i o II. < EDITORIN CHIEF i »osh Costen i . ART DIRECTOR i c.' .. '.·B6SINESSAi;~~: I . .' Brod Arendrl HEWS lDITOR ! Keny Ali!1ington : SPORTS EDITOR: lefIY Christensen: OPINION EDITOR! . Asendon Ramirez; ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR! Mary Doherty ! ONLlNHDlTOR i Mile A10Dre :. PHOTO EDITOR: .' Kara Brawn i AOVERTISINGDIRECTOR ; Top Ten least . S~anP. Murphy ; CLASSIFIEDS . Mike Mahaney: desirable .'COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANAGER Mark /lalladay Christmas gifts AD DESIGNER . Brenda lipfel , this year The . PHOTOGRAPHERS' ,John Tone i source cARTOONISTS! for . Erie flfis , by Asencion Ramirez NEWS Usa Geetzman i Opinion Editor at STAfF WRITERS i Autumn Haynes, Gene Piecotti : Erica Hill, Toby Stelskal i 10. Doggy chew toys for boys and BSU '. Todd Anderwn, Mark Ta~or i , Carissa Wolf, Daf!llHillman i girls. .. COLUMNISTS i 9. Dictionaries of any kind, no matter how well they're wrapped. • ~'~ ••.i7 ....•..••......•.........Da~::Zt:~1 8. Marv Albert's Tickle-Me-Hair- , ...~ ........._ ~ 'l!T 9'f!'1.c p? ;'.-=:. ~'1Y>.>. Brandon NalfO\ Weave. JOnny !t-tJndeMt tne UJL1Jl ~ ~A ~~ ~ ~~.,~~~'i'~~'~~--_%:-'2:i:{1g%~~;;~i 7. Power Wheel's Unsinkable Titanic Kiddy Boat:. ....- ..."..,."...--------....,..-----, .-;; . ;.'. '...................>i .·....·...EDITORIA/;~~~~~! 6. Tommy.and Pamela Lee's <i. ·i··.·. Petet Wollheim I . "Merry XXX-Mas" home video. B..U.....•..S.INE..SS. ADVISOR I' .........~ _.. ,'WilnamHarf ! 5. "Rock 'em, Sock 'em, Bite : Their Ear's Off," Mike Tyson's tabletop boxing game. 4. Tickets to the Humanitarian THEAflBfTEilNcou~r;ES.READEfI·iisPONSE Bowl. .·lmtRpOIHE EorroR 3. Table Rock Cafe's . 19l0UHI'I[R~lYDRtv[ Indestructible Fruit Cake. BOI\fiIOAH083ns 2. December ski passes to Bogus Basin. TElEPHONE: (20B) 345·B204 1. The new book nn Houston FAX:.' (20B) 3B5·319B Nutt, "How to heat.the University ADVERn5ING PGiI: (20B)••.391.0223 . of Idaho, or one year in paradise." E.MAll:. [email protected] . [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-M.4IL ImrRs TO mE EOITOR arbil~rijdav~n.idbSU.edu 'ixplofe'iJiidi"issuesandiilore on ,ourWebsite:.. "I • Whafswitbthis sudden interest in fraternities? Fraternity. The groups close-knitted ness provided for a. eye. by ASENCION RAMIREZ quickly -assembled campaign machine, free labor at Speaking of stigmas, don't Iook forany direct help' Opinion Editor .hand and connections across the campus.T'L's break from the men at the top of the BSU food chain. When . though, seems more accidental than an actual change in the issue of attracting fraternities was brought up at last month's President's Round Table, Vice President Dr. ast year it was "Tiekle-me-Elmo," this the status quo. He was a member of the 'fraternity until David Taylor said that the burgeoning Greek system that years .Christmas craze it about bringing ., last year's student body.elections got into'full swing. TJ. once existed at BSU was damaged by the stigmas associ- . '. social frater.nities and sororities to campus. wouldn't comment on it then for The Arbite~. By the ated with fraternities. Incidents of alcohol poisoning and ynics saw through the Elmo-Craze as a way, both-of the opposition ticket last year were Kappa hazing have tarnished the public's image of Greek . money making scheme, but what's with the Sig members. groups. He also added that students were choosing to suddenIJinterest in bringing more fraternities and sorori- , Perhaps today, TJ. is looking to open up a political spend their free time on other clubs and organizations on tics to campus? power base that isn't tied to his old group. campus rather than with fraternities and sororities. Taylor -This year various fraternal organizations have visited The Student Residential Life decision seems more akin didn't say it, but it looked like the Round Table- that also or arc planning to visit the campus. ThcASBSUexecu- to the Elmo situation, in that.it isbased on financial includes President Ruch, Provost Daryl Jones and Vice tive journeyed to a Florida conference to learn how to. issues. The end of the Asia University at America President Buster Neel, didn't want to touch the subject attract the organizations that are, for the most part, Program and the usual slew of tall semester departures with a tenfoot pole. absent from the largest of Idaho's campuses. An informa- leave rooms to.be filled in the various halls. SRL has Whether or not some folks'- stockings are stuffed or tional meeting was held in thq Senate Forum for those done a lot to make its accommodations more appealing: not remains to be seen. The next year will surely hold students who were interested in joining a new fraternal the D-Wing addition to Chaffee Hall, renovations in sugar plums for some and lumps of coal for those who group. Student Residential Life is looking to dedicate a Morrison and Driscoll Halls, and not raising room fees deserve it. floor or two in one of its halls to housing ~ ' over the last few years. Unfortunately or fortunately, fraternity/sorority, against the wishes of the Residence depending on perspective, SRL has to compete with the, Hall Association. largest housing market of any city in Idaho. Many local So it seems that this is bigger than Elmo, not just a students have chosen to live at home. Others have cho- passing fancy, and a sign of bigger things to come. What , sen to rent from the many available housing units, or, for arc the motives, though, behind the sudden activism? those moneyed few, buy homes in area. Ask those involved andthcy'Il probably say things like 'If SRL docs provide a floor for one of the new fraternal making the campus more traditional, getting students, groups, it will provide a living unit that current fraterni- more involved with campus life, and providing more . ties have been unable to maintain due to financial or , "fun" activities for the students. I guess it's all well and other problems. Plus, alco- good, but the ulterior motives should get some equal air- hol-related stigma, that time too. fraternities across the ASBSU President TJ. Thomson represents a break in nation have encountered, recent tradition. Since 1994 the ASBSU presidency would hopefully be avoid- seemed entrenched in hands of the Kappa Sigma ed under SRL's watchful ASIBSUIYIIIEWS by(AROlYN FARRUGIA ", , College of Applied Te'chnology Senatar , Results as of 11/11/97 IIS•••••• __ 1I211!!-!!IIBIJII£IJ!II& .. - ..... -----~~----··~·~-· Traffic problems no laughing .matter by BARBARA HEUEN NAAMANI . surgery I." January 10 hove those disks removed and the Iighl'.lh'I;' there we" '? loe~ between them.' would ~e I . vertebra (0,00: 'O'l",,,d. They speed, fail to "g"" cut olhe" off. don I Guest [0 ummst This year I drive, very carefully, and am anticipating, look, and in genera! take risks I would never dream of with much trepidation, getting smacked intowhile in my laking; especially considering that when ever anyone car. I try to be a' courteous, cautious driver. I use my sig- gets behind the wheel, they are preparing to operate a I walk or drive around campus, I am amazed nallights almost without fail, stop for pedestrians, yield lethal weapon. that students, instructors, or the general public the right of way, mind the speed limit, lookbehind me In one sense or another, we ar~ all ~cademla~s. I would PJ re not killed, maimed or injured in droves when backing up and in .gcneral do my best to watch out like to think we are reasonably Intelligent, carmg people. every single day. for the "other guy/gal" So why take so many risks? The two people who hit me I started at BSU a year ago, and by November was run I am, never-the-Iess, dismayed every time someone and ran would be in big trouble if they could be found. over twice by hit and run drivers. The first time bya tries to climb in my trunk because I am doing the speed They would go to jail, as it is a felony to hit and run and young man who decided to play with his clutch when I limit and they are in too much of a hurry to pay attention they would have to compensate me and pay the medical was directly behind him. His pick-up truck drifted back to sueh mundane things. Or when someone decides that bills incurred due to their negligence. almost five feet hitting me and knoeking me into the car there is no need to look or signal to change lanes, or to" Another thing bothers me as well. I am a student, and I behind him. I guess he did not appreciate me callinghim turn. Oh, and by the way, there is no need to stop for probably have more classes and less time 'than most of a dit-brain, because he took off at the speed of light, stop signs or pedestrians either.
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