mi ::: !¦: n 11! 111111 m him 1i1 ¦llllHIIiMIM H"1 I i I I ¦! ¦!' Ml HI 1 I ! 1 I 1 11 1 II ¦! I I 1 I II 1 I I 1 I t I I ! II I I ¦! ! -I - 11 m 11::; i M'i 11 n n t m 1m-e Come this w»»k to n« tfc« ptisttar. Clearing sales "The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone." -i-i: will end Wednesday. :: iH :: ¦»¦¦! i: i: i;; h-m-i-m m 11 i1+ *" NOW is your time to profit by the sac¬ The beauty of the painting, as well as rifices we are making to clear out the wonderfully true to nature ohang- .. winter stocks before Inventory. W :: :: ® :: ing light rffrcts. Is worth several visits. j * In all are the most remark¬ departments half hour.FitBE.Fifth .» able bargains. NOW is low-price time Shown every of 1906. Floor. S. Kann, 8oits & Co. A late ;:: !¦: ±| Pans x suggestion silk eolienne t Second shipment 50c. French for the employment ready tomorrow, 29c. A YARD. off Eolienne We bought the mill's entire product. HIS brief announcement will bring no less than a thousand women who could not buy it last Monday for having come too late in the 'lay. Never in the history of this store have we witnessed such eager buying. And it will be duplicated again tomorrow. Besides selling out the entire first shipment last or siik. Monday we took orders for 2,800 yards to be delivered.as soon as possible. This second lot is larger. There will be about 5.000 yards left after filling orders. This will melt away tomorrow as snow with the thermometer at 70 degrees. "."The line of shades is extraordinary, including the very latest Parisian For the uninformed I shades, some of which we have in two or three tones. You have colors these to choose from : a 01 The We wish to say this French Silk Eolienne is pure silk fabric rather 4. light weight, with a linen warp. It has the luster of all-silk and the Lavender, Light Blue, Brown, Navy Blue, Myrtle, Black, strength of linen. It may be washed. It is desirable for evening waists Helio, Pink, Nile, Cardinal, Porcelain Blue, White, and party dresses, as well as for dainty summer frocks. Raspberry, Alice Blue, Maize,Garnet, Gray,Cream. 1st Floor.Bargain Tables. Coral, Tan, AND OTHER LEADING PARIS SHADES. Exclusive styles in white wash waists. All 1906 spring and summer models. ECAUSE we gave large orders the makers gave us «xclusive control of these White Waists for Washington. They are charming styles.not shown before. White Waists are to be worn this season more so than previously. Every Waist is marked at a very close margin.and merit your close inspection Monday while in the store. This is another case of where forehandedness is a means of saving money on things that you cannot do without. /Ci $ o 0 f. © $2.50 § FOR PERSIAN LAWN FOR ORGANDY FOR PERSIAN LAWN FOR DAINTY PER¬ FOR PERSIAN LAWN FOR FRENCH MULL in new round W A I S T S, tailor-made ; trim m e d in WAISTS, SIAN LAWN WAISTS, WAISTS; front and back WAISTS, with 3 dainty WAISTS, formed of rows button with rows of yoke style, button trimmed in trimmed in fine embroid¬ embroidery panels in the front, to the bust; of work and bands; back; cluster and broad dainty tucking open and scroll ef¬ ered panels and rows of front and 4 rows German tucking tucked attach¬ finished with French pin tucking pleats between ; deep tuck¬ deep cuffs; knots; attached stock; fect of lace inserting; lace inserting; lace stock Yal. inserting down the ed cuffs; fancy tab stock. ed tucked stock; button deep cuffs ; tucked blouse. short sleeves; lace stock a 11 d cuffs. All sizes. back; deep lace cuffs and Sizes 32 to 46. Worth $2. back. Worth $2.25. Worth $3.75. and cuffs. Worth $3.75. Worth $4 50. stock. Worth $5.50. Second Floor.Waist Section.S. Kann, Sons & Co. '*yy*!*v%**v*-H-f-"I* .ww v-H-i-H--H-H-H-H-H-:¦! S'*H"I 1 I! I I-H-X-K-f.H-K-H-H-I-H-H-! + First suits for spring. 4- Knit petticoats, t Children's coats Tomorrow we shall display a number of the new models. They will in¬ 39c..75c..98c. t» clude. X 44c. Women who have worn these Knit SILKS, YARD. greatly reduced. Etons, Petticoats would not now be Only a few coats yet remain.and Pony suits, without them. They are warm. but not bulky. Not a worth less than $ 1.00. although they will be needed a Reefer suits yard while And other effects. A number of different styles, with tops long yet.we have reduced of plain colors of gray, red, black and prices so they will all go Mon¬ .All being an authoritative advance showing of more than usual merit blue and bright-colored striped borders. are worth and heretofore sold at $1.25. and general interest. Some college colors are iacluded. Many day. Second Floor.S. Kann. Sons & Co. MILITARY COATS in redri'd -or*or blu*y FTER you read the list of weaves to be sold at 44c. you will say with us.The best chance Washing¬ trimmed in pearl but¬ ton women ever had. tons; box back. Sizes 3, Attention is directed to a 4 and 5 years. Reduced | splen= The Silks embrace the very best kinds suitable for every purpose.waists, gowns, street cos¬ from $8.75 to $5. t did showing of black hats tumes, petticoats, fancy work. And where is the woman who will not recognize the opportunity of WHITE ASTRAKHAN COATS, with Evening' use e lay-down collar, turn¬ trimmings the finest Silk for She silks not for this and wear. getting very lining. may usually mployed purpose pay t for present back cuffs, and with or /f* a r\ir\ included in sales. less than regular lining silks cost. without belts. Reduced * 1 *HEY show the style ten¬ clearing ^ * >a4L (IJ/flfl Many kinds at very much reduced prices.but the ones following are particularly a a an season, -we from $.">.00 to dencies for for worthy of note. Such sale deserves just word of explanation. Anticipating extraordinary increased Second Floor.S. Kann. Sons & Co. spring, over last fall. The backward weather has affected all and silks have suffered. To reduce A which more beautiful and ROSE TRIMMING, consisting A LOT OF TRIMMINGS, in¬ purchases lines, of chiffon rosebuds with some silk stocks to normal at three we decided to make this one last even at effective are pink green cluding bands, appliques; of vel¬ inventory, days hence, grand effort, conceptions silk foliage. Look real. A very dainty vet embroidered in flowers and one- a loss. trimming for an even- ^ Bided effects; black, white . _ good big promised. ing waist or gown. **5 V 0*4 and numerous combinations. Mercerized tapestry These are made of Maline Worth $5.00 a yard, for.. cs»/ o Reduced from 75c. a yard to 0 Plaid taffetas, plaid louisines, glace surahs, warp-printed taffetas, moire velours, braids and black chiffon, in the IMPORTED BUTTONS, Dres¬ A LOT OF TRIMMINGS, such all-silk antique, French popelaines, 27-inch plain taffetas, 27-inch glace taffetas, effects: den, burnt gold, steel as Persian, Iridescent, portieres following and jeweled effects. To applique and gilt effects. _ . all-silk satin all-silk de faconne a plain duchesse, imported surah, gros londres, taffetas, Plateau be closed out at HALF ^ . ,r>, ry Were 50c. yard. To close T styles. price. t^.oo buttons, faconne half. Turbans, ]J #y(y) Co. Swiss louisines, imported tussah, self-colored moires. nearly First Floor.S. Kann, Sons & Colonial shapes, » V « »r* These come under the head of round hats, . English are "w inter merchandise" and Marquise, | Put up lace curtains while prices down. therefore must go at Sailors. Just as much reason why Lace Curtains shoud be bought now for future use as clearing wearing apparel.provided the price inducement Is strong enough. We couldn't prices. Colors are most desir¬ Prices range.$3.98, $4.25, dress make it any stronger than such prices tell. Spring goods Irish * able. $6.00. $4.98, together with clearance lots. point. Nottingham. kind 2d floor.S. Kann, Sons & Co. cut=price $5.00 kind $S.9S Third Floor. $1.25 kind. ............ 79c. $6.00 $3 98 The new weaves are different from and are suited to the $8.00 kind $5.89 » $1.50 kind............. 9Sc. $8.00 kind .l-H-H-H-I-I-H-H-I-H-H-l-I-MI-I-t-I- anything previously shown, specially spring $9.00 kind $0.49 S. Kann, $2.25 kind $1.49 $5-49 modes. The "Clearing price" fabrics are just as as the new comers.except you have probably hind $10.00 kind good $12.00 kind $7.50 Sons & Co. $2.50 $1.69 $6.98 Warm gowns. seen them before. $15.00 kind $8.98 $3.00 kind $1.98 $12.00 kind $749 Let in the fresh air, but keep Colors. Black. Cream. $18.00 kind $10.98 4 $4.00 kind $2.69 $15.00 kind $10.98 36-in. PIN-DOT MOHAIR that Is very All women know that the word "Lupin" Just as muoh worn as ever for even¬ .i"i"i: i: : ¦; i .i-m-h-i-m. Third & warm wearing Flan¬ stands for the best in black fabrics.
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