Agenda Item No. 4 Planning Committee 21 July 2015 Regulation 3 Application Installation of temporary buildings to provide school accommodation fo approximately 12 months on land currently used as a public car park Land to the south of Northbrook College, Broadwater Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8HJ Application No: WSCC/037/15/WB Report by Executive Director of Residents’ Services and Strategic Planning Manager Local Member: Bryan Turner District: Worthing Executive Summary This report relates to an application for temporary planning permission for a temporary secondary school which would accommodate 200 pupils on land known as Queen Street car park. The site is to the west of the recently approved, and currently being constructed, Bohunt Academy (formally Worthing Academy) which is due to be completed in May 2016. The current application seeks approval for the complete works required to bring the temporary school into full use. Planning permission WSCC/040/15/WB, which was only for the initial works required to commence the temporary development, was granted on 24 June 2015 following approval by the Planning Committee on 23 June 2015. The report provides a generalised description of the site and a detailed account of the proposed development, and appraises it against the relevant policy framework from national to local level, along with other material considerations. The main policies of relevance to this application are policies 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Worthing Core Strategy (2011); saved policy H18 of the Worthing Borough Local Plan (2003) and paragraphs 14, 17, 35, 36, 60, 61, 72, 186, 196, 197 and 203-206 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Worthing Borough Council has strongly objected to the development over the loss of the car park. The Environment Agency, WSCC Ecology, WSCC Drainage and WSCC Landscape raise no objection. WSCC Highways also raise no objection, but seek alternative parking areas from January 2016 onwards. In response to public consultation, forty-two representations were received from thirty-two members of the public. Of these representations, twenty-one raise objection or concern, with twenty-one supporting the proposal. The main concerns relate to disappointment of the closure of the Queen Street car park, increased highways congestion, an increase in traffic, more on-street parking, poor quality and lack of traffic surveys, confusion regarding differences in planning applications, construction of the development and safety concerns of using the Queen Street car park as a temporary school. Those in support cite the critical need for the facilities in the short-term, that this development is only for a temporary period and is the best, most pragmatic option currently available. Consideration of Key Issues The main material considerations in relation to this application are whether the temporary development: • meets an identified need; • is acceptable in terms of highway capacity and road safety; and • has an acceptable impact on residential amenity and the environment. Need for the Development There is a clear need for additional secondary school places, and an urgent need to house pupils who have been assured a place at the permanent Bohunt Academy site adjacent. Bearing in mind the temporary nature of the proposal, the age of the pupils, and the great weight given by the NPPF for the provision of school places, it is concluded that the development is acceptable. Impact on Highway Capacity and Road Safety The use of Queen Street car park as a temporary school will displace free, public parking, albeit that this parking could be lost at any time if the landowner so chooses. Nonetheless, the applicant has indicated that some temporary parking would be provided on the adjacent, permanent site for residents which would address some issues. A Parking Management Strategy will be required to ensure some residential space is available after January 2016 until the temporary period expires. With only 25% of pupils and staff travelling to school by car, the impact on the highway network is not considered to be significant. It is also considered that measures could be put in place to ensure that pupils could safely cross the A24 in advance of a new crossing being provided in October/November 2015. Overall, it is considered that the proposal is acceptable in highways terms. Impact on Local Amenity and the Environment It is not considered that the temporary school would result in an unacceptable impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents or the environment. The two- storey buildings would be some 29 metres from the nearest residential façade, so the potential for overlooking is minimised. Smaller buildings in less frequent use would be located along the residential boundary, minimising the impact on adjacent residents. The school layout has altered so the music room no longer abuts residential properties. Overall, it is not considered the development would impact unacceptably on the amenity or privacy of residents, or the local area. Conclusion It is proposed to create a temporary secondary school that can accommodate up to 200 pupils and 20 staff through the erection of modular buildings on Queen Street car park. The County Council is required to meet school placing demand; a key consideration and one that is given great weight. The 12 month temporary nature of the application also receives considerable weight. In conclusion, the development is needed and does not result in any significant impacts upon the local amenity or the environment. With regard to highway capacity and road safety, it is considered that the proposal is acceptable subject to the submission and approval of a Parking Management Strategy to mitigate the increased parking demand placed on local streets. Recommendation That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of this report. 1. Introduction 1.1 This report relates to an application for the installation of buildings and associated works to provide a temporary secondary school on Queen Street public car park in Worthing. The school would provide temporary accommodation for pupils at Bohunt Academy until the permanent school is constructed on the adjacent site to the east. It is anticipated those works will be completed in May 2016; therefore, the temporary use is sought to accommodate 200 pupils in two year groups - years 7 and 8 (ages 11–13). 1.2 It is proposed to install fourteen modular buildings of various sizes (three being two storey in height) to enable the temporary school to open in September 2015. The modular buildings include teaching and learning spaces, staffroom, offices, a hall, kitchen/dining facilities, a library, IT server/store, changing rooms and toilet facilities. 2. Site and Description 2.1 The proposed development sits within an existing public car park located immediately to the west of Northbrook College and the currently being constructed Bohunt Academy, a new secondary school (see Appendix 2 – Site Location Plan). 2.2 The site extends to 0.23 hectares (0.57 acres) and sits within a primarily residential area some 750m north of the centre of Worthing. The existing car park provides 78 car parking spaces and is accessed between two buildings (Queen Street Church and 62 Queen Street) on the northern side of Queen Street. 2.3 To the south of the site and east of the car park access, is Queen Street Church, used during weekdays as a children’s nursery. To the west of the site is a garage compound, also used as a long access road serving the rear of semi-detached properties on Cortis Avenue. Beyond this to the west are the gardens of semi-detached dwellings on Cortis Avenue. Immediately to the north of the application site are two-storey terraced properties. 2.4 The site is not subject to any ecological, landscape or historic designations, and is not within an area at risk of flooding. 3. Relevant Planning History 3.1 Planning permission was granted on 8 October 2014 for the use of the site east of the current application site as a new secondary school, now known as Bohunt Academy (ref. WSCC/032/14/WB). Subject to conditions and informatives, that permission allowed the “Construction of a new build 900 student Secondary School. Development consists of a three storey teaching block and a two storey Sports Hall on the land South of Northbrook College, together with the demolition of an existing college building, a new external MUGA, car park and associated soft and hard landscaping works and new vehicle access.” 3.2 There is one planning application awaiting determination that seeks variations to the above permission, namely: • WSCC/031/15/WB: Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of permission WSCC/032/14/WB for an additional storey of accommodation above changing rooms of the approved sports hall including a dance studio, two classrooms, SEN room and vertical circulation (including a platform lift and an external fire escape stair) 3.3 Following approval by the Planning Committee on 23 June 2015, planning permission WSCC/040/15/15 was granted on 24 June 2015 for the use of Queen Street car park as a temporary school. Although that application only sought permission for the initial works required to commence the temporary development, it established the principle of the proposal. 3.4 The current application is similar to WSCC/040/15/15 although it relates to a slightly larger development that seeks to bring forward the full extent of development required for the temporary school. 4. The Proposal 4.1 Planning permission is sought for a twelve month period for the construction of a temporary secondary school until the permanent school is constructed on the adjacent site. The temporary school would accommodate up to 200 pupils and around 20 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff.
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