E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2001 No. 134 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, talk about our late friend and Senate called to order by the Honorable HARRY indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. majority leader, Mike Mansfield. But REID, a Senator from the State of Ne- f before I do, I shall take a moment to vada APPOINTMENT OF ACTING recognize the efforts of the men and PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE women of our Armed Forces who have PRAYER undertaken a dangerous mission in the The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The PRESIDING OFFICER. The past few days. They are fighting to pro- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: clerk will please read a communication tect our Nation’s interests and its se- Almighty God, we come to You as to the Senate from the President pro curity. They are working to ensure the intercessors for our beloved Nation at tempore (Mr. BYRD). freedom of others across the globe, The legislative clerk read the fol- this crucial time of confrontation with never wavering in their duty. Through- lowing letter: the evil forces of terrorism in the out America’s history, our sons and world. May this war be decisive, under- U.S. SENATE, daughters have always been ready to girded by Your mighty power and lead PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, October 9, 2001. answer that call to duty. In particular, toward the extrication of terrorism West Virginians have a proud and envi- from the world. We intercede for our To the Senate: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, able record of service to our country in President George W. Bush, Colin Pow- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby perilous times of war and conflict. This ell, Don Rumsfeld, General Richard appoint the Honorable HARRY REID, a Sen- time is no different; mountaineers once Myers, General Tommy Franks, ator from the State of Nevada, to perform again are playing an important role in Condeleezza Rice, John Ashcroft, and the duties of the Chair. the defense of our country. all who seek Your guidance and super- ROBERT C. BYRD, Our soldiers, sailors, and airmen are President pro tempore. natural power for their leadership in now engaged in what could be a long this just war. We pray for Tom Ridge Mr. REID thereupon assumed the battle. In locales stretched around the as he assumes his new responsibilities chair as Acting President pro tempore. world, they will put themselves in to coordinate all who must work coop- f harm’s way. They will fight to protect eratively for the protection of our land our freedoms and the freedoms of peo- against further terrorist attacks. And RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ple around the world. We in the Senate Lord, we ask for a special measure of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and House of Representatives will Your wisdom and strength for TOM pore. Under the previous order, leader- make sure they have the resources DASCHLE, TRENT LOTT, HARRY REID, ship time is reserved. they need in order to be successful, but and DON NICKLES as they seek to lead f until their return home they and their this Senate in unity, in support of our MORNING BUSINESS Armed Forces. Protect the men and families will be in our thoughts and women now in harm’s way both in the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- prayers. May God watch over them and strategic bombing and the humani- pore. Under the same previous order, bring them home safely in the end. tarian effort. Grant Your peace to the there will now be a period for the f American people, many of whom are transaction of morning business not to SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MIKE gripped with unhealed grief over Sep- extend beyond the hour of 10 a.m. with MANSFIELD tember 11 and now feel panic over the Senators permitted to speak therein danger of terrorist attacks. for up to 5 minutes each. But under the Mr. BYRD. Mr. President: Dear Father, flood our hearts with previous order, the Senator from West When I remember all Your Spirit, filling us with trust in Virginia, Mr. BYRD, is recognized to The friends, so link’d together, You. May patriotism for our Nation, speak for up to 30 minutes. I’ve seen around me fall and pertinacity to win this battle be The Senator from West Virginia is Like leaves in wintry weather, the antidote to fear. In the Name of recognized. I feel like one our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I thank Who treads alone the Chair. Some banquet-hall deserted, f Whose lights are fled, f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Whose garlands dead, UNDERTAKING A DANGEROUS And all but he departed! The Honorable HARRY REID led the MISSION Thus, in the stilly night, Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ’Ere slumber’s chain has bound me, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, this morn- Sad Memory brings the light United States of America, and to the Repub- ing I have come to the Senate floor to Of other days around me. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10343 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S10344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 9, 2001 Mr. President, in June 1970, it was markable Senator, and an outstanding When the serpent tempted Eve, and my honor and privilege as the then leader. induced her to eat the forbidden fruit Secretary of the Senate Democratic Mr. President, it was on last Friday, of the tree of knowledge, he said to her, party conference to go to this floor and that the pallid messenger with the in- ‘‘ye shall not surely die.’’ make the announcement that Senator verted torch beckoned Mike Mansfield Scientists cannot create matter or Mike Mansfield had become the longest to depart this life. We can believe that life. They can mold and develop both, serving majority leader in history. he awakened to see a more glorious but they cannot call them into being. Today, it is with sadness that I come sunrise with unimaginable splendor of They are compelled to admit the truth to the Senate floor to speak of the a celestial horizon, and that he yet re- uttered by the English poet Samuel passing on Friday last of Mike Mans- members us as we remember him, for Roberts, when he said: field, and of his service to this Cham- we have the consolation that has come That very power that molds a tear ber and to our country. down to us from the lips of that an- And bids it trickle from its source, Mike Mansfield personified both cient man of Uz, whose name was Job: That power maintains the earth a sphere America and the American dream. He ‘‘Oh that my words were written in a And guides the planets in their course. was born in New York City, the son of book and engraved with an iron pen, That power is one of the laws—one of Irish immigrant parents, in 1903, the and lead in the rock forever, for I know the immutable laws of God, put into year in which the Wright Brothers that my redeemer liveth and that in force at the creation of the universe. made their historic flight. He was the latter day he shall stand upon the From the beginning of recorded time to raised in his beloved Montana. When he earth.’’ the present day, most scientists have Mike Mansfield has now passed from was only 14 years of age, without com- believed in a divine creator although I this earthly stage and gone on to his pleting the 8th grade, he served first in read not too long ago that only about eternal reward. The links which con- the U.S. Navy during World War I, and 40 percent of the scientists in this eventually in the Army and the Marine nect the glorious past with the present have been forever sundered. country believe in a creator. I have Corps—at that time, all of the branches often asked a physician: of the U.S. military. After the war, he Passing away! ’Tis told by the leaf which chill autumn Doctor, with your knowledge of the mar- became a miner, then a mining engi- velous intricacies of the human body and neer. breeze, Tears ruthlessly its hold from wind-shaken mind, do you believe that there is a God, a At 30 years of age, he was finally Creator? able, with the constant help of his de- trees; ’Tis told by the dewdrop which sparkles at Not one physician has ever answered, voted wife Maureen, to obtain the first morn, ‘‘No.’’ of several college degrees that would And when the noon cometh Each has answered, readily and with- enable him to become a college pro- ’Tis gone, ever gone. out hesitation, ‘‘Yes.’’ Some may have fessor of history and political science I always held Mike Mansfield in the doubted some of the tenets of the the- for almost a decade.
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