December 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1839 was the Crops Club President and in 1996 re- Jordan Pate has met every test and chal- contacting their lawmakers and urging them to ceived the Crops Club’s Distinguished Agri- lenge to pass through the ranks of the Boy join the campaign to stop bullying now. Viraj culturist Award. Additionally, he served two Scouts. Those aspiring to be Eagle Scouts believes that kids who are bullied need to terms on the California Industrial Welfare must fulfill requirements in the areas of leader- know they are powerful enough to reach out to Commission’s Wage Board #8. He is a past ship, service and outdoor skills. To dem- those in position to make a difference. board member of the Agricultural Energy Con- onstrate proficiency as a scout, each Boy Bullyvention is the first site to team up with sumers Association and a past board member Scout must achieve merit badges in the areas the U.S. House of Representatives’ Congres- of the California Agricultural Education Foun- of First Aid, Citizenship, Environment, Fitness, sional Anti-Bullying Caucus (CABC). Viraj’s dation. Family Life and much more. website trends from Capitol Hill where he In his various leadership roles, Earl has The work ethic Jordan has shown in his interviews Members of Congress who have a worked closely with California Governor Gray Eagle Scout projects, and every other project story to share or advice to give victims of bul- Davis, and other Democrat and Republican leading up to his Eagle Scout rank, speaks lying. legislators, as well as his colleagues in the ag- volumes about his commitment to assisting his In support of his vision that the ‘‘pen is riculture community to pass legislation to as- community and serving a cause greater than mightier than the sword,’’ Viraj has been suc- sist farmers and agribusinesses in California. himself. It is my honor to commend Daniel cessful in getting Members of Congress in- Additionally, Earl has been a champion for air Moon for his achievement of the rank of Eagle volved in a campaign he calls Raise Your pollution and water quality issues facing the Scout. Jordan will join the ranks of fellow Pen. Former Speaker and now Democratic San Joaquin Valley of California. Eagle Scouts like President Gerald R. Ford, Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Without a doubt, Earl has been a key player Neil Armstrong and Florida Governor Rick NANCY PELOSI has raised her pen to stop bul- in California’s agriculture industry for a number Scott. lying now. President Barack Obama also sent of years. It is with great pride that I recognize Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young a message of praise and a note of encourage- Earl P. Williams for his service and leadership man and his supportive family demonstrates ment in response to a hand-written letter Viraj and congratulate him on his retirement. the rewards of hard work, dedication and per- sent to him. f severance. Jordan’s devotion to the Boy I am pleased that Viraj is also interviewing Scouts over the past decade is laudable, and and posting photos of State Attorneys Gen- PERSONAL EXPLANATION I congratulate him on his achievement. I thank eral, School Superintendents, and others who him for his dedication to service and know we want to join the campaign. He is creating an HON. VICKY HARTZLER can expect great things from him in the future. online interactive map that highlights areas of OF MISSOURI I invite my colleagues in the House to join me concern by searching though keywords in so- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in congratulating Jordan Marcus Pate on ob- cial media like Facebook, Instagram, etc., and taining the rank of Eagle Scout, and I wish by school district, state, and county. It is the Wednesday, December 11, 2013 him continued success in his future endeav- only interactive map on this subject. Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, ors. I commend Viraj for taking a public stand December 10, 2013, I was unable to vote. f against bullying and for putting his technology Had I been present, I would have voted as fol- skills to use in a way that draws all of us to- lows: On rollcall No. 630, ‘‘yea,’’ on rollcall No. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL gether. His work, especially with Members of 631, ‘‘yea.’’ DEBT Congress, on behalf of teens across America f is the first of its kind. And so, for historical pur- HON. MIKE COFFMAN poses, I submit this statement for the CON- PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF COLORADO GRESSIONAL RECORD to recognize Viraj for his advocacy efforts. Viraj is a remarkable young HON. BRETT GUTHRIE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, December 11, 2013 man with a very bright future. I am proud to OF KENTUCKY know him, and I extend to him and his family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January my kindest regards and best wishes. 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Wednesday, December 11, 2013 f fice, the national debt was Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I was absent $10,626,877,048,913.08. PERSONAL EXPLANATION yesterday due to several flight cancellations Today, it is $17,234,005,998,603.93. We’ve and delays due to severe weather. As a result, added $6,607,128,949,690.85 to our debt in 4 HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY I missed two votes on Tuesday, December 10, years. This is $6.6 trillion in debt our nation, OF TEXAS 2013. Had I been present, I would have voted our economy, and our children could have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall votes 630 and 631. avoided with a balanced budget amendment. Wednesday, December 11, 2013 f f Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, on December CONGRATULATING JORDAN COMMENDING VIRAJ PURI 9, the weather delayed my arrival to Wash- MARCUS PATE ON ACHIEVING ington DC for the afternoon votes, and I THE RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA missed rollcall No. 631, or H.R. 1402. Had I OF AMERICAN SAMOA been present I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on HON. JOHN L. MICA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 1402. OF FLORIDA Wednesday, December 11, 2013 f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN RECOGNITION OF JEFF IRA Wednesday, December 11, 2013 today to congratulate Viraj Puri, a 13-year-old Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- student at Kilmer Middle School in Vienna, Vir- HON. JACKIE SPEIER ognize, honor and congratulate an outstanding ginia. OF CALIFORNIA constituent of my district, Jordan Marcus Pate Viraj is interested in technology, music, ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Scout Troop 100 in Oviedo, Florida, for vocacy, and writes a blog about mobile de- achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. vices. He is also a certified DJ (DJ Droid) and Wednesday, December 11, 2013 The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest built his own powerful computer which he uses Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor achievement in scouting. To attain this rank, for his DJ performances. Viraj performs in Jeff Ira for his 16 years of outstanding service he has demonstrated the qualities of leader- front of kids, adults and seniors. on the Redwood City City Council, two terms ship, self-discipline and perseverance while As an Indian American teenager, Viraj saw as mayor. To say that Jeff’s enthusiasm and serving his family, friends and community. the effects of bullying on his older brother and expertise will be missed by his colleagues and Only about five percent of Boy Scouts earn decided to blend advocacy and technology. all residents would be the understatement of the rank of Eagle Scout. The awarding of the He built a website which can be accessed at the decade. Jeff has demonstrated superb Rank of Eagle Scout is a performance-based www.bullyvention.com. leadership in setting Redwood City on a stable achievement with high standards that have Viraj’s website calls for teenagers to Write financial path and in making it a better place been well maintained over the past century. on Washington, to make their voices roar by to live. I am proud to call Jeff a colleague and VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:12 Dec 12, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11DE8.036 E11DEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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