E712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 24, 2017 for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service and applaud George for his dedication to by then Governor Rick Perry, Cynthia served Ambassadors for Youth award. serve and protect our country. I ask my col- as the Commission’s chairman from April 2012 Griffin Cross is a student at Arvada West leagues to join me in thanking Mr. Dunlap and to March 2017. Prior to serving on the Texas High School and received this award because all those who serve our great nation. Public Safety Commission, Cynthia served as his determination and hard work have allowed f regional director for the U.S. Department of him to overcome adversities. Housing and Urban Development. Cynthia The dedication demonstrated by Griffin INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE RESO- also served our country for 25 years in the Cross is exemplary of the type of achievement LUTION EXPRESSING THE SENSE U.S. Navy Reserves, retiring with the rank of that can be attained with hard work and perse- OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- captain. verance. It is essential students at all levels TIVES THAT THE SENATE Outside of her work on the Texas Public strive to make the most of their education and SHOULD GIVE ITS ADVICE AND Safety Commission, Cynthia is an active mem- develop a work ethic which will guide them for CONSENT TO THE RATIFICATION ber of her community. She is a member of the the rest of their lives. OF THE CONVENTION ON THE International Women’s Forum and Leadership I extend my deepest congratulations to Grif- ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF Texas, previously chairing the Dallas-Fort fin Cross for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge DISCRIMINATION AGAINST Worth and San Antonio Federal Executive Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have WOMEN (CEDAW) Boards. Cynthia is also a life member of the no doubt he will exhibit the same dedication Naval Reserve Association, Navy League, and character in all of his future accomplish- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY U.S. Naval Institute and the Reserve Officers ments. OF NEW YORK Association. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I again congratulate Cynthia on her well-deserved reappointment. I know Wednesday, May 24, 2017 CONGRATULATIONS TO JORDAN that she will continue to lead the Texas Public VALLEY INNOVATION CENTER Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Safety Commission in the right direction. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce the f HON. BILLY LONG sense of the House of Representatives that JOSIAH DOMINGUEZ OF MISSOURI the Senate should give its advice and consent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination HON. ED PERLMUTTER Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Against Women (CEDAW). OF COLORADO Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- CEDAW is a landmark international agree- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulate the Jordan Valley Innovation Center ment that calls on governments to take appro- Wednesday, May 24, 2017 on 10 years of dedication to new and innova- priate measures to end discrimination against tive ideas. women in all areas of life. The Convention Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise The Jordan Valley Innovation Center is a seeks to develop women’s equality in legal today to recognize and applaud Josiah place where students at Missouri State Univer- status, human rights, political participation, Dominguez for receiving the Arvada Wheat sity and the private sector come together and employment, education and healthcare, while Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Josiah Dominguez is a student at Arvada work towards creating and researching the de- committing countries to change or eradicate K–8 School and received this award because velopment of new technologies. As technology discriminatory laws, customs, and practices. his determination and hard work have allowed continues to change, it’s important to have Despite 189 countries ratifying CEDAW, the him to overcome adversities. hands-on opportunities like the ones provided United States is the only industrialized country The dedication demonstrated by Josiah by the Jordan Valley Innovation Center. in the world that has not ratified the treaty, Dominguez is exemplary of the type of Construction began for the center in 2005 even though its fundamental principles of achievement that can be attained with hard and two years later, construction was com- equality and nondiscrimination are paramount work and perseverance. It is essential stu- pleted. Since then the Jordan Valley Innova- to the ideals of our nation. Other nations that dents at all levels strive to make the most of tion Center has been a vital part of southwest have not ratified CEDAW include Somalia and their education and develop a work ethic Missouri and its success. Iran. which will guide them for the rest of their lives. I am honored to recognize Jordan Valley In- CEDAW is not self-executing, but would be I extend my deepest congratulations to Jo- novation Center on its 10-year anniversary. I a powerful statement uniting the U.S. with siah Dominguez for winning the Arvada Wheat look forward to watching this center grow as it most of the world in its commitment to wom- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. continues to be a place of learning and cre- en’s rights and equality. Any legislation the I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- ating. On behalf of Missouri’s 7th Congres- United States might adopt to comply with the cation and character in all of his future accom- sional District, I ask all of my colleagues to treaty would have to go through the normal plishments. join me in congratulating the Jordan Valley In- Congressional process. novation Center on all its success. Ratification of CEDAW would continue our f f nation’s proud bipartisan tradition of promoting HONORING GROVER HOLMES and protecting human rights. Senate action in HORTON GEORGE R. DUNLAP favor of ratification of CEDAW would strength- en our standing as a global leader for the HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON HON. VICKY HARTZLER rights of women and girls. I hope my col- OF MISSISSIPPI OF MISSOURI leagues will cosponsor this important resolu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion that will benefit women in the U.S. and Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Wednesday, May 24, 2017 around the world. f Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today er, I rise today to honor the late Mrs. Grover to recognize Mr. George R. Dunlap, a U.S. HONORING CYNTHIA LEON Holmes Horton. Navy and Coast Guard veteran from Kansas Mrs. Horton, born June 15, 1938, left to be City who served in both World War II and the HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ with the Lord on May 7, 2016. She was a Korean War. As one of four brothers to serve OF TEXAS great mother, grandmother, great-grand- in active duty, George enlisted right after high IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mother, sister and friend. school graduation on his eighteenth birthday in Mrs. Horton was a God-fearing member of 1945. After his years of service, George Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Goodman Missionary Baptist Church under moved to Kansas City where he devoted Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I the leadership of Rev. Dr. Nathanial Christian. twenty-five years of his life to the Kansas City rise today to congratulate A. Cynthia Leon on She was a very dedicated member who Police Department. her reappointment as Chairman of the Texas served in the choir and was the Secretary in George’s example of lifelong service to his Public Safety Commission. her church. country and community deserves our utmost On March 8, 2017, Governor Greg Abbott Mrs. Horton was very active and became appreciation. I am honored to share my grati- reappointed Cynthia to the Texas Public Safe- the founder of Goodman Male Chorus and a tude and respect for this wonderful Missourian ty Commission. Originally appointed in 2011 member of Tri-City Gospel Choir. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:18 May 25, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24MY8.006 E24MYPT1 May 24, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E713 Mrs. Horton served with the John L. Webb and a past member of the Board of Trustees their convention in June 2017. Moreover, prior Grand High Court, Prince Hall Affiliation— at the University of West Alabama. to starting his own public relations firm, Mr. F&AM as the Most Ancient Matron of Good- She is survived by her son Manuel Joseph Zimmerman was a national award-winning man Court No. 91 in Goodman, MS; the 7th Oliveira and brother, Dr. Joseph Mitchell, Jr. journalist for more than 12 years with the Ber- District Lecturer; and the 7th District past Most Mr. Speaker, please join me in celebrating gen Record. Ancient Matron. the life of Dr. Oliveira. She will be greatly Throughout his career, Mr. Zimmerman held Mrs. Horton enjoyed working as a home liai- missed. several positions and received numerous ac- son for the Holmes County School District and f colades. From his service to the insurance in- was also a Certified Election Poll Worker for dustry, he was recognized with the PlANJ many years. JUAN FLORES Legislative Award in 1990 and received Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me PlANJ’s Distinguished Insurance Service in recognizing the late Mrs. Grover Holmes HON. ED PERLMUTTER Award in 1998—the first time this award was Horton. OF COLORADO presented to an individual who was not an in- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES surance industry official.
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