SouthernSouthern StyleStyle BiBiscuitsscuits EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENT NEEDED:NEEDED: LLargearge mixingmixing bowl, rubber spatula, measuringmeasuring cups/spoons,cups/spoons, cuttingcutting board, 2 iinchnch coocookiekie cutter, smasmallll bbakingaking ssheet.heet. ININGREDIENTS:GREDIENTS: 2 cu cupsps Bloomfield FarmFarmss® All PurposePurpose 2 tables tablespoonspoons all natural vevegetablegetable BBakingaking MMixix shorteningshortening 4 teaspoons bakingbaking powdepowderr 4 tablespoons whole, unsalted butterbutter 1 1 teasteaspoonpoon sea salt /2 cupcup whole milkmilk 3 /4 cup whole buttermilkbuttermilk PRPROCEDURE:OCEDURE: Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees.degrees. 1. Usin Usingg the spatula, combine BloomfieldBloomfield FarmFarmss® All Purpose baking mix, baking powpowder,der, anandd sasaltlt iinn tthehe llargearge mmixingixing bbowl.owl. 2. Usin Usingg your fifingernger tips, work the shorteninshorteningg and the butter into the flflourour until it reseresemblesmbles brbreadead crumcrumbs.bs. Note:Note: This stepstep should be done quicklyquickly to preventprevent thethe butter from melting.melting. 3.3. Add the milk and buttermilk, and use the spatula to ggentlyently ffold.old. 4. Dust the cuttincuttingg board with Bloomfield FarmFarmss® All Purpose Baking Mix. 5. T Turnurn the doudoughgh onto the dusted cuttingcutting board surface, dust the top of the doudoughgh wwithith BloomfiBloomfieldeld FFarmsarms® All Purpose Baking Mix and gently fold the dough over onto iitselftself 5 or 6 ttimes.imes. 6. P Pressress the dough out into a one inch round and then use the cookie cutter to cut out bibiscuits.scuits. 7. P Placelace the biscuits onto the bakinbakingg sheet, place the bakinbakingg sheet into the pre-heated 450 dedegreegree oven and bake for 17 to 20 minutes; biscuits should be ggoldenolden brown on totop.p. APPLICATIONS: These are great breakfast biscuits but also make great savory ones as well. Just add TheBloomfieldFarms.comTheBloomfieldFarms.com 1 tablestablespoonpoon of fresh chchoppedopped rosemarosemaryry or ththymeyme when mixinmixingg the drdryy iningredients.gredients..
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