Ottawa Valley Farm Show Exhibitor Listing as of 9/27/21 Name Booth 2020 Great ON Yield Tour 1026 4H Display 2340, 2440, 2540, 2640 A&A E-Z Brush & Oiler Inc. 2032 A&L Canada Laboratories 2712 ABS Global (Canada) Inc. 2004 Advanced Grain Handling Systems Inc. 2525 Ag Business & Crop 4503 Ag Dealer 1013 Ag Leader Technology 2404 AGI 2024 Agracity Crop & Nutrition/ Farmers of North America 2425 AgriBrink 1440 Agricorp 4513 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 4523 Agri-Trac Inc. 1117 Agri-Trend Agrology Ltd. 2708 Agrocentre Belcan Inc. 2524 Algonquin College - Perth 1030 Allied Associates LLP 3009 Alltech Canada 1229 ALPINE 2601 Alta Genetics 1220 American Farm Products 2513 André Service Agri 2423 Arboris Inc 2040b Arbourdale 3125 Argis 2000 Ltd. 2617 Armtec 2408 ASL Agrodrain Limited 4001 Axter Agroscience Inc. 2612 Ayrshire Ontario L10 Bähler Buildings 2009 BASF Canada 2322 Bayer Crop Science - DEKALB 3033 Bearbrook Game Meats Inc. 3124 Belisle Solution Nutrition 2306 Better Farming 3029 Beugger Energy Equipment 1037 BMO Bank of Montreal 1121 Bobcat Ottawa Valley, Casselman, Cornwall, Ottawa 2421 Bourbonnais Equipment 2003 Inc 2122 Britespan Building Systems Inc. 1327 Broadgrain Commodities Inc. 2308 Brodie Ag & Industrial Inc 4231 Brokerlink Inc 4126 Bromley Farm Supply Ltd. 2220 BRQ FIBRE ET BROYURE 1241 Bugnot - Muchers, Grinders & RMH Feed Mixers 3410, OD4 Bullseye Genetic Services 1016 C&M Seeds 2514 Cadman Power Equipment Limited 3101 Canada's Outdoor Farm Show- Glacier Media 1120 Canadian Dairy XPO 1406 Canadian Federation of Independent Business 4140 Canadian Foodgrains Bank L13 Canarm Ag Systems - Faromor 2005 Capital Services 4124 Cargill Animal Nutrition Canada/Purina 1331 Casselman Tirecraft 3201 CCWG - Livestock Supplies 2114 Central Boiler Inc./North Star Outdoor Boiler 4232 Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario 1014 CIBC Commercial Banking 1306 CNK Ag-Tech Inc. 4222 Colvoy Enterprises 2012 Ltd. 4539 Comptoir Agricole Ste-Anne Inc. 2301 Corbec Inc 3232 Corteva Agriscience/Brevant seeds 2410 Costco Wholesale 3214 Country Farm Seeds Ltd. 2609 CowKuhlerZ 2124 Culligan Real Estate Ltd. 1214 Dairy Distillery 4100 Dairy Farmers of Ontario- Milk Producer Magazine 2010 Dairy Lane Systems Ltd. 1215 Datamars (TruTest/Speedrite/Patriot/Z tags) 1031 Davon Sales Inc. 1328 De Dell Seeds Inc. 2311 DeLaval 1101 Delaware Pump and Parts Ltd. 2100 Derks Elevator Inc. 3015 DFK Equipment Sales Inc. 4200 DICKEY-john/Champion Industrial Equip. 4021 Distribution ADLS Inc. OD5 DLF Pickseed 3001 Dmd Picard Enterprise Inc. 1107 Drainage Superintendents Assn of Ontario/City of Ottawa 4525 Dt Mobile Wash Inc 4040 Dundas Agri Systems 1127 Dynamique Technologies Inc. 3115 East-Can Equipment Sales 3301 EastGen Inc. 1207 Eastrock Equipment Inc. 4027, OD2 EastWest Agri 2307 Easyfix USA 2714 Ecocert Canada 2241 ecoSolv Ag Technologies 1017 Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. 4332 Embrun Coop 1416 Empire Barn Painting 2029 Empire Construction 2027 Equipements Lambert Inc 2329 Equipements PFB Inc. 4216 Equipements Woody 3428 Equipment 9355 4509 ESB Aluminum Products 2134 Etcetera Publications (Chesterville) Inc 1012 Evergreen Liquid Plant Food Ltd. 4015 Farm and Food Care 1000 Farm Credit Canada 2625 Farm Supply Sales 3300 Farmers Farmacy/Grand Valley Fortifiers 1425 Farmers Forum Newspaper 1116 Farm-Fleet Inc. 2131 Farms.com/Ag Buyers Guide 1112 FarmTRX 2517 Fawcett Tractor Supply Ltd. 4023 FBC 2008 Fellowship Christian Farmers-Canada 1022 Ferguson Tree Nursery 1011 Fibre de verre Vaudreuil (fibreglass) 1240 Food Vendors 1018, 4120, 4521 Forests Ontario 1009 Frontenac Technology Solutions 2012 Frontlink Inc. 3412 Fusion Expert Conseil Inc 1341 G Horst Enterprise Inc. 3040 G.B Équipements inc 1301, OD1 Gaetan Martin Electricien Inc 1435 Gallagher Canada 2201 Gateway Enterprises 4531 Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd 1421 General Seed Company 3021 GeoShack Canada 4025 Goldie Ghamari, MPP Carleton 3140 Goodman & Uhr Silage Plastics 4240 GPS Ontario 2501 Grain Farmers of Ontario 2510 Grandview Concrete Grooving Inc. 1038 Grant Ag 2305 Green Lea Ag Center 4009, OD3 Green Tech 3328 Green Tech 3321 Green Valley Heating 3134 Grenville Mutual Insurance 2025 Grober Nutrition 2102 Haaga Canada 2040a Hakmet Ltd 1211 Harco Ag Equipment 4420 Hardi North America Inc. 3332 Harvex Agromart and The Agromart Group 3131 Hawthorne Cleaning Systems 2221 Hearing Life 1321 Heatmaster (Hwy 511 Heating Solutions) 4130 Hensall Co-op 3011 Heritage Livestock Canada L12 Higginson Farm Eq - Lozova Machinery 2229 HJV Equipment 2211 HLA/Tubeline/MK Martin/Reist 3221, OD 7, OD6 Horizon Seeds Canada Inc. 3007 Horst Systems 2127 Huplaso 2205 Husky Farm Equipment Ltd. 4233 Hustler Turf/Big Dog Mowers 3406 Hy-Grade Steel Roofing 3126 International Stock Food 2020 iSolara Solar Power 4327 Jake's Welding Inc. 3106 Jarvis Canada 1010 Jaylor Fabricating Inc. 3309 Jerry Cummings Painting Inc. & Shaun Cummings Painting 2209 Jersey Ontario L11 JJM Concrete Grooving 2313 JM Lahman Mfg Inc 3228 Jp2g Consultants Inc. 1199 JR Brisson Equipment 2231 Kinburn Farm Supply 1434 Kirchmeier Custom Work Inc 1114 Krown Rust Control Systems 4527 Kubota Canada Ltd. 3409 Kuhn Farm Machinery 2429 L & R Shelters Inc. 2028 L et L Equipements 2604 La Sabotière 1130 LAC - London Agricultural Commodities 2606 Lactanet Canada 1335 Lallemand Plant Care 2702 Lamoureux Pumping Inc. 2031 Lapointe Drainage 1315 Lawrence's Dairy Supply (1995) Inc. 1221 Leading Edge Equipment Ltd. 3420 LeafFilter North of Canada, Inc. 4029 Legend Seeds Canada 2700 Les Fondations Brisson Inc. 3234 Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. 2120 Liberchem 1115 Liquid Feeds International 1104 London Dairy Supply Ltd. 1420 London Eco Roof Manufacturing 1325 LS Tractor 3107 M & P Farm Equipment Ltd. 2208 M & R Feeds and Farm Supply (Brent Clifford Feeds Limited) 2128 M&L Supply Fire & Safety 4128 M. Downey Excavating Ltd. 1408 M.R. Blais Sales & Service Inc. 2507 MacEwen Agricentre Inc. 2403 MacEwen Petroleum Inc. 2401 Mahindra Canada/Reis Equipment 4112 Maizex Seeds Inc. 2315 MANULIFT 4424 Mapleview Agri Ltd. 1210 Marcrest Manufacturing Inc. 4007 Mark Ryan - Via Capitale Diamant 1424 Martin Leduc (Broyage/Mulching) 4340 Masterfeeds Inc. 1413 Matheson Machinery Inc. 4537 Maximus Ontario 1123 McCormick North America 2111 McDougall Insurance & Financial 1124 MegaDome by Harnois 3117 Meridian Manufacturing 4221 Meunerie Victo 1433 Meyerhans Custom Farming 4440B Milkomax 2202 Milo Seeds Inc. 2320 MLS Insurance Brokers Inc. 1140 MNP 2299 Mohawk Equipment Ltd. 4220 Montreal Tractor 4225 Morton Equipment Ltd 3331 Multi Shelter Solutions 2013 Myers National Leasing 4325 National Bank of Canada 1008 National Farmers Union 1024 New Holland Canada 3421 New-Life Mills 2015 NLS Products 4228 Normand Company Ltd. 3400, ODP1, ODP2 Norwell Dairy Systems 1100 Nuhn Forage Inc. 3025 Nuhn Industries Ltd 2704, OD12 Oegema, Nicholson & Assoc Ins Brokers Ltd 3216 OFA Recharge Lounge 2021 O'Farrell Financial Services Inc. 2103 Ontario Blonde d'Aquitaine Assoc. L5 Ontario Farmer Publications 1028 Ontario Federation of Agriculture 1401 Ontario Flag and Pole 3023 Ontario Holstein L9 Ontario Joint Pipeline Group 4529 Ontario Landowners Association 1431 Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs 4511 Ontario Mutuals 1111 Ontario Plowmen's Association 1021 Ontario Seed Growers' Association 2527 Ontario Sheep Farmers L4 Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Assn 1108 Optimisation Agri-Tuning 2033 Osgoode Township Museum 1099 Ottawa Driveshaft & steering 2424 Ottawa Equipment & Hydraulic 4436 Ottawa Valley Harvestore 2121 Ottawa Valley Hereford Club L7 Ottawa Valley Seed Show - Court of Honour 2529, 2629 Ottawa Valley Shorthorn Club L6 Ottawa Valley Simmental Club L8 OutFront Portable Solutions 4227 Paul Lanthier Sales 1216 Penergetic Canada 1409 Peter Chase Enterprises 3129 Phil Ryan & Associates/The Co-operators 2130 Pioneer 2414 PLS Insoles Inc 3100 PMI-Ag / GÜTTLER 4122 PNS Tech Corp 4501 Poettinger Canada Inc. 3207 Pols Enterprises Ltd. 1307 Portage and Main Outdoor Boilers 3233 Precision Planting Inc. 2415 PRIDE Seeds 2323 Prograin Inc. 2223 Pronovost (Les Machineries) 1235 Quality Seeds Ltd. 2000 Quilts Display HALL C Raats Custom Farming 4440A RBC 1126 RD Legault Seeds Ltd. 2509 Reis Equipment/Penta/Salford 4300 Revolution Ag Retail Inc. 3027 Richardson International Ltd. 3114 Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc. 2106 Rostech Electronics 3236 Rovibec Agrisolutions 2226 Rural Ontario Institute 3120 S Houle 4031 Sangers Silo/Shotcrete 2716 Scotiabank 1405 Secco International Inc. 1201 Select Sires GenerVations Inc. 2110 Semican 3013 Services Agricole SerAgri Inc. 4499 Sevita International 2614 SG Ceresco Inc. 2521 Siegrist Harvesting 4142 SIGA Farm Software 1033 Sign It Signs & Design 1032 Siloking Canada Inc. 2300 Silo-King Forage Treatment c/o Agri-King, Inc. 3102 Smellink Realty Inc. 1125 Smiths Farm Equipment 3227, OD10 Soleno 4033 Sollio Agriculture 2321 Sontrac Equipment 4432 South Nation Conservation 1005 Speare Seeds 3017 Spuehler Shop 3329, OD11 Steqcan Inc. 3432 Storm Internet Services 3108 Stubbe's Precast 2505 SUN-NORTH SYSTEMS LTD. 1410 Synagri 2411 Tasco Dome Covered Structures 1109 TD Ag Services 1224 The Door Company 4013 Thermo Energy Wolf Structures Inc 2200 Thunderstruck Ag Equipment 3423, 3433 Timac Agro Canada 1430 Town and Country Chrysler 4002 Traction Plus 1141 Transit Trailer Limited 1323 Tremac Inc. 2328 Trioliet B V 1001 UAP Canada 2605 UCFO 1208 Udder Comfort Inc 1227 Ukal Canada Inc. 1027 Ultramar 4110 University of Guelph - Ridgetown Campus 1106 Usborne Books at Home - Anne Coleman 1313 Valley Bio Limited 3110 Valmetal Inc. 4322 Van Go Enterprises 1340 Vandaele 2610 VandenBussche Irrigation 4003 VITEO HALL D Walinga Inc. 2621 Wallenstein Equipment Inc. 3121, OD8 We Can Contracting 2101 Weagant Farm Supplies Limited 3401 Weberlane Mfg. (1990 Co.) 3122 Webstone Holsteins Ltd. 1015 WEPC Inc. 2309 WER Rentals and Sales 3304 Wever Financial 2014 Whitewater Metals Inc. 2240 Wilfrid Major / Mondou 1311 William Houde Ltee. 1432 Willows Agriservices Ltd 2207 WinField United Canada 3130 With Hannah to Canada Immigration Advisory in AGRA Business 2140 WO Stinson and Son Ltd. 3240 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 1002 XiteBio Technologies Inc. 2227 Xplornet 1040.
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