Linens, White Goods L. L. Sheetings, best -quality, well worth 6a yard, -*\JB 1Q quantity limited, yd..~..~.**'2,\M White Goods, Fancies and plain sheer and heavy qualities, values to 25c yd., special 401*% Some good Writing Paper, with for Saturday • «"2** 25 neat envelopes, rjut up in a characterize this store Table Linens—All pure linen, nice box, a bargain at 15c, IS g% full bleached damask, extra sale price per box O w Little Differences!!•superio r service, good value, worth 'f&Olf* Just opened another shipment 75c yard tf 4Si2t* of Rattan and Raffia, best qual­ goods of the best quality and the LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS. Dinner Napkins—Broken lot of ity at lowest prices. New Fash-" !)U «f K " \ * : half dozens, worth to' $3.00 per ion Journals, popular Maga­ dozes, your choice, half fi^l zines and Periodicals. EVANS, MUNZER, PICKERING & GO. dozen V • Wash Goods Handkerchiefs Batiste—Splendid sheer 30-inch Ba­ .A great special sale of neat embroidered tiste, nice assortment of dainty styles, MEN'S FURNISHINGS and scalloped or hemstitched edge Hand­ including the popular white ground kerchiefs. Values to 25c, sale ft ft work. The usual 12^c yard T^f* "Small leaks sink great ships." Look, out for the leaks of extravagance and buy price, each 5Fw . quality £ 2** where you can purchase the best goods for the least money. You can save money on any of these items Saturday. r , Tissue Persian—Very sheer, filmy and Millinery cool warm weather fabric, fine collec­ Men's Silk-Bows—for the high turn'f Men's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and During the next 30 days we will close tion of swell styles. Regular fe^ down collars—worth 25 cents-r— C^> Double Seated Drawers—' i out Qur.ejjormQus stock of trimmed and price 25c yard, Saturday lull Special OC worth 50c .*.".*....'.. 25c untrimmed hats. Our prices always the Mercerized Ribbon Stripe Tissue—60 Men's 50-cent Silk" ties—all styles Men's Lisle Thread Fancy Balbriggaialbriggann lowest. ' Will be almost cut in half for of season's swellest styles in this popu­ and patterns— OR a"* Shirts or Drawers—worth this sale. Our $25.00, $20.00 lar and fashionable fabric, ail the latest Special '.. ... teUV $1.00 4 35e and $18.00 hats; choice/.... Men's laundered soft bosom Negligee shades, including black and white Men's Pull . Seamless Past Black' Another lot—value to ^ WZ ft ft m Shirts—elegant patterns— Jt K g% effects. For Saturday, per ACA Silk Embroidered Hose—"worth 9g%- $12, for this sale ^OsifO yard 4Sm%3\t I9'<ients ,,..,.- ,..*.. i t# worth 75c % *frQO- Men's Fine.English Lisle Web Sus­ Men's madras oloth Negligee Shirts— An immense line of Street "7E%g% Boys' Clothing penders with leather ends— AD^ the largest selection in d&4 OR Hats, special for this sale « Ow •Sp<*cial< ,... .......... fiQv . the north west, worth $1.50H* • •#•€• Woaderful Bargains are those we are Muslin Underwear offering in our'CIothing Department. Great June Sale Now On—1,000 good The celebrated "Star Waist" for boys Hosiery and Underwear quality corset covers, torchon lace and from 6 to 12 years—a dollar RAA* embroidery trimmed, all sizes— A|% waist—Saturday only uUv . Values like these you find nowhere except at the New Store. Saturday, choice 5F O LINEN RUSSIVN BLOUSE WAIST SUIT. A very natty costume, with effectively plaited back and skirt. The belt and Boys' fine all wooL two-piece suits, sizes Ladies'Oneita Lisle Combi- ORf» Ladies' imported, full regular made 100 dozen extra fine gowns, skirts, the ending on the sailor collar, as well as the yoke, are all of white pique. The 7 to 16 years—Jbig bar- tf* *fl M A hat is a ready-to-wear shepherdess. nation Suits, worth 75c , AaOl* Hose, all'50c qualities; plain QRA chemises, drawers and corset covers— gains for $3.48, $2.48 and V • i^O Ladies' Swiss ribbed, fine lisle and or fancy Oifw made-to-order kind—fine materials, Here's where we are long and you mercerized Cotton Vests, all colors and Ladies' full seamless fast black Hose, latest styles, lace and embroidery save the dollars—Boys' swell long styles; regular 25c 4 ft f* plain or drop stitched; i"f -fc" trimmed, worth to $2.00 Saturday— pant suits, sizes 13 to 20 years, every « goods Ivli worth 19c •** your choice—98c, 69e JB Of* garment perfectly tailor- f£ JK A A Children's Vests and Pants, fine gauze Children's full seamless Hose, in white* ed,a fine suit for $7.50 & M""*»JO weight; worth 25c; all * «i |5 A pink, light blue, red and black,4 CA sizes • O w lace striped; worth 25c ..". Ivv Draperies Ribbon Sale '20 pieces 40-inch white Curtain €Pg\ A very opportune purchase- of high- Swiss or Lawn. Value 15c yard &w grade Satin Taffeta Ribbons at a price 1200 dark green opaque Window away below market value and offered Our Saturday Shoe Sale Shades, complete, 2sc for sale on sa.me basis. Plenty of white, An event everybody looks forward te. You can save dollars on your shoe bill. value cream, pink, blue and other desirable (Children's Day extraordinary.) 121c summer shades in the popular widths, 1000'54-in£h extension Brass ft g± for sashes, neckwear and hat trimming. 5000 paifs Misses' and Children's Shoes—kid and -patent tips;" in Curtain Poles, complete, each .. ,%M\Jf 3 In. wide, yard, 3H in. wide, yard. 4 in. wide,yard, fact, over one hundred styles, only best makes—made to sell at Oriental Rugs $1.25, $l 50 and $2.00. Your choice : 19e 25c 29c r 75c Sale of Khiva Rugs—New lot of fine Worth 25c. Worth 35c. Woith45c. Boys' calf shoes, canvas shoes ft Of% Women's hand-turn Strap Slip- OOg% Antique, average size, such pieces as and bicycle shoes vOv pers, $1.50 values OOU usually sell at $75 to $85, ^'CA Corsets Women's patent kid oxfords, one style, Men's Kid Slippers, patent back—the each ^Olf Greatest Sale in the City. made to sell at $2.50. $1.00 kind Saturday KOtf* Rugs washed and repaired by expert Armenians. Soiled pieces made beau­ 50 dozen J. B., P. D. R. & G., Gt. D. Half price..' at only Ovl* $1.25 tiful at small cost. and American Lady, all colors, latest Women's via Jtid oxfords, hand turn and Children's Kid red and blue shoes—sizes bias gore, straight fronts and girdles, welt soles, the $2.00 to 6, the 75c kind Saturday KA^ Children's, Infants' Day Batiste and-Madras, six lengths, worth kind at.-.\ *„...!.... $1.49 at only. .». .-4§'«rl# .100 dozen muslin, and lawn -Hats and to $2.50. Choice Saturday JB ft A Misses and children's strap ^Q^ Women's $3 Oxford Kid Caps, prettily trimmed with Jace^and 98c, 69cand ^mf C slippers, worth $1.50, at...... I Oil and patent leather?;^.ggs s $1.89 embroidery, worth to $1. /, 'ft>-fvat Dressing Sacques and Kimonos—SO 77 Choice 49cand .1. effmM* dozen Lawns and Organdies, plain and uT faney colors, worth to $2.00. £Sft** - Notions Petticoats Choice 98c and O *P C Leather Goods 1000 yarda Silk ^Elastic Remnants, all Special to close Saturday -only about Belts—Genuine Seal, patent leather, Carpets and Mattings colors, £ yard lengths, worth - QA 200 fine "am I" silk, mercerized Wash ooze calf, walrus, moroceo and velvet 12c yard' OO Linen and.Madras, plaiting, ruffles and appliquei trimming, lined and stitched, A visit to our carpet and rug depart­ ruche, black and colors, worth ftQft LEGHORNS. DAISI ES AND RIBBONS. perfect fitting.long waist effect, JQ Rdfc All the artistic straws are used in th eir original tints and combinations, ment will convince you that there is Drug Department to $3.50, choice $1.98, $1.25, «f OO value to $1. Choice Saturday.^"Olp draped with garlands of flowers, daisies, roses, bluets, forget-me-nots or field flow­ only one place to buy carpets, etc. ers, and tied with huge bow3 and bunches of ribbons in becoming color. Such hats 2, 3 and 4 quart Fountain Syringes, 4 are typical children's hats. Wilton Velvets, extra quality, all the hard rubber pipes, guaraa- Ofta> Optical Dept. Flower Department leading makes; values to T70«r» teed, choUe .'.-... iWv Carnations, large beautiful flowers, $1.35 per yard m v€# Aluminco frames, strongest and light­ Our little girls are going to wear many Booth's Hybmei Antiseptic iffcf* est frame made, warranted not ta tar­ finest grown, Saturday, 4QA slippers this summer. There are many inno­ Mattings, fancy China and Jap Mat­ Skin Soap, regular 25ccakes.. 1"0 dozen l%fO PRETTY STYLES vations—little Cleopatra affairs, which, like tings, splendid values, some of them at nish, fitted with pesT; periscopic lens. Seidlitz Powders, 25c kind..... 8c Pansies, per box 1 dozen 12c the colonial, with the strap underneath the half regular prices, look them 4B Regular price $2.50, for Qfif* FOR CHILDREN tongue, will give a new air to our already A wonderful children's shoes. Then there are over, yard 35c, 25c, 18c..:... I5etf5 Our best 5c Cigars 3c Saturday «f Oil Well Dressed Little People an Evidence Roman sandals, with their straps, and some Camera Dept. of National Prosperity and Taste. other fanciful as well as practical styles that laces and Veilings Ladies' Neckwear will command much attention. Jewelry Department 25c Standard Toner,'Saturday.... 21o Remember that our shoea are the best in the ^Splendid assortments o£ the> Basement Liberty Silk Ruffs at Special 50c Burnt Leather Albums at...
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