th FOR YOUR 'RAYERS THIS 4EE5 Saturda0 .$ April -#$$a% 'ra0er 3 r the 9 r* 3 the parish Prayer & Worship $lic" here for direct link to meeting Chur!h: ;ray for the &eace of Jerusalem' >th A6ril =$=. <r fro) a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 851 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020 EASTER SU8DAY Di !esan Li3e: <ur Link ;ro!inces of $hile, 6yanmar, the 8emocratic .epublic of $ongo, ,ganda, .%anda and 0urundi, and 8iocese of th Alleluia, Christ is Risen! 8E<T SU8DAY .. A'RIL 2e%castle. He is Risen Indeed, EASTER = Alleluia! Our 'arish: Those who li!e and wor" in 3aterford A JOYFUL EASTERTIDE =ane, Waterloo Road, Wellworthy Road, West Hayes' The%e: $hristian Co))unity <rganist Martin Penrose' T pi!: Abundant Co))unity Readings: Si!*: All %ho are un%ell' Readings: Acts 4: 32-31 Acts 10: 34-43; John 20: 1-18 John 20: 19-end De6arted: heila har&' Colle!t: God of glory, -#./a% BCP Co%%uni n ( STC by the raising of your Son Year7s )ind: (erry Abernethy, &riest ?2004@' you ha!e bro"en the chains of death and hell: .$#$0a% 'enningt n and L0%ingt n J int #ll your Church with faith and ho&e; for a ne% day 4HAT7S O8 THIS 4EE5 Easter Sunda0 Ser1i!e has da%ned and the way to life stands o&en (his service will be streamed fro) our shared in our Saviour Jesus Christ. th *ou(ube channel. ) nda0 / April %%%'youtube'co)+channel/,$-./1l-c&01- "#$$a% BCP Co%%uni n ( St#)ar*+s , nline -#00a% 2 % ) rning 'ra0er 9ith Sarah , Jane rn1o1tU23,% $lick here for direct lin" to meeting -#00a% Easter C %%uni n ( St#)ar*+s , nline <r fro) a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 6eeting ID: 891 2990 2440 Passcode: 2020 -#./a% Easter Co%%uni n ( STC Tuesda0 :th April .$#$0a% 'enningt n and L0%ingt n J int -#00a% 2 % ) rning 'ra0er 9ith Sarah , Jane Fl 9ers in St.Thomas Chur!h Easter Sunda0 Ser1i!e ..#$$a% Taketime )editati n in me%or0 of Chris Pugh (his service will be streamed fro) our shared Zoo) lin" as for 9am prayer *ou(ube channel. %%%'youtube'co)+channel/,$-./1l-c&01- 4ednesda0 ;th April rn1o1tU23,% -#00a% 2 % ) rning 'ra0er 9ith Sarah , Jane 4'00&) 0oo" $lub discussion or fro) a landline phone: 0203 451 0088 6eeting ID: 591 631 0418# Passcode: 1835: Thursda0 "th April 'arish O3?!e $./-0 :;:.-> -#00a% 2 % ) rning 'ra0er 9ith Sarah , Jane <&en 9.30am to 11'30am Monday to /riday 2 % Sunda0 % rning ! 33ee: The ;arish <f#ce %ill be functioning fro) Gill's $lick here for direct lin" to meeting Frida0 -th April ho)e and tele&hone )essages to the of#ce %ill <r fro) a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 -#00a% 2 % ) rning 'ra0er 9ith Sarah , Jane be chec"ed freCuently' 6eeting ID: 851 1904 0509 Passcode: coffee 3?!e@l0%ingt n!hur!h# rg D nati ns in %e% r0 3 Car line J hns n: )ister F d, This is Anna: The True St r0 3 a donations in )e)ory of $aroline for the bene#t of Aer0 Spe!ial Friendshi6 by Fynn News <akha!en >os&ice can be )ade at the follo%ing (he )oving story of a &recocious foundling and a th link: https:++carolineKohnson')uchlo!ed'co)+ %here teenager eD&loring =ondonFs Hast Hnd and s&iritual > A6ril =$=. you can also lea!e a me)ory you ha!e of Caroline' life' B(he eD&losi!e individuality of Anna is not 999#l0%ingt n!hur!h# rg senti)entally touching but so)eti)es almost Sue Sterndale: our grateful thanks to ue for her frightening' 7 ho&e that a ne% edition %ill introduce COVID Refle!ti ns in St#Th %as Chur!h: the )any years as a sides&erson as she ste&s do%n a ne% generation to this for)idable and astonishing church is o&en as usual for &rayer, and there are fro) this valuable role' #gure'' Dr Ro%an Willia)s' also tables %here &eo&le can sit and eD&lore so)e /or discussion on 21 A&ril 4p) Cuestions relating to their eD&erience of the Congratulati ns t Fern and 'hil DaishCHand0 follo%ing the safe arri!al of /lorence usan on Cli!* here 3 r dire!t lin* t %eeting &ande)ic, under the headings of E(hanksgiving, th E=amentF, E=earningF and E;rayerF' (here is also an Monday 29 March %eighing a healthy 10lb'3oL' All r 3r % a landline ph ne: $=$G >". /=>$ o&&ortunity to lea!e prayer reCuests' doing well. )eeting ID: "/. .;$: $-$; 'ass! de: ! 33ee Funeral 3 Sheila Sharp: (uesday 4th A&ril, 2.30&) April: Hat local and seasonal. at (est Galley $re)atoriu) for those invited and =oo" for 0ritish rather than a!ailable online at https:++%%%'obitus'co)+, user i)&orted veg and fruit. name: ha%o0429g, &ass%ord: 871252. Me)ories and &hotographs of heila can be added at L0ndhurst Deaner0 R9anda Lent Appeal: raising http:++sheilashar&')uchlo!ed'co)+' funds to continue to &rovide bursaries for &astors to continue in )inistry' Des&ite the &ande)ic, this L0%ingt n 'arish 8e9s C )a0 editi n: original is still the &riority for our .%andan &artners' contributions for the next issue are no% invited and Donations should be )ade to =y)ington ;$$ and should reach the Hditor by (uesday 4th A&ril, &lease' )ar"ed 8eanery =ent A&&eal as %e are as"ed to (he deadline for our regular colu)nists is /riday )ake one &ay)ent fro) the &arish' 'lease %a*e 14th A&ril. 0 ur d nati n D0 Easter Sunda0# Ele!t ral R ll: the Hlectoral .oll is no% closed until after the Annual ;arochial $hurch Meeting on Chur!h Boo* CluD 3ednesday 21st A&ril. Are 0 u r an0 ne 0 u *n 9 struggling a3ter a Chasing the Drag n by Jackie Pullinger brea*u6E .estored =i!es are running an eight th A $hristian classic and so)ething a little )ore session online course starting 10 May su&&orting serious to read o!er Easter: &eo&le to reco!er fro) the breakdo%n of a E(he true story of ho% one %o)an's faith resulted signi#cant relationshi&' ee %%%'restoredli!es'org in the con!ersion of hundreds of drug addicts, for details and to boo" ?use code AGH20 for a I20 &rostitutes and hardened cri)inals in >ong -ong's discount) >elen 0radley can ans%er any Cuestions infamous Walled City'F via helenJfreeasa%ord'co) F r dis!ussi n n ; April >6%.
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