PARTLY CLOUDY Don't get enough football on Saturday? Friday HIGH 62° This year's interhall championship games will kickoff Sunday at 11:30 a.m. NOVEMBER 16, LOW 45° with Lewis vs. Walsh. Dillon vs. Siegfried will follow the women's game. Irish Insider 2001 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXV NO. 53 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Dealing with the unexpected + Notre Dame, Saint • Senior facing Mary's offer support unplanned pregnancy to pregnant students will embrace motherhood By MAUREEN SMITH£ By MAUREEN SMITH£ Associace News Editor Associate News Editor ,I .. Farley rector Sister Carrine Etheridge Rubbing her belly and taking deep remembers several years ago when one breaths, Rachel Jones soothes away Notre Dame student came back from another set of Braxton Hicks contractions. summer break with one big decision to Well into the sixth month of her first preg­ make. nancy, Jones has learned how to deal with Discovering she was pregnant and any surprises her body may throw at her, without the support of the baby's father, including these pre-labor pains. [also a Notre Dame student], the woman Sitting in the great hall of O'Shaugnessy, had frightening questions and concerns. with sunlight streaming through stained Etheridge, in conjunction with other glass, Jones sits with an ethereal glow. on-campus support services, helped the She looks just like any other Notre Dame student make the best decision for her­ student with her jeans, T -shirt and back­ self: life. pack. "Now she's married and older and But she isn't just like any other Notre wiser. It was a hard choice, but it Dame student. wasn't a bad choice," Etheridge said. When Jones found out she was pregnant "God gives us nine months so we can June 22, shock overwhelmed her to tears. take this thing step-by-step." The 23-year-old senior and theatre major Notre Dame and Saint Mary's offer a had been properly taking birth control for variety of services to pregnant students years and had never planned on getting seeking advice and support. Through pregnant. health services, pastoral care and resi­ "I was that .01 percent who gets preg­ dential support, women facing an nant even when they're taking everything unplanned pregnancy are not alone. correctly. It happens," she said. "Before I Ann Thompson. director of University got pregnant I was totally anti-kids - they Health Services, said her staff provides got on my nerves. I've never had much confidential pregnancy tests and coun­ interest in having kids of my own. I've still seling. Regardless of the outcome, UHS never held a newborn." will not disclose the test's results to any­ one. Students can even arrange to pay Breaking the news for the test so records are not sent Once she emerged from her brief state home to parents. of shock, Jones started telling her Saint Mary's brings a gynecologist to boyfriend, family and close friends. A campus every Tuesday, and therefore South Bend native, Jones has spent the the school can offer the first prenatal last eight years ·.vith her boyfriend, who is exam to a student experiencing an currently a student at Bethel College. She unplanned pregnancy. told him about the pregnancy over the "We are a campus of women. We phone because she "couldn't wait to tell PETER RICHARDSON/The Observer him face-to-face." want to be supportive of women," said Senior Rachel Jones discovered she was pregnant June 22 and has spent the see SUPPORT/page 6 last six months coping as a pregnant student at Notre· Dame. see PREGNANCY/page 8 Student a finalist for quarter design Student spirit suffers By ELIZABETH LEE newspaper and encouraged her with losing season News Wricer to submit a design for the quar­ ter. previous years. Freshman Amy Peterson has She says that her father's past By MARIBEL MOREY "This year I haven't woken artistic success inspired her to Assistant News Editor shown pride in her home state of up on Saturday with the same Alabama by submitting a design enter the contest and be a part excitement in the past," of Alabama's history. for its state commemorative Faced with a disappointing Roberts said. "Part of the rea­ "While designing the quarter quarter as a part of the "50 football season, student fans son could be that I'm a senior required patience and research, States Quarter Program." seem to be arriving at the sta­ waking up off-campus - not I really enjoyed the entire Peterson \\ill know in the next dium after the opening kick-ofT on campus with all the excite­ process," said Peterson. few weeks whether her design with a waning sense of spirit. ment. Part of it could be going Siegelman declared the theme has been chosen, but she says a "It makes students sound like and seeing us lose heart­ reporter from the Birmingham of the new quarter to be fair-weather fans, but you breaking games." "Education: Link to the Past, News said Alabama governor Peterson's quarter design. can't argue with the fact that Brian Dosal, sophomore Don Siegelman was in favor of Gateway to the Future," and football games are more excit­ finance major, has seen a simi­ her design. Siegelman opened the contest Peterson's design for the quarter ing when they're good games lar reaction. All of the submitted designs to design the state quarter to all draws from different areas of and we're winning," said Curt "A lot more people are not as were sent to the U.S. Mint to be students in Alabama. Peterson's education and advancement in Roberts, an off-campus senior enthusiastic about going to the Alabama's history. evaluated for content and coin­ father, who himself had previ­ finance major. game. [And) there's a lot less She began with the Cherokee ability, and the actual quarter ously won a contest to design the Because of the losing season, talk during the week about the will be released in 2003, as the state's forestry license plate, Saturday mornings might not seem to hold the same thrill as 22nd in the series. read about the contest in the see QUARTER/page 6 see SPIRIT/page 6 --~~----------------- page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Friday, November 16, 2001 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK IN NOTRE DAME/SAINT MARY'S HISTORY Weekend snow battles turn violent Students withdraw over marijuana 'Til the ushers Tuesday. November 12. 1996 Friday. November 1(,, 1979 throw me out Zahm II all and Dillon Hall were targets of two large- Following a University invt~stigation. three scale snowball tights on thP Quads, n~sulting in injuries undergraduate students withdrew from Notr<' On Sept. 5. 1998. I awoke at 7:30a.m. in my and damage to dorms. Approximately 150 students were Dame for the selling and possession of marijuana .. Dillon llall dorm room hung-over but 11lled \Vith excitement. In a fevv hours I would watch involved, hurling snowballs and iceballs at buildings and Two other students received 30 hours of work and my first Notn~ Dame football game inside Notre Danw Stadium as a student. each other. A window in Dillon was broken and shards wen~ assigned a term paper for the possession of Nothing could be more of glass new into a. students chest. drawing blood. marijuana. exciting. I v\·antPd to do it all that first morning. I booed Lee Corso at Compiled from U-Wire reports ESPN College Gameday. I BEYOND CAMPUS watched tlw band march into the Stadium. I cheered until! couldn't even say my Krzyzewski signs lifetime contract with D~ke name as the Irish upset the defending national champi­ DUHIIAM, N.C. have not been rcl<~ased. But Alleva on Michigan Wolverines. Mike Connolly Less than five months a-g<), Mike said Krzyzewski would be compen­ Later that night I watched Krzyzewski said he wanted a con­ sated "appropriately, reflecting his tlw replay on WNDU and tract that would give him greater job achievements and his n1any contri­ relived eVf~ry moment of h'ditor in Chief stability. Stability to its fullest extent butions to the ath!Ptir program and that first game. It was an was granted to the 26-year veteran the University." In turn. Krzyzewski (~xhilarating event. when he signed a lifetime contract stated his new contract ldt him Ever since that first with Duke University. "well compensated." morning, itjust hasn't been the same. Announced at a press conference Alleva, KrzyzPwski and Kt~ohan<~ I've watched 23 more games inside the \Vpdnesday af'ternoon, the contract have to celebrate commitment, and initiated rontrart nngotiations during Stadium as a student but nothing could match mandates Krzyzewski serve as this con tract celebrates (:om mit- the summer, fo I I owing t h <' that first morning. It has nothing·to do with Duke's head basketball coach until . ment," Krzyzewski said. "You do it in announrement that Krzyzevvski Notre Dame's record or what team the Irish at least 2011 and binds him to con­ marriage, and you do it in a number would be inducted into the Naismith were playing. I've st~en improbable blocked clude his career at Duke. Krzvzewski of things. I'm doing it with my uni­ Memorial Basketball llall of' Fame. kicks and frustrating fumbles. I've watched the also has been named speci<;l assis­ versity on this day. which makes mn Krzyz<nvs k i said his goa I was to Irish take No.
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