WELCOME TO THE CATHOLIC PARISHES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 • TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY Pastor Rev. David R. Schmidt Parochial Vicar Rev. Frederick Sserugga Deacon Dcn. Rick Elfering St. Agnes Information Address W8031 Wright Avenue Amberg, WI 54102 Phone (715) 856-5276 Website See Wausaukee Email [email protected] Mass Sunday 8:00am St. Augustine Information Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 9am - 3pm Physical Address 507 Church Street Mailing Address P.O. Box 137 Wausaukee, WI 54177 Phone (715) 856-5276 Website: http://www.stagnes-staugustine- catholic-parishes.com/ Email…[email protected] Mass Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 9:30am Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Parish Secretary St. Agnes & St. Augustine: Sue Schmidt St. Mary Information Office Hours: Mon - Thur 8am - 3pm Parish Business Manager St. Mary: Isabel Butnick Physical Address 808 Henriette Avenue Mailing Address P.O. Box 159 Crivitz, WI 54114 Phone (715) 854-2501 Website www.stmarycrivitz.net Email: [email protected] Mass Saturday 4:00 & 7:00pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:30am Tuesday - Friday 7:30am NewCare Tuesday 10:00am Religious Education Coordinator St. Mary: Victoria Mertens Phone: 715-927-0192 Email:[email protected] GOD WAS RECONCILING THE WORLD TO HIMSELF IN CHRIST AND ENTRUSTING TO US THE MESSAGE OF RECONCILIATION. 2 TRI PARISH NEWS & EVENTS A3J` S-G73Y7 SAINT OF THE MONTH St. Mary - Every Thursday 4:00pm to 8:00pm Saint Raymond Nonnatus First Friday of the Month 8:00am to 9:00amm Feast day: August 31 Reconciliaon Schedule St. Agnes Sunday 7:40 to 7:55am If you're a fan of the PBS series "Call the St. Augusne Saturday 3:30 to 3:45pm Midwife", you'll recognize the name as the St. Mary Saturday 3:15 to 3:45pm -Or by appointment site is called Nonnatus House. Devoons & Prayer Groups Rosary: St. Agnes Tuesday at 3:00pm Raymond was born at Portella, Catalonia, St. Augusne Blue Army Monday at 4:00pm before Mass on Spain. He was delivered by a caesarean op- weekends & Thursday and a er Mass on Wednesday eration when his mother died in childbirth. Hence his name St. Mary: before weekday Masses non natus (not born). He joined the Mercedarians under Saint Peter Nolasco at Barcelona. He succeeded Peter as chief ransomer and went to Algeria to ransom slaves. Ray- Sunday Readings (Readings will only be posted in bulletin if space permits, mond remained as hostage for several slaves when his money Sunday readings can be found at : http://www.usccb.org/bible/) ran out and was sentenced to be impaled when the governor learned that he had converted several Mohammedans. He FIRST READING: Thus says the LORD: You, son of man, I escaped the death sentence because of the ransom he would have appointed watchman for the house of Israel; when you bring, but was forced to run the gauntlet. Raymond was then hear me say anything, you shall warn them for me. If I tell the tortured for continuing his evangelizing activities but was wicked, “O wicked one, you shall surely die, ” and you do not ransomed eight months later by Peter Nolasco. On his return speak out to dissuade the wicked from his way, the wicked shall to Barcelona in 1239, Raymond was appointed Cardinal by die for his guilt, but I will hold you responsible for his death. Pope Gregory IX, but died at Cardona a short distance from But if you warn the wicked, trying to turn him from his way, Barcelona the next year while on the way to Rome. He was and he refuses to turn from his way, he shall die for his guilt, canonized in 1657. He is the patron saint of expectant moth- but you shall save yourself. (EZ 33:7-9) ers and midwives because of the nature of his own birth. Alt- SECOND READING: Brothers and sisters: Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for the one who loves an- hough his mother died in labor, Raymond miraculously sur- other has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not vived the ordeal .(from franciscanmedia.org) commit adultery; you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you Welcome Father Dave shall not covet, ” and whatever other commandment there may Fr. David Schmidt has just recently become our new pastor at be, are summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your St. Mary Parish . He has been with us only a few weeks and I neighbor as yourself.” Love does no evil to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law. (ROM 13:8-10) know he will gain the love and respect of our parish family. GOSPEL: Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother sins He is a warm and friendly person with a deep love of God. against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him I’m sure he will bring his own special qualities and ideas that alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If we are eager to embrace. he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so St. Mary has always been blessed with outstanding pastors, that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or and I have no doubt that Fr. David will become one of them. three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the We pray that his stay with us will be blessed with much church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him happiness. We look forward to traveling with him as he leads as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. Amen, I say to you, us on the road to strengthening our Catholic faith. whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and what- ever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heav- Governor Tony Evers Emergency Order, requires the wearing enly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my of face coverings when attending Mass. We ask that you bring name, there am I in the midst of them.” (MT 18:15-20) your own mask as our supply of disposable masks is limited. 3 SAINT AGNES COLLECTIONS FOR 8/31/2020 NEWS FROM THE PEWS FOOD FOR THOUGHT: As long as we have memories, Loose Money ................................ $131.00 yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow Envelopes .................................... $359.00 waits. As long as we have love, today is beautiful. As Candle Money ................................. $8.00 long as you have GOD, anything and everything is possi- Mission Co-op Collection. ....... $133.00 ble. TOTAL .......................................... $631.00 FOOD PANTRY: Please bring LAUNDRY SOAP for Sanctuary Light Pastor Fred's Food Pantry on Sept. 13. In Memory & Honor for Joe Mc Trusty RUMMAGE/BOOYAH/TORTE SALE will be held on by Melvin & Rosie Smiley Sept. 19 from 8-2. This fund raising event will be held OUTSIDE the church hall. If you would like to donate INISTER S SCHEDULE any gently used items please bring them to church be- M ’ tween now and Sept. 18. NO CLOTHING EXCEPT gen- FOR SEPTEMBER 13 tly used COATS AND JACKETS. Sign-up sheets for Reader: Jim Sipiorski workers are in the entrance of church. Booyah will be Ushers: Joe Darga & Bob Mathis sold for $10/qt. Tortes will be $3/slice. Extraordinary Minister: Vicki Mueller (if needed) Servers: Vicki Mueller & LeRoy Jungbluth HALL RENTAL- call Marge at 715-929-0995. BISHOP’S APPEAL: As of 9/1/2020 our appeal total MONEY COUNTERS shows that 22 families donated $3,065.00. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 ORTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Lynn Barron & Lynn Hurzeler SEMINARIAN COLLECTION: As of 8/31/2020 we have sent in $665.00.00 from 8 families. Last year we collected $795.00 from 13 families. Get your donation MASS INTENTIONS into the Diocese. Sunday, September 6 John Polomis 8:00 am Carol Jarosz by SVdP Easton Anderson Sunday, September 13 Casey Pszanka NICENE CREED 8:00 am Chip Gering by Judy & Family I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Melvin Smiley maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. Robin Hendricks Bob Hurzeler I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, JULY-SEPTEMBER FUNERAL COMMITTEE the Only Begoen Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. Robin Hendricks, Darlene Zarnstorff & Sue Collins God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begoen, not made, consubstanal with the Father; through him all things were made. UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS For us men and for our salvaon he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, Sunday, September 6 and became man. Second Collection for the Back-to-School Program For our sake he was crucified under Ponus Pilate, Tuesday, September 8 he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the No Rosary-In Church Need Leaders third day in accordance with the Scriptures. Wednesday, September 9 He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. 9:30 am Joint Council Mtg.-Hall He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead Monday, September 14 and his kingdom will have no end. 3:00 pm Holy Hour-In Church I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, Tuesday, September 15 who proceeds from the Father and the Son, No Rosary-In Church Need Leaders who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, Thursday, September 17 who has spoken through the prophets.
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