MEMORIAL HALL AHDOVER, he ndover ownsman T A An.ln'rr '"T tw hrrf and •!»«»•, Aral, la.l—thr manly, atralihlforward. .ohrr, patriotic NewT Kn.lanrf Town— PIIII.I.IPS nnOOKS o n e year $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 4, 1934 VOLUME XLVII NUMBER 30 P W A School Grant A.V.I.S. Needs LOCAL NEWS NOTES V.F.W. Poppy Afternoon Session at Funds for Work Mr. and Mrs. George Napier spent Sunday Day Tomorrow in Arlington. Award Is Confirmed In planning the summer work the A. \ I William (irecn of Whittier street spent tlie The annual poppy day of the V. F. W. will Punchard Next Year S. need shrubs for planting in plots which arc week end in North Adams. l>e held tomorrow. The proceeds are to be j under Imprnvcmcntby the society. Any one used to help disabled veterans. Official Notification from Secretary of Interior Ickes having shrubs which they are willing to | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bell of Morton street contribute are asked to communicate with have returned fiom Atlantic City. issuedS hy c“£e" Building of New School and Gymnasium Causes Rear- Removes Obstacles from Building Committee's Mrs. Arthur lloutwell Phone 152 W and Harold Frogncr of Chicago lias Ixen visit “ The Buddy I’oppv sale of iht Veterans rangement of Schedules Expect Fifty .’More Pupils Path—Expect Contract Award Soon any contributions will he greatly appreciated ing with Earl Urban of Lfbkestreet. of Foreign Wars, Post 2128 of Andover to he The work as planned will mean considerable conducted in this town on Saturday, May 5, Next Year—To Co-operate with CCC expense beyond the usual summer outlay and Miss Alice Boyle of 1’eftWxiy visited with is worthy of tlu* commendation and support Andover’s new junior high school building • i 1 t -* every membership fee will lie especially1 Miss Helene Hall of High street Sunday. of everyone. These blossoms, emblems of the Punchard high school will he operated in prnjiTi was advanced considerably Iasi niKht t i l l e i t O H e J j l I S V useful. supreme sacrifice of our brave boys on Ihe two sessions next school year Ixrcause of the wlun official confirmation of the SI 12,70(1 { < J Mr. and Mrs. William H. Higgins of Chest­ Teacher for 48 The annual fee is 50c; sustaining member nut street spent Sunday in Lewiston, Me. field of battle have also an added significance — j # , building construction, according to plans l’ \\ \ yrant was received from Secretary of j n ( ,| MU W c p L s ship for S5.00; life membership for SIO.00. j as they represent the handiwork of disabled Years Retires f,:r2u'V",ITu™',"y1cvcnin«Iat % meeting thetll. InteriorInterior Ickes. Over a month aKo word : 1 ,1 l j l U S , , 1 6 C e K S Henry Symonds of fit) High street quietly veterans in government hospitals throughout ; of the Andover school committee. I he upper w,t received from Washington that the Memorial funds of $50, or over arc also most I observed his 55 1h birthday last Saturday. welcome, the interest of which is used as the country. Each Buddy Poppy in its milk­ --------- j three classes will meet between eight and town application for a grant had been This evening at 8 o’clock there will be a ing helps the handicapped veteran to help Miss Anna Chase, who first taught in the twelve, and the freshmen from 12.30 to 4.30. approved, but the building committee hesit­ May party for the nigln members of the needed. Miss Betty MacGiblxin ofHaverhillvisited with Miss Helene Hall of High street Sunday. himself. To do all we can to help the sale of Andover public schools in 1886, last Tuesday It is expected that 327 will be present in the ate i to go ahead merely on the basis of tele- Guild. Dancing and contests of various types the Buddy Poppies is the slightest and easiest tetired from her position as history teacher morning session and about 16d in the aftcr- prani from the local representatives and will he enjoyed, and refreshments will he Paul Dyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry gesture we can make to show the men who at the Stowe school. Her resignation becomes j noon. Registration for next year already senators. 'Hie receipt of Secretary Ickes’ served. Bruce Valentine’s orchestra will fur­ Four Hundred at Dyer of Essex street, is on a business trip to offered to their country their lives and future effective on May 9. Miss Chase was operated 1 amounts to 491, or about fifty more than this formal notification, however, removes all nish the music. Chicago. Ifare that we are still mindful of their on recently at the Baker Memorial hospital I year. obstacles in the path of the committee. Archi­ Last night Mrs. Robert Franz’s cooking in Huston, and while she is now well on the I Eleven of the present stalT of teachers will tect IVrlcy 1*’. Gilbert states that within two May Breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Burchard Home of Bartlet - s?Vrif,(T nnd obligation. Andover Post use class held a card party, with the class having street, have returned after spending a few this money to promote the welfare of all way to recovery, she felt that this was an op- j teach in the morning and two in the after- months everything should be ready for the many guests. weeks in Florida. disabled or needy veterans. portunc time to retire. | noon. Two will divide their time between awarding of jobs to sub-contractors. This will Between 5u0 ami -UK) attended tile annual ‘‘'thanking you, 1 remain mean that the school will probably be ready Three prizes were awarded as follows: Miss Chase has taught in the local public lx>th sessions, and two new teachers to hi* girls’. Kdna Anderson; young men, James May Breakfast held Tuesday morning hy James W. Souter, Louis Daley and Dun­ Yours truly, schools since 1886 with the exception of a few appointed will probably teach in the after for use by September, 1935. Waldie; consolation Henry Smith. the Legion Auxiliary in the Legion rooms can Bisset attended the Bcaves-Giants game H arold S. C ates ” years spent at the Briggs-Allcn school. Since noon. The additions to the faculty will prob- Shortly after the seventy-fifth anniversary from fi to H. The breakfast proved very suc­ in Boston Sunday. The Poppy day committee: William Dry- 1921 she has been steadily engaged in teach- ably teach freshman English and French of the Punchard school is observed in June, Next Friday night a weenie roast will he cessful, with everyone enjoying the menu of den, chairman; James J. Dugan, Charles held at Schemer’s farm. Those going will James Laing of North Main street has ing history at the Stowe school. Her positjon and business arithmetic and commercial the old building will be torn down to make fruit, beans, ham, mils, colTcc, pies, dough­ returned to his home after a few months’ Muller and Commander Harold S. Cates. at present is being held by Miss Katherine geography. The manual training department wav f«»r a new combined gymnasium and meet at the Guild at six and wdl hike out nuts and cheese. returning about 9.30. stay in Indiana. Sweeney, who has been doing practice work will be transferred to the John Dove base assembly hall which will be placed between Mrs. Charles S. Buchan assisted hy Mrs. at Stowe without pay since September. ' ment. the new junior high building and the present Saturday morning. May 12, a picnic will be John Henderson had charge of the flower James Dyer of Bridgeport, Gonn., visited Receive Awards high • hool building for use hy both. The held at Pomp’s pond for all registered Guild his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Dyer of At its meeting Tuesday evening the school The double session method is hy far less table, and Mrs. Harry Gouck was in charge 111 C fummittee accepted Miss Chase’s resignation expensive than the erection of portable two buildings, the junior high and the audi­ children, with the leaders in charge. Ihe of the candy table. Mrs. Timothy McCarthy Essex street last week. torium. will probably he erected at the same children will meet at the Guild at ten. M with regrets, and instructed the sub-commit- school buildings would he. Three high school had charge of the pies and the President Mrs. The Andover Male choir will render a tee on teachers to draw up resolutions com- class rooms, one study room and one sewing time, and the new heating plant to the rear The regular classes will be discontinued on John IV Alexander of the tickets. Members concert Sunday evening in the Sacred Heart of tlu Samuel Jackson school will probably May 12, but hikes, picnics, etc. will continue. Several local school children have received mending her long service to the town. These room are needed for the overflow. It would are asked to make returns to Mrs. Alexander Parish hall in Lawrence. prizes for their work in the M S. I*. C. A. resoutinns will be presented at the next | require two portable buildings, the total cost rise with the other two. C.C.G. educational work is proceeding rap­ as soon as possible. idly at the Guild. The following are in charge David Macintosh of Temple Place was poster contest. At Punchard high the follow­ meeting.
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