E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 No. 9 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ically, this would be Tim’s final rescue Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 called to order by the Speaker pro tem- operation. minutes. pore (Mr. CUELLAR). Despite the risks, Tim’s endless dedi- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. f cation to serving others guided him Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize through 9 years as a volunteer with the and honor Sergeant Harry Amigh, a DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO search and rescue team, where he as- resident of Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, TEMPORE sisted countless operations to help save and a Korean war veteran. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the lives of fellow San Bernardino Sergeant Amigh enlisted in the fore the House the following commu- County residents. United States Army in 1948 and would nication from the Speaker: But his passion for search and rescue go on to serve in the Battle of Chosin was not the extent of Tim’s desire to WASHINGTON, DC, Reservoir, one of the Korean war’s January 15, 2020. serve his community. Tim’s desire to greatest battles. Sergeant Amigh was I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY serve the community spanned across killed in action during that battle at CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on education and community and civic ac- just 20 years old. this day. tivities. Though his military career ended far NANCY PELOSI, He grew up in San Bernardino Coun- too soon, Sergeant Harry Amigh left an Speaker of the House of Representatives. ty, attending Damien High School in incredible legacy behind. I am humbled f La Verne before getting his college to be joining the Amigh family this education at Gonzaga University in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Friday, January 17, to honor his legacy Spokane, Washington. and present the family with seven mili- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Tim was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout tary awards and medals in his memory. ant to the order of the House of Janu- before becoming an Eagle Scout. He Sergeant Amigh is the recipient of a: ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- completed the Buckskin Leadership Purple Heart; nize Members from lists submitted by training and dedicated his time to National Defense Service Medal; the majority and minority leaders for training other Scouts. Korean Service Medal with one morning-hour debate. Tim was an educator, spending his Bronze Star; The Chair will alternate recognition career as a teacher and coach at both Combat Infantryman Badge; between the parties, with time equally St. Lucy’s High School in Glendora and United Nations Service Medal; allocated between the parties and each at his alma mater in Damien. Republic of Korea-Korean War Serv- He is remembered by his family and Member other than the majority and ice Medal; and. friends for his love of helping others minority leaders and the minority Republic of Korea Presidential Unit and often helping complete strangers. whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no Citation. From stopping traffic to help push a event shall debate continue beyond The men and women who have chosen car through a crowded intersection to 11:50 a.m. to dedicate their lives to defending the driving over 2,000 miles to help a friend United States are among the most cou- f move, Tim was always willing to put rageous citizens. HONORING THE LIFE OF TIM his full energy and effort behind help- Sergeant Amigh loved his country, STAPLES ing other people, including on his last and he fought valiantly for his coun- day. try. For that, we are forever indebted The SPEAKER pro tempore. The He is survived by his two sisters, his to Sergeant Amigh and the many men Chair recognizes the gentleman from parents, and his loving wife, Katie. California (Mr. AGUILAR) for 5 minutes. Tim’s students, athletes, friends, and women like him who made the ul- Mr. AGUILAR. Mr. Speaker, today I family, and all of San Bernardino timate sacrifice. rise to honor the life of Tim Staples, a County are better off as the result of IN SUPPORT OF IRANIAN PROTESTERS devoted husband, brother, son, and Tim’s endless compassion and drive to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. teacher. Tim gave his life working to serve others. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of save the life of another. f and as a cosponsor of House Republican As a volunteer for search and rescue Leader KEVIN MCCARTHY’s H. Res. 791, team of the San Bernardino County HONORING THE LIFE OF supporting the protesters in Iran. H. Sheriff’s Department, Tim joined the SERGEANT HARRY AMIGH Res. 791 serves notice to the Iranian re- search for a missing hiker last month The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gime that the United States is watch- on California’s Mount Baldy. Trag- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing and the world is watching. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H241 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:38 Jan 16, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JA7.000 H15JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 15, 2020 Sadly, yesterday, my Democratic col- treated, discriminated against, and advocate for the rights of the farm- leagues blocked a vote on this resolu- vulnerable. There was no voice too soft worker community. Petra led marches; tion that expressed support of that Enedina didn’t hear and elevate. she attended meetings; she would even antigovernment protestors in Iran and Enedina was a giant for our commu- go door-to-door with flyers making condemned Iran’s role in the downing nity, working with the United Farm sure that farmworkers knew their of a Ukrainian civilian aircraft last Workers of America, Cesar Chavez, and rights. week. Lideres Campesinas to stand up for the Petra was a remarkable woman, re- So what was in this resolution that rights of farmworkers. She used her vered, admired, a mover and shaker, an motivated my Democratic colleagues tireless will and unmatched strength to effective leader who led with her ac- to prevent consideration? pick people up, fight for what is right, tions as much as she did by her words. The resolution would have con- and make the Coachella Valley a bet- She inspired me to never say no to my demned the Government of Iran for ter place for everyone who lives there. dreams, to pursue justice at every killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were I am better off because of Enedina’s turn, and to always believe I could protesting their government as well as work. My family and the entire farm- make a difference. condemned the Government of Iran for worker community of the Coachella Mr. Speaker, while she is missed shooting down Ukraine International Valley, we are all better off because of dearly, Petra’s legacy didn’t end with Airlines flight 752, killing 176 people. Enedina’s work. her passing. Her impact is felt today In addition, the resolution, in section And she would not be happy with me and will continue in the lives of gen- 3, ‘‘condemns the Government of Iran for being up here talking about her, be- erations to come. for repeatedly lying to its people and cause she was so humble. A woman who f to the world about its responsibility elevated everyone’s voice around her, for the downing of Ukraine Inter- she would never seek this type of rec- TIME TO BURN THE BEETLE IN national Airlines flight 752’’; section 4, ognition. NORTH DAKOTA ‘‘calls on the Government of Iran to, A, Mr. Speaker, today, I want to make The SPEAKER pro tempore. The refrain from the use of violence, and, B, sure the country knows Enedina’s Chair recognizes the gentleman from protect the rights of freedom of expres- story. I want to make sure you know South Dakota (Mr. JOHNSON) for 5 min- sion and peaceful assembly; and,’’ sec- about her contributions to our commu- utes. tion 5, ‘‘supports the protestors in Iran, nity and her unrelenting pursuit of jus- Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. Mr. their demands for accountability, and tice. Speaker, this weekend will be time to their desire for the Government of Iran Enedina will be sorely missed, but burn the beetle. I am talking about the to respect freedom and human rights.’’ her presence will be felt and her life, an mountain pine beetle and the damage Mr. Speaker, I am deeply dis- inspiration for years to come. it has done to the majestic Black Hills appointed that my Democratic col- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF PETRA National Forest. In recent years, that leagues would block a measure express- RUIZ OF COACHELLA VALLEY pine beetle has infected 430,000 acres in ing support of freedom and human Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the Black Hills, leaving millions of rights, principles that should be af- to tell the Nation about the life and dead trees. forded to all persons. legacy of Petra Ruiz of the Coachella Now, the pine beetle thrives in an f Valley. overly crowded forest. It craves den- Petra Ruiz was an organizer, activist, sity.
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