Frevino S( Sentence* LESS .KILL 'D Tq at Le Radical Op East 35 Y( • Jgor

Frevino S( Sentence* LESS .KILL 'D Tq at Le Radical Op East 35 Y( • Jgor

75 9 7 - . W 1 ? 7 ' • --------------------------- - - L 4 .T - C-'C-f-A-P-K-rC-ic-s --------------r ----------------- • ^455555 S CC^^EB.CE DP STESI 2CC ■ •. ’a- • SALTLT LAKc CITt UT ££i A 1C 7 ^ g . / n > i l X H I - .^(1 (.'CIHs . l-'riclay, A iifIR llStl.lW ? 'Twin Tails. klah(,iho/92nd year. N o. 21.': i 3 - : ; — 6 ( ) ( ) i q - m (-))I^i ^ N lN (i-- 5 i f e e t <e F s i i s i p c n d 'l e d \ v ii t h o i i t W i ' - A ' i i i I': k ---------- ill .111 elk c.iinp .uiilI L ak e I’um l O re ille. .• sidoder'the mailer T Today: P artly cloudy v .•losed and will 'l/z.'U/V < 0one o f lim e llini'j,^ Hl'c /'f'w saley also ii^ust The cominissiim, do h u n c h 'll diriv |i*ki •. lercd aftemooi) and c have no further ,, meeting in a closed- ha\ lik anu p /iiifl iZTiyoiir ffHs(Vr/ < a n d llu-n s.niu-Dii-^ Icrstorms. i door telephone .con- L-onnnent."con . sliowcrs and thundcn :)logize CO Id ah o goes hom e .iiM t. ll.. ‘ H ighs 90 lo 95.-Lows:^s 50 to 60................ fereiice, decided to- ' T'I he.incideniha|>- ._. 'mm/i ofdinyjokis and lliai- .liicii wile," Woniij - siisjienil M ealey w itii- ])enedl>ei alioaril a PageA 2 ini".'0 ,-shonii'tiiul /(ih f/n v 'u .‘ m o o n i n g ’ a c t i oon r out pay from Suiulay ' • timnm r iKjai th e com- ((i/ilivili\ '•.V'/y/'.' -llMs ini^ ,1 t.i.ii■1 • m ission a n d ile p an ------------------- th ro u g h A tig- H>. H e •ini- ,1, ,,-'e.- oii .ill Itie mem officials char­ j . 'Y Tho Assetisoclatod Press wili receive a letter • me i r ,r\ -tm e s aiui .illII M a (; i c V.\ i , l k of reprimand and teredlen bst Thursday. _- ( !< » n in iiN si(in c r 1' iv i! \''" \ " d li,.. ,, ...... • andThoT)iBTlmes-Nows_________________ night. J _______ potato vims m u st w rite a n ap o lo - - nig v „ . ,..-1 . ■ s.n d,1 Late blight: Costly po gy IO ih9 citizens of. • A half-dozen peo­ g(,l Oiil stovo Mealoy jc_boai a s it U''oikI. ii iVi.i. ..II' I'. 1 :i:. 1 spreads in Mini-Cassiissia and east- uoisiISli - It w as an inciciciil th a t no! Idaho, ple!>'<- were in ihe-b<ni^-oUhc_l iid. said i h f M agic VaUL-y’s T isli; ji.issL-d a la rg e , b rig h tly i)aini;iinied m eial '-U^adi’r 'liiirp- -li.i- ',' -^ -i, 'I Page B1 G „,.n.illi;m 'Ssaid h e ,su p ])o rteil llie ii.i: e r a Idaho. u Commission incmlicr. sculpture on ihe slioreline abt.about a half- M<'al<'y‘>, ?.i.i,;^ Ihirley com m ission's »ied';iision. ■'‘^(1 iiiissimie; .. i.r. ludi.i'. uh I iiliiniiitcly. Fred Wood of Ihii mile away. Commissioner Jeffeff Siildoway h'iv<^ n.imiii V. '., 'lUil ti “I accq«_^.:conunission’s decision- nul the sancli.' is.' Siildi'-.' ", cd !iis commission colicaK' (if T en e H in pres'^t'd 'Me:ile\"frTi~fnfh rmpiri- v*'ieil-!"r ll Plant plan: Simploit ddiscusses joined “ Mealey said. “I want of lUl C<'niljiissu,iiel Kuv •'.mvii sd a y in viniiin w siispcni} Dlirt'Cior iri'i ;ind wdl hotuii li.” ion of th e stnfCMire in .m'cIi a hbiu-olii- si.^1-' .ihsiainr.i .iiul plan for larj^e feriiliziilizer plant in ‘ >r two _ to sincerely apologo g i/c -io th e iJcoiile o f ion 0 Mcak-y without pay for t )|)nj])riate action on my ii»g-tin , . , r e p ri- • Idaho for any inaii|)i igs like-being H mv - 'E A '- northem Nc\;ada. PageBl tiksics and nive him a letter of re •elicenoffcnsite. Icon- "It was one of iliose tiungs I in iiiui\ l ffor ’‘moDiiing" the shoreliiuline of part that may iuve S l ’O K l S Falls pro Mike ------- Qgress -Still on top: Twin I'al ■EMORSELe LESS .KILLL E ^ r - ; • jGor llaml)linjicld on ioio 1his Idaho ^R Open lead 'nuii'sday,ay, headed buck h»)mc for todaylay's final - ^ H | c le aars tax . rouiUl. Page 0 1 All sm iles: TheTcxa;;.\as Rangers' x u t,, budget signed All-Siarcatditcher Ivan ’ ■ ••.Rddrignezio-;! ncww (contract The cd Press uiiilc learns rearran,-anged th eir ros- icrs ai ihe trade dealeadline. t WASi iiNiCIC'IU.N — (.''i:i;:iess.v.iii-il ' W/B t ' ' whfimin;:iyV ThiiiMl.iv U-.M-...I .............................................FPages Dl, D3 - H | is'designed io ili’ Imd.(I m HHHR guLl'or ih e firiiisi liinesiiia- l‘U.'i.,:un.e,tn-,v lls Dancin'inthe ^ llu- duepesl1 I;ta,vciiisin l()v.;.iis,in millions uffanTilies.cncollegi'sUideiils.ind invi-sims pit: Darrell ^ f f l M W H B Caiipim: a whirlwiiul of>- T------- • -W allrip broke | | | | | | H | h H the Sc-n.ile u'used a.IciiNdud inirTTllt-T-- oiigievsiiinal ai'proval ii' ______ibe.irack ^ ^I>nh STi^niiTlinTrnrcr iln-.Tirrr•V------ • record,.but . ^ , uUarely two lifairs e.iilii'r. Mu-he E rnie Ih 'a n ‘ ^ apfirovctl the iDeasnvi' by .W -Hn won the pole X ,Kf])ublicaii n-prescui.iiiv.'s, for this week- 10 and H elen Clieiiif.vuili. bmh'll; . ehd'^Bridtyard. ID iIh' measure. thi;Seri.ik voU’il s" I ' r.n ^ ed al b.ilam in:' ilie lnul; ' i !-• P age D4 l i -lull plucks m.ia .>i' iis 'I'ii''i' 0 I'Ki'.'s 111,in M ............ ™ i h,i;i,-sllu-htn'.rli.-,i;i!i' i • W k iu x K n i ^ c -' el.t. I'ly ii;r ll- : ■■j CaCan you dig It?: [ f l . wlui-^e .lides ;;.iiin il.i. i; 1 ■ The first annual mal li..ulers fur ni<uiili'- I'l iii'. 1>I!.l enu'<u> cinii;iessii)n. Spud Cannng livs. isre .id y M s iw l-nlk hll!-_ll!-. ithDlsltict Court. contestCO is • ^ „ . Into tho courtroom before recclvlnIvlng his soniencaThursday In 5th I ioHo Trevino,,seated wltti his attoiiioomoy, Motito Catlson. looks hack In H,d\j.'an (led,ire victoir beraus.- -scheduled for- - Ins.'"* ...... -------------- — “ ;_______ !lFv''0'lS'.' ivino w as June of the• MaMay 1995'rniTrdor of Ryan Wiggins iliL- Americacan iie<i]‘ili.” Tlie AmeViL.ui lam il"" • will benufilfil iriMa ihis K gislaiicm .” saiilai.l • Twin Falls City ■ lajorii-y i,v.ndcr Trent UiU...R-.-. R-.- Park. Page Cl I ^ a r s sentence*‘d tQ_at leeast 35 y( • I'larlier., tCliniim li.iiled ivissaj'.e m ilie -scl Frevino S( biidgui bill as “ihe achievemeiiileiil siaried more than two0 yyears ago - ' "nopefully this■i Vwill be the end and we ; raiiiin and a iriimi|'h for eveiv Sci focused his ar(;umcnis on1 TiTrevino's lack , ■' H'-'”’'.'.' By.JofJohn Ruprccht_..... nirlive*^-------- * Tv ---------- • — can go on witliinii cif rem orse and Ihe offcct themnrdCThadthe iVjwncan._ ,'Iagic Valley pub-- Ttmes-iie»Nows writer____________________ — s, niy son’s“Regardless, not coming i i-'s monieinoiis votes allowed l.iwl.iw- - , on W ijuiins' fam ily and theeniirelownof e ei I1ieila\ •• Pr evino 111 back,*’ . ' makers lo1 1,liMve llie C.ipiiol for iheir siini- be bougjjt, -j-\yrWIN I'ALI-S- Rndolfo Trevi L'asileford. : least 3f> ‘'The closure olof the whole thing is bet- I of an example mer recess,■s, iidt to reium iiniil aViei l-ibmib>ii says. Page A6 wasis ssentenced 'I'hiirsday lo ai Ic; •ntence." Wiggins' slepfa- -I can hardly think of ; nrs in prison for the May l‘jy')I") n;nnii'der . w r tlian the sent gieatei of illtcr disrcf.artjard for human , ()|MN1(')N ^ iherjohn Ostrantindersaid. ' l ' l.iiilenuiiieiiiuineil WL'iv irie T 'li billii'ii11 inIII ■ ?>niyR yan Wify;>‘’S“ f C astleford. ned comment and showed life." Bevan said. ' ,isi's l.iwmnkers iticliiiled lo hel]'lelp- ' District Jiid(’o KoRer Burdickck <called Trevino declinc I'jnotional testuunniesi fnfrom W iggins’ t.ix mcrrasi Love for, sale?: Maj. Dis Thursdav. Burdick saiif le uludiiuuied.ia.'w cut.s, evino ir ’T-einorstilcss killerler”-anrf' little-emoiion 1 family andTrielTds describc-dl)c-d tho chill the imylnnliei lie opinion can’t be e'possihil- Trevino’s lack ofif an<i inahiliiy to , Ills' .in airlin e I'ickel lax a iuHi i ii.i ■ Worth watch- jrj:.posed a life sentence will) the'p< mih der pm into the livess of everj'i>ne in i.\;;ie<lieni: ick added admit guilt forceced him to im])ose a stiff j .r.idoal, Ifnr>cciil inire.ise in th e 2'1-ceni per-pvi- today’s ediuirial Hsa; ing: New Fox iiy’ »fof paroln ip-22 year^. Hurdick Castleford. .',hi-ycars.totlie-scnU:usc.f<>r thei h e u s e o f ___ s_entem;e. _____“ I i«.w a.s-a-rolti.m udeL anamln';dl of the pack cigan^;rciiiM.ix, ■ , "A lesser seilln ie n c c 'w n n U i'd c p rc c iu ie ------ i!.n‘'.'Ml'rrrUsan-vnrp--nc’lii-dlird-r— ||-m m iserics --------- students) looked up tou, him;’’Taid Tiui.s-d., irearm .

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