CSICOP MEWS Center for Inquiry Institute Launches Three-Year Academic Program JOE NICKELL program of intensive education founded by him, CSICOP and the Oxford at Oxford University, England, in skepticism and rationalism has Council for Secular Humanism. The and a Center for Inquiry-Moscow is Abeen successfully launched by Institute began as the sponsor of an forthcoming in Russia. Each center will the Center for Inquiry Institute, an edu- informal series of seminars and work- have a research library, the one at die cational institution co-sponsored by the shops. Although these were popular and international headquarters already Committee for the Scientific fulfilled their purpose, fJicy presented approaching some 20,000 volumes, in Investigation of Claims of the Para- only a first step toward a more ambi- addition to periodicals. The interna- normal (CSICOP), publisher of the tious goal: a permanent program that tional headquarters also has a nearby SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, and die Council confers on its graduates a certificate of residence for visiting scholars. for Secular Humanism, publisher of proficiency, ensuring that the bearer has In addition, an international faculty Free Inquiry magazine. In addition to undergone rigorous training and exami- has been appointed, its members being increasing public awareness of the need nation over a broad range of studies. chosen for their diverse interests and dis- for critical thinking across the spectrum This new goal has involved building tinguished professional training, as well of human concerns, and providing spe- a permanent home for the Institute— as the level of respect their scholarship cific courses in that regard, the goal of the new Center for Inquiry—Inter- has earned over the years. In addition to die Institutes new program is to prepare national building in Amherst, New Kurtz, a professor emeritus of philoso- leaders and spokespersons for science York—along with outreach centers phy at the State University of New York and reason in die future. across the United States (currently in at Buffalo, and Vern Bullough, the Institute's dean and a professor of his- The Institute was founded in 1987 Los Angeles, California; Boulder, tory at California State University at by philosopher Paul Kurtz and is oper- Colorado; and Kansas City, Missouri). Northridge, faculty members include: ated by the two organizations also There is also a Centre for Inquiry- Ray Hyman, professor of psychology, CSICOP and the Skeptical Inquirer changed the terms of discussion in University of Oregon; Mario Bunge, fields ranging from pseudoscience and die paranormal to science and edu- professor of philosophy, McGill ou can make a cational policy. You can take an enduring step to preserve their vitality University, Canada; Jean-Claude Pecker, when you provide for the Skeptical Inquirer in your will. professor of astronomy. College de lasting impact Your bequest to CSICOP, Inc., will help to provide for die future of skep- France; Eugenie Scott, physical anthro- ticism as it helps to keep tile Skeptical Inquirer financially secure. on the future Depending on your tax situation, a charitable bequest to CSICOP may pologist and executive director of the National Center for Science Education; of skepticism... have little impact on the net size of your estate—or may even result in a greater amount being available to your beneficiaries. and many more. We would be happy to work widi you and your attorney in die develop- when you ment of a will or estate plan that meets your wishes. A variety of arrange- The Institute offers certificates in ments are possible, including: gifts of a fixed amount or a percentage of provide for the two program areas: (1) Science and die your estate; living trusts or gift annuities, which provide you with a life- Paranormal, which examines alleged Skeptical time income; or a contingent bequest that provides for die Skeptical Inquirer only if your primary beneficiaries do not survive you. paranormal phenomena and other Inquirer For more information, contact Barry Karr. Executive Director of CSICOP, fringe-science claims, and (2) Human- at (716) 636-1425. All inquiries will be held in die strictest confidence. in your will. istic Studies, which examines die nature of social and ethical conduct while criri- 8 July/August 1997 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER cally exploring and contrasting the roles Investigative Taaics and Techniques; few courses and workshops may also be of reason, freethought, and religion. Critical Examination of Parapsychology; offered by correspondence, and some Both programs offer core courses in crit- Alternative Health; and others. credit may be given—at the discretion ical thinking and communication skills, Workshops offered for die Humanist of the Institute—for equivalent prior while the Science and die Paranormal Studies program include Biblical training or experience. Also, some schol- program offers additional seminars such Criticism; Sexual Ethics; Separation of arships may be available. The Centre at as Introduction to Paranormal Phenom- Church and State; Social and Political Oxford, an accredited research institute ena, Psychology and Belief, and die Philosophy; Humanist Ceremonies; of Oxfords Westminster College, offers History and Philosophy of Skepticism; History, Theory, and Practice of a special certificate in the Study of and die Humanistic Studies program Organized Humanism; and many more. Humanism/Critical Studies in Religion. offers Humanistic Ethics, the Scientific To complete either program, stu- For information and an academic Examination of Religion, and the dents must pass five courses (at three catalog, please write to the Center for History and Philosophy of Humanism. credit units each) and four workshops Inquiry Institute, P.O. Box 703, The two programs also conduct peri- (at two units each), followed by a Amherst NY 14226-0703, or call (716) odic workshops. Among the shared research paper or diesis (an additional 636-1425. Those wishing to audit (no workshops are Evolution vs. Creation- seven units) for a total of thirty credit credit earned) may do so at die same ism and Leadership Training. In addi- units for each program. Once one cer- cost as those enrolled in the program. tion, the Science and the Paranormal tificate has been earned, the other may Those wishing to enroll should ask for track features the ever-popular Skeptic's be obtained with less effort due to the an application form. Toolbox; Astrology: A Scientific overlapping of some courses and work- Already, the newly expanded Appraisal; Evaluating UFO Claims; shops. Investigating Hypnosis and Related Institute has held sessions at Amherst Phenomena; Magic for Skeptics; Currendy, these are three-year pro- (August 1996) and Los Angeles (January grams. At least one dual session will be 1997) with forthcoming sessions held annually at the Amherst headquar- planned for Eugene, Oregon (August joe Nickel! is CSICOP's senior research ters, while additional sessions will be 1997), and San Diego Qanuary 1998). fellow and associate dean of the Center for held around the United States—fre- The cause of science and reason is being well served. D Inquiry Institute. quently at one ofthe outreach centers. A SI Announces Release of The UFO Invasion The Is p l a n e t Earth being regularly vis- mats and humans by aliens, crop circles, an 'alien autopsy," Roswell Incident ited by extraterrestrial space- and much more. UFO stories from fifty years ago are n o w Alien Abductions and craft? Was there ever a crash of being resurrected for television, inspiring a w h o l e new gen- Government Cowerups an alien ship, with the recovery of eration of misled believers. bodies of the strange creatures? The title of The UFO Invasion, as editor Kendrick Frazier Have human beings been explains in the introduction, does not mean alien craft are abducted by aliens, put through landing en masse across the United States. Rather, it means bizarre ceremonies and tests, and we are being invaded by thousands of anecdotal and media lived to tell about it? reports of everything from abductions to government The UFO Invasion: The Roswell coverups of UFO "evidence"—reporting that needs investi- Incident, Alien Abductions, and gation and evaluation. Containing forty entries from the Government Coverups, a n e w spe- SKEcncAi INQUIRER, this book provides a much-needed dose of limed lui Kendrick Frasier critical intelligence and scientific reasoning. According to Barry Karr and Joe N i c k e l l cial collection of SKEPTICAL INQUIRER articles just released from one review in Booklist the volume is "...valid and true.... Prometheus Books, answers these and other questions with Much to ponder for UFO fanatics and students." unique, insightful, in-depth investigations into UFO-related Included are revealing contributions from Robert A. claims that span the years 1947 to today. This volume, edited Baker, Robert E. Bartholomew, Joseph A. Bauer, William B. by SKEPTICAL INQUIRER editor Kendrick Frazier, CSICOP execu- Blake, Robyn M. Dawes, C. Eugene Emery Jr., Zen Faulkes, tive director Barry Karr, and CSICOP senior research fellow John F. Fischer, Kingston A. George Jr., Philip J. Klass, SETI Joe Nicked, details the first "sighting" of flying saucers in coordinator Thomas P. McDonough, Joe Nickell, James E. Washington State, the "discovery" of mysterious debris in Oberg, Peter J. Reeven, Ian Ridpath, Robert Sheaffer, New Mexico, and how the t w o incidents were tied together Armando Simon. Lloyd Stires, Trey Stokes, Oave Thomas, to incite national interest and later hysteria through unsub- USAF Col. Richard L. Weaver, Jeff Wells, and Robert P. Young. stantiated and eventually disproved media reports. Since those early days, the UFO phenomenon has escalated to For book information contact: Prometheus Books, 59 incorporate claims of abductions, torturous testing on ani- John Glenn Drive. Amherst, New York 14228-2197, (800) 853-7545. SKEPTICAL INQUIRER luly/Augusl 1997 9 .
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